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af day Tuesday 18th

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    af day Tuesday 18th

    so sorry TDN - and just when things seemed to be going straight, someone throws a whammy! Well done for venting and not drinking - proud of you,
    Det - do hang in - as you encouraged me last time, no more hair of the dog, as you know this will past and the rainbow will be on the other side.
    Time to think about driving home without stopping, so doing my check in...
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      af day Tuesday 18th

      oh my, this really cheered me up:[/video]](1) Loca the Pug singing......'The pug that couldn't run' - YouTube
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        af day Tuesday 18th

        How too Det


          af day Tuesday 18th

          hey all,i know i sort of invited myself to this thread,but i love mick and his jokes! nothing better to start the day or end it,our spirits are lifted and it makes it a tad easier to deal with everything,you all have a good one
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            af day Tuesday 18th

            :hallo:'re part of the family getting out!

            I invited myself too


              af day Tuesday 18th

              Paulywogg, lovely to have you! glad you enjoy our fun little place here.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                af day Tuesday 18th

                Hi all, Det, get your ass over to subs so we can all love you, as we do.:h
                Enlightened by MWO


                  af day Tuesday 18th

                  Better than that, I'll join you on this thread little bro.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    af day Tuesday 18th

                    Hi SK and PW, this is a good place to hang, lots of really great people.
                    Well, got home - but only just, I came up with at least 20 things that I REALLY needed from different stores, so I could stop and every store would sell me wine - but I got home without it and bolted the door shut!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      af day Tuesday 18th

                      Well, as the stress piled on this week....the dizzy spells returned. I think it is due to the brain just isn't ready to take on so much! If its not better by tomorrow...its back to the doctor.


                        af day Tuesday 18th

                        :hallo: SK...good to see you on this thread

                        :goodjob: SL...keep that door locked

                        :l SF...don't mess about with the dizzy spells...get your :moon: to the Doc regardless.

                        Have a good night...PPQ


                          af day Tuesday 18th

                          Think I may take a mental health day tomorrow....its the stress combined with the fall. I need a day to heal....before taking on the holiday.


                            af day Tuesday 18th

                            Ahhh hang in there everyone.

                            PPQ - love the pics.
                            TDN - you've got this. Life is what it is. You can't control 'them' but you can control your reaction to them. I'm glad you came back when you did.
                            DET - eat, exercise and breath. You've got to do this!
                            Mick - thank you for the tea and our start.
                            KY - if I can play outside at -18 YOU CAN swim at +25! :H. I hope you guys have a good summer, we're going hiking some day soon.

                            Busy busy busy. No time to think. It's year end for me and and we're taking next week off. Well the rest of the company is. I've got an accounting system to wrap up, inventory etc.

                            Ahh my iPad key board just split its self.....

                            Lets see. Yesterday, physio, tonight spin, tomorrow personal trainer, Thusday spin, Friday personal trainer. Saturday 12k snowshoe (elk Island park), Sunday city hike in the River Valley.... Big breath. 26 & 29th two more snowshoe trips and physio on the 27th.

                            Nope no time to think about the season and AL.

                            My heart is still breaking for the families in CT.

                            Ok newbies to the site. Time to settle in to your AL free life.

                            I am CanToo because of the people on this site.
                            AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                            "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                              af day Tuesday 18th

                              Hi to all, SK howdy.... Plant yourself firmly in

                              SL ....... Every time I say 'I do not drink anymore' I get a little buzz of excitement and relief. When I look at a bottle of wine in the shop I also get a buzz that I don't want it or need it anymore. I allow myself to be empowered by NOT wanting it.

                              When you say it is normality that is your trigger I wonder if it is fear of success? After 30 days you know you don't need it...... Maybe that scares you.....just a thought. I also don't think about forever, in truth NOW is the only thing that exists. That is why it is one day at a time


                                af day Tuesday 18th

                                Yoohoo Cantoo :H

                                My little energizer bunny......I am going for a swim tonight, pool is 29 C ..... Yay

