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af day Tuesday 18th

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    af day Tuesday 18th

    Morning all....and how are we today?? 3 days time till the longest day..then its moving onwards to light nights and mornings.
    One thing we should remember, is the fact that there are quite a few people finding it a bit hard at the moment.....remember for a lot of us this is the first xmas without al in this what I would call the silly season...even yesterday I had a mad craze for a drink...I went back to my original surf the craving strategy and got over it...and it usually doesnt bother me too much.
    All I would say is lets help each other through this..This thread has a great record for people stopping al...lets make it as good for the support we give to each other....for anyone who is struggling...dont be shy, scared embarrassed or anything to say...after all you are here and it took guts to do that dont throw it away ..ask..I certainly will

    Tea coffee green tea and Kiwi fruit tea on the go

    Mornin..oops affers ok ?

    Good morning ok? glad you are over your wee as usual ..well did you see any haggii?think you will find that most of them are in hibernation...also the breeding programme..dont forget ..its Burns night in a months time so there will be quite a few needed for the tables.

    Morning coffee..any plans in the offing for today?

    Morning PPQ....yep think you are right P store is going to need more stock methinks..lets all stay close...couldnt find that link for you tho..sorry

    Morning YAH......Hope you are feeling a wee bit better today......yep ideal time to quit the will feel a lot better for it...Cooking sherry and vanilla?hmm pretyy sure you could market that crap as some sort of a cocktail !!! Chrimbo watching Les M..with a Chinese wow top dollar excellent..any room?

    Now then Rabsy old chap ..and how are we today?thats just in case you are off to the posh school!!

    Mornin ok?Is your arm not sore?looking at you in the purple car..that left arm hasnt moved for at least 5 days :H

    Hi that was easy..a priority list...youve already identified number 1..otherwise its like building on sand!!! you go for it girl :l

    Det keep trying mate...just a suggestion.....why dont you get a couple of af bottles in? Iin the end you will get to the stage of CBA....cant be arsed! I know some people dont advocate using af beers etc, but I actually dont think it matters a toss..the label says it ..alcohol free.May be worth a try.

    Hi aint alone...stay strong..ask yourself ..why are you here, look how well you have it worth binning for a drink? well it wouldnt be 1 you would feel crap as well can do it definitely.

    Hiya too ..big group hug :l...pppq break out those "P"s Stay with it Cat you are strong enough to.Glad the thyroid meds are helping you

    Your post......Time to put the dog to bed, too. She just left the room and farted. Do you think she was embarrassed? Wonder if they blame humans???:H

    Mornin TDN...progress is slow but seems like you are getting somewhere....Well done on the drinking..long may it reign!!After that it all behind you?

    Cantoo, Cantoo we was looking for you.....stay strong :l

    Hiya are you?..hope that lump is getting better...I guess its a case of "cant have" into "dont want" but it is difficult..stick with it

    Right peeps I say lets support each other..and remember why we joined this site
    Take care - that's a site for sore eyes

    I was taking the motorway out of London. A policeman pulled me over and said: 'Put it back.'

    I've just been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. I'll tell you what, never again.

    Velcro... what a ripoff.

    Do you ever get that when you're half way through eating a horse and you think to yourself, 'I'm not as hungry as I thought I was?'

    Crime in multi-storey car parks: it's wrong on so many levels.

    One-armed butlers - they can take it but they can?t dish it out.

    I used go out with an anesthetist - she was a local girl.

    When I left home, my mum said: 'Don't forget to write.' I thought: 'That's unlikely - it's a basic skill, isn't it?'

    We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity.

    A little kid walks into a city bus and sits right behind the driver and
    Starts yelling? ?if my dad was a bull and my mom a cow i?d be a little
    Bull.? the driver ignored kids noise.. The kid continued? till the driver gets angry and said. ?what if your dad was gay
    And your mom was a
    Prostitute?!? the kid smiles and says? ?i would be a bus driver like you!?

    To tell the weather, Go to your back door and look for the dog.

    If the dog is at the door and he is wet, it's probably raining. But if the dog is standing there really soaking wet, it is probably raining really hard.

    If the dog's fur looks like it's been rubbed the wrong way, it's probably windy.

    If the dog has snow on his back, it's probably snowing.

    Of course, to be able to tell the weather like this, you have to leave the dog outside all the time, especially if you expect bad weather.


    The CAT

    A man woke up in a hospital bed and called for his doctor. He asked "Give it to me straight. How long have I got?"
    The physician replied that he doubted that his patient would survive the night. The man then said "Call for my lawyer."
    When the lawyer arrived, the man asked for his physician to stand on one side of the bed, while the lawyer stood on the other. The man then laid back and closed his eyes. When he remained silent for several minutes, the physician asked what he had in mind. The man replied "Jesus died with a thief on either side, and I thought I'd check out the same way."

    Two Russian hunters meet. I shot a gigantic bear yesterday, says Ivan. Look at the hide!
    How do you find such huge bears? Sergei asks.
    Easy, says Ivan. You stand in front of a cave and whistle. When the bear comes out, you shoot.
    Weeks later the two meet again. Sergei is covered in bandages. Didn't you follow my advice? Ivan asks.
    Sure I did. I stood, in front of a cave and whistled, Sergei replies.
    And what came out?
    To me, says Sergei, it looked like the Trans-Siberian Express

    In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.

    A reporter was interviewing a 104 year-old woman: "And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?" She simply replied, "No peer pressure."

    One man calls emergency:
    - Come immediately, my little son has swallowed a condom!
    After five minutes, the same man calls back:
    - It is OK, I found another one.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Tuesday 18th

    Howdy and happy Tuesday

    TDN ..... Glad that is over for you. Now relax, but don't celebrate .......if you know what I mean.

    Now where are all the Christmas at our gaff piccies? I will TRY and upload mine soon ( bit technophobic but I will try)

    Trying for a good sleep tonight......Laters



      af day Tuesday 18th

      Hi Mick, Kuya and everyone in Aberland

      Is there no end to your jokes Mick (not that I'm complaining, but I've never come across so many that I haven't heard before!) I agree about the first AF Christmas and the "what if..." thoughts. You sound pretty strong there though; you have to be to keep us all in check! There's plenty of haggis according to the Scotsman's Haggis hunt, even down in London!
      Hi Kuya, have you battened down for Cyclone Evan?! Good idea about Christmas photos, though I don't think the sunny ones are so appealing!
      Catbudy, I think your dog farted in disgust as you were talking about it to everyone here!

      TDN - what an long ordeal and well done in keeping calm!

      Am still trying to get confirmation of holiday booking (talk about last minute!) Just want a few days right by the sea.

      Well, heading off now. (kept it all in English for you PPQ!)
      Have fun all.



        af day Tuesday 18th

        Good morning, Mick and Blondie and all to come today.

        Thanks for the coffee and jokes, Mick. I need to start printing out the jokes, since I can never remember them. Really good way to start the day!

        Thanks all for the kind words. After I read over my post--which somehow posted twice I realized that I made it sound like I was different or superior to the others in the court room. That isn't true. I have been in the place four times, including in the holding area with some in shackles! Last time I was there, there was an attorney who was obviously impaired. Never want to see the place again.

        For those feeling that anxiety or low mood, I truly believe that the Amoryn is the major reason I have remained calm and focused. I wasn't nervous yesterday, and I am not feeling sad 99% of the time. And the Seredyn for the real anxiety is pretty incredible, even helping with withdrawals. For me, getting AF and staying that way for long enough for the Amoryn to work is critical. And that is where the Seredyn helps. They also make Melodyn for sleep, although I've never tried it. I did use Dramamine while trying to stop
        drinking, and it did help some.

        Det, hope you are able to do the taper and get AF for the holidays. And hope the news on the job front isn't bad. SL, this is day 3! Every day AF is a good one, no?

        SF, just hoping you feel better today. Holidays are hard. Reading on many of the other threads verifies that.

        Cat, you sound good! PPQ, lots of PP's today! YahYah, hope you feel better. Lav, you are always good Always positive. KY, Can, and everybody else--have a good AF day.

        It's cold here and the rain has been freezing rain overnight and schools are delayed, so may have to start out later than planned for the trip to DMV. And Mr TDN's OCD is already kicking in:upset: I am going to insist that he start the Amoryn. His head is a constant chatter and full of doom and gloom.

        "One day at a time."


          af day Tuesday 18th

          Morning Mick...thanks for the coffee and the kickoff. Thanks for looking for the link.

          Evening KY...hope you're getting that good nights sleep.

          Morning Blondi...much appreciate the english :H

          Morning may have thought you sounded superior but I didn't find that in your post. Not at all. Just telling it like it is. Good luck on the roads out there, be safe.

          The lawyer has requested the POA's submit the missing documents and receipts.
          Today's court date has been posponed till Jan 3 to give them time to comply.
          I know it's "catty" but "merry f'n christmas" they brought it on themselves.
          Vent over...

          It's getting harder and harder to look busy at work. So many Xmas parties so much food! Will be glad when the weeks done, hopefully won't have to alter too many clothes...

          Time for cup #2 and a bit of surfing. Have a great AF Tuesday all and all to come...PPQ


            af day Tuesday 18th

            Bwa-hahaha! Great comic PPQ. Mick you are a wonder to wake us all with a nod, a bit of cheer, or encouragement to go with our morning cuppa. Yes, my left arm does get a bit tired but that's the life of a Barbie. Constantly changing outfits, those dreadful heels that causes me to walk on tip toes all the time.The convertible is a manual drive so lucky for me that my knees bend and I can steer with them. (huge opportunity for comment here). Much to do today. All the bears are back home for the holidays. Finally getting to tree decorating today.
            Good idea Mick to stick together. We can get through this holiday with out alcohol. I'm going to skip on over to the nest to check on the newbies. Laters.
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              af day Tuesday 18th

              Hi, PPQ and Nurdl!

              I hear you, PPQ--and I hope you get everything straightened out on Jan 3!

              Nurdl, good luck getting the tree up! We will hopefully get ours in the next couple of days. Have some decorations up, but not all.

              KY, forgot to say "hi" to you and to thank you for the links you have provided. I am convinced that nutrition and supplements, vitamins play a HUGE role in our recovery.

              Be back later!
              "One day at a time."


                af day Tuesday 18th

                Morning (or afternoon) all!

                Thanks for the cuppa, Mick. It is delicious, and much needed. I kept waking myself up coughing, but I have to admit that I feel so much better today than yesterday, and it is definitely because I did not smoke. It's like a freaking miracle that my symptoms are so much better. I've had several urges to smoke, but no cigarettes in the house, and the wiser part of my brain is telling me that I'm nuts if I smoke again. Keep sending the good wishes, they seem to help.

                I'm so glad you were able to surf the wave with your craving. This is a dodgy time, and takes a little extra diligence, so good on you! Oh, and I love your pictures of the bunnies. They are so damn cute! Are any of them yours?

                TDN, I love your name, so please don't change it no matter how many or few there are sleeping on your bed! Well done on getting through your court date. I didn't find the tone of your post last night condescending at all. I've been to court, too, and I was very surprised at how casually some people were dressed. I'm so glad that your judge was decent and kind. Oh, and it's so good that you got through the night with all the wine around you! Well done!

                Hi Kuya! How are you doing these days? WTF is a gaff piccie? LOL Oh, and do take care with that hurricane coming.

                Hi blondie. Hope you got your trip booked. I'm jealous! It is cold and dreary here, although we have the promise of some sunshine today, at least.

                Deter, I hope things go better on the job front. It sucks that you are dealing with this around the holidays. Hang in there.

                PPQ, I hope all goes well on January 3. Your cartoon is hilarious! Between that and Mick's jokes, I'm smiling all over!

                nurdl, I agree, Barbie's life isn't as easy as it looks. I'm glad you get to bend your knees at least! Enjoy your decorating for Xmas.

                I have my decorations up, but I have to finish cleaning my house. My least favorite thing to do.

                Okay, up and at em! Time to get moving around here.

                Have a great day, all.

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  af day Tuesday 18th

                  Morning Yah Yah and TDN. Have a great AF day. So much to do, so little time.
                  we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                    af day Tuesday 18th

                    nurdl;1428782 wrote: Morning Yah Yah and TDN. Have a great AF day. So much to do, so little time.

                    TWO HANDS ON THE WHEEL....If I knew you were going to be so wreckless I'd a thought twice about giving you that car

                    :thanks: TDN & YahYah


                      af day Tuesday 18th

                      Morning, abbers.

                      Drinking my second cuppa......happy happy, joy joy.

                      I will post more later, but first off, THANK YOU for getting me moving today. I'm getting going to work with a buzz in my heart since I have you guys to get me moving. I'll stick close through this holiday, and hopefully be a support to any who need it, and get mine, too. Just brimming over with how happy I am to be here.

                      It is freaking COLD here today. Frost outside. Yeek. I don't like cold weather. I would have to hibernate where most of you live.

                      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                      AF since Oct 2, 2012


                        af day Tuesday 18th

                        Morning all - feeling good, but know it is the morning feelings! Got myself a coffee and breakfast sandwich at one of those shops that are everywhere - don't often do this unless travelling, but felt like treating myself today!
                        Good to see all here supporting each other - even though I am only on day 3 (and yup every AF day does count TDN!) - it will be my second AF Christmas - as to last nights possts, somehow I can manage the challenges, it is normality (if there is such a thing) that gets me to slip - it was after Christmas that I "rewarded" myself with a fabulous bottle of really great wine that was a gift for the afore mentioned holiday - Lav will probably recall cautioning me to get rid of it - I did, but not in the ways she suggested - so a word of caution about gifts of the AL nature (and because we all know I have trouble learning a lesson, it was this years gifts that I managed to dispose of - mainly down my throat - this past weekend!).
                        Hope everyone has a good day, will check back later after I do my bit at the ole grindstone
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          af day Tuesday 18th

                          Horrible day! Arrived at the RMV, only to find a note on the door that there would be no hearings today--"sorry for the inconvenience." After a two hiur drive through heavy rains. The woman at the desk was nice, but could only send us to another place--one I avoided due to its location in a city where there is a lot of crime. That place was as bad as the court house! You have to sign your name on a numbered list. . .and wait. And the hours are supposed to be 9-5. NOPE! 9-2, but guess they don't bother posting this on the website. As I was #45, and they were only on #23, and it was 11:00, we were sure I wouldn't be called. However, many who signed in either left or ent outside for a smoke, and lost their place in line. The oman ho was the hearings person came out to hand out forms, and looked like she should be working at Hooters!! OMG. And a shrill voice. Most of the people seemed to have been there before. e met a very nice guy who used to live in the same town we did. He went to renew his license in our state and was told he had a parking ticket in that state and couldn't renew until he paid it. Anyway, I was expecting to pay $500, but no. $1,000! $500 for failing the breathalyzer and $500 for the conviction. The B--ch may have made it up for all I know, but I could not leave before paying it. And the guy with the ticket said they told him he also had a speeding ticket years back that hadn't been paid!! They didn't even have his new address. $450 is what they told him. He left and said he was going to try to speak to somebody else. I was just so upset by this, and also by MR TDN OCD, and have been in a real funk ever since. Even thought of a drink --out of habit, I guess. I have to start paying for my "new" car and make very little money now, and only have some money I am withdrawing from an IRA, as I am 59 1/2. I have a headache, and we are going out to dinner with some friends in an hour, and I feel like crawling into bed. I know it will pass, but really, this state's RMV is known for its incompetence and rudeness. Just like the probation system, which my attorney sister claims is totally corrupt! Oh--and the papers the court told me to bring? No, she didn't need to see them!!
                          Rant over. Just angry that AL brought me to all of this. Not blaming anybody or anything, just angry.
                          "One day at a time."


                            af day Tuesday 18th

                            oy, feeling like ass today but determined to be AF no matter.

                            TDN, what a crapper of a day! jeepers.

                            starting to get the shakes. damn this sucks bad.

                            be well everyone
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              af day Tuesday 18th

                              Hi be well too. Take it easy on yourself you know you'll get through this then it's up, up and away. Here you go :angel:"PP":angel: we're here for you. :l

                              Awww TDN...sorry about the crap you had to deal with...but deal with it you did and now it's a done deal. Concentrate on that and enjoy your evening out...:l PPQ

                              Cheer Up...things could be worse

