Affers treetops..dont know where you are at the mo..last time you were going to be posting from your hotel ok?Stop beating yourself up.Im sure you have done just fine as a Mum so far, but now you can enhance that ..with sobriety
Morning are things with you?Whatever you decide to do..... best of luck to you
Scottish Lass morn to you posted today yesterday cos you read yesterdays posts and they made you feel good so you thought you would put your tomorrow on posts yesterday,and as it happens they are both gone

Anyway how are you?
OOPS............tea and coffeee on the go at the moment apologies
Mornin KY...well do I get my degree in gibberish for the above?:H how are you this afternoon?keep at it mate..hope you are feeling a we bit better...I know its just words from the other side of the world..but they are meant.
Mornin ok?Read your post and thought ...what kind of place is Trader Joes?so looked it up on the Internet and there it was..a grocery store!!Isnt it so weird how I can find out what kind of shop you are going to on the other side of the world from me at the press of a button?
How are you today?Did you get your papers and insurance sorted out?Kick that womans butt..just keep pesterin her till its done.As for the doggy pic :l
PPQ..Good Morning Boozebusters ...Hmmm sure I have eard that somewhere before

Morning Lav cuppa for you..and hows your day going to be today??? another ho hum day or is there something planned?Hmm cant say I am worrying bout Chrimbo too much...more interested in planning next years hols!Was going to go back to Egypt for one of them..reckon we can give that one a miss for a wee while.Whatever you are doing..enjoy your day.
Mornin Kas ..long time no "see" are you doing?Nice one at the garden club on the no al punch..21 months well done will work for you..and as for being normal...of course you so am I :H Stay safe.
Nurdl congrats your nice shiny car!!
Morning are you? steaks yum yum..on my way.....glad you are doing ok stick with it.
Morning Shelbysmiles..............jeez took me an hour to type that! Shmiles there you go..Firstly well done on double digits,secondly well done on not hammering the bottle when you found out bout your sons learning difficulties.....
How come in 3 years no one picked that one up?Also if they are real"friends"they will listen and help you..yep they might all look like they are raising Peter Perfects,..but bet you a pinch to a pound of shit that isnt the case!! As for the smurf movie ..ehmmm are you today?and hows the hippo?
Now cantoo had a hippo,
Tho only made of wood,
It was touched for luck every day,
And every time she could.
And tho the little hippo,
Was made of wood you see,
It gave her luck and even more,
It kept her sobriety !
What mad trek have you got lined up for today?Is the weather still bad?Stay in and have a green tea avec moi......nice pics the other day by the way
Catbuddy how are you today??What are you up to?
Right peeps...going to go now...yep seems like this time of year also brings its crappy moods....stay with it....think to yourself.....will drink solve this problem?We have all been here long enough to know that answer...never mind all the fascia razzamatazz of people having a drink and being all smiley faced and the Chrimbo parties ..dig under that to the hurt , pain ,deceit ,lies, and ilness it it worth it?Answers on a postcard
Stay safe sober and enjoy yourselves
Got myself a Greek advent calendar today. Behind every door there?s a note saying ?IOU chocolate?.
Knock knock.
whose there?
?Doorbell repair man
What?s the difference between an actor and a politician? An actor has better script writers with more believable story-lines.
The following text messages were exchanged on a cold winters day in December.
Wife: ?Windows frozen.?
Husband: ?Pour some warm water over them.?
Wife: ?Computer completely screwed up now.?
I got thrown out of Barclays Bank today. I was trying to deposit ?300,000 in cash but apparently monopoly money is not a ?real currency?!
The England team visited an orphanage today in Poland.
?It was amazing to put a smile on the faces of a group of people who constantly struggle and have little hope?
said Jan Zamoyski, aged 6
My Dad used to say ?always fight fire with fire?, which is probably why he got thrown out of the fire brigade.
An Kiwi farmer sees a welsh farmer carrying 2 sheep under his arms, and asks, ?are you gonna shear them?
.?No?.says the Welshman..
.?they?re both for me?.
I had a knock at my door earlier, it was a policeman?
?Mr Cook??
?Yes,? I replied.
?I?m afraid your dog has just been reported to have chased someone on a bike.?
I said, ?That?s bullshit ? my dog doesn?t have a bike!?
Big hi to all those not here...Shue ..etc