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AA - Step 1 - January

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    AA - Step 1 - January

    STEP ONE. I admit that I am powerless over alcohol?that my life has become unmanageable.

    I figured, 12 months in a year, 12 Steps in AA...
    So I decided to "work" Step 1 daily for the month of January.
    Half way through, I caught myself applying it to more than just my drinking!
    For example: I am powerless over other people's opinion of me, the weather, my teenager's behaviour...

    Which of my problems will be removed or alleviated if I take a drink of alcohol?

    Can any good come of my taking another drink?

    What will really happen to me and others if I do drink again?

    What good reasons do I have to believe my answers?

    Do I wish to avoid the next drink?

    Keep coming back

    Sol xx

    AA - Step 1 - January

    Thanks solitaire for starting the AA thread, And Hi to everyone!

    Needed to read your post today, Step 1 is where i am right now but without the alcohol.
    I think am gonna be on step 1 for a long time, finding it hard to move from denial, thinking that things will be alright, but deep down it getting worse.

    Last Sunday i went to a meeting said to my friend i don't feel like i deserve my 3 years coin. They said to me it comes from the heart.
    You see i went to AA to stop drinking ( And that's what i have done ) well i thought i would be alright after 3 months and realize i was not and needed to keep sober.

    Keep coming back x
    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


      AA - Step 1 - January

      Hi, there.

      While I cannot go to AA regularly for logistics reasons, I am planning on going to the Friday women's only AA meeting. It is a very good meeting and lots of sobriety there.

      I like your idea of doing a Step a month, Solitaire.

      I am working on Step 1 and have been for years.

      I do know that I simply cannot take one drink, or two drinks. Once someone asked me to go to a bar with them and I said no. They asked why and I told them that the bar didn't hold enough alcohol to satisfy my desire. They looked at me like I was crazy, which of course, I am.

      I will ponder some more on Step 1. I hope you don't mind if I jump in here?

      AF April 9, 2016


        AA - Step 1 - January

        Hi all! Sol what a good idea! I hope I can jump in too. Catch and Cindi it's awesome to read your posts as well.

        I was so hung up on the word "powerless." "I'M not POWERLESS!!!!" was my *excuse* for not going to AA for a long long time. Without bothering to actually GO to AA and take time to understand how this word was being used and applied, I just kept right on drinking, and shouting I'M NOT POWERLESS!!!! Insanity indeed.

        At a meeting earlier this week we talked about how the fellowship of AA and the steps have given us our power back. When I was worshiping alchol every day, I see that I had zero power. I was powerless over alcohol and powerless over so much of my life. Alcohol took away my power of choice. I was a prisoner in my own home with my bottle. Every day I would say "I won't drink today" and then I drank. In the earlier years I would have my plan to drink at 5. Then I stopped being able to make it to 5 and I would start at 3. Then it was "noon somewhere" and in the final years of my imprisonment, I was often into the Vodka instead of morning coffee. And I thought I had some power over this????

        I enjoy freedom and yes, power, in my life today because I recognize that I am powerless over alcohol. I retain the power of choice in my life because I DO recognize what I am powerless over. I am powerless over alcohol, and other people's choices for a start.

        I hope everyone is well. I haven't been around for a while now - just busy with life. Sober life, which is grand.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AA - Step 1 - January

          Seems like a quiet January here at AA-land! Where is Mary? All good here, hight of summer!


            AA - Step 1 - January

            I have a problem with the statement I am powerless over the booze!

            In my opinion we have complete control over alcohol. We are in NO WAY powerless. We have the power to stop the booze if we want to.
            Just my thoughts.
            If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


              AA - Step 1 - January

              Doggygirl;1450304 wrote: Hi all! Sol what a good idea! I hope I can jump in too. Catch and Cindi it's awesome to read your posts as well.

              I was so hung up on the word "powerless." "I'M not POWERLESS!!!!" was my *excuse* for not going to AA for a long long time. Without bothering to actually GO to AA and take time to understand how this word was being used and applied, I just kept right on drinking, and shouting I'M NOT POWERLESS!!!! Insanity indeed.

              At a meeting earlier this week we talked about how the fellowship of AA and the steps have given us our power back. When I was worshiping alchol every day, I see that I had zero power. I was powerless over alcohol and powerless over so much of my life. Alcohol took away my power of choice. I was a prisoner in my own home with my bottle. Every day I would say "I won't drink today" and then I drank. In the earlier years I would have my plan to drink at 5. Then I stopped being able to make it to 5 and I would start at 3. Then it was "noon somewhere" and in the final years of my imprisonment, I was often into the Vodka instead of morning coffee. And I thought I had some power over this????

              I enjoy freedom and yes, power, in my life today because I recognize that I am powerless over alcohol. I retain the power of choice in my life because I DO recognize what I am powerless over. I am powerless over alcohol, and other people's choices for a start.

              I hope everyone is well. I haven't been around for a while now - just busy with life. Sober life, which is grand.

              This is an empowering post DG! I very much relate to your share! :thanks:
              Frankly, Whether you go to AA or not, the point of this post is about after you ingest alcohol you lose your power & how your life becomes unmanageable. How after you stop drinking you regain your power & your life becomes more manageable. Hope others will see the gist of this great post & it will help them.

              I'd like to see this post in the tool box, because it applies to what happens to everyone who has a serious drinking problem, or is alcoholic! I don't feel it's my right to move somebody's post over to another forum.

              Hope your doing well! Think your in grad school. I've found your posts to be helpful, honest, insightful & full of recovery skill building. Find your journey to be very inspiring for somebody like myself who is still just starting out!....

              Thank you for making the time to stop by out of your extremely busy schedule!

              Take good care,

              Wildflowers :h

