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af day Mon 10 Dec

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    af day Mon 10 Dec

    Good morning ladies and gents (and others!!!). Brilliant sunny but not too hot day here in Kiwiland - I am so glad to be home but I have to take to the skies for a trip to India in a few days time. Mick - I have already drunk my tea and am now brewing the coffee. Care for some? Or wrong time of the day for you?

    SF - your pain was raw - how are you now? Did you get through the weekend OK? Kuya is right - its poison - but Porquoi also reminded us of the Beast lurking in our brains, or in the corner of the room, or in the liquor store, supermarket, - in so many places. And many people can drink AL - and not have a Beast to contend with. Wine and liquor have been with us for centuries - its just that not everyone can process the AL. Or to put it another way - we humans know how to process sugar from sugarcane - but its fatal for lots of people. Same with dairy products/lactose - I love my dairy and I can handle it - but millions of people (esp in Asia) are lactose intolerant. Not that this will help the panic attacks - or the cravings - I know I don't think about the rational shit when I want a drink (or 15,000 drinks).

    Good luck with the production Nurdl. Last night I went out to see my daughter in a little play and she was fab of course! (she had to improvise because half the other kids forgot their lines) . again I was reminded of my new freedom - being able to drive at night and attend a play (and not be thinking about the wine waiting for me at home). Long may this last - please, please please.

    Take care all - stay warm as the wintery chills descend in your regions. I hope I am still on this thread in July 2013 - so you guys can see how miserable the weather gets at that time of the year down here - while you are having your turn at sunshine. And don't forget SAD - seasonal affective disorder - it can also add to the yukky feelings in winter.

    af day Mon 10 Dec

    Mornin all can't get on computee for some reazon so doing this on phone.....hope all ok
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Mon 10 Dec

      Mick - I'm joining yer thread too - going for me 30 days !!!

      Christmas do's done, one more to attend but I'll be driving - please can I have a mention ??

      Coffee - no sugar, and a slice of toast wouldn't go amiss
      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


        af day Mon 10 Dec

        Morning all,

        Fab day today TT eh? Shhhhhhh

        Mick computer probs.....sort that out pronto, otherwise how am I going to know how I felt yesterday ??

        Ahoi there Questy..... Up for some AF time ? Buckle in and orffff we jolly well go. The trick is not to think any further than today for now. And to forget last week and yesterday cos they do not exist...... There is only today and today you are not drinking, d'ya hear ?!

        Well I must away for a nosey and hi to all to come




          af day Mon 10 Dec

          Welcome questy :l ky havnt afkn clue bout computerz..tried to access this site thro both google and firefox..both lappy and main puter find site..but when you click on one of the forums it takes ages to try and access it then times you out..ang ideas anyone
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af day Mon 10 Dec

            Mick I had the same problem earlier today funnily enough. Are you using a wireless modem? If you are turn the computers off and reboot then turn the modem off and wait a few minutes then turn it back on and restart the computers


              af day Mon 10 Dec

              Good morning, TT KY, Mick and Quest.

              Welcome Quest! Great place to be.

              Didn't get up until 6:30, which is very late for me, and have a bunch of things to do before work at 9:00. First is calling the probation officer's supervisor, as I can no longer wait for her to decide when my case will take "priority." I don't want to piss her off, as there are complications, but I've done everything she asked since August 1, when I had to appear in court for an extension of my probation--due again to her not reading my monthly reports. Also have to call back the place that will be shipping the breathalyzer.

              SF, sounds like you have a good therapist! I saw one last year before I went to rehab, and she was really good. I know her through another association, but was very comfortable with her. Way more helpful and knowledgeable than the two LADC counselors I had to see Good luck with that, and ith your plan for the next two days!

              How are you today, SL? Come on and post so we can maybe help.

              CB, nice to go to a party where nobody is drinking alcoholically, and great that a RA hosted it!

              Thanks for the reminder, Det. My thing right no is lack of exercise, but until I get my license back, I don't want to join the gym and not be able to get there. Did manage a 2 mile walk yesterday, and even that felt good!!

              Okay--have a great AF day, everyone!

              Heard a great quote at church yesterday: The meek do not think less of themselves; they think of themselves less.

              "One day at a time."


                af day Mon 10 Dec

                Good Morning TT...thanks for the coffee and kicking us off. You're sounding great and I agree...Long May This Last!

                Good Morning Mick and connection problems here yesterday as well. I do believe it is MWO that has issues, at least that's what my error messages were saying. Very busy site these days and they might be doing maintenance.

                :welcome: Questy...glad to have you on board. Been following you on Army so to me you're already part of the family.

                Good Morning TDN...good luck with the supervisor this morning. Why don't you post her email and we'll all weigh in on the incompetence of your counselor. :H

                Haven't ventured a look outside yet but according to the tele it's -2 (28) HEATWAVE :yay:

                Easy day at work today now that I have my event sorted I just need to work on advertisement and have lots of time before deadline.
                My seniors have asked me to play bridge this afternoon so a Monday treat as well.

                Stay safe and have a Great AF Monday all and all to come...PPQ


                  af day Mon 10 Dec

                  Morning Giggle


                    af day Mon 10 Dec

                    Thanks all for the welcome - and KY you are so right - I AM NOT DRINKING TODAY !!! NO MATTER WHAT !!! (Sorry Molls - I think I nicked that from you )
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      af day Mon 10 Dec

                      Quest for the key;1424730 wrote: Thanks all for the welcome - and KY you are so right - I AM NOT DRINKING TODAY !!! NO MATTER WHAT !!! (Sorry Molls - I think I nicked that from you )
                      Love the new avatar


                        af day Mon 10 Dec

                        Morning TreeTops! Thanks for the early beginning to the day. Mick sorry to hear of your computer problems. Missing your daily "hi, how are ya." Morning TDN, hope you have a good day.
                        Hi Quest! It's nice to see you here with the family this morning.
                        Porqoui - love the cartoon. Was my first laugh of the day. Have a nice day yourself I'm sure I'll see you here later on.
                        Cleaning day today. I'm up and at 'em early. Towels are already washed. Some running around later on and a band rehearsal tonight. I'm a ding-dong so to speak. I play with a Symphonic Band, I play bells mostly but also bass drum, chimes, tambourine, jingle bells. I have yet to be promoted to whip-crack (that will should get some mileage if anyone is paying attention, lol).
                        Feeling ever so much better today even thought the weather is dreary. It's tough during the down times but I managed to work through this one. Hopefully some decorating for Christmas will add some cheer around here.
                        Have an AF day everyone.
                        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                          af day Mon 10 Dec

                          Good morning Abbers,

                          Overslept but that's OK, Totally fogged in here again today so I'll wait a bit before venturing outside.

                          Mick, I often reset my wireless router when I encounter the problems you described, restart my computers then everything seems OK.

                          Nurdl, please give us fair warning when you are promoted to whip-crack :H
                          I'm glad you are getting out & doing great things!

                          Greetings to everyone, welcome Quest!
                          Have a terrific AF Monday everyone.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            af day Mon 10 Dec

                            Hi everyone still struggling with this...takes ages ro reply but atleast I can read dentist tomorrow get gum cut open under sedation..dreading it...keep it up up keep af..
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              af day Mon 10 Dec

                              Howdy AF Peeps,

                              Mick, :-( that sounds soooo painful.

                              PPQ, :yay: weather has broke up here too.

                              Hmmm, lost post and still too tired to do over. Trying to get butt out of bed to go for a run. Yes, I have today off too.

                              Will try back later.

                              AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                              "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


