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AF Wed 19 th

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    AF Wed 19 th

    Morning all...and how are we today? all still boozebustin ?excellent..stick together..

    Tea n coffee no the go ...and green, kiwi fruit , lemon ,liquorice and camomile! right then off we go

    Morning are you matey?...enjoy your swim...29 degrees not bad.Iwent for a sim in our heated pool..couldnt turn tho..the taps got in the road :H I am like you I get a wee buzz every time I tell people that I dont drink.I saw someone that used to work for me in a supermarket yesterday..we chatted.She had a trolley containing 14 bottles of wine, 2 cases of beer and a case of cider..and casually mentioned that she would need more for Christmas!!! that how you say it? how are you it is really gruelling in all that sunshine down there!!Did you get your holiday booked?

    TDN...morning to you ...think you need a :l Seeems like that you had a pretty rubbish day yesterday.Did you go for that meal or not bother?Fingers crossed it will all be sorted out soon

    Ppq..morning to you...dont know where you get them but like the comics...this court thingy seems to be going on a bit for you doesn't it?As for looking busy at work... wouldn't really bother.. give yourself a test...just watch and see how many people are doing just exactly that!

    Morning Nurdl..I make no comment at all about knees how are you?Well did you get the Christmas decorations up?

    Morning YAH.....or nosmo that could be your other name Nosmo King....get it?well done you dont give in to the cigs are doing brill

    Mornin ok?grab that cheery yesterday start back!!!and get yourself happy..Temp over here this morning is about 4 degrees so you would be ok

    SL..well done are you?Well done you ..around all the shops..and nae wine !Yes you are right..after a while we tend to pat ourselves on the back and think well done I can beat this have a wee drink to celebrate.....wrong answer!!!!its just a devious think pattern to get you drinking again!!!..and yep we will all get through it!!

    Morning Det ..take it steady, little bit at a time ok? thanks for the kind I pay you now??:H As Pq says you are in now

    SKendall...welcome..replied to your post on another thread the other day..more than welcome to join in another 06 date well done you.

    Morning are you ?Maybe you should go to the doctors with those dizzy spells..wont do any harm to get them checked out. busy busy..dont forget some you time too.....your quote "I am CanToo because of the people on this site."..should read I am Cantoo because I found the courage and strength did it

    Mornin Turn..long time no are you ?hope all is well

    Right thats all folks...take care, stay sober and safe....remember

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! :l

    A guy asks his waiter how they prepare their chicken. The waiter says that there's nothin' special... we just flat out tell' em they're gonna die...

    HUSBAND: Shall we try a different position tonight?
    WIFE: That's a good idea... you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart.

    A lady says to the psychiatrist, "I think I might be a nymphomaniac." He says, "I'll see what I can do to help you. My fee is eighty dollars an hour." She says, "How much for all night?"

    Harry's wife says, "Harry, do these jeans make my ass look like the side of the house?" He says, "No, our house isn't blue."

    Waiter: "Tea or coffee, gentlemen?"

    1st customer: "I'll have tea."

    2nd customer: "Me, too. And be sure the glass is clean!"

    (Waiter exits, returns)

    Waiter: "Two teas. Which one had the clean glass?"

    "Got anything to eat, lady?" asked the tramp.
    "Do you mind eating last week's leftovers?"
    "Not at all."
    "Good. Come back next week then"

    A guy says, "I remember the first time I used alcohol as a substitute for women."

    "Yeah? What happened?" asked his friend.

    The first guy replies, "Well, er, I got my penis stuck in the neck of the bottle."

    My aunt died, God bless her, at a ripe old age of 104. We called her Aunt Tique.

    A bill collector came to my house the other day, so I gave him a huge stack of old bills

    When I came back to Dublin I was court marshaled in my absence and sentenced to death in my absence, so I said they could shoot me in my absence.

    I was walking down the street with my wife earlier when she accused me of being ashamed to be seen with her.

    "That's total bollocks" I replied.

    By text, from across the road.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    AF Wed 19 th

    Good morning, Mick!

    Thanks for the coffee. I was up at 5:00 and need coffee to start the day so early! Fall asleep early every night now, but that's not a bad thing.

    Did go to dinner, and glad we did. Helped to at least have something else to talk about, even if a lot of the conversation was about the shooting in CT. It will be a long time before any of us can think of anything else. The guy I was doing work for ( and hope to resume after January 1) in the educational sales field sold to that town and to that particular school. He is understandably saddened.

    Work today, and looking forward to being busy.

    I wish everyone a great AF day!

    "One day at a time."


      AF Wed 19 th

      Happy Birthday to Lavande!

      Just wanted to wish our dear Lav a very happy birthday! I wouldn't be here I an without her constant help, advice and support.

      Lav, I hope this day turns out to be as special as you are!!

      "One day at a time."


        AF Wed 19 th

        Happy Birthday again LAV !

        Thanks TDN for spotting and starting Lav's thread.

        Thanks Mick for your start, your comments about peeps shopping for booze for Xmas reminds me how most years my main worry was making sure I had 'enough' in. Anything else could, and did get forgotten, but not the booze :H

        I have already saved over $2000 by not drinking ( so why am I still broke )

        Today was supposed to be stormy with the tail end of a cyclone, as usual NZ weather did its own thing and it was lovely if a little humid.

        Had a pig of a day with peeps stressing to get things done that should have been done days ago. Caesarian section on a dog left two days too late so dead pups.....arrrrggghhh!
        But that is life and the bitch was fine. This next few days will be like that so time to get head down methinks.




          AF Wed 19 th

          just a qickie as I'm late tonight! Hope everyone's well; will read back tomorrow.

          Morning Mick, TDN and night Kuya.

          Break is cancelled, so relaxing time at home, but forecast 38 degrees on Christmas Day!!:upset:

          Don't think I could be a vet Kuya; would be a blubbering mess

          Well too dark to see the keyboard, so off for the night (saving power; I'm one of the Scottish diaspora, hence the Celtic drinking genes :H)

          Nighters all


            AF Wed 19 th

            Morning Mick...thanks for the coffee and the kickoff.

            Yup it's dragging it's ass and adding up the $'s. The court date on Jan 3 is just to get them to comply with all the documents. The Feb 11 court date is where we're asking to have them removed. Will be glad when it's over, regardless of the outcome.

            Morning TDN...glad you enjoyed dinner have a great busy day.

            Evening least when I get stressed out at work all that happens is my report doesn't get filed. For the next couple of days...:angel:"PP":angel:

            Evening don't have time for a "quickie"....get to sleep.

            Have a great AF Wednesday all and all to come... PPQ

            p.s. Have you written your letters to Santa yet?


              AF Wed 19 th

              Morning, peeps.

              Off to a good start. I decided to work from home, even though it means cancelling a chiropractic appt. There is so much to do. I need to start the holiday preparations much earlier next year.

              PPQ, I'm sorry to be behind, but what is the court case you are managing? Thank you for the cartoons. They truly brighten my day.

              Mick, I am a total weather wimp. Below 40 F, I'm not happy. I live in California, and chose this state in part for its mild weather.

              Not much to contribute at the mo'; will check in later.

              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

              AF since Oct 2, 2012


                AF Wed 19 th

                Hi, thats all - just hi!
                Happy hump day all....
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  AF Wed 19 th

                  Catbuddy;1429405 wrote: PPQ, I'm sorry to be behind, but what is the court case you are managing? Thank you for the cartoons. They truly brighten my day.Cat
                  CB...Your welcome for the cartoon's if they start pissing anyone off please let me know, I'll stop.

                  In a nutshell...

                  I am suing to have my brother and sister removed as co-power of attorneys to my Dad who is in a long term care facility.

                  They are both alcoholics (runs in the family :H), one lives in his booze filled world and the other doesn't know the answer to 1 + 1 = ?.

                  The brother decided he couldn't handle the sister anymore and resigned (not legally) leaving the sister in control of the estate. She decided she would start paying herself a salary of $35/hr everytime she visited my Dad. Wrote herself a cheque for $30,000.00 (back dating her time to Jan 1 2012). That's when I launched the law suit. I don't care who manages the estate as long as it's not either of those two.

                  :hallo: SL that's all just :hallo:


                    AF Wed 19 th

                    Oh and careful with those "quickies"


                      AF Wed 19 th

                      huppy birfdy Lav!

                      AF so far and jittering like a damn jitterbug. egad.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Wed 19 th

                        Determinator;1429563 wrote: huppy birfdy Lav!

                        AF so far and jittering like a damn jitterbug. egad.
                        :goodjob: on being AF so far....keep it up! The jitters will abate but in the mean time get out a paper and pen and see if you've got artist quailities in ya....sorry just trying to lighten the mood.

                        Really liked the "running dog" link...shared it with the ARMY, hope you don't mind.

                        :l One day at a time...PPQ


                          AF Wed 19 th

                          oh of course porqoui, sharing the laughs is good stuff.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Wed 19 th

                            hi guys,a cold day here in vegas dont even want to go out to smoke,it was warmer yesterday when it was raining! anyways hope everybody is doing good,thanks mick
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              AF Wed 19 th

                              that reminds me I'm going to be in Vegas for a week in Jan. yikes. bad place for drinkers. must get my crap in order for sure.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

