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Af Thursday 13 Dec

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    Af Thursday 13 Dec

    Hi all
    Still on phone...had engineer out to look at computer....its aproblem with the service provider...Virgin....the dont know if they can fix it sending a new router to see if that works kind of hard doing this on the phone ok? Hope so...hopefully back soon ..with jokes
    SL...glad tests went well......keep will do it
    Lils if you are out there...hi to you...hurry back on board
    Hi are you and what are you up to
    Det...good on you mate you seem to be doing really well...get that mindset rrady for chrimbo are you?hope all is well seem to be gong through it just now... Hows Mr TDN hopefully fine
    Lav good mornin...boy this is hard work...wish I had skinny fingers!!!You kid minding today or anythig else?
    Ppq.......big hug and cuddle for you..x keep will pass
    NURDL.....100 DAYS......well done:l:goodjob:
    Right folks going...this is pretty hard...taken me nearly an hour to do this!!!! Oh yes there is tea and coffee...helpl yourselves
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Af Thursday 13 Dec

    WOW! Nurdl - CONGRATULATIONS... hang on, needs a bit more flash:

    :woot: CONGRATULATIONS! :woot:

    That's just awesome

    Hello abbers, :hiya: hope you are all doing OK.

    Off to study... (I've been saying that for an hour now...)


      Af Thursday 13 Dec

      Morning all,

      Mick ..... It won't do, get it sorted, the kick off ain't complete! We just get used to Treetops and you go fannying about with yer WIFI :H

      Hidehi Arsey......having a wander? Good to see ya here in the multinationals.

      NURDL ..... Done ya proud for when you arrive.....congrats again on yer 100. Hope it coincides with a good few days and some rest. I am just the same ATM, mood up and down like a whore's drawers :H:H
      Bloody annoying but I am starting to see a pattern. Must take vits,minerals sleep and eat well. One bad day food wise seems to put me in a tetchy mood for 2 days. Amazing how we could tolerate years of crap with daily alcohol pick-me-ups but sober the body kicks up holy stink! Ah well, the better we feed it the quicker it will heal I reckon.

      So to those to come have a good Thursday and may catch you later



        Af Thursday 13 Dec

        :wow: NURDL!!!! 100 days and nights So proud of you! Hope the mood is lifting, too. I had a look at the PAWS info, and the mood swings are surely a big part of it. I think the Amoryn is helping me with that.

        Det--I feel for you. I think once they ask you to return the samples, it isn't good. Have had a similar thing happen, and they then "laid me off." I hope this isn't the case, but, if so, hope you get a good severance. And you can always get unemployment until something else comes along. I agree with SF--the election results have negatively impacted businesses.

        Don't have to work today, but have a ton of things to do. Need to call about the court thing and probably need to call the attorney. And issues with the "new" car, and Mr TDN's OCD is worse than ever. But I am handling it. Just being able to drive again will give me so much more freedom. Watched a video on the Intoxalock system, and that's another thing to deal with, but I cannot change that.

        PPQ--how are you doing? Hope you are feeling better. The ups and downs of all of this.

        SL--great discovery re: the eating thing! HALT seems to be true!

        Can, CAT, KY, Mick, Lav, Lilly, RC and everyone else--have a great AF day!
        "One day at a time."


          Af Thursday 13 Dec

          Good morning Abbers,

          Sunny & seasonally chilly here this morning

          Mick, I've had several routers blown out by electrical surges due to thunder storms. I've learned it's easier to just go to Walmart, buy a new one, plug it in & I'm good to go Hope yours gets sorted out soon. No kids today so I have a chance to catch up on other stuff. The colleges are on semester break now so my daughter-in-law can watch her own kids :H

          RC - GET YOUR STUDYING DONE or I'll send Stella after you

          Greetings Kuya & TDN.
          Hope you both have a terrific day!

          Nurdl, CONGRATS to you! 100 AF days, awesome :yay:

          I am going to catch up on stuff around here today, I am, I am :H

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Af Thursday 13 Dec


            Just for you Nurdl...PPQ


              Af Thursday 13 Dec

              Morning all, well, it's morning here, at least. Happy day wherever you are!

              Nice to wake up to your coffee and tea on the go, Mick. I hope you get your computer problems fixed soon. Thanks for the dedication of waking us up from your phone!

              Congrats on your 100 Days, nurdl! It feels great to get hit triple digits, yes? Even if our mood is funky, it is an accomplishment to be proud of.

              Good luck with your studying, RC. My apartment was never so clean as when I had a test or paper coming up. Go figure that cleaning was more entertaining than studying.

              "Whore's drawers"?? You crack me up with your sayings, KY! I hope your mood goes bright and sunny for a time. Taking care of yourself is the key, but I sometimes have a hard time learning to do that after years of neglecting myself while my head was in the bottle.

              I hope you get to enjoy your day off, TDN. I'm glad you are coping with the frustrations that keep coming at you!

              Looks like you'll have a break from the childcare, Lav. I hope you get to look after YOU for a change; your dil and son are lucky to have your help. Maybe you and Stella can get away for a few days.

              I had a good weekend with my daughter; we went ballroom dancing with my club, and she was quite a hit and made a few older gentlemen very happy by dancing with them and helping them with their steps. We also made olive oil soap, lavender bath salts and lavender body cream on Sunday. I would never have gotten it together to do those things if I had been drinking! I also passed 4 months sober last week. So, things have been good in my neck of the woods.

              So hi to Cat, SL, SF, Cantoo, PPQ, Deter, treetops, et al. Have a great AF day.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Af Thursday 13 Dec

                Kuya, "whore's drawers" got me too. You are a riot. I've missed everyone here. I feel like I've been "out to lunch" for the past week or so. You've become my family and I care about you even if I don't get on here to post.
                xoxo :h
                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                  Af Thursday 13 Dec

                  Hi to YahYah! Sounds like the weekend was so much fun! And over four months now--terrific! Made soap a few times with friends, and twice I had the job of adding the lye, and it burnt my nose!!! Soap was nice though
                  "One day at a time."


                    Af Thursday 13 Dec

                    Morning all. So happy for you Nurdl, and I know it has not been easy, but shows it can be done.
                    Feeling good today....I do like feeling good.
                    Have heat at home, not getting too excited as I need to see that it lasts but it is lovely having a cosy home!
                    Have a great day all....
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Af Thursday 13 Dec

                      Hi Abbers,

                      Fine here, moseying through the rush of my job and the holidays. Nurdl, what a wonderful marker:

                      :happy: :yay: :happy:

                      Thanks for all the direction on PAWS. It is "sobering" news to be sure. I find that despite sleep, good food and supps, and some (not enough) exercise, I'm still exhausted beyond belief. Slept 9 hours last night, can barely get myself awake. It's puzzling and disappointing. I'm learning to be patient, but in the near term facing my deliverables, I'm struggling.

                      Well, it is a beautiful day here, and I'm going to walk the dog (at least). Working from home this am before going into the office.

                      Hope everyone has a great AF day. And YawYah, I can send you my address for some of those bath salts!!

                      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                      AF since Oct 2, 2012


                        Af Thursday 13 Dec

                        huge congrats to Nurdl and Young at Heart!

                        made it back over the snow and ice last night. whew!

                        zoom zoom!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Af Thursday 13 Dec

                          Nurdl congrats! 100 days!

                          This dizziness has subsided somewhat....and the panic attacks are gone. The best piece of advice I can give look at me....and do the opposite

                          I am interested in Amoryn. I am a high anxiety person.....does it help anxiety?

                          I am more aware of the fogginess the head thing caused.....I am just glad that my next few weeks are slower.

                          Hope everyone is well.....and thanks for all the well wishes.


                            Af Thursday 13 Dec

                            I am the unofficial poster child for Amoryn
                            The answer to your question is YES, Amoryn will calm you & balance your mood ~ awesome. The other product Seredyn is designed specifically for anxiety & panic. Check them both out.
                            I've had great success with absolutely no side effects with these supplements

                            Glad you are home safe Det!
                            Hi Catbuddy!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Af Thursday 13 Dec

                              Hi all, again checking in after work.

                              Lav, is it okay to go on Amoryn while you also take an SSRI? I'd like to get off the drug, but in the neartime, my anxiety is through the roof. It's understandable given the circumstances at work, but still, I would love to not experience so much anxiety so as not to have to cope with it. On my way home from work on the ferry, a man across from me was drinking a glass of wine. Oh, I wanted that wine. I bought a sparkling water, and saw the wine, and experienced this massive surge to cave. I laughed at myself immediately - I said no to high end wine at our company dinner last night, only to cave for jug wine on transit. No, not going to happen.

                              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                              AF since Oct 2, 2012

