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af day Saturday 29 Dec

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    af day Saturday 29 Dec

    Kicking off again the new day in New Zealand - weather a bit unpredictable at the moment. For those weather nuts out there - NZ is kind of inbetween the tropical system of the South Pacific (which is getting cyclones at present) and the chills of Antarctica. Partly explains why Kiwis are obsessed with weather (but then so are most of us on this thread - looks like folk in Canada and NE USA are getting some serious winter falls).

    Morning Mick (it will be your night) - I am on my second large coffee - so time to switch to the decaf. Everything OK?

    Good to see you back Sunflower - I too can relate to your anxiety, superwoman mission - these are still issues I am dealing with. The right meds also help lots of people - but you need to see a good quack (dr). Counselling can be helpful but did not work long term for me. For me (and this is just me) I had to find my own balance between putting myself first for sobriety and still doing my professional work, my creative work and most of all still caring for my family. Counsellors kept saying - put myself first - but that only created more anxiety for me - because it made me feel very lonely, unconnected and selfish. So I am trying to reach a balance. Where I have no probs is in not worrying about a perfect house, daughter with superlative grades (very very good will do and I am grateful for that), a great garden, tidy office etc. But I do take time out for myself and tell myself not to feel guilty about that (in the past the few hours with wine was my time out). Anyway thats me and it may be a load of waffle....

    Did visit the dr yesterday - it was a locum and he had the bedside manner of a constipated statue - thank goodness I was in an upbeat mood.
    Night cough still there but I will live.

    Det, Kuya, Blondie, Porquoi, TDN, Lavanche, Can Too, and others - hope the weekend goes well for you all - please don't worry about New Year's Eve. We have all seen enough of those to know what's what.

    Take care - and look after yourselves.

    af day Saturday 29 Dec

    Good Morning Treetops...thanks for kicking us off.

    It really does seem like a "Catch 22" situation doesn't it. I find it hard to put myself first when all my life I've put everyone else first. I'm looking at it as part of "creating myself".
    I find I have to "grow" everyday or I become complacent and that can be deadly for me.

    Glad you got yourself checked out, sorry you ended up with a jerk for a Doc. Sometimes I just want to say to people "if you're not happy with your job, do everyone a favor and get a new one".

    Visit with my Dad this morning and looking forward to it. I missed last weekend and it feels like I haven't seen him forever.

    Have a great AF Saturday TT and all to come...PPQP


      af day Saturday 29 Dec

      Good morning Abbers,

      TT, after a nearly 30 year career working with doctors I can honestly say I only met a handful with a half decent personality. There are what they are I guess
      Glad you are OK & I have to agree that finding balance in our lives is the key!!!

      PQ, hope you have a nice visit with your Dad. Avoiding complacency is big on my daily to do list too!

      The snow hasn't started yet, don't know what's taking it so long to get here. All I really want is to get it over with as I'm not a huge fan these days

      Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af day Saturday 29 Dec

        Good morning! I'm hoping today will be my day off. Nothing but reading and no cooking. It feels as though I've been working my tail off while everyone else has been having a lovely relaxed holiday. We shall see. Lav! Send snow! I have two strong boys here to shovel for me, imready.
        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


          af day Saturday 29 Dec

          nurdl;1434113 wrote: Good morning! I'm honking today will be my day off. Nothing but reading and no cooking. It feels as though I've been working my tail off while everyone else has been having a lovely relaxed holiday. We shall see. Lav! Send snow! I have two strong boys here to shovel for me, imready.
          Can i join in? I have had company for the past week and doing all the cooking, cleaning and entertaining. Too much for me. Holiday season be gone.

          We have more snow here in Quebec this year already than we usually have accumulated by the end of the winter. Love it thankfully.

          Planning on continuing with my aversion to alcohol and marking today as my official start date for sobriety.


          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu


            af day Saturday 29 Dec

            Morning, all! (Or mostly...)

            Thanks for starting this morning, TT. I like your words on finding balance. Oh, and I hope you feel better soon.

            PPQP, I hope you have a great visit with your Dad today. You are up awfully early, n'est-ce pas? I agree that complacency is a killer and that we should all work to not fall into it.

            Morning, Lav. I hope you don't get too much snow. Enjoy your day.

            How are you, Hippyman?

            Nurdl, I guess you won't have your top down today. My policy about snow is, up to 3", I let it be, unless it will get icy; over 3", and I break out the shovel. I love shovelling about as much as I like getting a terrible haircut, but I have found that it helps me stay strong, so I just say I'm getting my workout.

            My club will be having the last dance of 2012 tonight, and they're not forecasting much snow, so it will go on. I'm looking forward to it.

            A client gave me a bottle of wine for Christmas and was very embarrassed when I told her I don't drink. She said she was relieved that I said it would be helpful to give to someone as a hostess gift. I gave it to my neighbor as soon as I got home. It is so much better not to have any booze around, at least for me.

            Okay, off to the races. I've got to finish my casenotes and hem a pair of pants, but otherwise, it will be a pretty lazy day.

            Have a good AF day and a big hi to all to come!


            Welcome aboard, Tipplerette! You will quickly find your name shortened somehow, and we will love having you around as part of the abs crowd!
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              af day Saturday 29 Dec

              May I officially congratulate you Tipplerette on your Sobriety date of Today! It seems like a perfect day not to drink. I'd love to have you join me. I'm going to get a fire going and brew some tea. There's a comfy chaise longue you are welcome to settle into. My mini poodle will curl up next to you. I hope you don't mind leftovers because I'm not cooking.
              we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                af day Saturday 29 Dec

                Tipplerette;1434126 wrote: Holiday season be gone.
                Love it...and so be it :H

                :welcome: Tip...good to see you on this thread...have followed you on one of the other "safe" ones.

                The pics from Quebec on the news are unreal. At least we get our'll probably have that snow till July!

                Hope you're not parked on the street :shocked: Keep those "Healing Hands" safe and warm.

                :hallo: Lav, 4 Sure (hippyman), Nurdl...sending my snow now!, YahYah...early to bed, early to rise :H I'm what "they" call a "morning person"...oh and Nurdl...that chaise lounge is taken, pull out a bean bag for Tip!

                Back at you later....PPQP


                  af day Saturday 29 Dec

                  Okey dokey, will do PPQ. Anyone else stopping by? Sounds like I'm having an open house today. Bring food. I'll provide the drinks. Orangina, iced or hot tea or coffee, juices... I'm on it.
                  we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                    af day Saturday 29 Dec

                    Where's Mick gotten off to? It's not Sunday.
                    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                      af day Saturday 29 Dec

                      nurdl;1434143 wrote: Where's Mick gotten off to? It's not Sunday.

                      I think our Mickster just needs a little bit of "mick" time. He's been a busy, busy, boy.

                      But we're eeky: for you Mick and while I'm at it :angel:"PPP"
                      :angel: tuck these into your pocket...PPQP


                        af day Saturday 29 Dec

                        Thanks PPQ I'm going to need them. Hubs woke up with a cold this morning. I will need loads of patience. He'll be asking for chicken noodle soup for lunch and I'm going to hand him a can opener. Let the whining begin, I've got P's in my pocket!
                        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                          af day Saturday 29 Dec

                          LMAO, nurdl!

                          Hmmm, I'd love to pull up a chaise, beanbag chair, what have you. Nice conversation and maybe a little reading or knitting.
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            af day Saturday 29 Dec

                            What a fine welcome. Love my bean bag chair.

                            I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                            ? Lao-Tzu


                              af day Saturday 29 Dec

                              Hi y'all.......just realised that I had read the thread hours ago and forgot to post!

                              Before you start nagging PPQ ..... Couldn't sleep so after giving up thought I might as well start tomorrow now.

                              Hiya the ladies said, drag up a bean bag and settle in.

                              And where IS Mick? Don't remember an absent note being sent :H:H

                              Yah ..... I am giving IT another go tomorrow .... Wish me u doin?

                              Anyhoos.....see y'all tomorrow today later soon inabit whatever

