Sooty, I do comment on the weather as it effects all of us and in the winter, is a real point of interest...hope it doesn't snow at night or my ride home is a scary time. Hope you are doing well.
Lav, thanks for letting me know that the sore throat, gone now, was probably a symptom. I do not want to get the flu, I hate being sick and this flu is scary. Your dinner sounds delicious.
Pap, you are ready to start your new job in style. Don't worry, you will never get everything done at work before you leave...that will be their problem and maybe they will hire two people to do what you have been doing. When I left my old job, the program I cofacilitated, went away. I was doing too much and after a while it took a toll. Your new wardrobe sounds pretty, what a great way to start. Just take care of yourself. It takes about six months to feel comfortable in a new job, so when I expect that I am not so hard on myself. Wishing you the best. Lots of veggies have protein, tofu does, brown rice does, so I do not worry about leaving out animal products. My skin is clear and except for the flu shot, I have been feeling energetic. I still have a long way to go.
Kaslo, love the picture of the peony, the details are so beautiful. A universe within a universe. It is worth being AF to feel well and just get on with life. Setting boundaries is what I am all about too. Loved your post.
Winter is tough, what are you doing to get through? Me, a scented candle and lots of warm soup. Also, I cleaned out a space to start a yoga routine, starting today. Maybe some feedback if anyone is in the mood. Have a great Monday.
