Good Monday evening, all!
Well, made it through the court and got my probation taken off. Train yesterday in snow/sleet and my sister picked me up. Had a nice dinner with her, my niece, and the nanny/assistant. Sister dropped me off at 7:45 this a.m. so I had to go to a coffee shop and wait for about a half hour. Filled out the forms, got help from a very nice woman in the probation office, and was told that my (useless) probation officer would be in around 9:30. I sat in the court room for a half hour, with some lawyers and police officers. Then others started coming in, and the session began at 9:00. Very nice lady judge. This as my fourth time at this court, counting the morning I as brought in from the police station, where I had to spend the night. I am not bragging or exaggerating when I say that I was the only professionally dressed person among the cases. Some people never showed up, some came and their attorneys were late, some had done some very nasty things. Several multiple DUIs who still drove and got caught again. Some with DUI and drugs. Finally called my name, but then we had to ait for the probation officer to come in. Luckily she simply said that I had completed all of my requirements and there was no reason for me to remain on probation. Judge--who spoke kindly to everyone--thanked me for being so diligent in taking care of my requirements, and for coming in so early from such a distance! Now, she doesn't know about the second DUI, and I do thank the probation officer for not following up on that. When I left the court, I knew I would never again go back there! Anyway, I have what I hope is the paper work I need for the DMV--which means another 4 hr round trip tomorrow. But this time Mr TDN will drive me. Just have to show up and ait for a hearings officer, and then pay the $500 fine. In this state it is $100, but every state is different, I guess.
My sister drank about a bottle of wine last night,which has been her pattern for a long time. A glass before e left, a glass at the restaurant, and then half a bottle after we got back and she had work to finish. She also smokes at night--had quit a long time ago, then had breast cancer five years ago, and started the smoking not long after. Go figure! The nanny had a glass of wine at dinner, then another as she was reading in bed. I was very nervous about being around them, but I had no desire to drink! None. I am so grateful for that. I looked at the half empty wine bottle this a.m. and just didn't feel anything. In the past, I would have poured a glass right then or poured some into a water bottle.
I was able to get a train into the city, then a bus to take me up here, an hour from home, and Mr TDN picked me up--again, in bad weather.
Now drinking some soothing tea and still a little surprised by not wanting a drink. May it stay that way!
Det and SL, I know only too well the slipping back and feeling like it is almost inevitable. I also know that you have both gotten plenty of AF time, and can do it again. It is hard to get through something major without drinking, only to slip afterwards. I think the big things subconciously affect us, even though we seem to be coping, and then we drink. It was like that for me. Thank God we have this place to come to for support--and acceptance.
See everyone in the morning
Oh, Mick-- I chose ThreeDogNight because I had three dogs and they used to all sleep in the bed with us. Now we only have to, and only one sleeps in the bed, but I still keep the name.