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af day Sat 12 Jan

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    af day Sat 12 Jan

    Congrats to 'senior' TDN.

    SL awesome how changing the language changes your mind.

    I never say I gave up drinking, I QUIT!

    And now, like you I don't WANT to drink, I can if I want to, I just don't WANT to.


      af day Sat 12 Jan

      Thanks for the congrats, all You realized it before I did:H

      Good to see you PPQ and YahYah. YahYah, I hope that situation ith the house ends soon!! That is a horrible situation.

      SL, you sound really good and determined. Walking is a great thing to do--for the body and the mind. I was determeined to go for a walk this afternoon, but it as so damp and raw and dreary that I cahnged my mind, unfortunately. Maybe tomorrow. And I'm planning to get back to the gym soon, too. Anyway, you are headed to the party with the right attitude

      Just finished reading DRUNKARD and i highly recommend it! Now I will pick up HIGH ON ARRIvAL again--put ti down when I started DRUNKARD.

      Hope eeryobe has a great AF night--or morning or whateer time it is where you are!

      "One day at a time."


        af day Sat 12 Jan

        CONGRATS Senior member TDN

        YahYah, Tens Electrical Nerve Stimulation
        These units were designed decades ago to provide pain relief w/o the use pf drugs. Unfortunately they were never real effective.

        Hi PQ & Kuya!

        SL, stick to your plan & you'll do fine

        I ended up watching my grandsons this evening. All i can say is I am tired, can't wait for their mother to come take them back :H

        I sure hope everyone is having a fabulous evening!!!!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af day Sat 12 Jan

          Can't believe that I forgot to say hi to you, Lav! I hope you're in bed now, resting up after the day with your grands!
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            af day Sat 12 Jan

            I'm a wee bit confused by the threads. This say Sat but comes up above the Sunday thread, which I just posted at the bottom of. ??


              af day Sat 12 Jan

              Lilly......tis a state of perpetual confusion as TT starts the thread on NZ time which is twelve hours ahead.
              I don't know if its New York or new year half the time....... Who cares?


                af day Sat 12 Jan

                kuya;1443098 wrote: Lilly......tis a state of perpetual confusion as TT starts the thread on NZ time which is twelve hours ahead.
                I don't know if its New York or new year half the time....... Who cares?
                Ah, I see. Now I understand what Mick meant too. Once again it is a case of us kiwis being well ahead of the curve - gotcha.

                Speaking of New Zealanderishness... Tree, I am DEVASTATED about the marmite situation. I have been forced this last year to try Our Mate (British marmite under another guise - ick) and Mighty Mite (meh) and may now be forced as a last resort to eating vegemite (travesty!). The Christchurch earthquakes were horrific but so is the loss of our national treasure. When the &*^%$ are they going to sort that shit out. I heard a rumour production may be starting up again soon *Oh please god* And also that jars of marmite have been selling on eBay for like $50, which I kind of understand. I loved the original headline in the NZ Herald "Marmite shortage - New Zealanders advised not to panic buy". I would certainly have panic bought had I had more heads-up but by then it was already off the Australian shelves.


                  af day Sat 12 Jan

                  shueaddict;1442666 wrote: KY !!!!!! I lurked your posts a lot !

                  I am on soccer mom duty at the moment.

                  As for the recovery ... This was my first full blown relapse since ... The summer? ... Previously I only had slips. This time I kept drinking every day knowing I need to stop, wanting to stop but not finding the strength ...

                  4 weeks felt like forever.

                  Peace !
                  Peace be with you Shue! So glad you found the strength. Welcome back to the wonderful world of Sobriety!
                  Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
         Newbies Nest
         Tool Box
         How to get a sobriety plan

