I hope as you are all awaking across the world you are feeling good and ready to take on the challenges the year ahead will no doubt bring us. We are a bunch of peaceful warriors and between us there isnt much we cant solve or deal with and together we are quite a force to be reckoned with. I know my 2013 will be better for having you all in it.
Last night Catbuddy resloved to be kinder to herself and it got me thinking about the importance of kindness and generosity. So I hope you like our new title but I cant think of a better way to start a New Year than by being generous to ourselves and to others.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama
Many of you will know that today is extra special to me, I celebrate 3 wonderful glorious years of sobriety. I could not have achieved it without being kind to myself.