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December Determination ~ week 2

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    December Determination ~ week 2

    "Its not what you have in your glass that counts anyway"...Pap. Oh my dear lord sweet Pappy, that is the best ever, a signature moment, I shall quote you all my days, just not sure how to do it here Best wishes as always with your work, please remember you already by my standards make a lot more money than I, and I live really (really) well.... To the urban chickens and more Lav (you can have it all), Ladybird.
    may we be well


      December Determination ~ week 2

      Evening, all!
      Chill - I too hope you are home safe and sound, so sorry you have to do this alone...we are there with you in spirit. PMom, great news, all human and furry toes crossed here. GMan, what a nice surprise to see you! Star - don't disturb yourself about the gifts -- you are too conscientious!
      LBH - glad to hear that you are in the holiday spirit, and Lav, glad that YB (or maybe for this month he's called Xmas Tree Boy?) is helping out with the decorating.

      Shout out to Rusty, Rustop, Dill, Cat, and any all and else out there...I miss Sooty, SD and Sped, has anyone heard from them?

      I finished my immense painting project, and Mr Tree is ecstatic with the new color, so I don't mind the aches and pains too much. Sleepy, though, so will say goodnight now, and wish all sweet dreams.
      to the light


        December Determination ~ week 2

        Good morning everyone

        Just thought I would take a break from all the rushing around/cleaning. I have another cold, must get back to taking my vitamins and slow down.

        Chill- hope your procedure went ok and you got home safe. Not easy being on your own but better than being in a bad relationship. Enjoy your weekend with your parents.

        Papmom, you are an inspiration and soooooo deserve this job, everything crossed for you.

        LBH - I too would love to see your tree. I so enjoy your wonderful posts and your unique turn of phrase.

        Lav - glad YB is helping out with some of the Xmas chores.

        Cyn - good to have you back and glad you got your painting done.

        Star - hope you got your shopping done. I hate shops this time of year, that's why I do it early.

        Big hello to Rusty, Dill, Kas, Catbuddy and anyone else I missed. Shout out for those MIA, maybe they could drop in over holidays.



          December Determination ~ week 2

          Wow, I had a huge post and my computer restarted. Darn.

          So, I want to wish Chill quick recovery and yes we all care about you on this thread. Wish I could help you out.

          Pap, job interview sounded great, how the offer andpay is there. I admire your perseverence, that is how you get what you want. I am sure with each interview, you just get better and better. Hope your kitty responds well to meds.

          Lav, YB is good for the heavy lifting...your patience is amazing.

          LBH, lovely post, like the description of both cigarettes and alcohol fading from your life. Your community sounds cool, wish it was not so weirdly conservative here. Did your comment about living really well have to do with being frugal, or am I confused? I too can live on little, if I am left to make the budget.

          To all, have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            December Determination ~ week 2

            Good morning friends

            Xmas tree boy is good for the heavy lifting Star :H
            He knows full well my situation with the osteopososis in the spine. I will not risk fractures & suffer the way my poor Mom did

            Greetings Rustop, Cyn, LBH & everyone!
            I would rather deal with a head cold than these chronic Fall allergies that linger on most of the winter too. But I'm not really complaining :H

            I hope everyone has a terrific AF Thursday ~ that's my plan
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              December Determination ~ week 2

              Morning all -

              I x-posted you last night, LBH! Living well on less is what I call complete independence - good for you.

              Mr Tree is down for the count with a cold/bronchial thing. He has an under-functioning immune system in the best of times - is seriously in love with wheat and dairy - and refuses to believe that this may be why he has been sick more on than off since mid-September. So... I'm going to try to plan for soups and stews for the rest of the week/weekend and get him beyond his normal diet and hopefully start to heal. Intransigent is the word that comes to mind when I think of him changing his diet, though I never stop trying (Jane Brody is his pet name for me). I really do hate to be a nag, so I'm just going to take charge of whatever meals I can.

              Missed saying 'hi' to Kas yesterday, and Rusty thanks so much for stopping by - good luck with all your tasks.

              Wishing all a good Thors-tag -
              to the light


                December Determination ~ week 2

                Hi everyone,

                Thank you abbers for the inspiration for my near year - living well on less. For many reasons, I want that freedom, and can make many improvements. I really like the idea of a resolution that is not about fixing me, but rather, giving me long term freedom. Maybe they are one in the same, but it feels different.

                Thank you also for welcoming me here. I have read on the site how hard it is to find your place in the mini communities. And we are all so raw in our early stages. I'm definitely fragile. I'm not the best giver at the mo', but will blossom later I'm sure.

                PMom, it sounds so promising that you will get that new job. I'm sending positive energy your way.

                Off for a bath tonight; be well and free.

                "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                AF since Oct 2, 2012


                  December Determination ~ week 2

                  Happy Friday Determinators

                  Papmom - I'm so thrilled at your interview news and will be sending you every possible good vibe next wednesday :l

                  Cat - I want to say hi :hiya: and that I can remember all too well that fragile feeling. I really hope you feel at home here, this thread has the nicest and most caring interesting people you could hope to meet.

                  Cyn - don't give up on Mr Tree's diet. Maybe if he starts to feel how better he is on less dairy and wheat he will eventually take heed.

                  Lav - are you feeling any more festive? I actually put on some Christmas music yesterday and am trying to get in the spirt. My Mum loves Christmas and I want to share her excitement when they arrive tomorrow.

                  All went went at Hospital, it was actually a waste of time as nothing was done, they just confirmed I have a cyst needing removed which will be scheduled for surgery next year.

                  Wishing you all a wonderful and magical Friday.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    December Determination ~ week 2

                    Good morning friends,

                    Sunny but frosty here this morning!!!

                    Chill, I have always been baffled by the healthcare system in your part of the world. I hope you are not having to deal with any problems/discomforts while waiting to be scheduled for surgery. We just don't do that over here

                    I am still trying to whip up some holiday spirit but frankly am just going through the motions. I'm not even sure why ~ who knows? Just not feeling much interest.

                    Catbuddy, we love having you here, please stick around

                    cyn, with Xmas Tree boy showing up (more often than not) for free dinners his diet has been undergoing changes. He's eating vegan for the most part! And if he happens to lose a couple dozen pounds that would be great :H

                    OK, off to Curves, a stop at the market on the way home then kids arriving at noon for a few hours while their mama takes a final exam - yay!

                    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      December Determination ~ week 2

                      Just walked in the door and heard the news of the shooting. I immediately texted a dear friend of mine who lives near there; I'm fairly certain that her kids are in a different school and safe, but I haven't heard back from her yet. I'm sure that the whole country is in shock - any parent with school-age children must be swimming in anxiety --- Dill, I immediately thought of you as well as so many of my friends who work with children in schools ---
                      It's just incomprehensible. I am so grateful for the companionship of everyone here...
                      to the light


                        December Determination ~ week 2

                        Hi Cyn, I saw the shooting coverage, too. My first thought was how much more painful the tragedy at this time of year - no joy in their Christmas at all. The children are so young, too. AWFUL. My second thought, why is it that we are so committed to gun ownership rights. This is a very sensitive topic in the U.S., but events like this make it hard for me to be sympathetic to their arguments. I just wish it was nearly impossible to purchase a gun other than a rifle.

                        Remembering gratitude for my healthy, safe boy.

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012


                          December Determination ~ week 2

                          Such sad news today, deadly school shootings, how horrible.

                          I never once had a thought of anything like this happening when I went to school or even when my kids went to school. So much has changed in this country & I won't bore you all with my rant. I just want to say that the closure of the psych hospitals, as bad as some of them were has increased the number of psychotic individuals roaming our streets. They have easy access to weapons......assault weapons

                          When the hell are we going to do something about this??
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            December Determination ~ week 2

                            Good morning to all...

                            The shooting catastrophe is unbelievable. I spoke with a friend of mine in education, and she thinks that there is no way we can protect our children. She is horrified and so am I. The shooter, a young man, apparently used his mother's guns, so just had access to weapons. I agree with you Lav, even if this person showed signs of being out there, what would have happened? A day or two in an in patient ward to stablize him, then let him out to not take his meds? If this was the case.

                            I know on the first anniversary after Columbine, my daughter was afraid to go to school as they had drills with the kids ducking under the desks, locking the classroom doors...what a way to live.

                            I was in an irritable mood yesterday, we had to go shopping for Christmas supplies; and I did not want to. Also, I had no time alone yesterday, and came to the realization that I need at least some time alone every day. With quiet. Otherwise I just don't feel right. Today I will get a little exercise walking inside, then I am going to the library, I need something good to read.

                            Hope everyone is doing well, have a meaningful day.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              December Determination ~ week 2

                              Good morning friends,

                              I have just ebough time to have some coffee then jump in the shower. I'm watching grandkids today while my DIL goes for her grad school interview.

                              I need my personal time too Star. Work, kids, animals......always something demanding attention, huh??

                              Wishing everyone a peaceful AF Saturday.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                December Determination ~ week 2

                                I posted just now on the daily thread with my condolences to my American friends on here, and Im doing the same here. Such a horrible thing to happen, I cant understand why it keeps happening, each one worst than the last. We Canadians can not be smug about how peaceful our country is in comparison either, as we are second to the US in the frequency and severity of these events. When you think think of all of the checks and balances in place for buying and operation of an automobile, versus guns, which can be purchased over the internet in the US (case law pending), I just dont understand how this continue to occcur without changes in the law. Why would a part time substitute teacher need to have up to seven firearms in her house, with an obviously disturbed young son? How can her right to have these weapons be more important than the right to live through childhood? Dont tell me there is no connection between these two rights, because obviuoiusly there is a connection. Someone please explain this to me.

                                Im going to try and have a calm day, going for a ski and a lunch with ski club at the hut on the mountain, but I have a hard time with this. I just wish there was something that could be done.

                                Love and peace to all. Perhaps finally it will be the time to discuss gun control in both countries.


                                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                                Status: Happy:h

