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af day Wed 16 Jan

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    af day Wed 16 Jan

    Morning Global Abbers!
    Well I have joined the hurt limb club - not nearly as serious as Mick or Det but now have a strained (don't think its sprained) ankle. Result of a lovely long beach walk last evening with family and our guest - I was leading the way through some bushy sand dunes and got into a ditch thing and ankle goes over. Not too bad, walk was worth it.

    Love those tips from Mick on how to annoy people - shall put into practice.
    Also appreciated Shue's analysis of the lead up to her going back on the booze. Pretty much same happened to me some years ago after 9 months sober - busy, travelling, super upbeat and positive - and then I am handed a glass of champagne -(of course it was not poured down my throat) - when I was very tired and had been upgraded to business class on a long haul flight to London. Really pathetic. Outcome of that trip was fantastic work wise but not so for my own long term sobriety.

    TDN - good luck with the car lock thingie and the new job. Loved Lavande's pic too.

    Raining today but thats OK. My guest is still here - and no, we don't parlez en francais. After the walk last night we had fish and chips and watched a movie about MM (My Week with Marilyn), OK - not great, bit slow.

    Away now - have a great AL free day (thats you too Det!) when the 16th Jan comes into your neck of the woods.

    af day Wed 16 Jan

    A little early here, but I did want to say hi to TT, since you are well into tomorrow when it's today here. Thanks for being so consistent about starting the thread! I'm sorry about your ankle, but it sounds like you will be fine.
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      af day Wed 16 Jan

      Checking in.

      We are in the middle of ice literally that box of wine I want to get rid unreachable as hubby's car is iced in almost an inch thick! So its still there.....but, nobody can get to it. It guess in not so recent days.....I certainly would have broken the ice to get it out...just leaving it there for now.

      Det....I hope that you are feeling better.

      YAH....I'd give you advice....but you are a therapist. Usually, when I can't sleep....its due to things sressing me out....that I think are just fine

      Got my new commision plan today.....if I bill 100k more this year.....I make 8k less....not to mention all the new taxes. Although I do know the company did it due to all the new taxes on them. Glad to have a job I love....I just thought with the way my billing was coming in....I'd make more.....not less:upset: Thank you to the US government system!

      Sober is better than drunk:h


        af day Wed 16 Jan

        Morning Abbers

        Hi TT, YAH and SF!

        Back to having probs with my modem connection and also been away a couple of days (and going away, hopefully next week too!) so have been unable to read how everyone's doing.

        Did the kayaking and it was fantastic but, oh so exhausting and couldn't get the hang of using body not arms for the paddle! Going to do another course soon. Just beautiful on the water - even had a dolphin beside us!

        Will try and read back before connection drops again (might have to get a new modem, but thought I fixed the problem with this one!)

        Have fun :hiya:


          af day Wed 16 Jan

          Lurking again on MWO after dinner (vegetarian lasagne made by moi) - kayaking is on my list of things to do Blondie - we have great opportunities for this here - just the weather that puts me off.
          SF - have you thought of giving the rights to the story of the Winebox to a movie company (there was a movie called the Ice Storm a few years back). Also in NZ we had a political scandal here during the 1990s called the Winebox Saga - this had nothing to do with wine but concerned corrupt land a deals in the Cook Islands - the incriminating documents were found in a winebox (more like a wine crate made of cardboard). I am not trivialising your story SF - well done on giving the wine the boot! Let it stay in its papery grave.
          YAH - thx for asking after ankle - its OK - just needs strapping for a few days.
          Have a great 16th all - I am going to do some work, read a bit and cherish my bed!


            af day Wed 16 Jan

            Good morning all...well see the southern contingent were in first again today...thats our today not theirs !!how are you all?

            Firstly..before anything else...well done Kas,thats absolutely brilliant...2 years next month, you have done really well :goodjob:

            Tea and coffee on the go so here we are

            Morning treetops ,and how are you today? going to put some of those how to annoy people things into practice?Still got guests with you?Any plans for today?

            Morning blondie ok? yep noticed a bit of sporadic posting and wondered what had happened...I had to get a new modem and things are a lot smoother on the computer apart from operator faults!!

            Morning SF.....and how are you today?still stuck in the ice drift?Do you still have to go to work in it?

            Good morning to you yah...that sounds bit mad...whats a you-yah? :H anyway how are things in your neck o the woods today? Any plans for today ?

            Morning PPQP...legs on the mend thanks, that avatar is ace..tried downloading it, but cant at the moment, will figure it are you today?How was your day re the community garden? any decisions..and more to the were you still in a good mood at the end of the day?

            Yo Hippyman how goes it today?well did you get your books sorted out? and how about the Barret...did you get one?Youll be jotting about now like a French painter..stick a couple of brushes in your pocket

            Mornnig ok? hows the work going? In the fifties yesterday??Eeeeeeh loooxoory...the only fifties here at the mo is age wise!!

            Ha morning Shuesy..beat you this morning blackberry on so I presume you are in a gym are you doing?heres a coffeee for the treadmill ...beaker type so you dont spill it!You still running about building sites? Whatever you are doing have a great day...
            ps glad you jumped back on the wagon

            Morning ok? yesyou are excused 53...I know how crap it is with phones!!!

            Good morning ok today? no I hadnt seen that pic before..thanks it really interesting..some strange reason I have got an interest in that how other folks you go coffee still on little uns?Any plans for today?have a great one whatever you do

            Morning are you today?Dudes and dudessess...youve been watching too much kiddy tv:H..have a great day

            Kuya..where are you ?aint seen you for a while ...comin huntin ya

            Right folks over, so you have a great day wherever you are whatever you are doing..make it safe,sober......oh and dont get caught :H:H


            An older couple, who were both widowed, had been going out with each other for a long time. Urged on by their friends, they decided it was finally time to get married. Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and had a long conversation regarding how their marriage might work. They discussed finances, living arrangements, and so on. Finally, the old gentleman decided it was time to broach the subject of their physical relationship. ?How do you feel about s*x?? he asked, rather tentatively. ?I would like it infrequently ?, she replied. The old gentleman sat quietly for a moment, adjusted his glasses, then leaned over towards her and whispered, ?Is that one word or two??

            An elderly couple were killed in an accident and found themselves being given a tour of heaven by Saint Peter. ?Here is your oceanside condo, over there are the tennis courts, swimming pool, and two golf courses. If you need any refreshments, just stop by any of the many bars located throughout the area.?
            ?Heck, Gloria,? the old man hissed when Saint Peter walked off, ?we could have been here ten years ago if you hadn?t heard about all that stupid oat bran, wheat germ, and low-fat diets!?

            I was telling a girl in the pub about my uncanny ability to guess the day a woman was born just by feeling their breasts.
            ?Really?? she said. ?Go on then? Try.?
            After about 30 seconds of fondling she began to lose patience.
            ?Come on,? she demanded, ?What day was I born on??
            ?Yesterday?? I replied.

            Once a devil walked in a bar,
            Every one ran away only one man had the guts to stay.
            The devil asked to the man aren?t you scared.
            The man replied, ?Why should I be, I married your sister 30 years ago?.

            A drunk man arrives late at home?.
            He knows his wife won?t open the door,
            so he decides to pretend that he bought her flowers and knocks the door?
            Wife: Who is it?
            Drunk Husband: I bring flowers for the pretty lady?
            wife opens the door and says?
            Where are the flowers?
            Drunk Husband: Where is the pretty lady ?

            Two old timers were out golfing. When a funeral procession went by one of the old men took his hat off and put it over his heart, the other gentleman said that was very nice. The other man said, ?That?s the least I can do, I was married to her for 40 years.?

            Two factory workers are talking.
            The woman says, ?I can make the boss give me the day off.?
            The man replies, ?And how would you do that??
            The woman says, ?Just wait and see.? She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling.
            The boss comes in and says, ?What are you doing??
            The woman replies, ?I?m a light bulb.?
            The boss then says, ?You?ve been working so much that you?ve gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off.?
            The man starts to follow her and the boss says, ?Where are you going??
            The man says, ?I?m going home, too. I can?t work in the dark.

            1. It?s important to have a woman, who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.
            2. It?s important to have a woman, who can make you laugh.
            3. It?s important to have a woman, who you can trust and who doesn?t lie to you.
            4. It?s important to have a woman, who is good in bed and who likes to be with you.
            5. It?s very, very important that these four women do not know each other.

            A man on a bike was stopped at the border by police assigned to investigate goods transported across both states. He carried a bag of sand. On perusing through however, the cop found nothing else in the bag and therefore let him go. The next day this man was stopped with his bike and a bag of sand and the same process carried out. Again, he was let off when the cop found nothing illegal. This sequence carried on for three years. One day both men, the cop and the bike guy, met at a pub. ?Tell me, man,? said the cop, ?I promise I will not tell anyone; but what were you smuggling all those years?? Surprised, the man looked at this professional, laughed and shrugged. ?Bicycles,? he said.

            Young man asked an old rich man how he made his money.
            The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, ?Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel.?
            ?I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents.?
            ?The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at 5:00 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I?d accumulated a fortune of $1.37.?

            ?Then my wife?s father died and left us two million dollars.?


            While making presentations, occasionally bob your head. like a parakeet.
            Lie obviously about trivial things such as the time of day.
            Leave your Christmas lights up and lit until September.
            Change your name to ?AaJohn Aaaaasmith? for the great glory of being first in the phone book. Claim it?s a Hawaiian name, and demand that people pronounce each ?a.?
            Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.
            Chew on pens that you?ve borrowed.
            Wear a LOT of cologne.
            Listen to 33rpm records at 45rpm speed, and claim the faster speed is necessary because of your ?superior mental processing.?
            Sing along at the opera.
            Mow your lawn with scissors.
            At a golf tournament, chant ?swing-batabatabata-suhWING-batter!?
            Ask the waitress for an extra seat for your ?imaginary friend.?
            Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn?t rhyme.
            Ask your co-workers mysterious questions, and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about ?psychological profiles.?
            Stare at static on the TV and claim you can see a ?magic picture.?
            Select the same song on the jukebox fifty times.
            Never make eye contact.
            Never break eye contact.
            Construct elaborate ?crop circles? in your front lawn.
            Construct your own pretend ?tricorder,? and ?scan? people with it, announcing the results.
            Make appointments for the 31st of September.
            Invite lots of people to other people?s parties.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              af day Wed 16 Jan

              Good morning, Southern Hemisphere !!! It is so nice for me to wake up to brand new posts ? For a while Mick and I used to be the early ones.

              I kid you not, PMS has given me destructive powers yesterday evening ?my blackberry died a premature death (while charging ? it said ?battery drained, turning off? then failed all revival attempts). Then the lights in the guest loo went off as I was in. Then the bulb in my night light gave off too as I was reading in bed. Hubby subsequently changed all 4 burnt bulbs in disbelief. I knew I was evil around that time of the month, clearly I have been underestimating my powers.:devil:

              Mick ? thanks for the coffee to go, I had to skip the treadmill this morning (afraid I?d bust that too). Gym tomorrow, before I get in the car for my next work adventure - 1 week, 3 cities, 1.500 km drive ? in winter.

              Sunflower ? I gather you?re not particularly fond of the view from the top of the fiscal cliff, for what it?s worth, it could be worse ? check out France!

              TT ? I had a nice morning in bed with Marilyn when I was sick last year ? and there was nothing else on Sky TV ? slow? just about sums it up. No high heels for you, for a while?

              ? that picture is priceless. I have one from my neck of the woods with a gipsy driving a horse cart on the highway while talking on an Iphone)

              ? please check in :land please don?t do what I did ( that is continue to drink for 4 miserable weeks:upset.
              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                af day Wed 16 Jan

                Good morning over-affers and Good evening under-affers...

                Just popping through to say hi :hiya: and hope you're fine.

                TT - ankle getting better? Not a sprain you say? Hope not. Glad you still enjoyed the dander.

                Det' - you about? Hope so. As shue says, do say hello, always to good to hear from you.

                Blondie - were you no tempted to get outa the kayak and go swim with the dolphin? Coulda swapped places... a kayaking dolphin... though it wouldn't need a paddle...

                Hello SF - yeah just leave the wine... forget about it. Aint worth the trouble!

                Mick... well done and :goodjob: Jokes rather good this morning


                  af day Wed 16 Jan

                  Yoohoo Mick......Internet was down all yesterday evening. Got an early night for once.

                  Morning all you wounded soldiers......jeez it's like the walking dead around here ATM :H

                  SHUE.....I used to find the same thing re electrical stuff if I was angry.....must give off some bad energy or summink ...weird

                  Good busy day here, business a little busier, hope it continues.

                  Hey TT did you read what a minister was saying about 'moving' school summer holidays to take advantage of the better weather in feb/mar. Hope it happens.
                  Just to explain summer holidays are from just before Xmas til first week in feb, but the best weather is feb/mar. I love New Zealand for just changing stuff to suit.
                  Two years ago we extended daylight saving by 3 or 4 weeks just so people could go on having longer summer evenings. Pissed off the farmers but, like most countries farming is not the primary industry even though it is the primary export.

                  Cantoo....yoohoo and thanks for the continued poking! :H:H:H You will be impressed that my activity has been maintained and I have lost 7 kg since jan 1st ! YAY for me!


                    af day Wed 16 Jan

                    Just caught up on yesterday's thread.

                    KAS..... You must be so excited about two years coming up. Awesome, I envy you :h

                    Lilly...have you any plans to visit NZ for hols? Or did you come back at Xmas. Keep up the good work.

                    SHUE.... Thanks for the pointers, it is the forgetting isn't it? I still have to remind myself how bad I felt. Towards the end I NEVER enjoyed drinking just drank to avoid feeling worse YUK!


                      af day Wed 16 Jan

                      Good morning Abbers!

                      Another dreary & damp day here today but at least it's not snowing

                      Sorry to hear of everyone's Boo-boos! I just hope I don't join your ranks :H
                      I would really be shit out of luck if I injured myself with no help around as it is.

                      The funniest thing I ever saw regarding the Amish folks around here was an Amish man, in horse & buggy withdrawing cash from the ATM at the bank. He just pulled up to the machine like we do in our cars :H
                      The Amish are very $$ wise though. I see more & more of them installing solar panels on the roofs of their homes & apparently selling the electricity created to the electric company. Hmm.

                      Wishing everyone a great AF Humpday. I need to get myself to Curves....I still have a few Christmas cookies to work off then back here for work - yay!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af day Wed 16 Jan

                        Mick;1444741 wrote: Morning PPQP...legs on the mend thanks, that avatar is ace..tried downloading it, but cant at the moment, will figure it are you today?How was your day re the community garden? any decisions..and more to the were you still in a good mood at the end of the day?
                        :hallo: Morning All...having a lazy start.

                        Yup the good mood lasted all day and all night. The little "high" I was feeling has settled down, which is a good thing as that can lead to all kinds of trouble.
                        Meeting with the City this morning to see where we stand. Hope we can move forward.

                        Sorry about the ankle TT...there does appear to be alot of boo-boo's doesn't there!
                        I wonder if it has to do with January, New Year, New Goals, Gung Ho! Then we do things we haven't done in, well for me, decades.

                        Have a good one.....PPQP


                          af day Wed 16 Jan

                          Yoohoo just nipped in...nice to see you Kuya..tinternet now fixed??

                          My mate down under....get better soon...glad to see no al in that list of lotions and potions you are chucking down your neck ..get better soon
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            af day Wed 16 Jan

                            Quick hello - heck of a day, not a moment to myself, then a wreck on the way home adding another hour to my already stupid long commute.....lots of reasons to have allowed myslef to drink last year - but not today!!!
                            so over and out.....good healing to all of you, see you tomorrow....
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              af day Wed 16 Jan

                              Thanks Kuya, for noticing. Yes it feels very good. I said in the other monthly abs thread that I am the same person but I feel kind of totally replaced, kind of like I am recycled. i have no more of the toxic stuff going on and my ability to cope is completely different, much better of course, in every way. I am embarrassed when I read some of my earliest posts, showing off being silly, etc. But I have come a long way internally. I would not trade this state of body and mind for anything. I could do more in terms of fitness and diet, and all of that but really, the change in my thinking is like another person, much calmer, more grounded, happier, well. And any one who really does get to over a year, they will see this too. It takes a long tme to replace all of that injured physiology and psychology with a sober healthy state. I read the science on it, or I used to, and I see the results in myself. Keep going you guys, it is SO SO SO worth it.


                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

