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af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

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    af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

    Well here we apocalyptic horsemen at the door,,,no nothing...oh well get it right one year I suppose!!Morning all..and how are we today?Weather over here is pretty wet strangely enough again...dont think there will be a great trade in Christmas sleighs this year!!
    Tea and coffee on the go ..and I am on Turkish strawberry tea its very more ish

    Good morning are you?Yep methinks after Jan 1st there wilt be a few of us doing exercise programs!!!Best of luck with the good if you could do it from home.This driving thing is certainly taking quite a few turns isnt it?All you can do is stick with it and grit your will get there

    Affers are you today matey? those moods still yoyoing?You stay hear? good lass...what are you doing with yourself today? Pool weather is it?Another of my friends goes over there at the end of January..but its only for 6 months

    Morning Nurdl...can tell you this..if you were over here you wouldnt be jotting about in the wee purple car with your top down are you today?ok I hope..mind you doesnt sound like it is too clever over there either..snuggle into the duvet time!!!

    And a very good morning to you ppq...see the words just flow in sheer poetry! :H how are you feeling today? any better?Well after worldwide consultation we have established one thing..and that is look after number if you work on that principle, things should start to fall into place...keep those ps in your pocket at the moment..dont think you need them..but better be safe than sorry! have a nice day.

    Morning Lav...the usual? one large coffee coming are you today?thanks for the offer of snow but is it ok if I pass at the moment? When it does land it gets pretty bad..gritters cant get up here so we all go out and dig the snow away off the road....well most of us do!How are the Christmas prep plans doing? ok?

    Morning YAH...and how are you today?...bit of a rush still working?or is it last minute dash before Christmas?

    Hippymann...good morning and are you?Your intro sounds pretty positive so stick with for the the name 4 sure sounds good to me

    Pauly...hiya good morning to you...glad you found a home here...great ..glad I am contagious by the way thats what it is all about..having some fun and "meeting" new people along the way

    Morn to you sound a lot better today....thinking positive..good man..enjoy that hike...remember it will only win if you let it..that vid was very nice..

    Mornin Mr G ..long time how are you down there? take it that its all sun and barbie weather down there? me..I prefer the cold dark wind and rain that then turns to ice have a great day mate

    SL...firstly well done you on not buying any wine ..thats great..just say no..sounds like the weather over there is pretty similar to that over here, so you certainly wont be homesick on that score!!!
    Can you do me a favour? next time you feel that you need wine..can yo write down as honestly as you can the plusses and minuses of drinking it ? Without trying, I can think of at least 10 minus point off the top of my as lateral as you want..Nice one with the pizza as" the last supper."..pretty sure there aint too many salami and cheese toppings in that painting :H
    Photos are on the Christmas thread...dont think that idea worked too well!! back to the drawing board!!

    Good morning are you today?All quiet on the western front?normal service resumed in the household?My daughter came home yesterday....she is 21..soon as she walked in I could smell cigs..Remarked on casually as ever she says yes thats probably me..I have the odd one now and again..!!Puts a bit of a different slant on the endless amount of money we shell out to her, but certainly a point for discussion..I smoked, saw did my wife so thats up to her, but I certainly aint subsidizing it!!
    Cantoo the pics were ones I put on te thread called where you be at Christmas

    Morning are you today?Only my opinion now, but I think you need to sit down and work out a plan in black and white and how you can deal with it..You need to be strong and more what take charge now...remember you are number you need to work around making sure that number 1 is ok for the ct scan..for me that would be a given to get it done to make sure that is there you go New Year resolution started early for you...go for it

    Well it me off to the airport in a wee Im just dropping her parents off ..might be out early tomorrow..wont know till later on

    whatetever you do, wherever you are stay safe and sober...we can beat it together!!!

    Overpopulation : When people take leave of their census

    Life: a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate

    Bank Rule: To get a loan, first prove you don't need it.

    Dead people are cool

    Television: the bland leading the bland

    4SALE: 1 Parachute. Used once, never opened, small stain.

    Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    We all make mistakes... said the Dalek climbing off the dustbin.

    Democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.

    Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.

    If you don't like the way women drive....get off the sidewalks

    "It is unbelievable what unbelievable things an unbeliever will believe in order to be an unbeliever."

    BIGAMIST: A heavy fog in Italy.

    9 out of 10 men who try Camels prefer women.

    Politics - Poli = Many , Tics = Blood sucking parasites

    "I'd love to help you out. Which way did you come in?" -- Groucho

    Hey! Look at our Al. He's the only boy walking in step!

    I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet.

    Very few people can afford to be poor

    If God wanted us to go METRIC Jesus would've had 10 disciples not 12.

    98% of all constipated people don't give a crap

    Attention animal lovers, what you are doing is illegal....

    100% of all smokers die. So do 100% of all non-smokers.

    To every rule there is an exception. Except this rule. Er...

    "Trust me, I haven't done this before and it didn't work then either"

    Maths and alcohol don't mix. Don't drink and derive.

    I accidently ate some Christmas decorations the other day and now I have a really sore throat. I went to the doctors and he said it looks like I have tinsel-itus.

    What do you call a bear with no teeth, a gummy bear!

    What gets bigger when you pull it and even bigger when you put it in the hole? A seat belt.

    A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: ?My friend is dead! What can I do??

    The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: ?Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.? There is a silence, then a shot is heard.

    The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: ?OK, now what??

    I saw a monkey today, he asked me for a tin opener. I said "What do need a tin opener for? You're a monkey and you eat bananas." The monkey replied "Yeah, but I fancy peaches today."

    A guy goes down to the beach one day and curiously notices all the other guys who are there have Arnold Schwarenegger Adonis type physiques and have abnormally little heads. As this guy is walking along the shore, he suddenly notices a lamp that has washed up on the beach. He picks it up and wipes the sand from the lamp and just then a Genie appeared who just happened to be one hot babe. The Genie says, ?You have three wishes and three wishes only.? The dude says, ?I always wanted to be a millionaire.? Bling!!! She says, ?It?s done, you are now a millionaire; the money is now in your bank.? ?Wow?, the guy exclaims, ?I have always wanted a body just like all of these guys on this beach.? Bling!!! Amazingly, his body transformed before his very eyes. ?You?ve got one more wish?, the Genie said. ?Okay, since you are such a hot babe and I have such a great body now, how?s about a little head from you?? ?Your wish is my command?, said the Genie. Bling!!!

    A Jelly Baby goes to the doctor. "Doctor, doctor. I
    think I've got an STD."
    The doctor is surprised, "You can't have an STD, you're a Jelly Baby!"
    "But doctor, I've been sleeping with Allsorts."

    guy walks into a butchers and says "a pound of sausages please mate"

    the butcher says "its kilos now mate, kilos"

    the guy says "fine, I'll have a pound of kilos"

    A man goes to the doctor to have a genital enhancement. The only thing the doctor can enhance him with, is the trunk of an elephant that sadly died at the local zoo.
    The operation is a success, and a couple of months later the man goes for a check up. The doctor asks him how the enhancement was working.
    "Well Doc" says the man "It was all going well when I met this girl in a bar and bought her a drink. We were getting on great until my appendage flopped out of my trousers, grabbed a load of peanuts and shoved them up my backside"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

    Morning AFfers,

    Thanks for the kick off, jeez man where do you get the jokes? :H

    My mood overall is much better it is just changing from a bad day to up and down through the day...... Nothing too terrible, just bloody annoying cos the down turn is unrelated to anything. Makes me a bit irritable with family. Also sick of feeling so tired by 2pm.....but actually today was OK even though hot and humid.

    Beautiful day here, worked this morning (9-12 on saturdays) did SOME shopping, bit of cleaning, had a dance and a sing song with my daughter and then had a swim. All in all a pleasant day

    Haven't got round to piccies .......will try tomorrow, bit of a technophobe so will have to get kids to help post them.

    Anyhoos ..... Laters mateys



      af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

      Yaaaaawwwwwnnn... stretch... mornin Mick. Thanks for ... the ... yawn... tea in bed. So kind of you. Alarm is about to go off. I'm supposed to get my arse out of bed to try a yoga class this morning but my bed is especially comfy and warm this morning and it's so dark and cold outside. Yup, trying on a new gym before I sign up. It's so nearby and I really must get this body moving.

      Oh, and thanks for the detailed directions for posting photos. I'll give it a shot. I used to have my own he photo business. Families, kids, head shots etc. I had a home darkroom and was pretty good. Studio lights backgrounds the whole thing. Then came digital and I got lost. I loved the magic of the darkroom. A girl who likes to get her hands dirty.

      Damn. Alarm just went off. Alrighty, I'm off to hurt myself, I mean stretch myself, lol. Laters.
      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


        af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

        Good morning, Mick and all to come.

        Quick check in, as I want to try to get into work early to make something as a gift for a friend. Hasn't happened that last three days!

        Slept fitfully, I guess, but when I did get up, I thought "I have 30 days today." That is what will keep me focused on being positive. I remember when I couldn't seem to get one day, then went over six months, so I know I can do it. This time is it. I will do whatever it takes to stay AF, and the support I get from all of you is so important.

        Will check back in later to read all the posts, but ant to wish everyone a happy AF day!

        "One day at a time."


          af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

          Good morning, KY and Nurdl. Cross post.
          "One day at a time."


            af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

            Good morning Abbers!

            Keep the coffee coming Mick, thanks
            The puppy had me up & outside before sun this morning, so cold & windy out there!!!
            I'm hearing rumors about some snow on Christmas, hmm.

            Greetings Kuya & Nurdl!

            TDN, CONGRATS ON 30 AF DAYS!!!!! :yay:
            You are focused, now just stay that way

            I have 3 million things to do today so I'd better get started :H
            Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday! Let's keep this AF thing going ~ i'm used to it now!!!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

              CONGRATS ON 30 DAYS TDN

              :happy: :wd: :yay: :whee:

              Oh and Good Morning KY, Nurdl, Lav and Mick thanks for the coffee and the kickoff....
              Didn't realise you'd started the Chrimbo Thread...must have had my mind on other things. lol
              Off to check it out shortly.

              Had a decent sleep last night which is a good thing as I'm working a casino today.
              That is if my car starts in this -21 weather. So will be busy all day which I'm looking forward to but won't be able to check back in till evening.

              Have a great AF Saturday all and all to come....PPQ


                af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

                morning all! Afternoon to you, KY and Mick.

                You really had me cracking up today, Mick. Thanks for the coffee. I'm needing it today. Do we get to start guessing again what you do early on Sunday mornings?

                Kuya, I'm glad you're no longer in a funk, but the mood swings sound aggravating. Glad you had a good day. Hopefully, the moods will settle down soon. Hang in there.

                Have a good yoga class this morning, nurdl! I guess you will have to put the top up on your car, though. It's awfully windy this end of the country!

                Congrats on 30 days, TDN! You are well on your way into your new life. It's good to hear you sounding so determined. Soon you will get all the shit cleared up with your license. It sounds like a royal pain in the ass, truly. Keeping my fingers crossed that you don't have to go through too much more to get this done.

                Hope you have a great day, Lav! I'm not even thinking about drinking right now. Since I've given up the ciggies, I think about THEM, not AL.

                Well, some of the lights on my tree went out, so I took down all the decorations last night and will have to redecorate today. *#%^(@!!! Oh well, there are worse things to deal with, so I won't complain. My daughter will be coming up today, and I am so looking forward to having several days with her. I'm glad that I will NOT be with my sisters this Christmas. It is much safer for my sobriety and smoke-free life to not be with them at this point.

                I got my cats one of these toys that has a ring with a little ball that rolls around in it but can't be gotten out. The old farts are having a ball with it. It is fun to watch!

                Anyway, off to get some stuff done before Maddie gets here.

                Have a good AF day, all!

                Oh, and cross-posted, PPQ. Have a good day. Brrrrrrrr........

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

                  Also sick of feeling so tired by 2pm.... KY....thats easy...change the time on the clock!!
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

                    TDN WELL DONE ON 30......:wave::banana::wave::bday2::wave::yougo:
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

                      I think I lost this, if I posted twice then it's just 2 times the fun!

                      TDN is Rocking 30 Days AF!!!

                      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                        af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

                        survived yoga although my downward dog is more like dog lying face down on yoga mat, lol
                        cheers everyone!
                        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                          af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

                          top of the Sat ABerooos!

                          feeling fairly perk-ish happy to report!

                          Nurdle, hope your downward dog uprights istelf soon. LOL

                          waaaay too much snow in the sierras to safely navigate the area so I'm off to breaky with friends then to walk around the gunshow and watch the morons pay retail + 50% for the things they forgot to buy months ago LOL.. incidentally the local gunshow is where I end up buying 90% of my cooking knives. they have estate sales there with all kinds of interesting things.

                          Porquoi, how you faring today?

                          Lav, love those puppies for me. I sure miss my dogs of years pasts. someday.....

                          be well everyone. I better check the road conditions
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

                            Glad you are feeling better Det

                            Here's an example of doggie love - my big 100 lb. Swissy followed my youngest grandson (who was wandering around) & stayed by his side, in protection mode

                            No snow here just cold & very windy!!!!

                            Hope you got your lights sorted out YahYah. I think yuo are going to have a great Christmas with your daughter! Who the hell needs relatives? :H

                            PQ, how's everything with you?

                            Hey Nurdl & the fantastic TDN rocking 30 AF days!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              af Saturday 22Dec...2.5 shopping days!!

                              [QUOTE=Lavande;1430911]Glad you are feeling better Det

                              Here's an example of doggie love - my big 100 lb. Swissy followed my youngest grandson (who was wandering around) & stayed by his side, in protection mode

                              Lav I LOVE THIS SHOT!
                              AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                              "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


