How is it going - Nurdl, Kuya, TDN, SL, Mick, Lavande, Pourqoi, CanToo, Catbuddy (trying to remember names without looking - so apologies if I have left anyone off).
Last night I looked over some old posts on MWO - from the stories section - I think it was CanToo (could be wrong) who talked about being able to do stuff when sober - and how great that - things like picking kids up at night, etc. So I applaud that. I also read some sad stories about the anguish of relapse - and cravings. I am v. conscious about myself giving in to the beast - so these reminders from other MWO peeps greatly helps. I hope as I advance in my sober thing that I can help others. At the moment however I am pleased that I have helped some people through my work (and I guess my personal commitment) to sort out other things of a personal nature. I am expecting a few tears today when I give someone some happy (but sad) news.
One thing I have noticed in my new sobriety is that some of my 'irritating' (or maybe not??) aspects are getting enhanced. Eg, I have always had a fairly acute bullshit detector but its now gone up several notches. I also can't be bothered with time wasters (I don't mean spending time with others and having relaxing time ) but you know, those people who just suck up oxygen and leave you frustrated, tired etc. Am trying to be generous in how I deal with these aspects of my personality - as I can come across as bossy and grumpy. Oh well - sunny day awaits!!! have a great night/day everyone.