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af day wed 12 Dec

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    af day wed 12 Dec

    Hi Lilly!!

    Cantoo, can you pass on the URL for the PAWS discussion? I'd like to understand it, too.

    Scottish Lass, I wanted to comment on therapy. This is group therapy right here, opening up to people who share your challenges and experiences. So, you're a veteran! And if MWO has helped you, 1:1 therapy is just a part of that spectrum. I pray to all that is holy that you get heat. Really, this has become ridiculous.

    Tired, but wanting company with you guys. I'm going to thread wander.

    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

    AF since Oct 2, 2012


      af day wed 12 Dec

      Mornin all still using fone so this will be short..tea n coffee all ok
      TT enjoy your hols

      Ky....hows you? Patience is wearing thin with this computer!
      Cantoo...hope you are well still out in the snow? Fog and ice here

      Det..morning mate..hope all is well
      Cay sea lovely to see you keep popping in

      Tdn...that sounds like a real pain....but in your post you put that you donteven want a on you:l

      Lills..if you are there...we all miss you
      Hiya you doing?....nother one less to30.keep going...
      Lav is your someone coming to look at computer today..think it might be mwo end tho
      PPQ...stay wil pass..get some p s in that pocket x go girl..the dancing queen food for you
      Slass....keep at it...believe in yourself....thats veey important
      Kas are you

      Going now...this is a pain on the phone....stay strong...and sober x
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af day wed 12 Dec

        Lils just seen your post..great to see tou xx glad you are doing ok with yerselfyep 6 months beginning of jan....seems to have gone pretty quick...tou take mate down under :l:l
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af day wed 12 Dec

          Goor morning, Abbers

          Lilly-I am so happy to see you back!! Have been asking about you in these posts. You were such a help to me for so long. I'm glad that you haven't gone off the deep end Hope you'll be here every day, even ith your crazy busy work schedule!

          KY, I'd like to see the PAWS link, too. Have a couple of long hand outs on PAWS from rehab and from a LADC, but I'm better at reading online than from paper:H I know ho long it can last, and ho varied the symptoms can be. And I think that "blue" feeling is on the list.

          SF, you need to see the doctor, so good for you for making the appointment. What you are experiencing sure sounds serious to me, and head injuries can be devastating. Let us know what the diagnosis is, okay? It's probably making the anxiety much worse--understandably so!

          Mr TDN took my car for repairs yesterday, decided the car was not worth fixing, so traded for another--used but a 2011 model with low mileage. He called me many times at work and actually sounded like he was about to break down a couple of times. I am going to insist that he get something from the doctor. Anyway, now I have to call the insurance company again about the special insurance and also change the info for the Interlock. And this is a bad time for me to have to make payments, but I was okay with it. I almost feel like I'm watching somebody else's life. Not sure if that makes sense. Glad I have busy days at work for now. Need to call the court today, and also an attorney for advice. My attorney sister can't help--doesn't want to help, is more like it.

          SL, :goodjob: on getting the AL out of the house!! Anytime we had AL in the house--even hidden-I found it and drank it Yes, once I found all the VERY expensive stuff hidden in the crawl space, and managed to drink it over a period of time and fill the bottles ith water. Bourbon, scotch, etc. Even managed to replace most of it once, then drank it again. Oh, yes--that's where I was a year and a half ago. Now there is only beer, and it doesn't tempt me. You hang in and keep posting!

          Hi to Mick, KY, TT. Cat, Can, Det et al!

          "One day at a time."


            af day wed 12 Dec

            Catbuddy;1425609 wrote: Hi Lilly!!

            Cantoo, can you pass on the URL for the PAWS discussion? I'd like to understand it, too.

            Scottish Lass, I wanted to comment on therapy. This is group therapy right here, opening up to people who share your challenges and experiences. So, you're a veteran! And if MWO has helped you, 1:1 therapy is just a part of that spectrum. I pray to all that is holy that you get heat. Really, this has become ridiculous.

            Tired, but wanting company with you guys. I'm going to thread wander.

            I hate that Cat, and sometimes the time zones are really frustrating when you want a chat and no one is around.

            TDN .....sounds like Cantoo has a link. I have read loads on it but don't have a link to hand.

            Cantoo ......quit the poking isn't it amazing how this site leads us to what we need. Never ceases to amaze me


              af day wed 12 Dec

              Good morning Abbers,

              Happy Humpday or middle of the week

              SF, you sure do need some xrays, CT scans to R/O a hematoma. I had one 12 years ago that required emergency surgery, scarey stuff. Take care!

              Greetings to one & all. Hi Lilley!
              I have lots of work waiting, Christmas is coming & I need to get to Curves :H

              Have a great AF Wednesday all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af day wed 12 Dec

                kuya;1425570 wrote: PPQ :l ....wassup? PAWS me reckons, bloody nuisance
                Still feeling really blue. Think you might be right about the PAWS.

                Here's a link I've been reading after your post Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms - Relapse Prevention Strategies if anyone's looking for info.
                I also found a forum that I find most informative Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) Experiences - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

                Even just reading about it is helping but I so don't like this "blah" mood I'm in.
                Everything is such an effort, even eating properly.

                Will gather up some P's for my pocket, put a smile on my face and hopefully deal with what comes my way today.

                Sorry for being a downer, was going to post on the AW thread but haven't come up with a plan yet...:upset:PPQ


                  af day wed 12 Dec

                  Feel Better Porquoi. I think this is what I was going through last week. It just came out of nowhere and lasted several days. I had a hard time pulling up my big girl pants and soldiering on through it. Today it's finally sunny and I'm feeling like I'm coming around but slowly. I'll send back the P's I borrowed and hopefully it will help. I'll be thinking about you galpal.
                  we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                    af day wed 12 Dec

                    Good Morning All. I'm slowly making a comeback. I've not been paying attention these last few days and well... today is day 99 for me (I always count the day I'm on because I am not going to drink today). I'll be looking for someone to give me the finger tomorrow
                    One more night of auditions and then I should be around a bit more. Miss you all.
                    Be good, be smart, be AF today.
                    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                      af day wed 12 Dec

                      Hi everyone...

                      Happy AF Wednesday (and Thursday to the kiwis). PPQ, thanks for the PAWS link. It made sense to me, and was quite moving to think that I have two years in front of me of realigning brain chemistry.

                      Need to get to work, so will sign off, but thinking of everyone.

                      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                      AF since Oct 2, 2012


                        af day wed 12 Dec

                        Good Morning - still feeling ok this morning, actually got some sleep last night which is first time in a long time - think I managed about 5 hrs which is not nearly enough for me, but a good start - and the heater guy is supposed to come this afternoon, so this 12/12/12 could be a good day!!
                        I have done a little reading on PAWS, but the idea we have so much to face and for such a long time does my mood no good at all, so I just feel I have to take each day as it comes.
                        PQ, hang in there....Nurdl, glad you are getting better - it is so helpful when we have our downs on different days/weeks so others can pull up the downers then all switch! I look forward to congratulating you on triple digits tomorrow.
                        Sun - you mention that it feels this time of the year is just too much - that is so true - the end of the year just feels like such a rush - getting goals finished for one year and starting the next year - year end numbers coming in - have we done well or not, then the budgeting for the next year - and then on top of all that the celebrations - and there is STILL the routinue day to day work, which there is not enough time for normally - I agree it is just too much, so I think we have to give ourselves permission to breathe....
                        so here today and carrying on breathing......
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          af day wed 12 Dec

                          nurdl at 99 days :yay:
                          PARTEE tomorrow :H :H

                          Time for lunch, oh yeah
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            af day wed 12 Dec

                            a little check in as I have made a strange discovery - I had strong cravings again today and it was around 11am again - went and had an early lunch and away they went (almost completely) - same as yesterday - then I looked back and realised at the weekend, this happened too. I opened the dreaded bottle wine on Saturday around 11am. I was an evening drinker, off work, drive home and open the wine. It was not often I drank earlier, sometimes on a weekend. My cravings in the evening had become much easier and very transient - but I had not realised they had moved to late morning. All my plans were for the evenings - and I always shopped before noon to avoid the risk of purchasing - Saturday did the groceries according to my avoidance plan and then bought wine!
                            So now planning to eat an early, substantial lunch (instead of a normal light lunch if anything) and stay busy! What a realisation, I had not even realised what was happening...this happen to others???
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              af day wed 12 Dec

                              Good news at the doctor. I pased all the neurological tests. He said that my symtoms are normal after experiencing a head trauma.....that stopped the panic attacks. If I am still dizzy next week we will do a CT scan. I am still to go to work....just do the minimal effort until I am healed.

                              Here is the wildest thing....I told the truth on what happened! I guess being scared to death...gets the truth out out you

                              I had a training class this week.....and I have to take a take a test on it.....I could not comprehend any of it. He said that learning anything out of the question.

                              SL... yes, this time of year is too much! But, drinking wine and slamming your head into the floor does not help!


                                af day wed 12 Dec

                                Scottish Lass, I've had so many different kinds of cravings anytime of day I can hardly keep track. main thing is you're maintaining this cognoscence.

                                Sun, thank goodness for the good news so far!

                                well, a very brief and uncomfortable meeting with our CEO yesterday has me really worried. I've been advised to return all my sales samples. uh oh. I'll be doing so late next week. the suspense is killing me already. anyone needing a gourmet bodyguard? hmmmmm. strange combo.

                                be well everyone
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

