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Wed March 14th - Day 30!!!!

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    Wed March 14th - Day 30!!!!

    St Patricks day on the 17th..a;ways an occasion to hit the bottle "to celebrate" for a lot of people. i remeber as a kid getting shamrocks from Ireland from Granny, getting on the school bus with my mop of ginger hair in green ribbons, some hal dead shamrocks on my jacket and a gold shiny harp to hold them on with. My mother attached holy medals to my knickers to keep me save.

    she neednt have wooried I had a cookery basket full of soused herrings which stunk the bus out and nobody sat by me!!

    what a vision...ias a young catholic girl taught by the nuns i thought this was "normal"

    Anyway this year will be out for dinner minus the shamrocks and minus the booze but having a laugh with friends.

    funny how intially when i was off the booze nothig seemed funnny!!!!!!!did anybody else think that.

    i felt some of my personality was changing...hopefully for the better,

    Happy St Patricks day to those who celebrate ....

    Regards Cassy.....dont let the image of ginger hair, dead shamrocks and fish put you off talking to me!!!!!!!!!


      Wed March 14th - Day 30!!!!

      Damned computers!

      Hi all abbers,
      It's good to hear you are all in high spirits. Have been trying to get on this blessed site all morning, but the puter froze promptly on log-in.

      A whole string of un-ladylike exhalations spewed out of my face all morning.
      Well, at least I got a lot of paper work done whilst I had to work off-line, maybe some higher power is trying to tell me something.

      However, I am on day 71 AF and a lot of them reluctantly, but I did it. The last week was easy, as I was popping Tylenols to take care of a little unpleasantness that hit me in spite of the flu shot.

      Wish you all a grand rest of the day and I better get back to my work, before the "Higher Power" shuts down my online access again.
      Love and hugs,

      :bang ull :bang ull
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

