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af day Mon 14

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    af day Mon 14

    Hi all - sunny, very cold Monday here today - even in the 30's in southern Ca!!!
    Back at work, but working from home today, so not stuck in traffic.
    Hey Shue - I have had a BB for many years and was getting very adapt at using it, when work has chosen to go to I-phones, and i have to learn a touch screen - not easy teaching old dogs new tricks!
    YAH - got on scales after the Christmas goodies, and I can only wish my weight had stalled, instead it has climbed well in the other directon - think it is time to give up the gummys as well as everything else!
    Mick, picked up a version of oxo cubes, hope they are as tasty - thanks for the reminder!
    PPQ - so glad you have woken feeling good today!
    TDN - good wishes fro you today that you get one step closer to freedom....and your car!
    Lav, interesting communities for sure - we have menotites around here and they are somewhat similar to amish.
    Hi Hippy - my 14yo is an aspiring hippie - fun to see her thinking she is so cool and out there, her bubble bursts when I tell her I did that moons ago :H
    Good Day Lilly, TT, Shue and KY...
    YAH - hope your day turns around, and if it doesn't always remember tomorrow is a new day :l
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      af day Mon 14

      Evening affers,

      Good to read back - had an early start so only getting to read this thread, and Mick's jokes, now. As for eggs, me and a close friend used to do a similar thing but with the word poop. Poop is a very simple word that has been known to have me bent double in stitches. :H I should say - laughing stitches as opposed to any other kind of stitches.

      Have been back at the pawsh skoowal today. It was fine. Half of them didn't turn up for one lesson. Skivers. But spent half the time thinking about issue with me other work... I'm bad for that. Really should focus one thing, otherwise I don;t, well, focus so well. Me other work kinda got me something irritable, especially when I got back home, but ranted on the Stella thread, so feeling better now. The craving for a beer at that point was particularly strong, but suppose this is just me realising what I am like when frustrated and stressed. A grumpy, moany wee feck!! Better now

      Hope your day gets better too YaH.

      Shue - how FAST must you be able to type when waiting at traffic lights?!?! I am impressed.

      Off for a gander...


        af day Mon 14

        sad to say I've taken a giant leap into the abyss. last night I fell of my icy back porch bashing my knee on the concrete and ripping the bicep muscle off my right arm. naturally being a hard headed male I didn't go to the hospital, but hobbled my way to the corner store to down a 12 pack of 8% ales. now I'm just in a world of hurt and have nothing nice to say about myself. hoping you are all doing better. sorry to vent. just hurting bad.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          af day Mon 14

          Determinator;1443917 wrote: sad to say I've taken a giant leap into the abyss. last night I fell of my icy back porch bashing my knee on the concrete and ripping the bicep muscle off my right arm. naturally being a hard headed male I didn't go to the hospital, but hobbled my way to the corner store to down a 12 pack of 8% ales. now I'm just in a world of hurt and have nothing nice to say about myself. hoping you are all doing better. sorry to vent. just hurting bad.
          I'm so sorry Det. Heal well and soon!
          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
 Newbies Nest
 Tool Box
 How to get a sobriety plan


            af day Mon 14

            Det - :l:l:l
            Hope you are taking care of your arm......
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              af day Mon 14

              Hey Det - what are we men like, eh?! "I'm OK. It'll be fine." being the eternal phrase of male optimism (and sometimes denial).

              Look after yourself bud, and hope the arm heals real quick. If it's not GO SEE THE DOC, please.


                af day Mon 14

                Holy shit, Deter! I'm so sorry you hurt yourself that way. I'll send along some of the P's from PPQP on to you! Hang in there, my man.

                Thanks for all your well wishes. It was nice to come home to them. I will take all the messages to heart. I did exercise after posting today and it helped a lot. If it's possible, I am worried but not stressed out. Feeling chuffed at doing a whole routine that I haven't done in quite a few years.

                RC, poop makes me laugh too!

                I'll try to think of all of you tonight when my sweet tooth emerges. All I need to do is get my butt in bed and STAY there.

                Hugs to all!
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  af day Mon 14

                  Good evening, everybody.

                  Det, I'm sorry you fell--literally and figuratively!!! I can't imagine how much pain those injuries caused. So sorry that you chose beer as your medicine. I hope you get back on track right away. And hope you seek medical help for the leg and arm!

                  YahYah, hope you start feeling better. Oh--being in bed doesn't stop me from eating sweets. LOL.

                  I did get my license back, so thanks for asking PPQ and all. No horrible stories at the DMV as I had from the neighboring state. Will write more about it tomorrow.

                  Good night, all.
                  "One day at a time."


                    af day Mon 14

                    Nite TDN...glad it all went well....PPQP


                      af day Mon 14

                      Yay, TDN!!! :goodjob:
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        af day Mon 14

                        good for you TDN!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          af day Mon 14

                          Check in. All's well just crazy busy. Off to CA Thursday.

                          AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                          "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


