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January Generosity - week 2

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    January Generosity - week 2

    Good Evening Friends,

    Lav-thank you for giving us the correct version of the story about your son...hilarious. BTW, that drunk woman in the restaurant was smoking, too. UGH.

    TDN-I hope the interview went well today. Sending positive thoughts your way.:l

    Star-I am so impressed with your discipline in following your eating plan. I used to feel physically sick after the holidays because of all the cookies and other junk I ate, and drank. The picture you painted of the old drunk woman in your dad's community was really powerful. Drunk, fat, old, and makes me shudder. Star-I hope my three prospective consulting clients accept my proposals. Yes, thank you for your kind words. If the three go through, then that will be four new clients in less than 3 days!

    LBH-wow, I hope you figure out what happened to your 2003 taxes. I have my accountant do my taxes. I want no part of it. So.... LordBirdHeart is 7 years younger...why you cougar.:goodjob: It was the evening gown, wasn't it?:H

    Cat-I loved this part of your post:
    I need to remember to give simple answers; I was just very excited to face the question as a non-drinker.
    Papmom-come out, come out. Check in, please!

    Mr.G-great to see you here!

    Big hellos to Cyn, Rustop, Chill,Dill, Hippy, Kaslo, and anyone I may have missed, have a restful AF evening.


      January Generosity - week 2

      Hey there Rusty!
      I hope you get all the new business you want

      Papmom is posting on Facebook, she's busy & OK.

      Speaking of Facebook....
      I just borrowed this article for everyone to see

      7 Healthy Habits to Start In The New Year
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        January Generosity - week 2

        Hi Lav! Thank you for posting the article. Very pertinent.

        LBH-you were way too complimentary when you said I was handling my job change like a trooper. I have not been a trooper at all. I know of no other colleagues who bawled for weeks after failing that exam. I'm just doing what I need to do to make a living now. I'm REALLY hoping I get this new client who is based in Wisconsin. I worked with him 4.4 years ago when my drinking was at its worst. Fortunately, I was always reliable...on time....etc. but the fact that they would think of needing my services now really made me smile because I often wondered what he and his management team had thought of me. Now I guess I know.

        I'm sitting here watching Hoarders and they are featuring a female hoarder from Wisconsin. Huh....I wonder what town she lives in?

        Ok, I think I might work out....or maybe not.:H I think my fireplace is calling me. I'll be back later, though.


          January Generosity - week 2

          Rusty, Rusty, Rusty... I love how you find, develop, and rediscover clients, you are resourceful, clever, and engaging. YOU know I have bawled over all sorts of things, I have been inconsolable, most people just don't fess up. And yes, I am a cougar of sorts as time has gone by. The dress, the lingerie, the legs, the mystery, the...reputation:H. Meow. It does NOT work if one is drunk. Love, Ladybird.
          may we be well


            January Generosity - week 2

            Kas, I’m sure you will love your green house! We have a small one and we sometimes go out on a sunny day in winter just to sit and soak up some sun. In the late winter/early spring Mr. D starts planting. We have already begun looking at seeds.

            LBH, speaking of seeds, we got a burpee catalogue. On the front they advertized a HUGE roma tomato. The fruit weighs two lbs! If it tastes good that would be a great canning tomato. The seeds are expensive, but we always like to try something new every year. I think this may be it!

            Cyn, good to see you back. I hope your virtual world settles and you can get back to a regular routine, which I hope includes more time for posting.

            Rusty, so glad your business is picking up! That’s awesome. Just think how well things have worked out for you when last year about this time you were so devastated. So happy for you!:l

            Magnificent here, and embracing the new year with quiet action.
            G, I like that thought of taking quiet action. Less talk, more action. I’m going to try it in a couple of areas of my life.

            Happy 103 days, Cat! I’m looking for a new project too. I got a book for Christmas that has “granny square” crochet projects. The book was suggested to me by Sooty, who also crochets. Funny thing is, the book was written by Catherine Hirst, of the UK. It turns out that many of the pattern terms use the same words as we use over here, but they have different meaning! A “double crochet” is a single, a “treble crochet” is a double. I’m glad I sorted that out before I got started on one of the projects!

            Lav, thanks for the 7 Healthy Habits link. Very good reading. I don’t drink hardly anything but water anymore, but I am thinking that maybe a juicer would make sense for me. My favorite juices are V-8 and Ruby Red Grapefruit. I wouldn’t mind experimenting with more veggie juices. Do you have a juicer?

            Star, thanks for the eating plan. I can adapt it to work for me. Mr. D is not going to be happy if I go too vegetarian on him and he likes his potatoes (which he grows in his garden and stores in a cold cellar thru much of the winter). He also likes dairy, so the best I can do is try to cut back in those areas, cut back on sweets, and increase the fruits and veggies. I like the suggestion of popcorn as a snack at night. My typical bedtime snack is peanuts and and 4-5 small pretzels.

            Anybody own a juicer? Does it really get used? How do you like it? Feedback please.

            On to my Saturday routine. How lovely to be back to routine!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              January Generosity - week 2

              Good morning kids

              What's everyone doing on this foggy & damp day? Mud galore around these parts

              LBH, so you have a reputation? Really?? :H
              Well, you have hidden it well :H

              I hope to find some motivation after another cup or two of coffee. This place definitely is not self-cleaning :H
              Have a great day everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                January Generosity - week 2

                Cross post as usual Dill

                I don't have a juicer but my daughter just purchased one with money she received for Christmas. She loves it & is using it almost everyday. Even my grandaughter points to it & says 'berries'. That girl knows what she wants
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  January Generosity - week 2

                  Good morning, everyone.

                  I am heading off the the shop, but we will only be open for three hours today. We hadk freezing rain overnight and the roads are still slick. Hope Mr TDN doesn't have a panic attack driving:H

                  Had the interview at the insurance place yesterday, and it is not for me. $10 an hour--pretty standard for around here, and a six month probationary period with no time off! And the reception desk is kind of alone and away from the other desks. And you are expected to do all kinds of sales support hile manning the phones, etc. It does have full benefits, and I'd only have to pay about $140 or so a month for that. I doubt I'll even be offered the job, but am not going to take it just for the benefits. Not sure about the educational sales job--have a few things I want, and if I cannot get them, I will just offer to continue to do sales support for the guy for the time being. I hae the option of going back to the retail management job I had last summer, and it would start in late April--setting up shop, unpacking boxes as they arrive, etc. And it runs for about six months, although crunch time is July and August.

                  Going to pick up my insurance certificate on Monday a.m. and hopefully go to DM to get my license. Cannot get the Interlock on until next Friday.

                  Be back later
                  "One day at a time."


                    January Generosity - week 2

                    Hi Everyone,
                    I haven't been here for awhile. Just wanted to pop in to say hi and that I am still sober, coming on 6 months and never felt better. Life is great, the ups and downs are easier when sober. Thoughts of drinking have really subsided and I feel free to be me. It's great to remember everything, everyday.

                    I had a wonderful Christmas sober, New Years was sober as well. I do get tired of ppl questioning me on my life choices. ? I get asked, "so, you aren't going to drink again?" WOW, it seems like such a mystery why someone would want to live the rest of their life sober when it makes them so happy? I think some are afraid of being judged, but I don't do that, we all make our own life choice. Oh well, things change when things change. I am taking it one moment at a time, who knows what the future has in store, why think about it now.

                    The most important thing is I am happy, my family is happy and LIFE IS GREAT!!

                    To those starting out, stick with it, the first months are challenging to say the least but the reward is so worth it.

                    Take care
                    new beginnings July 16, 2012


                      January Generosity - week 2

                      Hi Friends,

                      I've been having trouble posting here lately, and problems with my Internet Explorer particularly...I just lost a very long post!

                      IMT-:goodjob: on your 6 months and the positive changes in your life! Great to see you here. You're an inspiration to so many people....especially at the end of your post where you say the first few months are hard but it is so worth it. Thanks!

                      TDN-how disappointing about the insurance job.:l I'm thrilled that you will be getting your license back on Monday.

                      Dill-no, I don't have a juicer but I have a friend who is in her 80s who has used one every day for the last 40 years or so and she looks like she's 60, and swears EVERYONE needs a juicer. She's probably right.

                      LBH-you crack me up. I so agree with you that all the accessories of beauty are wasted when someone is drunk.

                      Lav-thanks for the update on Papmom. She starts her new job soon.

                      I am off to the gym and then will spend the rest of the day with my mom.

                      To everyone I missed: Chill, Rustop, Star, Cyn, Mr.G, Hippy...have a fabulous AF Saturday!


                        January Generosity - week 2

                        Good Morning! I don't have a juicer but I have a really powerful old blender called a Vita Mix that grinds up the whole food (no wasted fiber, easy clean up). I have had it for years and use it at this point as often as twice a day, it is workaholic and never dies. I also grind nuts in it for butters and grains to make flour. For me health and weight control have had a lot to do with when I eat, a factor that changed around a year ago. It was hard for me to sustain abstinence and still cook and eat the same way as I did in the evening so I gave up (cooking and eating the same way that is) unless I have guests who would not be comfortable with this. I usually make a veggie and or fruit blender drink for breakfast and have something similar or a cup of blender soup for dinner. After I work out in the morning I usually have a hard boiled egg and some olives or other protein filled snack. Lunch has become my big elaborate meal, and I pack on the calories at that time to keep my metabolism from slowing down. It works! If am going out, I try to make it for breakfast or lunch, as dinner out at least where people I know like to go is tricky and, like alcohol, the food doesn't agree with a good night sleep or a healthy weight. I have to watch getting too thin at this point which is a problem I can recommend more than most others. Good to see you IMT. Hi Rusty et. al. I love you sweethearts and I am glad we are looking at the whole package of life. Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          January Generosity - week 2

                          Happy Saturday everyone! I'm off to our local produce market to get some healthy type foods. I'll have trouble making it by the fudge-man...for sure! I'm gonna take my bag puppy in one hand and a bottle of Apple juice in the other. Wish me luck making wise choices!
                          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                 Newbies Nest
                 Tool Box
                 How to get a sobriety plan


                            January Generosity - week 2

                            Happy Saturday...

                            I have the windows open again, scrubbed my kitchen floor and just wish this weather were more long term. It is wonderful!!!

                            Dill, I have a juicer, and it is alot of work, but really worth it, if I take the time. LBH's Vitamix is expensive but probably worth it. I bought my juicer at Walmart and it works, but lots of cleaning.

                            So happy to feel so good today, sunshining, and plans to see Les Miserable and then out for a bite to eat. I am bringing lot of kleenex, as I heard it is so sad. It will be good to get my emotions out.

                            To all, have a great Saturday.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              January Generosity - week 2

                              Good evening, all.

                              Have done nothing except read and read emails and the threads here since I got home around 12:30. Had really planned for a walk, but it was so dreary and damp and cold that I just couldn't get myself out there. I will be so happy to get back to the gym soon. And I admire you here--Star, LBH, Lav, etc.--who are eating healthy. I really need to do that. I should invest in a juicer and do a three day juicing detox. Just need to get motivated. LBH--I am not oerweight, but am certainly not fighting to keep weight on I have to go back and read everyone's older posts so I can know you better.

                              Just finished reading DRUNKARD, and I highly recommend it! I could relate to so much of what the author--a newspaper reporter--wrote. I am no going to pick up HIGH ON ARRIAl again. And I have the new (February) Oprah to read tonight, too.

                              I'll check back in the a.m.

                              Sweet dreams to you.
                              "One day at a time."


                                January Generosity - week 2

                                UGH!! This keyboard!! The book is HIGH ON ARRIVAL.
                                "One day at a time."

