Good late morning Abbers

Sunny & warming up to the mid-fifties here today - yay!
I have to tell you that I was almost crippled with anxiety & fears (some real, some not so real) before I started this journey BUT that's all changed now. I feel like I have not only my life back but also my mind :H
Actually, it was anything but funny, it was hell. I tried a Rx med or two, didn't like the numbness they created. I think the combination of deleting AL, nicotine, some of the caffiene, adding exercise & major dietary changes & the addition of some soothing herbals worked for me. You really need to look at the whole picture

TDN, just loved the video, so cute.
I'm going to send the link to my younger brother. He plays guitar & mandolin & plays Irish Pub tunes with some friends. I think they would like this!
Greetings to everyone & welcome to serious AFland OnceAgain & Mein Sonnenschein!
The majority of us here have some serious AF time under our belts & are living proof that you can do it too!
My grandson woke up today, still have a low grade fever so i returned him to his home. I really hadn't planned on playing nurse maid all day. I'll call him later as I promised

TT, your LFT can be thrown off a bit even by consuming certain foods prior to your blood tests. As long as you remain AF your numbers will improve. The milk thistle may not be a bad idea.
Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!