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December Determination ~ week 2

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    December Determination ~ week 2

    Evening all.
    Still quite icy out there. I'm sure the main roads were fine but I have precious little pet friendly salt left after treating the deck for the boyz, very little gas in my car, couldn't find my yak traks (I have since found them about 10 minutes ago) and my road still doesn't look all that great. The poor garbage trucks didn't get here until quite late this afternoon so you know it was bad out there. Early this morning the traffic report was pretty scary. So, glad I made the decision to work from home. Don't really care if some people were not happy with me. I refuse to break another bone!! It will be very interesting tomorrow morning. I sure hope it turns to rain soon!

    Tonite was the finals of the Voice-tomorrow we'll find out who won. At the very beginning they had a tribute to Newtown. Most of the contestants came back and along with the finalists and the coaches, everyone held a sign with the name of someone who perished on Friday and the four coaches sang Halleluja with the rest doing backup singing. It was very beautiful and touching and amazing they were able to bring so many people together in such a short time. They couldn't have gotten to rehearse very much either. Brought tears to my eyes.

    Got a good amount of work done today so feeling good for the rest of the week. I know I'll be able to catch up and finish next week when I have everyday but Christmas to myself. I was going to try to enter a trial on New Year's day or the day before but money is tight, my stamina is not there and I don't want to take a day away from doing work if I need it.

    that's it. Time for bed. Nite nite!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      December Determination ~ week 2[/video]]Hallelujah - The Voice - YouTube

      Here's the youtube of the tribute.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        December Determination ~ week 2

        Hi everyone,

        Thanks to all for sharing your stories these past few days. Kas, that sight is so beautiful; it made me feel peace. Cyn, the simple act of baking, cathartic. And Pmom, I listened to the clip, and finally cried. Seeing the signs with the children's names. It makes me so angry, and so afraid of how my life would be if I lost my son. I know from reading here that tragedy is striking all around us. I've been blessed with nothing worse than work stress and medical issues to deal with while I build new coping skills.

        So, I'm adding "Live in Gratitude" to "Live well on Less." Funny how the steps toward a good life are the steps that keep us AF. It has never meant more to pay attention to those platitudes.

        On a lighter note, my trip home to family has finally been confirmed, as the merger we are planning got delayed. It's a merry Christmas, for sure.

        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

        AF since Oct 2, 2012


          December Determination ~ week 2

          Good morning Catbuddy, Papmom & everyone

          I have been on babysitting duty since 7:45 this morning ( not that I was in the mood), oh well! I drove thru the heaviest fog to get to my son's house. Better than icy roads, for sure!

          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            December Determination ~ week 2

            Good Morning Friends,

            I have been reading everyone's posts here and there but have been swamped with work from a new client. Not such a great thing....some of the work is unpaid, but there might be more opportunities with this client so I will bite the bullet, grumbling all the way. This week I am at home finishing up some paperwork and getting together with my closest friends.

            Regarding the school tragedy: It's all I see on the news and while I so comprehend the tragedy of it all, I am so sick of hearing about it. I just now saw on the news that a school in Harrold, TX, has been supplying its teachers with guns since 2007 because they are a 1/2 hour away from the nearest police dept. Great...teachers with guns.

            Kas-I, too, loved the pics. The beauty around you is spectacular.

            Lav-what are you doing for your birthday, tomorrow? Or, should I ask, what is your family doing for your birthday tomorrow?

            Cheery hellos to everyone else! Hope you are all having a productive AF Tuesday.


              December Determination ~ week 2

              'Volunteer' work can really suck sometimes Rusty :H
              Believe me, I know the feeling!!!
              No plans for tomorrow, not in the mood anyway.

              I think I would rather see teachers with guns than feel worried that my child was completely unprotected all day long
              Hopefully a better idea will pop up.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                December Determination ~ week 2

                Morning all -
                Gosh, Lav, your kids are SOOOOO lucky to have you on call. You win the Me-Mom award of the year - I hope they have a nice spa day planned for you...

                Love the list you are assembling, Cat. PMom, hope the weather clears for you. Rainy and gloomy here - I want snow! Shout out to everyone, hope you are taking good care of yourselves.

                Happy Hump Day (here's to you, Sooty!)
                to the light


                  December Determination ~ week 2

                  X-post Rusty! I must say that I agree about the Newtown coverage, let's let these people be in whatever peace is left to them. I also worry that the media will drive us to the point where we are actually 'over' the whole thing, and our compassion will have been diminished or exhausted...I hope we can quit while we're ahead. (or the whole country will have remove their TV sets, like me!) Glad you are having some time with friends - so glad you checked in --
                  to the light


                    December Determination ~ week 2


                    I hope your family is planning something delightful for you! You certainly deserve it. I just recently learned that a sleigh will be flying over your house soon and will be making a special delivery.

                    I sent one of the two remaining pillows to my cousin, Anne....she is the one who visited me with her son in August. Anne's mom was alcoholic Aunt Rusty. I know Anne will love it and can't wait to hear the joy in her voice when she opens her present. The other pillow....well, I'm keeping it for myself!! Ooppss...forgot to send you the pic of the pillow I gave my mom...she keeps it under her Christmas tree "where everyone can see it."

                    Cyn, I too found your visual of baking cookies to be so peaceful. I love NPR. Did I ever tell you that I was the producer for "What's Considered?" when I was in college?

                    Catbuddy-you sure are a lovely addition to our fine thread. I'll bet you're thrilled you got on here because we have a selective screening process.:H

                    Star-I went through a funk like yours last week when I was in Atlanta. What a drag. Nothing could snap me out of it. Did you read that the school shooter, Adam Lanza, apparently has Asberger's (sp?)

                    Dill-do you get really anxious or queasy going back to school now?

                    LBH-I had my annual Christmas brunch on Sunday and do you know what? My new friend and downstairs neighbor had a metal tree for years. LOVED IT!. And yes, I put up my nativity, with all the wise men facing east, per my mother's direction, and no, I did not position Joseph so he was pinching Mary from behind or hide the baby Jesus in the sugar bowl!:H I told my mother what you said about me last year...."Rusty, I envision you as a little imp, and I wouldn't be surprised if you hid the baby Jesus in the sugar bowl!!" I told my mom what you said, and she laughed so hard, and then she said, "now who is Ladybird?":H Johnson, Mom, Ladybird Johnson. hahaha!

                    Pap-I am so glad you will have some time off. REST REST REST!

                    Ho Hum....back to work. It just started snowing. I'll be back later.


                      December Determination ~ week 2

                      Man do I ever have the Christmas grouchies :H :H
                      I don't know if it's the lack on sunlight lately or what but everything & everyone better stay out of my way :H

                      In the old days I would have blamed this on hormones but that's no longer the case.
                      Haven't had a hangover in nearly 4 years, can't blame that.....
                      I just don't know why I can't conjure up some happiness & gratitude, usually I can

                      The school shooter apparently did have Aspergers which causes social awkwardness not violent tendencies. Something else was going on with him. His mother should never have kept all those weapons at home, ridiculous. You can go to a shooting range & rent rifles if you must shoot.
                      I never let YB keep any guns at home except his .22 for deer hunting & he wasn't allowed to bring any dead deer home either. I made him donate them :H

                      It was nearly 60 degrees today......
                      wonder if that's why I feel so bizarre.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        December Determination ~ week 2

                        Hi Lav (and all here, but she needs a special shout out):

                        Lav, the holiday grumpies keep at all of us. You need some special cheer, and I hope your family rises to the occassion. But if not,

                        Lavande, you are absolutely wonderful. You have faced many painful days in your life. You have survived a divorce and disappointing marriage, and you keep it together for yourself and the next generation. You are giving your grandsons more than they can possibly know, but we see it here and honor you for it. You come to this site everyday, and visit your communities, much like you keep Stella and the other chicks fed when you scatter grain. You leave your well wishes for a great AF day, and let everyone know you are still here, still AF, still chugging along. You are ready to chide or advise as needed, keeping folks in line but with a soft hand. You remind us that AL in the house grows heads and starts to speak to us. You ask us for our plans. You keep us honest with ourselves and each other. Kuya is the bouncer. Byrdie is the sweet sister. You, you are the grandma, who tells us to keep our elbows off the table and finish our dinner, because there are good cookies to eat after we have earned them.

                        You are loved. Please have some peace and contentment in that knowledge. Happy Birthday.

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012

