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Dropping in to say Hello!!

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    Dropping in to say Hello!!

    Hey Everyone,
    I haven't been posting here in ages, but I do check in occassionally for the always appreciated support and help to stay focused. Let's see... since early November 06 I've had three occassions to drink alcohol and all but New Years Eve were limited to two glasses! That is huge for me!!! I've actually quit counting the days.. but my last sip of wine (and cigarette) was Feb 3rd. Anyway, I thank you all every day!! For it was here, during those early awful days that I found the support to "come out of hiding" about my "secret" struggle with alcohol and for the first time to be honest about it all. That was what helped me make the "click". As Capto and Victoria alluded to in their posts and MikeUpNorth and others have too, the big change for me was made when I made the DECISION to stop drinking. I am in such a better place in life, in my head and in my body. I'm happy. Thanks to all of you wonderful souls... it's great to be traveling this path with you.
    with love!!

    Dropping in to say Hello!!

    Hi Olly.
    It's good to hear you're doing well.
    Thanks for checking in.


      Dropping in to say Hello!!

      Olly - nice to see you.

      Keep well.


        Dropping in to say Hello!!

        G'day Olly. Thanks for dropping in. Still remember you. We sort of registered at the same time.
        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


          Dropping in to say Hello!!

          Well, at least during the same period of time of alcoholic delusion, let it put it that way, grin ...
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            Dropping in to say Hello!!

            Hi Olly, Was begining to wonder about you.. So glad you are doing so well, you certainly " sound " good, it comes across in the words you use... Keep it up..

            Love, Louise xxx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              Dropping in to say Hello!!

              Hi Olly,
              it is so good to hear from you and to hear that you are doing so well. I have been thinking about you and was hoping you didn't fall down into one of these deep crevices in the mountains. All the best.
              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                Dropping in to say Hello!!

                :goodjob: Olly

                That's brilliant news. Thanks for not forgetting us.
                Enough is enough


                  Dropping in to say Hello!!

                  So good to hear from you Olly! I really miss seeing you around--more than you would know!


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Dropping in to say Hello!!

                    Hello Olly, you dear old sprout...Great to hear from you, and all the better when you sound sooooooo good!!!

                    Healthy and happy vibes just hangin' around you like flies Missus....

                    Bzzzzzzz Weemelon xxx


                      Dropping in to say Hello!!

                      I was thinking about you the other day as well Olly. Hope you will still pop in and keep the rest of us inspired!! Good job on making that decision and sticking with it.
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Dropping in to say Hello!!

                        Ah, Gee Guys... thanks for the kinds words and making me feel so welcome here. Ya'all are very special to me. I think of you as "my buds", "my group of friends" that I just really enjoy kicking back with and hanging out... when I can find the time. We are now only two weeks away from making the official move into our new house after living in this aparment for the last nine years... my life is endless boxes and still more packing to do!
                        When we're moved, unpacked and back into a somewhat normal routine I"ll be back to hang out.... relax!.... and spend some time with you. Til then, it's nice to know I can come here and see you all for a quick hello and rememeber that I do have such good buddies who take me "as I am". (that's for you, Young at Heart!)
                        take care, Olly
                        PS... Is Lisa 3102 around?? Amelia??

