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af day Sunday 16 Dec

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    af day Sunday 16 Dec

    Good morning boozebusters..and how are we this fine Sunday morning?all ok?Well bit cold and dark outside still..yep I know its strange for me to be here on a Sunday morning...Nevertheless here I am...Tea and coffee available..I am having Kiwi fruit tea this morning for a change

    Right..on we go..

    Morning are you today? hopefully fingers crossed you will get everything sorted out next week...

    Blondie.....out of the closet welcome to you hope you enjoy yourself here ..jump in whenever and take part..............hmmmm should be interesting....a blonde Aussie :H..seriously tho, the idea is to have fun at the same time...10 months..well done..nope you wont mess it up

    Morning PPQ....glad the black cloud is on its way out :goodjob:hopefully all your stuff will be sorted next week too...What do you mean ..he sorta grows on you???Wot do you fink I am....a wart, piles or summat????:H

    Morn brew for you are you today?Ive gotta find jobs to do...Chrimbo tree and decs have been dragged out of the loft along with the fibre optic comes the cd with all the Chrissy music on it..When I was about 13 or 14, I was head chorister in quite a famous cathedral choir in Scotland..They made quite a few records, and on one of them I sang a solo on a Christmas album....sadly I have got a copy of that transferred on to a cd...some aheemmmm years later!!

    Morning are you? ok I hope..just reading your post..yes I agree it is a serious thing that we are doing giving up put on our serious sober you not think it would be more comfortable replacing journeys with way of life? or am I just being pedantic? heres one for you

    The Benefits of Laughing
    Why you should laugh at least a few times every day:

    1.Laughing burns calories. Yep, you heard right. Ever laugh so hard that your stomach hurt? This is because when you laugh, your stomach muscles contract, and get squeezed, which basically means that you're getting an ab workout while laughing.

    2. Smiling is easier: it takes 46 muscles to frown, and less than half of that (only 17) to smile.

    3. Laughing can almost be comsidered an alternate form of excersize. It is said that laughing 100 times a day is equivilant to a workout consisting of 15 minutes on an exercise bike.They also said that 20 seconds of laughing can work the heart as hard as three minutes of rowing.

    4.Laughing also helps your heart beat faster, which helps you blood to circulate better.

    5. Laughing makes you more relaxed, minimizes stress, and puts you in a good mood.

    6. Believe it or not, laughing also helps you see better, by opening up the tear ducts in your eyes.

    so go on ..have a good laugh !!

    Morning did the hike go? how far did you go?Please don't remember any of my will probably get chased out of town!!! hope you are ok..especially now that they have diagnosed the problem

    Kaslo..lovely to see you as usual are you? x

    Kuya...and how are you faring? it me or on the Kuya scale you have been relatively quiet recently...all ok?

    Cantoo...-18..ouch theres me moaning at -5 ..ha its like your summer!!!how are you? any plans for today?

    Pauly ....morning to you ...glad to be of assistance ma'am (he says in his best caped crusader voice :H) how are you today?

    Good morning ..SF hope you are well..cant really say too much about the murder of the innocent children...words are just that..all I can say is make the most of those who are precious to you while you can..and remember those who are going through the pain of unnecessary loss.......

    Well thats it I am for the you all take care and have a great day

    I?ve got a friend who is a lion tamer. He used to be a school teacher till he lost his nerve.

    You can tell Monopoly is an old game - the banker can still go to jai

    You know you?re working class when your TV is bigger than your bo

    What did one ball say to the other ball? Nothing - he just looked roun

    Trying to get tickets to see an Elvis tribute band, but when I phone it keeps saying press 1 for the money 2 for the

    I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any

    I poured Spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.

    I was watching the London Marathon and saw one runner dressed as a chicken and another runner dressed as an egg. I thought: 'This could be interesting

    If you lend someone a tenner and never see them again, it was probably worth it.

    Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. You know you're going to get it, but it's going to be rough

    The bank sent a cheque back marked "Insufficient funds". Them or me?

    Alcohol does make you more attractive to the opposite sex. After they've drunk enough of it.

    Future aircraft will be piloted by a man and a dog. The man is there to feed the dog, and the dog is there to keep the man from touching the controls

    Two parrots on a perch. One says: "Can you smell fish?"

    How can you get four suits for a dollar? Buy a deck of

    How do we know the Indians were the first people in North America? They had reservations.

    How do you make a hot dog stand? Steal its

    99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name
    I like to annoy my Israeli flatmate, by giving him any mail addressed to "The Occupier".

    A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender says "Hey, we have a drink named after you." The grasshopper says "You have a drink named Steve?"

    How are men like linoleum?

    Lay 'em good and you can walk all over 'em.

    When you were born you were so ugly, the doctor slapped your mother instead.

    what's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

    anyone can roast beef.

    why do ducks have flat feet?

    to stamp out forest fires.

    why do elephants have flat feet?

    to stamp out burning ducks.

    Two cannibals are talking. One says "I don't like my mother-in-law."

    The other cannibal says "So just eat the noodles."

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Sunday 16 Dec

    Hi again
    Thanks for the welcome and jokes Mick; these ones remind me of Tommy Cooper!

    Love seeing the snowy photos; it hasn't been too hot here yet, so I'm still smiling!

    Strangely, after my post yesterday, I suddenly had a craving this afternoon! Haven't had one for yonks; my partner drinks all the time and we go out to bars/restaurants and it doesn't bother me at all. Quite a shock. Hope it wasn't connected to coming back here :H

    Everyone's so busy on here, I ought to find some hobby. Heading off this week for a few days break (just a short drive as we're taking the dog). Had a holiday without al this year and it was, very surprisingly, easy for me, but after today, I'm a bit nervous! Still, I want to do a year and my counting has saved me a couple of times!

    Well, another quickie before I head for bed (I'm an early bird!).

    Hope everyone has a great day, and the Kiwis are already into Monday! :H


      af day Sunday 16 Dec

      Morning Mick, Nighters Blondie

      That craving I reckon is connected with coming back. The brain probably remembers how you felt when you were first here......amazing really. Remember it is JUST a thought, it ain't got hands and legs :H

      Mick, I have been around just as long but lots of PMs so less posts. Did a long post last night then deleted for PC reasons, so only short post yesterday. Also the weather is so nice I am outside a lot, kids here all day for BBQ and swimming .......

      Put up the tree yesterday so feeling allchristmassy


        af day Sunday 16 Dec

        Nae probs KY......As long as you is and pc???take it you must mean personal computer :H:H:H:H:H:

        Blondie you will be fine.:l

        Just been nicked by the emoticon cops !!!!
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af day Sunday 16 Dec

          Yeah Mick, the post wasn't PC and I didn't want to be called a P****r C**t. :H:H

          You all good matey?


            af day Sunday 16 Dec

            Good morning, Mick, Blondie and Ky--and all to come today.

            Thanks for the coffee, Mick!! And those jokes!! Too funny:H

            Nice to see you Blondie! Interesting about the cravings returning and KY's thoughts on the brain. I just listened for the second time to a hypnosis event I am subscribed to, and this one is on addiction. Interesting that the hypnotist believes the total opposite of what AA tells us. We need to tell ourselves that we have quit--period--and are not powerless. Just what KY and Mick remind us about. We aren't powerless unless we take that first drink--and then, I believe, we are, or at least I am.

            Looks like I'll be heading to my sister's today to be closer to the court tomorrow. This involves an hour drive to the train. Not sure about getting home tomorrow night. The will need to go to a DMV--also 2 hours away--and will try for Tuesday. Of course, we'll be getting snow/sleet later on and mor "stuff" tomorrow night. Oh, well--will deal with it

            Hope SF, PPQ, Can, Cat, Lav and the rest of the gang have a nice AF Sunday!

            "One day at a time."


              af day Sunday 16 Dec

              Good morning Abbers,

              Getting a super slow strat today but that's OK
              The air is warmer but the sun has disappeared......rain on the way tonight.

              Mick, you should put your solo up on You Tube so we can all enjoy your choir boy act :H
              I'll bet that seems like a million years ago, huh? My tree is up & has been decorated with the help of a 4 year old & it looks like it too :H

              TDN, I will be thinking about you & hoping tomorrow goes off without a hitch

              Greetings Blondie, Kuya & everyone!
              I have a half a million things to do today so I should get strated.
              Wishing everyone a peaceful AF Sunday.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af day Sunday 16 Dec

                hi everybody,busy sunday here,we are going to see my daughters ultrasound today its one of those 4- D things where you can see the baby up close and personal,its kinda weird! then TRY to finish christmas shopping,no time for alcohol so thats a good thing,have a good sunday guys
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  af day Sunday 16 Dec

                  Morning was meant in the dearest of terms :l

                  Thanks for the coffee and the kickoff...having a lazy morning but breakie done and cleaned up, off to meeting and then grocery shopping...

                  Morning/Night Blondie...and they say knowledge is power. Definetly connected and look at you, thought in/out, easy peasy

                  Morning/Evening KY...still trying to figure out what p****r means got the other one :H

                  Good Luck TDN...we'll all be traveling with you :l

                  Morning Lav...when you get a minute could you finish off my 1/2 million chores please?

                  Morning to say I'm glad I'm not having babies anymore. Way to much info!!

                  Have a great AF Sunday all and all to come...PPQ


                    af day Sunday 16 Dec

                    Hi all--quiet time here, just doing some cleaning and decorating and watching a little football.

                    I hope everyone has a good AF Sunday/Monday!

                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      af day Sunday 16 Dec

                      whew! here and defrosting after an incredibly miserable weekend of winter/snow camping without a tent (boy that was smart). it was so cold that the water bottle inside my sleeping bag partially froze. egad!

                      very sore/tired today and just catching up. be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        af day Sunday 16 Dec


                        What were you thinking?! Glad you made it through, albeit sored/tired!


                          af day Sunday 16 Dec

                          DET ...... You little action man ! :H


                            af day Sunday 16 Dec

                            On a personal level, I have just had the worst weekend in a very long time. It was probably well over due to happen, but happen it did. Unfortunately I drank the wine that was in the garage - what I did not drink, I have thrown away.
                            I am totlally exhausted, emotionally fried, but have had a few reality checks, and wake up calls and probably in a much better place to be able to move forward in a much more postive manner - so even though it has been really really hard, in teh long run it is probably good.
                            So today is yet another day 1, I am probably in a stronger place to now to really work out what I want and how I will get there and be able to become the person that I know I can be and want to be.
                            I do not intend to become the yoyo that I have been last few weeks and am very much looking forward to stringing the AF days togther again, and to live this precious life to the fullest...
                            If you will still have me, see you all tomorrow....
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              af day Sunday 16 Dec

                              AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                              "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


