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af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

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    af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

    Morning all..woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday......also had a dream last night...twas a belter..I was in a pub with someone, they bought me a drink,Dont know what it
    was but it was a clear liquid....remember looking at the glass and it was absolutely I sent it back...end result I still didnt have the drink!!!

    Well how are we today?now that the end of the world is nigh?Saw on the news last night that "a spokesman for the Mayan people has said that the interpretation may have all been taken out of context......what is actually meant was that the Mayan calendar goes in cycles of 52..and this is the end of the cycle"

    Anyway ..on with the last brew....Tea coffee anyone?

    Good morning TDN...did you get the little tree made?nice thought that....what are you up to today?

    hi ok mate?sound really busy..tell me why have you got a sanity thermometer? thats about as much use as a chocolate fireguard !!! No seriously take care of yourself...totally agree with your reply to PPQ...she comes first in all of this

    Mornin Nurdl down in New Joisey.....glad concert went well...looks like you are just bimbling about sightseeing!!Cracking saying like a prom dress...oh yes and well 108 now..not day 1 excellent

    Morning Lav..yep heres your cuppa...extra large in case its endex tomorrow!!! how are you today? quiet day or not?Have you got the whole gang with you at Chrimbo? Have a great day

    Morning PPq...yep I know that feeling about computers too...makes the throwing of said item through the window really enticing..How are you feeling now?Is the p store fully stocked up ?Liked the pic of the can see why he picked her.. the obvious good looks just shine through!!:H:H..Keep smilin an heres a hug :l..look after numero uno first...

    Mornin Rabsy..just spoken on anuvver thread...tell me why would you want a blank Czech ?

    Good mornin YAH.....well you wouldnt believe it..but my annual fee for cofee and jokes is $ isnt that strange??:H How are you today?Dont get stressed bout the tenancy...just get it on the market!!....anyway ,,you have a great day

    Mornin Pauly...youre are you? any plans for today?

    Mornin ok..take it easy..the year end stuff wont last forever..come Jan 1 and its history!!!..get some you time in there too.

    Cantoo..hiya..yep guess someone is in the deep shxx..You know went through exactly the same with daughter couple of years ago...was going to bin her midwifery off because she didnt like one of the tutors......fortunately it was resolved..was made quite clear if thats what you want to do crack on..but before you do take a long hard look in the back garden and tell me how many money trees you see growing!! Hope it works out for you too..the goat should be interesting!!!

    Mornin Det...stick with it mate...get cooking..get that smell of garlic wafting about...always wondered why Maccy Ds tasted I know

    Caysea..good morning ..hope you are well, nice to see Chrimbo planned out?

    Mornin are you doing today?..glad to see you on here

    PPQ...have a good cry..nothing wrong with that...but the message to me seems pretty clear...New Zealand, America Canada UK.....and we are all saying the same...look after yourself first...after that is choice..........get them ps in yer pocket and smile on....just walk about today with a big grin on your face..that way people dont know whether you are happy, mad or got wind!!!:H Take it easy x

    Right peeps offski now ...stick at it no matter how hard it is dont give into the al...few days time we will be able to say that we are in the second year of quit..have a great day

    What has one horn and gives milk? A milk truck.

    What is a tree's favorite drink? Root beer.

    What is the best thing to do if you find a gorilla in your bed? Sleep somewhere else.

    What kind of cats like to go bowling? Alley cats.

    What kind of eggs does a wicked chicken lay? Deviled eggs.

    What kind of ties can't you wear? Railroad ties.

    What lies on its back, one hundred feet in the air? A dead centipede.

    What do you call a country where everyone has to drive a red car? A red carnation.

    What do you call a country where everyone has to drive a pink car? A pink car-nation.

    What would the country be called if everyone in it lived in their cars? An in-car-nation.

    What's gray, eats fish, and lives in Washington, D.C.? The Presidential Seal.

    What's green and loud? A froghorn.

    What's round and bad-tempered? A vicious circle.

    Where did the farmer take the pigs on Saturday afternoon? He took them to a pignic.

    Where do fortune tellers dance? At the crystal ball.

    Why did the doughnut shop close? The owner got tired of the hole business!

    Why does the Easter Bunny have a shiny nose? His powder puff is on the wrong end.

    Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team? She ran away from the ball.

    Why were the teacher's eyes crossed? She couldn't control her pupils.

    A gentleman is any man who wouldn't hit a woman with his hat on.

    If you can still hear the music, it's not loud enough!

    Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle

    The chickens have come to roast

    If your parents didn't have any kids, there's a good chance you won't.

    An atheists worst moment is being truly grateful with no one to thank

    A self-made man? Yes - and worships his creator.

    A verbal contract is not worth the paper it is written

    Forecast for tonight: Dark

    Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much

    Always use tasteful words. You may have to eat them.

    A man and a woman who had never met before, but who were both married to other people, found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a trans-continental train.
    Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, he in the upper berth and she in the lower.
    At 1:00 AM, the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying,???.
    ?Ma?am, I?m sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? I?m awfully cold.?
    ?I have a better idea,? she replied ?Just for tonight,?? let?s pretend that we?re married.?
    ?Wow!???????. That?s a great idea!?, he exclaimed.
    ?Good,? she replied. ????.?Get your own f***ing blanket.?
    After a moment of silence, ???????.he farted.

    Two snowmen are standing in a field. One says to the other : "Funny, I smell carrots too".

    There are 2 cowboys in the kitchen. Which one is the real cowboy?
    The one on the range.

    Q. Where do you find a one legged dog?
    A. Where you left it.

    Don't spend $2 to dry-clean a shirt. Donate it to the Salvation Army instead. They'll clean it and put it on a hanger. Next morning buy it back for 75 cents.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

    Christmas...where will you be

    Well Ill start the ball rolling...this is our place..this is where I will be at Chrimbo...had to take the pics with a fish eye lens..thats why they are a bit wonky..well thats my excuse!!!:H
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

      Good morning, Mick!

      Thanks for the coffee, jokes and--the pics of your home! Looks really lovely! I especially love the sunroom. It's my favorite place in our house, too. What is the large glass structure to the right? The name escapes me--brain cramp. Solarium? I think it mus be the neighbors'? Anyway, looks like you'll be in a nice place for "Chrimbo."

      Up at 4:30 this a.m. I was asleep by 10:30 after another long day at the shop. Knackered (I love that word, and originally thought it meant drunk:H) Never did get my tree made, as the "boss" arrived just after I did at 8:15, and the craziness started right aay! Hoping to get it started at least this a.m. I know that my major problem is lack of real exercise, and I need to start a program after Jan 1. I was limping around like an old lady last night:H

      The friend who gor me the part time sales work emailed me about a full time job in the same field (educational sales) and she has given my contact info to the manager. I would be a great fit, but I live outside the major territory, and traveling to NY and NJ wouldn't thrill me. But it does look like the majority of work is done from home, and travel is for conferences and exhibits. I will look into it, although Mr TDN was crazed when I mentioned it. And ith a background check and that Interlock on my car--may not make me a good candidate anyway.

      PQ--I am SO sorry for what you are going through! Everything hitting you at once. That BIL should not have contacted you, given the circumstances of your divorce and all. You do have to look out for yourself first. I completely relate, as I have always put others first and have tried to make them happy while I as suffering myself. I know it's one of my character defects, as AA teaches, and still find myself falling into that. Lack of self esteeem--yup, that will do it. But you have done so well, have come so far amidst terrible problems, and AL would start the cycle of horror all over again! I'm glad that your last post was around midnight, so no chance of getting any booze Stay here and vent away. We all understand. And, if it helps, use me as an example. Hearing the "hearings officer" at the RMV look at me and tell me that I would have a THIRD offense if I got another DUI in that state, and that means jail--for a long time. And the financial damage from all of this? Don't even want to think about it.

      Can, hope that son learns a lesson! Sometimes I am happy that I never had kids.

      Det--hang in and do whatever it takes.

      SL--gummy bears beat AL any day I have been eating a lot of sweets (at work) and for right now, I am not beating myself up. Jan 1 is coming!

      SF--hope you are okay. I banged my head yesterday and have a bruise and saw stars for a moment, and thought of you and the head injury. Hope it's better.

      Pauly, RC, Cat, Lav, KY, YahYah, Blondie and all the rest--have a great AF day!

      "One day at a time."


        af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

        Hidehi campers!

        Thanks for the start Mick my man.....and how are you?

        My moods are still yoyoing wildly but now it is through the day rather than a daylong thing WIERD

        Cantoo ...... At 17 I was probably foul, I know I challenged everything. Good to know your kid is normal

        SL ..... Like Cantoo said .....up the L glut rather than sugar, it will stabilize your blood glucose. You too DET ....... Off to Lost Wages? Would love to see it..... I still find the unabashed decadence fascinating. Gambling bores me but watching gamblers would fascinate me. Our biggest casino here is seedy in comparison.

        PPQ ..... You OK today? Listen I know it is hard going but the moods ATM color everything. Take less on, get more sleep and try and remember that if you were no longer around these emotional sponges would survive. Just care for YOU......:l:l

        Pauly sound better these last few days. I think you needed a check in point. When you are flitting around you feel a little isolated. I post all over but this would be my 'home', even though we are rarely all on at the same time.

        Hiya TDN......getting your life back together must feel good. Hard time of year though so don't overdo PPQ ...... Get plenty of sleep.

        LAV ...... Did you have a good birthday? Saw the piccie of your Gson ...awwwww

        Blondie .... How hot today? I love NZ .... Never too hot.....never too cold..... But still has seasons ...... Perfect

        No frogs tonight YAY, and a later start tomorrow morning, then shopping :upset:.....I HATE shopping

        Hi to anyone I have missed, have a great day wherever you are



          af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

          Morning all. Thanks for the terrific start Mick. I'm sure the check is in the mail for all your early morning work. I'll take my tea in bed this morning. It sure sounds like the end of the world here. Wind and rain lashing at the windows. Well if we go today I'll be at home because Im not going out in this mess. Going to wander the threads a bit I'll be back later.
          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


            af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

            Good Morning emotionally spent!!!

            Thanks for all your support and help yesterday I sure did need it.

            No visit to the liquor store so ok on that front, for the rest of it the jury's still out.


              af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

              PPQ...glad you are ok :l
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

                Hi, Nurdl Good idea to stay home! A mess here, as we got snow and freezing rain and schools are called off today. Mr TDN hates driving in this, even though the shop is only ten minutes away, so waiting for him to decide we can lea:Hve
                "One day at a time."


                  af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

                  Good morning Abbers,

                  So glad we are all still here. So much for predictions, huh?

                  Lovely pics Mick! You need some snow to blanket your outdoor space

                  PQ, take everyone's advice & focus on yourself. Stick close to us today & draw on our collective strength & help yourself to some of my Lavan-ittude

                  Greetings Nurdl, Kuya, Cantoo, TDN & everyone! Where are Satz & Shoe these days?

                  Had tons of rain here last night, wind that knocked out the power for a few minutes overnight but all is calm at the moment. I'm off to Curves & the market. Yes I am having the entire crew here for dinner & gifts Christmas eve so lots of prep work today!!!

                  Have a terrific AF Friday everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

                    Love your pix, Mick! What a beautiful serene place you have there!

                    I'm just flying in to say hi; I actually start work at what others would consider a normal time today.

                    PPQ, I'm glad you are cried out. Your BIL was out of line to ask you. Your ex needs new people to suppport him. You need your own friends to support you. People ask outrageous things sometimes. Your job is, indeed, to take care of yourself, and that means avoiding any crazyness you can to not drink.

                    At any rate, I've gotta run. I'll check in later!

                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

                      thanks for starting us this morning mick,thank you kuya i agree,i like you guys its an easygoing group and it feels cozy,i dabbled in a few threads at first,cant do the mods(makes me feel i can drink) nn moves to fast,this ones just right! plus micks positive attitude is contagious,you guys have a great day
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

                        thanks Mick for starting us up on the 'end of the world day'. seems pretty un-ending so far but we'll see...

                        PPQ any better state of mind? eating ok?

                        Hippyman, same member called hippie previously? just curious, welcome either way!

                        feeling much more humanoid-like today. back in the paleo eating mode and healthy lifestyle. now to get through the early slippery days and get this AF-mobile a few miles down the road to stable territory.
                        going to try for a mild hike this Sat with AF friend

                        back soonish. be well!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

                          Hi Det...doing better today, the anger and the crying has stopped.

                          Going through a bit of anxiety today but I will get through it.

                          At least I didn't hit the liquor store so that's a plus.

                          Thanks for all your support yesterday it was much appreciated. :l

                          Guess I really needed to hear that I can come first and there's nothing wrong with that.

                          You sound better as well and yes I actually just finished eating even though it's noon here.

                          Enjoy your hike tomorrow...-20 here today so not outside for any length of time....PPQ


                            af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

                            Lavande;1430306 wrote: PQ, take everyone's advice & focus on yourself. Stick close to us today & draw on our collective strength & help yourself to some of my Lavan-ittude
                            Thanks for the Lavan-ittude and I have taken everyon'es advice about putting me first.

                            May feel more like posting later but I am reading along today. Thanx again....PPQ


                              af day Fri 21st..oh no its the end of the world

                              YoungAtHeart;1430330 wrote: [FONT=Georgia]PPQ, I'm glad you are cried out. Your BIL was out of line to ask you. Your ex needs new people to suppport him. You need your own friends to support you. People ask outrageous things sometimes. Your job is, indeed, to take care of yourself, and that means avoiding any crazyness you can to not drink
                              Thank you for that YahYah...he was out of line!

                              Posted a bit so you know where I'm at emotionally today. May be able to post more later, just taking it easy for now....PPQ

