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af day Sun 13 Jan

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    af day Sun 13 Jan

    I'm watching Downton Abbey right now SL
    So happy you cruised through your evening AF! It gets a bit easier each time, you'll see!

    TDN & SL - we all have the same hair :H
    That's why mine is cut short these days & kept under control with anti-frizz gel :H
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af day Sun 13 Jan

      I did go to my husband's event tonight. I still have not told him about the wine in the back of his car. Tomorrow morning I will just move it to the trash.....thats where it needed to be all the time anyways.

      I recently had two peolple die due to alcohol and killing themselves. I just learned today that another aquaintance of mine...fell down steps and she has been hospitalized for 2 weeks with a fractured skull, does not know who she is.....and the doctors do not think she will make any sort of a recovery. She most likely at the age of 35 will live in a nursing home the rest of her life not knowing who she is.

      Most of you know about my fall....this hit close to home for me. How easy that could have been me.

      Lav....I know that you relate to this one.

      For along time.....I always looked at "I could not have it"....."I no longer want it". This has directly affected my life negatively......and now I have too many people losing thier lives to it. Serious stuff....Uggh....makes my stomach turn that I allowed this to control me for so long.


        af day Sun 13 Jan

        God Sunflower. I'm so sorry. That sends chills up my spine to read. I look back and think it's a wonder that worse things didn't happen sometimes - some of the stupid and dangerous situations I've put myself in while plastered. A lot of the time I close my mind to these scary scenarios so it's kind of good to have that reminder that really bad things can happen if we keep boozing.

        I may not be posting too much for the next few days, though I'll try and pop in during the evening. I'm going to be working on site with a client the rest of the week after today - so can't log in there - then coming home and working on another project. Gonna be one exhausted Lilly by the end of January but I'm not complaining as usually this time of year is dead so it's rather unusual for me to be so busy now.

        Just didn't want you guys to think I was disappearing again if I am a bit absent this week!


          af day Sun 13 Jan

          TDN, I ordered Drunkard. I also just got Unhooked - How to Quit Anything on my Kindle. Anyone read any great books lately? I'm thinking recovery specifically but also in general.

