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December Determination ~ week 4

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    December Determination ~ week 4

    December is coming to an end already, week 4 should have been started before now! Oh well.

    Chill I'm so sorry for your loss. The song was beautiful and I hope it brings you some comfort.

    Hippyman, it's nice to have you along!

    TDN, it's also great to have you joining in with us. I hope you get your legal troubles sorted soon.

    Lav, back to work!:egad:

    Pmom, did you manage to get to sleep without the ambien?

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    December Determination ~ week 4

    Thanks Dill for keeping us on a forward track, I am happy to be anticipating the New Year. I am sorry for the loss of your dear friend, Chill. Life here has so many often dark mysteries, I used to not be able to stand some of them but I am getting better at it. I am home having a quiet day after a marathon of entertaining and being a guest. Although everything went very well, it is so good to be alone and to not have to speak a single gracious word. Hello Hippie and TDN. Love, Ladybird.
    may we be well


      December Determination ~ week 4

      hi dill and LBH! thanks for getting us straightened out dill! no luck with the ambien.heart burn
      was keeping me up.
      quiet day.did some work and made a dent in my work load. had to run into the office tho to turn my pc back on so I could work remotely tonite.what a pain that was!
      I am having a blast playing with my new Kindle Fire HD. what a generous family I have-they are so good to me!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        December Determination ~ week 4

        I knew Dill would drag us into week 4

        Hi LBH, glad you are enjoying some quiet time.

        Papmom, my son has a Kindle Fire & loves it! Like the iPad, it's so much nicer to take along
        Enjoy your new gift!

        Well, we ended up with 1" of snow before it turned to rain. Very windy too - hoping the power stays on.
        I have to be up & out early to babysit ~ swell.
        Have a good night one & all.

        Have the mid-westerners checked in today?
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          December Determination ~ week 4

          Good morning to all...

          Chill, my deepest sympathies for the loss of your friend. Know that my thoughts are with you. Good you were able to visit her and say goodbye. What a tragedy for her children to lose their mom at such a young age.

          Pap, the Kindle sounds fun, kind of like a small computer...lots of heartburn over here too, with all the holiday fare. Hope you sleep better tonight.

          Lav, we had about three to four inches of snow yesterday, with really dangerous driving conditions. I was lucky to get home in one piece, but it IS winter and I just better get used to it.

          LBH, nice to have a quiet day at home. Hope your holiday was special.

          TDN, you are really doing the right things, hope everything straightens out for you in time.

          Well, off to work today, thinking of goals for the new year, 2013.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            December Determination ~ week 4

            Good morning, everyone!

            Been up since 5:00, as usual, because I usually fall asleep by 10:00 or so. When I irst got up, we didn't have much snow, but no the wind is howling and snow coming down sideways! We will get the ten to 16 inches, I guess. I called my friend/boss at 7:30 and could tell that I woke her up! Snow day! Funeral that was scheduled has been postponed until tomorrow. So I get to spend another day at home with Mr TDN-OCD!! JOY! Will just busy myself with this forum and emails and will wait to hear from attorney before deciding which one to go with. Still not too happy that I will have to pay yet again for a system that is totally corrupt and wrong!

            I don't even have an IPhone or anything like it, Pap, so should probably come more into the modern world and get a Kindle:H Nice that your family was so generous with you at Christmas! And wonderful that things have turned around for you!

            Will check in later, but wishing you all a great AF day!

            "One day at a time."


              December Determination ~ week 4

              Morning all!

              TDN-snow days are good!! I had an appointment to bring my car in for the "check engine" light but I'm going to reschedule. We have about 6 inches and it is sleeting now. The snow looks wicked heavy so I'm not looking forward to shoveling it. I really really hate winter!!

              Star-glad you made it home safe. I have yet to test my jeep in the snow. I should be excited to do so but I'm not. Please be careful out there!

              Lav-hope the kids are good for you today. Too bad you only got one inch-you could have thrown them out in it and they would have tired themselves out :H!!

              It definitely be a work day today. Hope I make a dent again.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                December Determination ~ week 4

                Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats.
                - Amos Bronson Alcott

                Good morning all, I'm enjoying the beautiful snowscape outside my window. Lovely! The snow has stopped and the wind has died down. I'll venture out soon to do a little post-Christmas shopping. I'm off until January 3rd and I'm loving it!

                Star, so glad you got home safely yesterday. The driving was difficult here too.

                TDN, I was up at 5 also! I really woke at 4 and couldn't get back to sleep. Hate when that happens! Oh well, at least it wasn't the anxiety filled alcohol fueled wake-up we all know so well. I hear you about the system. It's corrupt and unfair.

                Lav, I hope your weather has calmed down for you!

                Pmom, I am with you on the hating winter weather. It's best enjoyed indoors. I hope the shoveling went OK. Don't hurt your back!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  December Determination ~ week 4

                  Hi everyone

                  Deepest sympathy Chill, so glad that you got to see her before she passed. Nothing but time will help, grieve and take care of yourself.

                  All of you in US take care on those dangerous roads. At least there they are equipped to deal with it, here everything comes to a standstill. Enjoy your snow days and time off. Papmom, enjoy your kindle, it sounds like fun.

                  Had an early airport run with my daughter. Watching Gone with the wind and eating chocolates this afternoon. Back on the diet come January.



                    December Determination ~ week 4

                    Good morning friends

                    Having light snow showers here, still lots of wind too!!!
                    But the roads are fine, thank goodness. Now all I have to do is cope with two kids & the Insanity Twins in this tiny house until Noon :H
                    At that point I will transfer the kids back to my house for the rest of the day. It just feels a bit saner there

                    Drive carefully Star!
                    I don't mind so much dribing in snow - it's the reckless drivers that concern me.

                    TDN, you are in for a big snowfall!!!
                    I hope you can busy yourself with something fun & entertaining & ignore Mr. OCD. My Dad was one of those i remember the blackeye I got for refilling an ice cube tray unevenly, jerk.

                    Papmom. Hope you are settled in for a good work-at-home day. Trying to stay focused on the work is sometimes a big problem, but it can be done

                    The floor here is so cluttered with newvtoy, I hope I don't break my neck tripping over sometjing :H

                    Wishing everyone a good day!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      December Determination ~ week 4

                      I missed saying hello to Dill & Rustop!
                      It took me so long to write my previous post this morning - I was using my iPad & trying to keep two little boys from mauling each other all while tripping over those humongous dogs :H

                      OK, I have to go back & do it all again tomorrow so I'll say good night to all
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        December Determination ~ week 4

                        Good Evening December Devoted Ones,

                        Chill-I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.:l It must feel like a huge void in your spirit. I am so glad you got to see her before she passed away.

                        Dill-thank you for springing us into Week 4. What would we do without you? If I were responsible for starting a thread each week, we'd still be in September!:H I loved your Alcott quote. I so agree with it. Thank you for posting it.

                        Lav-your dad gave you a black eye for filling the ice cube trays unevenly???:upset: I am so sorry for you that you grew up with an abusive father. I'm glad you're such a strong person that you obviously been successful despite being raised in such a tumultuous environment.

                        Rustop-I loved your description of watching Gone With the Wind and eating chocolates. Sounds like a perfect day to me.

                        TDN-I hope you get all your legal red tape sorted out. You're such a bright addition to our close-knit and vibrant group.

                        I am filled with gratitude today. Earlier this month my horoscope told me that I should make amends with people I have let down, disappointed, etc. I believe I ate an entire humble pie when I sent a Christmas card and a long letter, apologizing to one of my friends for drinking and falling asleep (not drunk and not passed out) before we were supposed to meet at a local restaurant, and there she sat, waiting for me.:upset: She had texted me asking where I was, and I left a tearful voice mail, explaining what happened. This happened last May after I failed that exam. I was so emotionally raw, and I had taken an extra 20 mgs. of Baclofen, and mixed with 3 glasses of wine....just knocked me out. I didn't hear from her after that I and I really have missed her friendship. In my Christmas letter, I asked her to forgive me, and asked if we could get together so I could see pics of her first grandchild. Well, today she called and we talked for an hour and a half and we are planning to get together next weekend. She said she felt badly because she had been meaning to call me for months, and hadn't. She forgave me for letting her down and was touched that I would write to her. I can't wait to see her.

                        Big hellos to Papmom, Star, LBH, Catbuddy, and anyone else I may have missed....I hope you are having a peaceful AF Thursday night.


                          December Determination ~ week 4

                          Good morning to all...

                          It's Friday and I am working, yuk. I have a four day weekend so it is not so bad.

                          Dill, loved the quote and love trancendentalism, a philosophy Bronson Alcott helped to create and lived. Success is sweeter when it comes with time.

                          Rusty, what a lovely post, so wonderful your friend responded to you postively. I know that not passing that test was devastating to you and you have come so far since that time.

                          Pap, it's a heck of a storm, we did not shovel, just drove through it. When I arrived home my husband had borrowed a plow to clean off our driveway. More snow for us today, so I will be driving very very slowly to be safe.

                          Lav, you are a saint to be there for your kids and grandkids. Take care of yourself.

                          Hello to all, have to get going this morning. Have a great day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            December Determination ~ week 4

                            Hello All, happy AF Friday!

                            Rusty you have such a sweet spirit. I imagine you felt just awful about missing that meet-up with your girlfriend. I feel the horror just thinking about it! To think I could so easily have done the same. The only reason I think I haven’t done that to a friend is simply because I had isolated myself so much over the years, choosing to drink at home and forego social get-togethers. The drinking took first priority for me, sadly. How do you apologize for that?!!! I am glad your gf is understanding of it and has chosen the path of forgiveness. It really is understandable how it happened, especially with the upset you experienced and mixing wine with meds. It’s good you did fall asleep or you may have chosen to go ahead and meet her in which case you may have had a car wreck or something awful like that. So glad you have remained with us and have shared so much of yourself here. Thank you, sincerely.

                            Lav, I think you may have a touch of insanity? You seem to be going over and above duty in giving of your time! Keep some quiet time for yourself, sis.

                            Rustop, there are way too many chocolates and other treats in this house! Next year is coming fast. I am looking forward to getting back to normal eating and shedding this holiday weight. Even my “fat pants” are tight now!!!

                            Star, I honestly did not know who Bronson Alcott was so thank you for filling me in. I was looking for a quote to express something about struggle because we have all been through the struggle of getting free of al and that should not be forgotten on this thread: the "why we are here". But I also thought of Pmom and her struggle to find a better position for herself. I thought the quote expressed both very well.

                            Although everything went very well, it is so good to be alone and to not have to speak a single gracious word
                            I read that and it was once again as if you took the words out of my mouth. Except you said my words much more eloquently than I might have! Have you any travel plans coming up? I still think about your trip to the Panama Canal and want you to vicariously take me someplace else! Actually, I have a big trip in my future. Mr. D and I have booked an Alaskan cruise!! We’ll go in July, just after I officially retire.

                            Chill, Cyn, TDN, Hippyman, nurdl, Pmom, blondie, Kaslo, turnagain, Mario, Guitarista, et. all, carpe af diem!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              December Determination ~ week 4

                              Good morning frosty friends

                              More snow due here tomorrow - swell.
                              There's not a whole lot of shoveling I have to do except for a small path to the chicken house to take care of the girls. The rest can just stay wherever Mother Nature put it :H

                              Rusty, that's so nice that your friend is back for you!
                              Real friends do that sort of thing without judgment

                              I'm off for another day with the grandsons & grand dogs, oh boy!
                              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

