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af day Saturday 8 Dec

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    af day Saturday 8 Dec

    Mornin all ..and how are we doing this wekend?Cold and frosty outside here..but apart from that its just like a summers day!!Before I forget, wont be here early doors tomorrow...yep its Sunday so out into the cold at early o clock.

    tea n coffee on the boil for anyone who wants in..buttered toast on request!

    Before we start, just like to make what may seem a little point..and this is NOT getting at anyone but something we should bear in mind......It is mentioned in this thread about being an alcoholic..and it aint that bad etc etc in comparison....One word missing.....RECOVERING that makes a massive if difference..Iwas an alk before I came on here as we all were..but slowly we are recovering from it..lets not forget that it is the raison d etre

    Treetops afternoon to you..take it you are now back home?How did the toasts go?

    Kuya same to you ..affers..hows you feelin? at least no work today..Bloody hell you were cheery in your list to Nurdl..looked at it at first and thought it was a tick list..then thought sod that I aint ticking any of them!!!

    TDN...mornin to you ...well how did the party go?any problems?

    PPQ...that weather sounds pretty brutal there...cold here but nowhere near that though...the sun yes the sun has started peeking its heed out from behind the clouds

    Mornin are you?dont know whether you are on your hike or finished it..but hope you enjoyed it

    Mornin Lav...well did your day end up kid free?I suspect you are one hot cuppa..any plans for the weekend?

    Good morning one seriously cold Cantoo....and ok?Your running partner...has she no conception of cold weather???:H
    Here is a hot green tea for you

    Mornin are you?hope your headache has passed..sound on a bit of a downer..QUICK PPPQ...into the "p" store and break some out!!! yeh why not..could have our own thread in the abs section...that can be used only when you are cheesed off...could go on it, vent off..the only stipulation would be..if you posted on it...and put something like Im really hacked off about......whatever, you must put a reply on it,, ie feel a lot better now today..And Nurdl it will I said before you have hit a massive milestone and want to celebrate but..actually no one outside of here is that bothered cos we have hidden the problem previously, so how can you celebrate a non event?

    Thoughts anyone??speshully bout the thread?

    SF...hi for some strange reason I think you knew that was coming!!OK now that it has been done lets concentrate on the future,and how to make sure it doesnt happen again..have you planned a strategy? kick :moon:..theres a work out out the triggers whys and what ifs know how to do did it for 8 years lets go:l

    Right everyone..short post today...think about the thread we talked about....wont be here in the morning but will jump in at some point...tried last week but where I was couldnt get a signal!!!

    Take care all......

    Q. What's an Australian kiss?
    A. The same thing as a French kiss, only down under!

    A henpecked husband was advised by a psychiatrist to assert
    himself. "You don't have to let your wife bully you," he said. "Go
    home and show her you're the boss."

    The husband decided to take the doctor's advice. He went
    home, slammed the door, shook his fist in his wife's face, and
    growled, "From now on you're taking orders from me. I want my
    supper right now, and when you get it on the table, go upstairs
    and lay out my clothes. Tonight I am going out with the boys.
    You are going to stay at home where you belong. Another
    thing, you know who is going to tie my bow tie?"

    "I certainly do," said his wife calmly, "the undertaker."

    Q: What do you do when your wife's staggering?
    A: Shoot her again.

    Johnny, George, and Bert were driving along in their pickup when they saw a sheep caught in the fence with its hind end up in the air.

    Bert said, "I wish that was Sharon Stone."

    George echoed, "I wish it was Demi Moore."

    Little Johnny sighed, "I wish it was dark . . . "

    Mickey goes to the judge after speaking to him before about getting a divorce with Minney. The judge says "I'm sorry Mickey but I couldn't find grounds for divorce for being insane. Mickey looks stunned and says "I didn't say she was insane I said she was fuc**** Goofy

    A man is driving happily along when he is pulled over by the police. The copper approaches him and politely asks, "Have you been drinking, sir?"
    "Why?" snorts the man. "Is there a fat bird in my car?"

    Two eggs boiling in a pan, one male and one female.
    The female egg says "Look, I've got a crack"
    "No good telling me" replies the male egg "I'm not hard yet"

    Q. Where do you find a one legged dog?
    A. Where you left it.

    How to you make a dish washer into a snow blower?
    Give him a shovel

    What do you call a sheep with no legs?
    A cloud

    What do you call a camal with 3 humps?

    What do cows do for entertainment?
    They rent moovies !

    What does a fish say when it runs into a wall?

    If a turtle doesnt have a shell, is it naked or homeless ?

    How do you stop a fish from smelling?
    Cut its nose off

    What do you call a fish with no eye ?
    FSH !

    What do you call a deer with no eyes ?
    I have no I-Deer

    What is invisable and smells like carrots?
    Rabbit farts.

    What is a dogs favourite school subject?
    "Dog-Ruff-E "

    Why are there no asprins in the jungle?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Saturday 8 Dec

    Its late here on a Saturday night but I just wanted to check in and say that I did the 'toasts' and several people congratulated me on how well I was doing things and keeping the evening running smoothly. I honestly don't think this would have happened if I had been drinking AL - I would have had too much wine, probably slurred my words at some stage and been nervous. Or I would have made an excuse to leave early before I dissembled. A few people also said I looked great - which is always a treat at my age.

    I can't give advice about recovery to Nurdl or Sunflower at this stage - as its so new for me - although I feel like I have been trying to recover for decades. But I am with the others here in saying you can do it - you have done it.

    I have to get to sleep - catching a flight home tomorrow morning . Cheery-bye for now.


      af day Saturday 8 Dec

      Good morning, Mick and TT--and everybody else.

      TT, great job on getting through the toasts so successfully!! I know how good you must have felt. I think that every little "victory" over AL adds to our strength in remaining AF.

      Mick, I love your posts, and find a lot of inspiration in them. Your optimism is "addictive"--in a very positive way!

      Made it just fine through the party. No desire for AL, even though almost everyone else had drinks. However--one or two drinks, and that as it. I am still kind of amazed when I observe non-addictive drinking (for lack of a better term.) I did feel a little uncomfortable when there was a discussion about the red wine--I think there was one or two bottles shared among about five of the people!!! And when one of the guys made a special drink and asked which of the couple was driving, so that person would get a less potent drink, I felt like there might be a discussion about drunk driving. Still feeling that dichotomy of the "bad" TDN and the good one, if that makes sense. But just the fact that seeing the bottles of AL did not sprak any desire in me--well, that as huge! And one of the girls who used to work with us as telling our boss about her brother and sister-in-law, who are both addicts, and our boss said about the SIL--"She's an alcoholic. Is she a drug addict, too?" The way she said "alcoholic" also made me feel bad, but she doesn't get it. Maybe because there is a child involved in that case, and the mother has apparently gotten custody back form the grandmother, even though it sounds like she is still using.

      Never heard from the probation officer after yet another message yesterday a.m., so will call and ask for the supervisor on Monday morning. I deserve a little more help and respect for my situation, IMO. I will ask my sister, an attorney in that state, for advice, although she usually isn't much help with this. I'm not happy, but not feeling tense and anxious. I know it will all work out.

      We got some snow/sleet last night, and it looks like very slippery conditions out there. Am heading into work for a few hours, and Mr TDN won't want to get out there before 9:00 or so.

      SF, I am happy for you that you seem to have made the decision that moderation doesn't work for most of us. Stick here with us.

      Have been up since 4:45, even though I got to bed at 11:30. And headache again, but no hangover Just listened to a hypnosis thing through some free series I signed up for, and it is interesting to listen to the hypnotist's opinion on addiction. She feels that groups like AA set us up for failure from the start, and that we need to feel powerful and not powerless once we decide to overcome our addiction(s.) Her son was a heroin addict who went through five in-patient treatment programs, and was caught up in the "I am going to relapse" cycle. I may pay the $97 for her complete program. I have an open mind for things that can help us work through this.

      Okay--off to shower and get ready for another crazy few hours at the shop! And need to read the other threads, too

      Have a great AF day, all!

      "One day at a time."


        af day Saturday 8 Dec

        Hi y'all, late check in tonight.

        Lovely day.



          af day Saturday 8 Dec

          Good morning Abbers!

          Thanks for the coffee Mick!
          Yes, I actually did manage to have a kid-free day yesterday
          I love them but not too many days in a row :H
          There is plenty for me to do around here to keep me busy all day!

          TT, glad to hear that things went so well for you! Ah, the freedom, huh??

          TDN, no snow down here just a dense fog
          Sounds like you do need to call & talk to someone's supervisor Monday morning. Getting your license back is an important part of your journey & recovery. I hope it all works out very soon for you! Be careful on the ice today

          Kuya, have a good night's sleep.

          Wishing everyone a great AF & productive Saturday.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af day Saturday 8 Dec

            Lost my post

            Kuya you are right.

            Mick thanks for the foot up the will take some time to remove. I did have all the red flashing lights that this was coming. But in my wildest dreams I did not see the wine coming.


              af day Saturday 8 Dec

              Hi All
              I don't post much any more but this tread is a daily read. Just as you have found it a home so did I when I first came here. The reason I stayed with this tread is because you will find the strong AF message here. It is where you will find the people who are wiling to do what ever it takes to get sober.
              I had a friend who used to be a strong voice here for the af life. She has moved on in her life which is what we all want.
              I knew her sober date was in Dec so checked and I missed it by 2 days.
              On Dec 6. She was 5 years sober Congrats Katie!!!!
              I think it's good for those starting out to know there are many that have gotten sober here.

              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              Af. 5-16-08
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08


                af day Saturday 8 Dec

                Hi everyone,

                Caysea, thank you for that inspirational post. It summed up nicely why I choose this thread and these people for daily posts. Strong AF messages, indeed.

                SF, thank you for sharing. It helps me to know of your experience, so you're giving even through your own pain. I want to tattoo in my eyelids - "You pick up your relationship with AL exactly where you left off." And I too don't want to go back there again.

                Sorry I missed being here yesterday - business trip and late return home. I spent the night worried my boss is looking to replace me. We are acquiring another company, and my skills as CFO are less compelling in the new merged company. He is planning other senior members' departure, and has not told them, so this is not a random anxiety. And there are signals and evidence, too. And I've experience this before - where my boss fired me after I delivered the key year-end work. So once bitten twice shy. Agh. It wouldn't be so bad to change jobs, just not that way and not abruptly. It takes about six months (or more) to find CFO positions.

                It's cold but clear here today. After a few more cups of joe, I'm going for a hike. Best way to clear the anxiety.

                "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                AF since Oct 2, 2012


                  af day Saturday 8 Dec

                  Hi all - I am 'bout Mick - reading daily, but there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done - not managing to post much, but reading to keep where I want to be. Staying sober whilst struggling with life.
                  So feel for you Cat - it is really unsettling isn't it - I am not sure what my future is looking like for sure...
                  SF, have watched your struggle and hoped you could make it work so I could try too, but as so many others have shown me, it is probably not on the books, so I will keep on with ODAT and not think too much about the future...
                  So, my heating that went out before Thanksgiving and part was to come in 5 days...the part came after almost 3 weeks and fitted yesterday - guy started the heating and all sounded just fine, but three hours later when house was still 60 degrees realise it was not working - was so looking forward to not going to bed fully dressed:upset:
                  Oh well, keep on plodding forward - only way to go.
                  Thanks for giving me this thread to read, the smiles you all bring and the life lessons I learn as I read....
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    af day Saturday 8 Dec

                    PS - just read back over some posts I missed yesterday - so with you Nurdl - I feel so much the same - seem to have tears in my eyes most of the time just now, waiting to spill over. SF and N - I can so truly relate to your posts the last couple days and have had an internal battle with myelf too....:l:l
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      af day Saturday 8 Dec

                      Hello abbers.

                      Have been reading this thread daily this week. Just want to reiterate what Caysea and Cat have already said today about lots of strong AF messages. More the merrier. I've been finding these very supportive these past days.

                      And there's the occasional funny quip from Mick. oke:

                      So thanks for the posts here.


                        af day Saturday 8 Dec

                        Rabsy what more can I say....ya bamstick :H:H
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          af day Saturday 8 Dec

                          Good Afternoon all you RA's (recoverying alcoholics) [Just incase JC stops in ]

                          Thanks for the kickoff and the coffee Mick. Was going to post before heading out this morning but after reading your first joke my mind was in the gutter :H and didn't want to set the tone for the day.

                          My Dad was in excellent form today, alert and with it, made thawing out the car this morning worth it!

                          Re: the thread...I think we should name it "AW CRAP"...that way it could be anything from Venting to Just Can't Quit Crying!...think that's where I was on my slip! And I like the idea you have to reply to yourself when you get through whatever it is at the time.

                          TT...pat yourself on the back. Your post put a smile on my face when I read it this morning. Just getting to know you but I am soooo proud of you! Safe trip home.

                 about Optimism...good on you! All the crap you're dealing with and you say "I know it will all work out" and then to say you deserve're my hero!

                          :hallo: Lav, KY and SF...leave it in, instant reminder :H and Caysea good to hear from you!

                 least the anxiety isn't over "OH Shit! What did I do at the AGM! Hang in there, we're rooting for you.

                 know what you mean by having time to do a read through but not post. Start posting and the next thing you know 2 hrs have past. Hope you get the heating sorted out soon. It could be could be living here!

                          RC...glad you posted here as I wanted to ask you what the name of your "So I Remember" thread is. I like the fact that we can spend time at each other's house.

                          Now off to do the dishes....have a great AF aft/eve all....PPQ


                            af day Saturday 8 Dec

                            Hey PPQ

                            My rambling thread is Stella (Chook) I stole your booze

                            I like AW CRAP!

                            Mick - IT'S A POT.... I'M A BAMPOT NOT A BAMSTICK.... some people never learn...


                              af day Saturday 8 Dec

                              Thanks RC....will follow along

                              URBAN DICTIONARY: 1. bampot. Glaswegian word for a "Headcase".

