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af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

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    af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

    Morning all...and how are we all this fine Saturday morning?..that is unless you live in upside down land!!!,so good afternoon to you all..Got computer fixed now so its business as usual..Twas a real pain trying to write it all on the phone, my fingers wouldnt fit on the keyboard!!

    Tea, coffee and green tea now on the go.

    Morning ok? how you enjoying Calcutta?Did you get out and about to see people and places?Completely different way of life out there....the caste system is fascinating

    Morning did yer wee soiree go last night?nae drink involved one hopes?Nae bother

    Morning KY...who is this person that you mention doesn't gab? haven't met her yet!!!:H how are you? And that's the trick...I don't drink cos I don't want to...not cant are you?:l how di things go? hopefully well for for the eating..think I am doing enough for the two of us!!! 14= means nothing ..finger slipped on the phone keyboard...yep there are loads of def for numpty but like this wan ra best.........

    Numpty first surfaced on the terraces of west of Scotland football grounds, many many years ago. A player who couldn't hit a cow's arse with a shovel would be a f***ing numpty.
    "Awww Jimmy you f************ing numpty!! You couldnae score wi' ma' sister!"

    Morning Lav...cuppa for are you today? Kid free?any plans for today? I have been reliably informed that we are pitting the Chrimbo tree and decs up today

    TDN...boy this licence job seems to take some time...hope its sorted out for you soon

    Morning Cat..well glad you enjoyed the dinner last night...doesnt it feel good to wake up and think..shit what did I do..looking out for the sly looks to think what did they see??? no sore well done you..I sometimes have an af beer or cider....but only usually Cobra no al or Koppaberbeg pear no al me its a taste thing..I like the taste, but could quite easily do without and have soft drinks...and thats when you know you are on the right road..when you dont have to substitute...anyway well done you:l

    Morning ok? loads more crappy jokes to come

    Hi SF......glad you chose the flute playing as opposed to the elbow rubbing contest...youre doing well ..keep at it

    Hiya nurdl..yep glad to be back too...lot easier doing this on the computer ..big numbers now..well done you

    Hi SL....yep you are right horrible......dont know what the answer is though..makes you think tho....appreciate what you have got while you have it....and dont dilute it with al filled views

    Big hi to everyone...noticed that this post had dwindled a wee bit..lets get it back to its old self again...big shout to all not here Shue n gang etc
    Have a great weekend

    Q: What is red and smells like blue paint?
    A: Red paint.

    Q: What do a mole and an eagle have in common?
    A: They both live underground, apart from the eagle.

    "Dave drowned. So at the funeral we got him a wreath in the shape of a lifebelt. Well, it's what he would have wanted."

    What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?
    Juan on Juan.

    Two fish were in a tank. One said "You man the guns, I'll drive!"

    There are only two four letter words that are offensive to men - 'don't' and 'stop', unless they are used together.

    I tried phone sex once, but the holes in the dialer were too small...

    I swear, the other day I bought a packet of peanuts, and on the packet it said "may contain nuts." Well, fucking YES! That?s what I bought the buggers for! You?d be pissed off if you opened it and a socket set fell out!"

    A man I know has a dog with no legs, he named him Cigarette, because every night he takes him out for a drag.

    A boy asks his grandma, "Have you seen my LSD pills?"
    She replies, "Forget your pills, have you seen the f*cking dragons in the kitchen???

    Q. What is a zebra?
    A. 26 sizes larger than an "A" bra.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

    Good morning, Mick, and all to come.

    Watching the news again, and this horrific tragedy in CT, which is not too far from me, is just overwhelmingly sad. I had a customer in that town, and remember it being so beautiful and seemingly "perfect." How this happened is beyond our comprehension. So many lives lost, and so many affected forever. Makes any of my issues seem trivial at this point.

    Trying to get to court to start the process of getting my license straightened out, and it's hard because I have to get to the court 2 1/2 hours away. Hoping I can get to my sister's and have her take me to the court on Monday--or Tuesday, if e get the snow we maight tomorrow.

    Work today for four hours or so, and will be happy to be busy.

    Have a great AF day, all.

    "One day at a time."


      af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

      Hi Affers
      Coming out of the lurking closet cause I can't stop laughing at Mick's jokes (no, really!). Great reading and after all these years here never thought I'd be an in the serious (for me) abstinence league. 10 months Coming up to 2 difficult periods but I don't feel any desire to drink, just be strange having sober Christmas, birthdays, etc.

      Just a quick fly-by as I'm heading to bed (are we Antipodeans tipping the balance yet?)

      On a more sombre note, my heart goes out to those families in Connecticut, Horrific beyond words.

      Hope I can particpate more often.

      And Lav, thanks for the Haggis Hunt heads up (haven't won anything yet, but I'm hoping not to win the night at St Andrews or we'll have an expensive trip on our hands :H)


        af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

        Morning Mick...thanks for the kickoff and the coffee. Just had to check on the 14+ as some things are just not in the Urban Dictionary. :H

        Although it's pretty early I'm feeling much more grounded and that little black cloud seems to be dissipating...thank dog! It'll make for a much nicer visit with my Dad today.

        Got the account info from the poa's yesterday and as anticipated it's just more of the same old crap.
        Will be working on a summary report for the lawyer over the weekend and it looks like it's court on Tuesday.

        Morning TDN...hope you work the logistics out and get to court. I know the feeling of just wanting to get everything sorted! Just in case...:angel:"PP":angel:

        :hallo:Blondie...he does grow on you doesn't he...and :welcome: to the serious abstinence league lol, glad to see you "out of the closet"...have a good sleep.

        Time for cup #2 and some surfting, have a great AF Saturday all and all to come...PPQ


          af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

          Welcome to Blondie,

          WTF ! Now you have told Mick his jokes are so good he can get people out of the closet.

          Next he will be setting up as a sexuality counselor ! :H:H

          Awesome on your 10 months, can't wait to be you

          On a more serious note ....... It has taken me only two minutes, that is 120 seconds to type this message. In that time 120 children have died of starvation while we were wealthy enough to consume enough alcohol to make ourselves sick and now many of us spend a lot of our time trying to reduce our calorie intake or running around burning off the excess calories we have consumed.

          Each child that dies EVERY second of EVERY day lived a horrible short tragic life........

          Makes you think ......


            af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

            Good morning Abbers,

            Up bright & early even though I didn't feel like it - oh well.
            I am watching kids for the first half of the day Mick

            Greetings TDN, hope everything works out for next week. This is the moment you have long waited for

            Hello Blondie & congrats on your 10 AF months!
            Glad you decided to join us
            The Haggis Hunt is stupidly enjoyable :H

            Hi PQ! Hope yuo are able to square away your legal work as well.

            Still feeling much sorrow for yesterday's tragic shooting victims.
            Let's all have a peaceful day!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

              Hello, all. TDN, it must be even more difficult living so close to Newtown. I can hardly think of anything else.

              I'm having a hard time concentrating, even though I have lots I should be doing today. Hopefully, I'll get something done.....

              Today I am feeling very grateful for the fact that I got to see my daughter grow up, and I can still hold her close. I am grateful for all of you--your laughter and fun, your empathy--as we pursue our serious sober journeys.

              Extra hugs,
              :l :l :l
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

                The Haggis hunt Lav????wow you must be up really early to catch one of them
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

                  Hi all,

                  Mick, thanks for the new round of jokes. I keep trying to memorize a few to entertain at parties!

                  TDN, I feel for you with the DUI. I went through that two years ago, and it was absolutely horrible. I will share this - now being AF, I drive with a peace of mind I missed post my DUI. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

                  Kuya, I got my lab results back, and saw the hormone balancing doctor. I am way undermedicated for the thyroid problem, even have an enlarged gland at this point. Whew. It's not due to AL recovery. So, I will be increasing my meds and looking for a new general practitioner, which is very difficult to find where I live. But I will find one, and start on a better road for 2013. I slept 12 hours last night (!), once again due to the crap failed thyroid hormone in my body. Let this be the beginning of energy again.

                  Cantoo, I'm going for a hike, even though it's cold, wet and muddy here. You are my inspiration!

                  Hi SL, SF, PPQ, Lav, RC (if he's here), Blondie (welcome back!), Det and everyone else! Have a great AF Saturday, and I'll be hugging my son a lot today.

                  "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                  AF since Oct 2, 2012


                    af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

                    Just wanted to express my sincere condolences to my American friends on here over the recent deaths in CT. I especially thought of the people here on the eastern seaboard, TDN you sprang to mind immediately.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

                      Cat, I can imagine how relieved you are to have finally found out hat's been causing the fatigue! I'm sure you'll start feeling better almost immediately once the meds kick in. Very happy for you!

                      Trying not to listen to the news over and over, as the whole shooting thing is just too terrible to imagine. A woman I know came into the shop today--she is a substitute teacher at the local middle school. District where I spent the last five years of my teaching career in the nineties. Told me there is one kid who is taken out in handcuffs just about weekly by the school resource (police) officer, and she has actually been afraid that he'd do something terrible to her or another teacher!! She won't be returning next year.

                      I am probably going to get a train to get don by my sister, and she can pick me up and I'll spend the night at her house and she or her asisitant can drop me at the court on Monday. Doubt I can also get to a RMV that day, but need to see if there is a specific one I need to show up at and wait to see a hearings officer. Not sure if I'll head home by train Monday night or what, but I know I have to work next Weds thru Fri or Sat. I haven't been at my sister's since May of 2011, and I used to stay there regularly when I as on the road. Not sure what she has told my 13 yr old niece. And I feel a bit "wobbly" knowing my sister and her assistant--a 70 yr old woman ho gets free rooms and board for doing errands and driving my niece around--will surely be having their nighly wine. I ill probably take them to dinner, but they'll be drinking during and after, as we always did.

                      "One day at a time."


                        af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

                        Yay for Cat!

                        I am soooooo glad you have found the reason for the fatigue and it isn't booze. Makes me wonder if you had been using the kick of booze to mask the low thyroid.
                        It is funny I only realised that I was worried in case it sent you back to drinking. You have been so solid in your recovery and such a positive force on here.

                        So happy for you Cat

               does it feel knowing that you possess the power to bring folks outta the closet?!:H
                        The power of humour must NEVER be underestimated.

                        Today is really warm, the lawns need mowing but.......


                          af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

                          Yo KY....Hows you doing
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

                            Howdy Cat. How was your day?

                            Today's trip was in the city limits. Brrrr -18 at the start.



                            Happy AF Saturday.

                            AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                            "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                              af Saturday 15 Dec...9.5 shopping days!!

                              holy cow mick! i needed those laughs my husband died laughing about the dog named cigarette,he said hes gotta remember that one for work! made my day
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

