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af day Sun 2 Dec

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    af day Sun 2 Dec

    Yep - its a glorious sunny blue morning here in NZ. Just calling out for me to go for a walk - trying to wait for daughter to wake up but I may have to go alone as teenagers and weekends means sleep for them.
    Mick - yeah, I am very aware of the lurking of the beast. Some years ago I did a 9 month sober record for me and then blew it when the champagne was offered on an upgrade to business class on a flight to the UK. Nothing embarassing or You Tube worthy but it started a slow but regular return to the vino. i know we are not meant to push body image but I recall buying some fab clothes in the UK for my recently slimmed down AL free bod - and then a few months later not being able to fit them.
    Pray that this time I am more vigilent and relentless in my sobriety - and you guys on MWO are helping so much! I know its not just stopping.....

    Anyway pets! TDN and Kuya! I think the vets are pretty clued-up in NZ - esp as we have a different approach to raising most farm animals cf. to other places - our woolly beasties and cows run around outside in all weathers and munch grass - and few if at all added hormones. Chickens a different matter unless they are free range. What I mean is that vets here tend to have to deal with a wide range of animals - domestic and farm -although its expensive - the care is usually excellent.

    We have a cat - he rules the roost - like cats do. Not sure what he gets up to at night - think there are some weird clubs he hangs out in!

    Have a lovely sleep and Sunday when it comes!

    af day Sun 2 Dec

    Good Sunday morning all...its 5.20am....gotta be out in a wee while so wont be on here too long...hooray I hear you shout!!! temp here this morning is -5 and real frosty..a grand day to be outdoors

    Tea and coffee now on the go ..on cup no 2!

    Afternoon treetops..guess your Sunday is virtually finito..had a good day?

    YAH..Glad the yarn spinning classes went well..and next is???

    Affers hows the new pussy doin?..............Yep got to give you do read the posts!!! Quote.... I was hit on by a twenty seven year old two weeks ago....MILF springs to mind here :H

    PPQ...good morrrow to you,,did you go and see your dad?Hope all is dont by chance want any more freezing weather do you?

    Hiya TDN....great to have you back postin regular....yes I have got a great interest in animals too..dare I say probly moreso than in humans at times!!

    Morning for you?IFit is as cold over there as here...if Iwas you I ould stay cooried up in bed!!!You kid minding today?

    Mornin you doing today? any easier?jeez that sounds like some storm youre having!!think you might need more than duck tape!!

    CATBUDDY :l:l apologies..was not done on purpose..good morning to you ..cuppa ..grovel grovel!

    Mornin Nurdl ok? how r you......see sheer poetry!!!:H Well done on the cast naming..dont know if the kids are stand ins!! that snowshoe sounded fun..look forward to the for sleeping??/well 5.30 am on a lappy?.you guess!!

    SL.........well done you for not giving in brilliant what you up to today?more dust bunnies..what a smart name for crap :H

    Right folks must dash...have a great day an be safe n sober x

    Do you know what it is like to put up fifteen hundred Christmas lights on the roof of a house? The kids are giving two to one I'm gonna come down the chimney before Santa Claus does.

    Did you hear about the Beverly Hills school Christmas pageant? Two kids dressed as Mary and Joseph and they are on their way to the inn in Bethlehem. On the other side of the stage, a boy in a shepherd's outfit is on a mobile/cellular phone, calling for reservations.

    When I was young we were poor. We didn't have a Christmas tree, we had a Christmas stump.

    What goes Ho, Ho, Swoosh, Ho, Ho, Swoosh? Santa Claus caught in a revolving door.

    There were two ships. One was painted red. One was painted blue. They collided. At last report, the survivors were marooned.

    Mike walks into a bar with a newt on his shoulder.
    The barmaid looks at the creature and asks the man what he calls it.

    'Tiny', answers Mike.
    'Why's that?' enquires the barmaid.
    'Because he's my newt' concludes Mike.

    What do you call a snowman in the summer?
    A puddle.

    What do you call a snowman in the tropics?

    Good King Wenceslas phoned Domino's for a pizza.
    The salesgirl asked him:- 'Do you want your usual? Deep pan, crisp and even
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Sun 2 Dec

      Morning , jeez just finished up on Sat thread ......can't cope.

      Yeah Tree we are more clued here with feeding, having said that most clients are resistant to raw feeding for cats and dogs, as am I TBH, old habits die hard.

      The food we eat however is much better. Got half a dorper lamb in the freezer I saw born and know what it ate and how it lived.

      Mick ....... I am a MILF, a massive inactive lard-arsed fruitcake, is that what you meant ! :H

      Laters folks


        af day Sun 2 Dec

        This, my dear Affers is completely off topic.

        I just got a PM from ................Well you know who you are (definitely not from this thread)

        She berated me for describing how my three previous cats got 'squished' on the road. She was very upset that I would describe it so. She pointed out what an uncaring, heartless biatch I am.

        Since I do not engage in nastiness in PM I did not reply.

        The following link is for show how much I have taken her words to heart ....enjoy[/video]]Shwayne Jnr-Squashed Nigger (S.Mouse) - YouTube

        And I will give the additional info that this kitten was one of four semi- feral kittens brought to me for euthanasia. I currently have clients with a total. of fifteen needing homes. The SPCA here are overrun and many kittens will be euthanased during the summer as happens every year. To be lectured for my use of 'squished' to describe what happens when cat meets front of car at 100kph is, frankly, nutty.

        Perhaps this 'caring' member would like to pay airfare and I will ship it to her. Otherwise STFU !


          af day Sun 2 Dec

          Good morning, Abbers!

          I find the Sunday thread appearing fairly early on Saturday a little odd, but ith MWO people scattered across the globe, it's kind of neat Anyway, I've been up for over an hour and checking emails, reading this site, etc.
          "One day at a time."


            af day Sun 2 Dec

            Woops--hit send, I guess.

            Kuya, I'm sorry that you got a nasty PM. I think it's wonderful that you rescued the kitty. Our remaining two dogs are rescues. The one we lost almost a month ago now was from a breeder. He was one of the most amazing little souls ever.

            Mick, always enjoy your jokes when I check in. I have no jokes to share--can never remember them:H Also appreciate the morning coffee and tea. I am going to make some cookies in a few minutes so I can take most of them to church for the kids, but will probably end up having a few!

            Had a good day yesterday and actually combined helping a friend and helping my chucrch by setting up the huge display(100 plants) of red and hite pointsettias for the altar! I work for my friend, but also give a day or so of "volunteer" work for her. The came home, as the roads were slick and Mr TDN doesn't like driving in those condiditons. Looking forward to the warming trend the next few days! Hoping for a walk later this afternoon.

            Looking forward to reading everyone's posts later. YahYah, sounds like you had a great day spinning! Det, hope you are hanging in. Try those epsom salt baths. I plan another one tonight. Helps the aching feet and bones, too!

            Have a great AF day, all!

            "One day at a time."


              af day Sun 2 Dec

              Good morning Abbers,

              Enjoying some coffee & realizing how happy I am that this heavy fog I see is outside & not in my head :H
              Apparently some warmer weather is pushing it's way through for the coming week, hence the fog.

              Kuya, I hope you don't get anymore unsolicited PMs

              I am going to a bridal shower for my niece this afternoon. These events really bore me to death these days but I will go make an appearance.

              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Sunday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af day Sun 2 Dec

                Morning all (at least it's morning here!)

                Firstly, apologies, Kuya, for suggesting that you bring new kitty inside so it would not get "squished". I didn't realize you did so much for ferals and rescue. All of my cats were feral or strays. Only one goes out that came to me as a stray. He makes a dreadful pain in the ass of himself if he does not get to go out. Two of my cats were feral kittens rescued by a friend. They couldn't care less about going out, having been there, done that.

                Morning treetops. The care of food animals in NZ sure sounds more healthy and humane than much of what goes on here in the US, although thankfully, some smaller farmers are getting wise and going sustainable.

                TDN, I am suffering equal confusion and enjoyment about our peeps being all over the world. I"m glad you are feeling happy with the work you are doing with your friend.

                Hi, Mick! Sounds beautiful where you are. It's getting warmer for a few days here, which is welcome. I did get a big fistful of fleece yesterday that we all dyed, and I will probably pick it (remove the vegetable matter and straighten the fiber) this afternoon.

                Lav, I hope you have a better afternoon at the shower than you expect.

                Anyway, I've gotta get ready for the day, but hi to everybody left to come; I'll likely be back later.

                Hugs to all
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  af day Sun 2 Dec

                  Just a quickie. Will come back later with proper responses.

                  I'm up, dressed and fed. Agreed to a 5km run this morning BEFORE the gym class. It's 13C with a -20 wind chill.

                  AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                  "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                    af day Sun 2 Dec

                    Hi all onthe way home now its really getting nippy now
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      af day Sun 2 Dec

                      just looked..bloody hell its Monday already!!! :H:H:H
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        af day Sun 2 Dec

                        mollyka;1420689 wrote: Oh no it isn't....
                        Yup, won't even look at tomorows thread till it's tomorrow for me.

                        Mick...thanks for the coffee. Snuck in and got it before I headed out this morning.

                        Just drove home from AA in a "White Out". Supposed to quit snowing this evening.

                        Much better meeting today even if there was a 2 yr old running around.

               you need the "duck" avatar again? Be happy to get Mick to dig it out :H
                        Good to see you taking the "high" road.

                        CanToo...take it easy out there...:shocked:

                        Have a great afternoon/evening all....PPQ


                          af day Sun 2 Dec

                          :hallo: PPQ. Me thinks you're getting the bad weather this time around. It's ok up here?

                          Tree, hope you got that walk in on Sunday.

                          Mick - on a lappy?

                          KY - hmm had my Shepard on raw the last 8 months of her life. IWish I had figured it out sooner. Issued cleared up just like that! No more squishy stool once she got settled into it.

                          TDN & Yah :hallo:

                          Molly - hope things work out

                          Lav - were you subjected to any silly games? Did you win?

                          Well I survived the day. I think I did pretty good keeping up with the 20 & 30 something's. Man the younger they are the more they whine. :H

                          Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

                          AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                          "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                            af day Sun 2 Dec

                            Hi all - think our strom has passed for now, more on Tuesday but nothing like today - the whole road outside was completely flooded, about 6 inches deep the whole length - my youngest had a lot of fun running up and down in it getting soaking, the older was way too old to be having so much fun.
                            Well got all my Christmas letters and cards written - Christmas is the only time I am in touch with relaitive and friends across the world, so I do a newsy letter with photos of the girls - takes forever and each year I regret starting it, but it is important to stay in touch - I do get sad when each year I get less and less cards and more emails, I do love Christmas cards.
                            Also got a few more things on the to do list done - trying to stay busy, so many of my christmas routinues have alcohol involved, every shop is selling it, every advert shows it, it features in every movie - can't get away from it and I am being sorely tempted!
                            Please don't let it be Monday already, is is early evening and time for me to sit down and relax - don't wish it away!!!
                            Well done for the run CanToo.
                            Hope the shower was not too bad Lav.
                            Sorry you are having troubles Molly.
                            Happy Sunday - even if it is over for some - to KY, TDN, TT, PQ, YAH and Mick!
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              af day Sun 2 Dec

                              PPQ ....... Was that the high road......would hate to see my low road. :H:H

                              Glad you are back on form, tis crap when yer mojogoes

