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af day Thurs 6

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    af day Thurs 6

    morning all from a cold and freezing North West...temp outside at the mo is-6, and snow forecast for today.Was supposed to have been driving up north today, but reckon we will give that a miss!So how is everybody?Getting all revved up for Sandy Claws coming?Right movin swiftly on......

    Affers treetops..dont know where you are at the mo..last time you were going to be posting from your hotel ok?Stop beating yourself up.Im sure you have done just fine as a Mum so far, but now you can enhance that ..with sobriety

    Morning are things with you?Whatever you decide to do..... best of luck to you

    Scottish Lass morn to you posted today yesterday cos you read yesterdays posts and they made you feel good so you thought you would put your tomorrow on posts yesterday,and as it happens they are both gone
    Anyway how are you?

    OOPS............tea and coffeee on the go at the moment apologies

    Mornin KY...well do I get my degree in gibberish for the above?:H how are you this afternoon?keep at it mate..hope you are feeling a we bit better...I know its just words from the other side of the world..but they are meant.

    Mornin ok?Read your post and thought ...what kind of place is Trader Joes?so looked it up on the Internet and there it was..a grocery store!!Isnt it so weird how I can find out what kind of shop you are going to on the other side of the world from me at the press of a button?
    How are you today?Did you get your papers and insurance sorted out?Kick that womans butt..just keep pesterin her till its done.As for the doggy pic :l

    PPQ..Good Morning Boozebusters ...Hmmm sure I have eard that somewhere before Heres 2 is for yesterday that I never organised for you.What are you up to today?Anything in the community?

    Morning Lav cuppa for you..and hows your day going to be today??? another ho hum day or is there something planned?Hmm cant say I am worrying bout Chrimbo too much...more interested in planning next years hols!Was going to go back to Egypt for one of them..reckon we can give that one a miss for a wee while.Whatever you are doing..enjoy your day.

    Mornin Kas ..long time no "see" are you doing?Nice one at the garden club on the no al punch..21 months well done will work for you..and as for being normal...of course you so am I :H Stay safe.

    Nurdl congrats your nice shiny car!!

    Morning are you? steaks yum yum..on my way.....glad you are doing ok stick with it.

    Morning Shelbysmiles..............jeez took me an hour to type that! Shmiles there you go..Firstly well done on double digits,secondly well done on not hammering the bottle when you found out bout your sons learning difficulties.....

    How come in 3 years no one picked that one up?Also if they are real"friends"they will listen and help you..yep they might all look like they are raising Peter Perfects,..but bet you a pinch to a pound of shit that isnt the case!! As for the smurf movie ..ehmmm are you today?and hows the hippo?

    Now cantoo had a hippo,
    Tho only made of wood,
    It was touched for luck every day,
    And every time she could.

    And tho the little hippo,
    Was made of wood you see,
    It gave her luck and even more,
    It kept her sobriety !

    What mad trek have you got lined up for today?Is the weather still bad?Stay in and have a green tea avec moi......nice pics the other day by the way

    Catbuddy how are you today??What are you up to?

    Right peeps...going to go now...yep seems like this time of year also brings its crappy moods....stay with it....think to yourself.....will drink solve this problem?We have all been here long enough to know that answer...never mind all the fascia razzamatazz of people having a drink and being all smiley faced and the Chrimbo parties ..dig under that to the hurt , pain ,deceit ,lies, and ilness it it worth it?Answers on a postcard

    Stay safe sober and enjoy yourselves

    Got myself a Greek advent calendar today. Behind every door there?s a note saying ?IOU chocolate?.

    Knock knock.
    whose there?
    ?Doorbell repair man

    What?s the difference between an actor and a politician? An actor has better script writers with more believable story-lines.

    The following text messages were exchanged on a cold winters day in December.
    Wife: ?Windows frozen.?
    Husband: ?Pour some warm water over them.?
    Wife: ?Computer completely screwed up now.?

    I got thrown out of Barclays Bank today. I was trying to deposit ?300,000 in cash but apparently monopoly money is not a ?real currency?!

    The England team visited an orphanage today in Poland.
    ?It was amazing to put a smile on the faces of a group of people who constantly struggle and have little hope?
    said Jan Zamoyski, aged 6

    My Dad used to say ?always fight fire with fire?, which is probably why he got thrown out of the fire brigade.

    An Kiwi farmer sees a welsh farmer carrying 2 sheep under his arms, and asks, ?are you gonna shear them?
    .?No?.says the Welshman..
    .?they?re both for me?.

    I had a knock at my door earlier, it was a policeman?
    ?Mr Cook??
    ?Yes,? I replied.
    ?I?m afraid your dog has just been reported to have chased someone on a bike.?
    I said, ?That?s bullshit ? my dog doesn?t have a bike!?

    Big hi to all those not here...Shue ..etc
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Thurs 6

    Hi guys - I am about to turn in for the night but thanks to all for your kind words about my self doubts about being a Mum and to cheering me on to keeping sober. I had a good talk to my daughter on the phone about my feelings and she about her feelings - and she's going through her own personal changes as well. I know part of my anguish about being a Mum relates also to my doubts about being a daughter (my Mum died 15 years ago) - we were very close.
    Tonight back in the hotel room - had dinner with friends and it all went well. Keep warm my friends and hope your day is going well. Nighty nite.


      af day Thurs 6

      Good morning, Mick and TT.

      Thanks for starting us up, Mick--and for the coffee! Miss Shue's French Press

      Was trying to copy PPQ's words of wisdom from last night and failed. I seem unable to copy when on this site. Help, Mick??? Anyway, so meaningful with moving on with your future and leaving the past behind. Thanks for that, PPQ.

      TT and ShelbySmiles, I'm sure you are both great moms, and it is easy to beat yourselves up, but you obviously care deeply about your kids. You, too, Kas and KY. I chose not to have children early on because of my own childhhood, but having been a teacher for years, seeing parents struggle and want the best for their kids and sometimes the kids didn't get it or did things the parents took responsibilty for--hard to explain, but I know that most parents do their very best and it's probably the most difficult "job" ever. Shelby, your little boy is so young that you can change where he's going, although I truly find it ridiculous that he can "fail" kindergarten. I'm with Mick--where was the school up to this point? And it's true--those other "perfect" boys may look great now, but who knows what is really going on or may develop.

      Finished WHAT DID I DO LAST NIGHT? and really recommend that book. Luckily the author "got it" when he was 31 or so, and went cold turkey. Not sure how he was able to do it, drinking 10 or more drinks every day, but he did. I am going to google him and see what he's up to now, but I think he's still a writer for magazines.

      I wake up so early and just get up, as it's useless to lie in bed. Then I fall asleep by 10:00 Still have a slight headache, but that will pass.

      Going to call the probation officer again today.

      Going to read the other threads now and check back later. Hope we hear from Shue, LillyE, Sunni, Blondie, and everyone else who used to post. Miss you.

      Have a great AF day, everybody. Stay strong.
      "One day at a time."


        af day Thurs 6

        Hi TDN you ok? re the pic words of wisdom.....
        go on to the pic..
        .then right click on it..should come up with a list of things...
        click on save image as
        should come up with a list of places to save it to user downloads,desktop etc and there you go
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af day Thurs 6

          Morning Mick ...... You will be happy to know I am back to my ticketyboo self. What the feck is that all aboot. ? (for me canned friends) these sudden drops in mood must be the ol brain reconfiguring, then BAM ! Back to ...... Was gonna say normal but you know what I mean :H

          TT ..... Glad you have shared with your daughter, mine is 13 and becoming a young woman. I have to face the fact that she has her own life with her friends and school and it is not down to me how she is feeling.

          Glad I am sober cos she was getting more distant from the vacant evening mother that I was.

          TDN I was drinking 15 units nightly. I don't think it is the amount that matters after the detox, it is what the booze means to you. There was an actress (can't remember her name) who had to have a glass of sherry every day at 3pm or she became hysterical. 'twas all she drank....but was still an alkie.

          I think that is the problem when people start to compare amounts, it is tempting to think that you have less of a problem if you drank less. It is what it is doing to your life and body that counts....not the units. I have the constitution of an ox and got away with it. Another person would have died of cirrhosis on half that amount.

          Anyhoos ......onwards and upwards my friends

          Laters. KY


            af day Thurs 6

            Thanks, Mick. Think there is a problem with my laptop, maybe my pic software needs to be reinstalled, as I saved and cannot find the pic now AM taking this in for repair of the hinges, which broke when one of the dogs stepped on it:H Will see if the guy can have a look.

            Forgot to ask SF, as KY did, why people leave this site. You said that there are two reasons. And I wish you luck on what sounds like a desire to moderate. I used to think I could do that. Obviously I cannot, but some people can.
            "One day at a time."


              af day Thurs 6

              Good Morning Mick...just had that boozebuster song going through my head when I logged on to post. Thanks for the double dose this morning.

              Just signed up a comedian for a "St. Patrick's Day" comedy dinner show. Decided to go with that as opposed to the scavanger hunt by limo.
              Deadline for advertising is Jan 4th and we're not back to work till Jan 7th...not sure how this is going to work yet.

              TT...hope you had a good nights sleep and :goodjob: on staying AF.

              TDN...good luck with tracking down the prob officer, I think that sucks! :dang:
              The file is probably in Libraries...Pictures folder as it is a jpeg file. Take a look there for it.

              KY...glad you're ticketyboo again. Going through the same thing here.

              SF...good luck on your life's journey and remember we'll be here.

              Well finished Mick's coffee so off to make my own. Have a great AF Thursday all and all to come....PPQ


                af day Thurs 6

                Good morning Abbers,

                Frosty but sunny here this morning

                I am heading out for a trip to curves & the supermarket then back here for some work, a little housework & maybe a touch of holiday decorating! No kids underfoot today - at least that's the plan

                Greetings Mick, TT, TDN, Kuya & PQ.
                I hope everyone has a terrific AF Thursday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  af day Thurs 6

                  ppq...guess we are all going through it at different stages...makes you wonder why they call it the festive season!!!! get some "p" s in your pocket!!!
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af day Thurs 6

                    Pockets are full and I am going to have a great day. It's all on how you look at things.

                    :hallo: Morning Lav


                      af day Thurs 6

                      Good morning!
                      Up at the crack of dawn in CA today. Hopefully the sun will join us today. I love rain but the past week I think we have had enough!

                      Mick-I have no idea why this is just now coming to the surface. His preschool teacher promoted him to K with no problems. I thought at first he was just having issues adjusting to the new school. He's one of the youngest in his class and I considered holding him back a year. I guess I should have went with my instinct.

                      TDN-I'll have to get that book. I thought I had read every book on recovery (at least memoirs) but I have not read that one! We are tackling my son's problems head on. He started an early intervention class this week and I'm really working with him at home. I've been wrapped up in his other issues the past 2 years (sensory disorder-he is in Occupational Therapy) that I let the other areas slide. It's nice hearing from a teacher

                      Kuya-Glad you are feeling better! I'm not looking forward to the teenage years with my daughter. I remember my teenage years vividly. Lord, help me.

                      Hello to PPQ, TT, LAV and the rest to come! Hope everyone has a good day!


                        af day Thurs 6

                        Morning eveyone. Just lurking around while on my lunch.

                        Mick - hope all is well. And by the way, you're good.

                        Cat - you are right I just love this hippo. Was holding him this morning too. I'm single and have no one to touch me, that's why I think I need this.

                        NO KY - Bad, get head out of gutter. :-)

                        AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                        "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                          af day Thurs 6

                          Glad to see you survived those roads.

                          News reports looked awful.

                          Be safe....PPQ


                            af day Thurs 6

                            porqoui;1422920 wrote: Glad to see you survived those roads.

                            News reports looked awful.

                            Be safe....PPQ
                            Thank You. Took 2 hours to get home (should have been 30 min Max).
                            AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                            "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                              af day Thurs 6

                              shelbysmiles;1422820 wrote: Good morning!
                              Up at the crack of dawn in CA today. Hopefully the sun will join us today. I love rain but the past week I think we have had enough!

                              Mick-I have no idea why this is just now coming to the surface. His preschool teacher promoted him to K with no problems. I thought at first he was just having issues adjusting to the new school. He's one of the youngest in his class and I considered holding him back a year. I guess I should have went with my instinct.

                              TDN-I'll have to get that book. I thought I had read every book on recovery (at least memoirs) but I have not read that one! We are tackling my son's problems head on. He started an early intervention class this week and I'm really working with him at home. I've been wrapped up in his other issues the past 2 years (sensory disorder-he is in Occupational Therapy) that I let the other areas slide. It's nice hearing from a teacher

                              Kuya-Glad you are feeling better! I'm not looking forward to the teenage years with my daughter. I remember my teenage years vividly. Lord, help me.

                              Hello to PPQ, TT, LAV and the rest to come! Hope everyone has a good day!
                              Hi Shelby,

                              My son was diagnosed with language problems (Auditory Processing Disorder) at 3 1/2. He went to two years of special ed preschool, and we would have continued had the state not required he proceed to K, which he was not ready for. He went 5 days a week, and I had special work with him every night.

                              Each year, we've worked on something new. In K, it was catching up on basic language that the rest of the kids handled easily. In 1st grade, it was reading intervention (special classes at his regular school). In 2nd grade, it was reading on his own and reading out loud, again, special homework at night. Now in 3rd grade, it is expressive writing sentences and essays. Each year, new areas he is behind.

                              BUT, here is the inspiration and hope!

                              In preschool and K, they told me he would always struggle in school, always be uncomfortable with language, and most likely, fail at standardized tests (which are time driven) and not make it in college. It was certainly true at the time - he scored in the 3rd percentile in language comprehension, and the 13th percentile in language expression. Now, he reads well above grade level, is a chatterbox and loves to talk, and we fully intend to conquer his fears of writing. So, it can be done. Don't fear for your son.

                              Second, I'm only two months AF. So, don't beat yourself up over the past you cannot change. It is SO GREAT they found this out, early intervention in the state of CA works, and you are sober now. Stay sober.

                              :l Cat
                              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                              AF since Oct 2, 2012

