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af day Tues 25 Dec

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    af day Tues 25 Dec

    Merry Christmas All!
    Yes its Christmas Day here in New Zealand and we are expecting at least 25 degrees Celsius - so we might eat Christmas dinner outside under the trees. Baked salmon, salads and new potatoes - plus lots of dessert later. I have done the Santa thing (although my daughter is nearly 15 years old - she still expects 'Santa' - plus the pressies under the tree!). This time Santa did not have a glass of wine (actually this Santa would have had a bottle or two last year) and wake up with a headache and anxiety about the day ahead. I think my new sobriety is the best gift to her, my partner and most of all myself! Still early days I keep telling myself and I must not be complacent - as the beast loves to try and sneak in when it can.

    Mick - loved your 'excuses' for not drinking. TDN, Kuya, Porquoi, Nudl, Lavande, CanToo - also great to hear how you spent Christmas Eve. And to everyone else - have a great Christmas day when it comes to you - breathe, its only 24 hours and for part of that you will be sleeping - and you will not wake up on Boxing Day with regrets (that doesn't mean you have to be Pollyanna - you can be the Grinch if you want), a sore head and other nasties. :h:goodjob:

    af day Tues 25 Dec


    raining her and humid, but music playing and all is well with the world......have a great day wherever you are


      af day Tues 25 Dec

      Morning and Merry Christmas Treetops and Kuya and hi to those still on Christmas Eve.

      A hot one here too; already 29 and heading up to 38. Had a quick paddle in the river with doggie to cool down. Eating junkie, sugar-laden chocs and they're not as good as I remembered!!

      We'll be dining under the gum trees too, Treetops, though toes will be dipping in the dog pool and perhaps even a knotted-hankie hat to completed the look!

      Hope everyone has a fab fun day. Was a bit maudlin last night and couldn't watch the Carols as that was my traditional drinking and remembering and weeping time. Will try and get a piccy up at some point.

      Off to read back
      lots of Christmas love to everyone here


        af day Tues 25 Dec

        Great syntax there! I meant I'd try and get a Christmas pic up; not one of me down in the dumps.

        Ho Ho Ho


          af day Tues 25 Dec

          You guys all sound great. Hope you filled up with food and new memories.

          Almost time for Mick and Molly to get up. Wake up wake up.

          AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

          "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


            af day Tues 25 Dec

            Hi CanToo!
            Just about to fire up the barbie. And I really can't be bothered. Hot. Grumpy and slightly miserable and, worst of all, feel like a drink. Partner is all happy, because he's about to head out with a coldie, but the thought of sitting outside in this mood and weather watching someone drink does not appeal. But it's Christmas, so I can hardly sit inside and sulk.

            Oh well, I know it'll pass. Just need to find the cheer again
            Bahbloodyhumbug :H


              af day Tues 25 Dec

              Hi there Blondie. Hope you got through the drink feeling. I drank so much soda water today I could burst. Partly drank it cos it was so hot and I was cooking - and I wanted something other than tap water. Last year that soda water would have been wine. The wine would have given me energy for several hours and then I would have fallen asleep. But could get away with such behaviour on this day - except my problem was always that I drank but did not eat...
              This year We ended up eating inside as there were too may flies outside and we were having salmon (thanks to the Canucks I found a great festive recipe for this). Had the white chocolate cheesecake I made later while we laid under the trees.
              So my friends in the Northern climes - you will be now starting your Christmas Day or about too. Hope it is lovely and not too stressful.


                af day Tues 25 Dec

                A marvelous Merry Christmas! fellow abbers.

                I'm still in me pit... need to go stuff a turkey. Hope you all have a very stuffed christmas, whether that be BBQ, Salmon, Turkey, or, as it might be with Mick, another box of choccie biscuits :H


                  af day Tues 25 Dec

                  Cantoo.................yawn yawn thats me up

                  Merry Chrimbo you are all awake...hope you all have a great time today..its rainig here, not much but its that fine stuff that gets you wet!!!!!

                  First pressie for me...two Irish coffees in a box!!! look out someone you will be getting them as a pressie!!!

                  Right not going to spend too long on here , let you get on with your various stages of Christmas Day...heres a little game for you alll...below are a number of sayings...see how many you hear today

                  Aw you shouldnt have bothered

                  Thanks its really nice..just what I have always wanted

                  No thanks Im fine dont need any help

                  What are we having for tea

                  This kitchen isnt big enough for us all

                  Go on put the hat on

                  You go and sit down..we ll do the washing up

                  Snore...Snore !!

                  Right have a quick snooze before .......comes on

                  Is nobody going to help me

                  You know I feel a wee bit tipsy....(NOT you)

                  Oh go on then just another one

                  Come on eat up its all got to go

                  Thats me Im full

                  Couldnt eat another thing..ok just one more

                  Pudding? just a little bit

                  :stomper:Is anyone else going to help

                  Been slavin away all day and thats all the thanks I get!!! :upset:

                  Big shout to all those that arent here..Lills, Shue, Floss, if you are there have a great time...and hurry back x

                  SL....chin up keep smilin, PPQ, remember numero uno, Cantoo all the best, Lav one coffee on wheels for you, KY...doing great matey, Det ...garlic turkey?? fightin :H down today??:H Rabsy...behave!!..stuffin turkeys..youll get caught..treetops well done on the soda water..TDN have a great day, YAH hope you are ok, Hippyman you ok?SF, how are you
                  Apologies to any I havent remembered

                  Take care

                  10 Reasons Why a Woman WOULD LIKE to Be Santa Claus

                  There'd be no more early morning decisions about what to wear to the office.
                  No one would bother to ask Santa Claus for a ride to work.
                  Buy one big brown belt and you'd be accessorized for life.
                  You'd always work in sensible footwear.
                  You'd never be expected to make the coffee.
                  There'd be no need to play office politics; a hearty ho-ho-ho would remind everyone who is the boss.
                  Juggling work and family would be easy. All your children would adore you; even your teenagers would want to sit in your lap.
                  You'd never take the wrong coat on your way home.
                  You could grow a tummy the size of Texas and consider it a job requirement of a funny Santa Claus.
                  No one would ask to see your job description.
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af day Tues 25 Dec

                    MERRY CHRISTMAS


                      af day Tues 25 Dec

                      Merry Christmas to you all.

                      Not going to post much, as I woke hoping that letter was just a bad dream. Not feeling much like celebrating, but have to at least manage a smile for our friends who are coming for dinner this afternoon. Need to get an attorney to help me, and hope that this season doesn't mean they are all off work. KY, this letter wasn't just a deterrent to keep me off the roads--I can't drive anyway.
                      Thank you all for just being here every day.

                      "One day at a time."


                        af day Tues 25 Dec

                        TDN.....think KY i s right..its a blanket, so thayt if you were caught driving now then you could not say you had not been warned.Very much suspect it will be reviewed after the silly season...Dont think there will be anyone doing much today or stay calm and chill just now till it is sorted one way or the other and then you can make plans..I know its hard, but try not spoil your todays with what ifs..Big Chrimbo cuddle for you :l
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          af day Tues 25 Dec

                          Merry Christmas morning Abbers!

                          Sitting here in the quiet & enjoying the coffee ~ nice

                          TDN, there is nothing anyone can do today but tomorrow courthouses & attorney offices should be open & back to work as usual. I know YB was summoned to appear at a hearing tomorrow re a motorcycle accident he witnessed 2 months ago. Please hang in with us today & feel our collective strength :l

                          I found this in my email this morning - what a hard thing to read but serves as a reminder that our troubles may not be as bad as we think.....

                          Twas 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38 when 20 beautiful children
                          stormed through heaven's gate. Their smiles were contagious, their
                          laughter filled the air. They could hardly believe all the beauty they
                          saw there. They were filled with such joy; they didn't know what to
                          say.They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day. Where
                          are we? asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse. This is heaven
                          declared a small boy. We're spending Christmas at God's house. When what
                          to their wondering eyes did appear but Jesus their savior the children
                          gathered near. He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the
                          same. Then He opened His arms and He called them by name. And in that
                          moment was joy, that only heaven can bring Those children all flew into
                          the arms of their King and as they lingered in the warmth of His
                          embrace, one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face. And as if He
                          could read all the questions she had He gently whispered to he, "I'll
                          take care of mom and dad."Then He looked down on earth, the world far
                          below He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe, the He closed His
                          eyes and He outstretched His hand, "Let My power and presence re-enter
                          this land! "May this country be delivered from the hands of fools" I'm
                          taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools! "Then He and the
                          children stood up without a sound."Come now my children let me show you
                          around. "Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran. All
                          displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can. And I heard Him
                          proclaim as He walked out of sight,'in the midst of the darkness "I AM
                          STILL THE LIGHT

                          Wishing everyone a peaceful Christmas Day!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            af day Tues 25 Dec

                            MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL YOU NORTHERNERS

                            Christmas Day here was wonderful, with family and friends and good food and gifts.

                            My son's fianc? and family came and it was amazing. They are from Colombia and we talked of the amazing wealth and peace we all enjoy here ( and I sure that applies to all here).

                            So we all were grateful for what we had, and remembered the 8000 children that die of starvation every day....... Which puts our first world problems in perspective.

                            So be happy, rejoice for what you have and be sober to enjoy it thankfully

                            Love youse



                              af day Tues 25 Dec

                              Glad all is well KY
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

