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January Generosity - week 2

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    January Generosity - week 2

    Good morning everyone

    Thought I would get us started on the second week of our journey. Wonderful stories from last week. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy reading each and every one of your posts. As LBH says we learn so much from each other.

    Feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. It might just be in my mind but eating right and taking my supplements makes me feel better.

    Have a great day, will check in later.


    January Generosity - week 2

    Good morning on this Tuesday in 2013...

    Still adjusting to this new year. Really disappointed that Notre Dame was crushed, annihilated last night. Darn. Luckily I had a good snack, chips and salsa, to tide me through.

    Rustop, thanks for starting a new thread for this week. I too feel better when I eat right and take my vitamins!!

    Catbuddy, what a transformation in your relationship with your son. Alcohol takes away our ability to be there, enjoy, and interact with our loved ones. Just picturing him zooming down the hill, screaming his joy, is a total high, and the best kind. His wisdom in comparing booze to sugar as something you start and have a hard time stopping was insightful for anyone, especially a kid his age. You have a really special young man.

    Dill, loved your quote, we do what we value. Kind of like the bible verse, your treasure is where your heart is. Being AF allows all of us to be our best selves. You sound good and enjoying your family.

    Lav, I need to get my butt to an exercise facility, but so far have just focused on diet. To be continued.

    Sooty, sounds like you are having a blast with getting out and exercising...sorry about the cold, get well soon.

    LBH, kids are often so honest and energetic, fun to be around, and REAL. I love the way they just say it like it is. I have really limited interaction with kids right now, and miss it. Hearing others experiences confirms how refreshing kids can be.

    Chill, hope you are doing well. Check in when you can.

    The January blahs are trying to set in and I am pushing them away with all I have. Working on meditation at least once if not twice a day, and working on mindfulness. Anyone else beginning or continuing a practice?

    To all, have a great day!!!
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      January Generosity - week 2

      Thank you for getting us started on week 2, Rustop! I'm feeling less bushy-tailed than you. My daughter and co. are still here and we stayed up late watching a movie and eating popcorn. Thank God I am hangover free though!!

      Star, I am pretty sure I posted that very same quote recently, but Catbuddy's story brought it to life for me so I really wanted to re-share it. I know you have trouble with organized religions and I understand your feelings on it. I have an out of the mainstream book that I like that really helps me understand the teachings of Christ apart from Catholicism. The author has a good ability explain it. It talks about the sermon on the Mount, applying ancient spiritual concepts from the Upanishads. I recommend it to anyone interested in that kind of thing.
      You are so right about alcohol taking away our ability to "be" with our loved ones and to connect with them. I am grateful I have been able to be truly present with my family throughout this visit. So very grateful.

      Hi to you nurdl, Lav, everyone, and LBH, yes we continue to get better.

      Time is short here as the visit continues...

      Choose the light.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        January Generosity - week 2

        Good morning friends

        Thanks for starting us up in week 2 rustop!

        Star, I find that I feel my best when I pay full attention to what I'm eating, how much I move around & allow some quiet time for my mind
        Keeping the monkey mind dormant is essential for me, keeps my B/P down & my heart light. These are the things I can control, the rest is out of my control.

        Dill, I'm sure you are enjoying your daughter's visit. You can catch up on sleep later, right?

        I have a free morning here, the grandsons descend on me this afternoon.
        Looking forward to weather in the high 50's this week. Maybe my car will get the thick layer of road salt washed off, who knows?

        Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          January Generosity - week 2

          Good morning to all...

          Dill, may I please have the name of that book, again? I am in the reading mood. It is fun to have visitors, and lots of work. Lucky you.

          Lav, I am so grateful to you for suggesting different authors that have led me to increase my meditation life. I am reading a Kabat-Zinn book and it is awesome. Taking quiet time is essential to feeling calm, for me.

          Enjoying a cup of good coffee and feeling good, sticking to my eating plan. It has really warmed up here, so Lav, it may be coming your way. Have a great Hump Day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            January Generosity - week 2

            Hi Guys

            A quick check in from me to say that all is well, I have just been flat out busy with work and supporting friends that when it gets to the end of the day I have been flopping on the sofa instead of going online.

            Star - Im a big fan of John Kabat-Zinn and often use his guided meditations.

            Lav - Like you keeping the monkey mind in check is essential to my mental health, I pretty much have it as an automatic response now when any negative thought creeps in that I switch to gratitude. My colleague who is a life coach describes our thought patterns like grooves in a record which through habitual thinking get deeper and deeper. The good news is that when we switch to a new positive way of thinking repeatedly that becomes the new groove for us and once the pattern is set we are less likely to stray back to the old groove.
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              January Generosity - week 2

              Hi everyone

              Happy hump day. Like you Star, I am feeling much better eating right etc. I need to get back into my meditation. I did a course last year based on Kabat-Zinn and really enjoyed it. I do so much running around I need to start making more time for myself.

              Just made a pot of cauliflower soup and a delicious salad - roasted sweet potato, lentils, feta cheese and beetroot, yum.

              Have a great day one and all.



                January Generosity - week 2

                Hi Lav and Star, Rustop and Chill, kind of quiet around here yesterday wasn't it?

                My company left yesterday afternoon and as soon as I got back from dropping them off at the airport I started taking down the tree and putting things away. The house was a wreck after 4 days with toddlers running around!! I still have a lot of work to do.

                Star, the book is The Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta, by Swami Prabhavananda. I read parts of the book, not the whole thing. It's not a long book though.

                Back to work and my routine. It will feel good to re-establish the routine.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  January Generosity - week 2

                  Good morning friends!

                  Happy Humpday to one & all

                  I ended up with EB staying overnight which is fine but he is sick. low grade fever, not wanting to eat sort of thing I'm sure his pre-school friends are passing some viral thing around.
                  I have to deliver him back to his house & the babysitter will have to keep an eye on him until one of his parents get home. I do need to keep to my own schedule or risk burnout....

                  Chill, I would say after 4 years of positive thinking practice that it has become mostly automatic. Everyone once in a while I stop & have to think for a few seconds 'Come on Lav, what is positive about this situation?'. It's a way of redirecting myself I think.

                  Star, it's supposed to hit 54 degrees today -yay!

                  rustop, your soup sounds good. I just may have to make some myself later with teh 3 lbs. of mushrooms I picked up a couple days ago.

                  Dill, I know the wrecked house thing after the company has gone but having them all here is heart warming, don't you think? I think i'll look into your book suggestion too.

                  OK, off I go! Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    January Generosity - week 2

                    Happy Hump Day Friends!

                    Rustop-thanks for starting us off promptly this week. Your salad sounds interesting....I've never even had beetroot, but it sounds delicious so now I am tempted to try it. If you have time to post the recipe, please do.:thanks

                    Dill-thank you for the book recommendation. I am trying to do more spiritual and improvement reading and had not selected a book this year. I am so glad you had a lovely visit with your family, and like you, I will be taking down the rest of the decorations today. I also loved the end of your post:
                    Choose the light. I think we should adopt this mantra for our thread since it was inspired by our Cyntree.

                    Chill-big thanks to you for this: My colleague who is a life coach describes our thought patterns like grooves in a record which through habitual thinking get deeper and deeper. The good news is that when we switch to a new positive way of thinking repeatedly that becomes the new groove for us and once the pattern is set we are less likely to stray back to the old groove
                    Wiser words could not have been spoken. I needed to hear that and my best friend, who has always had a depressive personality, is coming to visit next week and she needs to hear this, too.

                    Star-I and the rest of my family were watching the ND game and the whole team seemed like they were really off....really something bad had happened and they were trying to carry on despite feeling so lousy. Even Brian Kelly and Manti Te'o were without their usual energy. And why did he pick Everett Golson to start instead of Tommy Rees?? My dad played football at Notre Dame and I bet he's rolling over in his grave.

                    Lav-I like your attitude on redirecting your of my resolutions for this year is to KEEP mine redirected...always a struggle for me.

                    Cat-I re-read your post about the amazing conversation with your son and how you compared AL to gummy bears. How true! Why do you think he all of a sudden asked what AL was? I'm always curious to see what prompts young people to pose profound questions.

                    I got some great news client in KY is sick so he rescheduled my visit for tomorrow. I just got home from Detroit last night and would have had to drive the hour and a half to get to Chicago and catch my plane today...leaving at 11:00 a.m. YIPPEEE....I have the rest of the week at home. You know what I'll be doing then.....POSTING!:H

                    To all my friends here I missed: LBH, Sooty, Cyn, Hippy, Mr. G and everyone else, have a happy Hump Day!


                      January Generosity - week 2

                      Just a quick happy humpday from me, Internet playing up yesterday. Glorious day today so i've bought some new shoes this morning and this afternoon am going for a walk, no cliffs tho Lav, just paths. It could be raining again tomorrow so I'm making the most of it!

                      Have a good day everyone, see you later


                        January Generosity - week 2

                        Good evening, everybody.

                        Reading all the posts. Everyone sounds good. Rusty, what good news about the client rescheduling!! I can't imagine having to leave just after getting back home! Hope you get to relax a bit.

                        I may be able to get my license back very soon! Have been cleared by the judge in this state, and am hoping that the other state has cleared me, too. Plan to call the DMV tomorrow. Do I dare hope????

                        I had an email from the company I applied to last week. Customer service job, but it was a post office box in town, so I didn't know just which company it might be. The email also didn't mention it, but I did a "reverse" look up in the local phone book, and it is an insurance agency. I worked part time at another local insurance agency a few years ago, and it was pretty boring, but I will go for an interview--probably Friday after the flower
                        shop. It is a full time job with benefits, and that is a plus --a huge plus, as a matter of fact! I also have the opportunity for the educational sales job, and the rep has emailed me tice to encourage me, but that job has no benefits and I have to pay my own expenses. Will see if I get past the interview for the insurance agency first.

                        Have worked all three days this week, and have the next three left! Two funerals this week, and the one on Saturday is pretty big already! And with the owners away, I have been able to help out a lot. Lots of cleaning and re-organizing and moving things around, etc. And taking orders and answering the phones, of course. Glad to have the extra hours!

                        Okay--going to read and watch some TV! Think the baby is coming on Modern Family tonight! Does anyone else watch that show? I love it-so darn funny!!

                        Have a great AF evening!

                        "One day at a time."


                          January Generosity - week 2

                          Good morning...

                          Lav, by the monkey mind you mean the inflow of thoughts we have all the time, right? I am working on mindfulness, it is a life path. Never realized how I just rush through life, living in the past or imaginary future. Kabat-Zinn talks alot about being in touch with your body, and how the body and mind are connected, so taking time to meditate and do the body scan helps you to be mindful of your mind and body.

                          Dill, I remember you mentioning that book and will look for it at the library this weekend. Thanks for mentioning it again. Have fun getting your house in order for the new year. I always love the feeling of space after taking the decorations down.

                          Chill, glad to hear you are busy and working. Did you make new friends in your area? I loved the comparison of our thtough patterns as groves in a record (what's a record?) and working to change the way our recording in our head flows. We tend to naturally be negative, but can change the record to be positive. You describe having done this for a while, does it help your mood?

                          Rusty, enjoy having some time to yourself. Your job is so intense with the constant traveling. We are lucky the weather has been calm. Notre Dame did look off, but I wonder if they were just out teamed. Bama looked like pro players and played like pros too. ND still had a great year and I enjoyed the games so much this season. Go Notre Dame!

                          I am amazed at the difference in how I feel, following this eating plan. I have lost all my holiday extra pounds and will continue this weekend, my time to go out and eat badly. I feel hope I can make some real changes. Rustop, that soup sounds good, I would love the recipe if you have time.

                          Sooty, so how are things going for you in merry old England? Walking, exercising, are all good. Good to have you back.

                          TDN, hope everything works out on getting a stable job and your license. I worked at an insurance agency ages ago, and should have taken the exam for the insurance licensing, to make more money and move on in a career. Insurance is not going away, and although you described it as boring () it is a real money maker. I admire and love the way you persevere through all types of challenges. Coming back and making positive changes after the disasters of too much alcohol takes courage and shows lots of character. All of us have experienced similar challenges and I know it is worth it.

                          I have a busy work day, but back to normal with my Friday off this week. Thank goodness I have not vacuumed in two weeks. Have a great day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            January Generosity - week 2

                            Hi Lav, and Soots. Rusty, I hope you enjoy your time!! I'm envious.

                            TDN, I hope you get your license reinstated! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

                            Star, I'm glad to hear your eating plan is working out well for you and that you feel good and are dropping holiday lbs. Do you mind telling a bit more about the eating plan? I need to lose some holiday weight too!
                            Here is a passage from that book that speaks a little bit to the flaws of many religions/congregations:
                            "Religion degenerates when taught by unillumined men. It is no good relying on a degree at a theological college; books cannot give illumination. One may have studied scriptures, history, philosophy - one may be versed in theology, dogmas and doctrines, and give wonderful sermons - and yet be a baby when it comes to spiritual life. In order to transform people's lives, one must first light one's own candle."
                            Wonderful waking up AF. I sometimes forget to appreciate that simple gift.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              January Generosity - week 2

                              Good Thursday morning friends

                              Heading to 49 degrees today - not bad but Sunday will be 60!

                              Sooty, nice to have you back

                              TDN, I hope everything falls into place for you very soon!
                              This will be a good year for you

                              Star, it's funny but I have always known, to some degree that I am better off when I don't think too much :H although I didn't fully understood the reason. In the past I spent way too much time feeling sorry for myself & it was over stuff that I couldn't control - dumb huh?? Keeping myself centered & balanced with the right food, exercise, meditation is helpful. I realize now that I was killing myself trying to live YB's life. He is totally unbalanced! For him life = work! He has little to no need for love, family, fun, etc. Turns out he is just as cold as his damn mother was & prefers to live in the cold & darkness - I can't change that!
                              I'm better now & intend to stay that way

                              Dill, clear-headed mornings really do rock even if we just end up going to work!!!

                              Speaking of's time.
                              Wishing everyone a great aF Thursday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

