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af day Sat 19 Jan

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    af day Sat 19 Jan

    Weekend greetings to the AL busters of the world!

    Some of You guys will still be on the 18th thread - so I am putting in a few thoughts here - in light of the concensus (I think) to get on with things, continue with rigorous discussion and maybe reactivate the long term abstainers as a maintenance thread???

    OK ? the way I see it is that we post on this thread in different ways. This is just my take and as you know I have not been hanging about for as long as some of you guys.

    There are the long compositions ? that reflect on the posts of the day and sometimes the day before. Mick is the exemplar at this. I guess I do this a bit ? since I have been starting threads ? and that?s the way I am a bit -summing up things, trying to raise a few pointers, add a few light hearted bits (is it so obvious that I am a teacher!)

    Some folks like to get the ball rolling and talk to the point. Kuya ? may I include you here. However ? unlike you I don?t post all over the place ? that would distract me from my goal of long term abs ? plus it would mean I would never get my other work done because I have to control my on-screen time (addictive nature moi!)

    I do lurk on some of the other MWO posts from time to time. Looking for a good health for abstainers at the moment ? any ideas? Most of the MWO health stuff is about stopping, controlling, meds, weight - I think. Oh well ? collectively here we have our diverse health woes ? so you might have to still hear more about my liver. And ankle. And crap hair?..teeth good though!

    Others like Shue, Blondie check in, say hi, everything is OK and that?s fine ? we lead busy lives, sometimes we are travelling, and there are crises, good things that demand our attention (such as Can Too's exercise regime).

    But generally there are threads in the thread of our lives that are without AL ? and sometimes with AL - our personal battles despite long term 'giving up the sauce', having to live in a world where AL beckons us and others. ?Most of us don?t want to dwell too much on the past ? but we do appreciate reminders of what can happen. Then there are the ?aha? gems. Good stuff.

    Now to immediate matters ? TDN, hope you cope with the Interlock on your car. Better than not being able to drive at all. I need to install an Interlock on our fridge to control my partner?s eating binges. Not so much because of his health (that?s his call now) but cos I am sick of having to restock the fridge.

    Nurdl and Kuya ? great about the double 6 months AB free. Wow. I want to join you in about 3 more months.

    Thinking of you Det.

    And to all others, have a wonderful AF weekend ? it?s mostly a writing binge for me. Daughter wants to take me on a walk to explore some secret paths at the back of a cemetery. Eek. Garden (well its more like an unstructured forest with many inedible weeds) needs attacking ? vegetation grows so fast here in NZ (ay Kuya?).

    Easy to misunderstand each other on the net - plus remember we are from all over the world and have different idioms and ways of expression.

    Hope all the southern people take their hayfever medication this weekend - hot and dry down here - and for those wintering over - be vigilent with those nasty viruses and flu that is getting a lot of media attention. It will come here in our winter (I have a flu shot - don't want to compromise my immune system anymore than it is).

    lots of hugs!

    af day Sat 19 Jan

    Couldnt keep me nose out..saw you werre on line and was just about to say oi wheres the Saturday thread!!!

    Dont put yourself down are pretty good at this thread starting ..all you need are some crappy jokes !!!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Sat 19 Jan

      Hi Fabbies!

      I'm just touching base, as I will be out of touch through Sunday afternoon. I'll be up in PA, visiting my aunt, cousins and one of my sisters.

      Thanks for your thoughtful post, TT. I am happy with having our daily thread and perhaps more of a reflective thread on life, health, love, friendships, etc., as well. If there is action in long-term abs, I'll be happy to be there too.

      Hey, Mick! I fear you are stuck with being our primary jokester!

      I hope you all have a wonderfully good AF weekend and hi to all yet to come today.

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        af day Sat 19 Jan

        Kuya...there is a thread for "Long Term Abstainers"....just scroll down. I wish more people posted there.

        I do like having one place to come to. I never felt good at the NN.....And I certainly do not have time to read and post everywhere. So appreciate this thread. Many have found the decision to go AF not all that easy.....but, AF is their goal.

        There is thread for you.....and use it. But, do not discourgage people from using this one.

        Quite frankly.....I am tired of being put off by this thread. This is the thread that has been lifeline for me. may be time for you to "graduate" to the new level. I doubt I will post here as much with all the "judgements".....but I have learned alot and gotten good advice here. heart goes out to you. I have been there too many times.

        Yah...thank you

        TND...thank you

        I do believe that posting in the right place of your recovery is important. So post there...

        Hugs to you all....and thank you for being there for me.


          af day Sat 19 Jan

          TT thanks for the kick off and for your thoughts and observations.

          SF ..... There is so much I could say in response but I will limit it to this.

          It is only WEEKS since you decided to be abstinent, before which you were absolutely adamant that abstainance was NOT for you. No one minded, in spite of this being an AF thread.

          Secondly there was a discussion, put forward by Mick, with which I agreed. It did NOT entail me leaving this thread and I was not proposing changing this thread. I have just read back through my comments and NOTHING I said justifies you attacking ME and telling me to leave or be 'kicked off'. I will stand by what I say but not be scapegoated by you or anyone else.

          Don't make me the whipping boy in this because I am the less popular member and easier target, it smacks of the playground.

          Thirdly, I will post where I bloody well like, as does everyone ......regardless of the thread title, apparently!


            af day Sat 19 Jan

            Morning all..and how are you today? looks like we have got a mini freeze over here now....just my luck..the central heating boiler packed up last night so no central heating and no hot water!! go and have a wash in the snow......eeeeh luxury

            Tea and coffee on the go...yep kettle still works!!!

            Good morning Nurdl are you today?Still tootlin about in that little purple topless number I see despite the cold!!(the cars ok too!!!:H) Thanks for the kind words long as we can laugh at the same time as doing the core business of staying af , thats all that matters..oh and no need to be sorry for not being here..tho I missed ya!!

            Rabsy my off for ye today....whats on the cairds for you this fine day?

            Morning is the sunny weather today? any spare ? any chance of a wee bit here.Yes there are times and I am sure we will all agree that we need space not to talk "shop", but hey we will get to that..again thank you for the kind Nurdl so put it ..I was given the gift of life back...I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but its not believe me, and if I can help others I will ..all I ask is they give it the commitment it needs..Nuff said You out dippin today mate or is it too cold.

            Mornin are you? go for the easy question ..yes its 2013 :H any plans for today? Reading your post..bought the dog a about spoiled.....says he with 2 rabbits who each have their own hot water bottle!!!!

            Good morning TDN....well I really liked your post yesterday..thank you it was quite straight to the blame excuses etc I did it end of, people were tough on you ..and you accepted it...thats whats needed at times a cold hard look at things, not wrapped up in flowery paper! I said yesterday..its not necessarily just about time in...but also attitude ..and you my dear I believe have got well is the doggy doing?

            Morning are you ? as I said in the last post..time aint the be all and end all..I am glad that you feel part of this thread ..because you are belongs to us all. Have a great visit in PA..scuse my ignorance but what does PA stand for?

            Cat buddy..what more can I say..youre post said it all..looks like youve turned need into want..maybe we can use that as a catchphrase or something ..turn your must have into dont want..go for it someone and we can have it as a thread motto!!

            Well done Cat excellent:clapclap:

            Mornin Lav..and how are you today? yep I believe status quo is now the modus operandi fur der tag..thought I would chuck that in for you to keep your hand in!!!
            How are you ? oops apologies... yakking and no coffee here y are ma'am.Any plans for today? Is this a kid free weekend or is Sunday spent putting it all back together? have a great day

            Mornin know just sat and reread the posts..and the majority of them echo a very similar thing...we post here because we find it save peaceful etc...again a very positiuve attitude so well done then you gettin ready for Burns night? Soup, tatteis neeps n haggis..oh and you can toast the chief o the puddin race wi Irn Bru!!!
            have a great day

            Hiya ok?... and that's the whole point ...disarming the triggers!!!Once you can do that then we are quids in .how are things with you? You never let us know what happened at the community garden project meeting..positive? You should have chucked a few "P"s about before it started.

            Morning Det...glad you are ok...also glad you had a chat with Turn..she is a good voice of rationale and reason..sent you a pm..hope thats the meantime stay positive you need to work at this mate it doesnt come as a freebie, but I guess you know that.Snowing like mad here now..wanna swap a bit for your weather??

            Morning Treetops how are you today? my post for Sat that I posted previous says it all are pretty good as a thread starter too.

            Hiya Shue.. you back now or still on the big drive?..yep when I joined here early starts was me n are in my eyes still a big part of this thread dont stay out so long

            Yo mmdu ...same applies to are you ? get back in here

            SF...welcome back...ok can we put things into perspective?It was me that put the idea up and I still stand by it.. perhaps I put it in such a way that it could be misinterpreted it..if so then I apologise..Kuya, amongst others supported me as do others in my intent..ergo would you say it is time for me to move on also and go elsewhere?If anyone should be the brunt of this ..then it should be me ..not Kuya..and I am more than capable of handling that!
            You say that this is the thread for you to post problems there, but in the next sentence you say that you are tired of posting here?
            Each and every person has the right to post where they wish to the objective again which we are losing sight of is to remain af!
            Just on a personal an idea of what I was talking about .for a downtime thread...this post has taken me from start to finish 108 minutes to put together!!

            I am NOT putting up any more about I said to Lav ..status quo remains..but if you want to pm me for any reason...happy to discuss

            Oh ..and still waiting for the heating to be fixed!!!

            take care folks ..have a great day

            I’m the part of the bird that’s not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I?
            A shadow.
            I am mother and father, but never birth or nurse. I’m rarely still, but I never wander. What am I?
            A tree.
            I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn’t find it. What is it?
            A splinter.
            I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I’ll make it lighter. What am I?
            A hole.

            No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?
            A secret.
            A certain crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed. What is it?

            You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I?
            An onion.

            I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I?
            A shoe.
            Throw it off the highest building, and I’ll not break. But put me in the ocean, and I will. What am I?
            A tissue.
            A wave.
            What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
            A river.

            Our story begins at the Olympics, specifically the wrestling event. It is narrowed down to the Russian or the American for the gold medal. Before the final match, the American wrestler’s trainer came to him and said, “Now don’t forget all the research we’ve done on this Russian. He’s never lost a match because of this “pretzel” hold he has. Whatever you do, don’t let him get you in this hold! If he does, you’re finished!”
            The wrestler nodded in agreement. Now, to the match: The American and the Russian circled each other several times looking for an opening. All of a sudden the Russian lunged forward, grabbing the American and wrapping him up in the dreaded pretzel hold!
            A sigh of disappointment went up from the crowd, and the trainer buried his face in his hands for he knew all was lost. He couldn’t watch the ending.
            Suddenly there was a horrible scream, and a resounding cheer from the crowd. The trainer raised his eye just in time to see the Russian flying up in the air. The Russian’s back hit the mat with a thud, and the American weakly collapsed on top of him, getting the pin and winning the match.
            The trainer was astounded! When he finally got the American wrestler alone, he asks, “How did you ever get out of that hold? No one has ever done it before!”
            The wrestler answered, “Well, I was ready to give up when he got me in that hold, but at the last moment, I opened my eyes and saw this pair of balls right in front of my face. I thought I had nothing to lose, so with my last ounce of strength I stretched out my neck and bit those babies just as hard as I could. You’d be amazed how strong you get when you bite your own balls!”

            A father asked his 10 year old son if he knew about the birds and the bees.
            “I don’t want to know!” the child said, bursting into tears.
            “Promise me you won’t tell me.”
            Confused, the father asked what was wrong.
            “Oh dad,” the boy sobbed, “when I was 6 I got the there’s no Santa speech. At 7, I got the there’s no Easter Bunny speech. When I Was 8, you hit me with the there’s no Tooth Fairy’ speech. If you tell me that grown-ups don’t really f*ck, I’ll have nothing left to live for.

            “I think I have a problem, Doc,” says a patient. “One of my balls has turned blue.”
            The doctor examines the man briefly and concludes that the patient will die if he doesn’t have his testicle removed.
            “Are you crazy?!” bursts the patient. “How could I let you do such a thing to me!”
            “You want to die?” asks the doctor rhetorically, at which point the patient has to agree to have his testicle removed.
            Two weeks after the operation, the patient comes back. “Doc, I don’t know how to say this, but the other ball has turned blue, too.”
            Again, the doctor tells him that if he wants to live, his other testicle must be cut off, too. Again, the man is very reluctant to the idea.
            “Hey, you want to die?” asks the doctor, and the patient has to agree with the operation. After two weeks of being testicle-less, the patient returns to the doctor and says, “I think something is very wrong with me. My penis is now completely blue.”
            After briefly examining the patient, the doctor gives him the bad news: If he wants to live, his penis has to go. Of course, the patient does not want to hear about it.
            “You want to die?” asks the doctor.
            “But…how do I pee?”
            “We’ll install a plastic pipe, and there will be no problem.” So the patient has his penis removed, and, a while after the operation, the unfortunate man enters the doctor’s office again. He is very angry.
            “Doctor, the plastic pipe turned blue!”
            “Can you tell me what the hell is happening??”
            The doctor examines the patient more carefully and says, “Hmmm, I don’t know. Could it be the dye in the jeans?”

            Sam and Bessie are senior citizens, and Sam has always wanted an expensive pair of alligator cowboy boots. Seeing them on sale one day, he buys a pair and wears them home, asking Bessie, “So, do you notice anything different about me?”
            “What’s different? It’s the same shirt you wore yesterday and the same pants.”
            “What’s different?” Frustrated, Sam goes into the bathroom, undresses and comes out completely naked, wearing only his new boots. Again he says, “Bessie, do you notice anything different?”r />“What’s different, Sam? It’s hanging down today; it was hanging down yesterday and will be hanging down again tomorrow.”
            Angrily, Sam yells, “Do you know why it’s hanging down? ‘Cause it’s looking at my new boots!!”
            Bessie replies, “You shoulda bought a hat!”

            This elderly lady went to the doctor for a checkup. Everything checked out fine. The old lady pulled the doctor to the side and said, “Doctor, I haven’t had s*x for years now, and I was wondering how I can increase my husband’s s*x drive.”
            The doctor smiled and said, “Have you tried to give him Viagra?”
            The lady frowned. “Doctor, I can’t even get him to take aspirin when he has a headache,” she claimed.
            “Well,” the doctor continued, “let me suggest something. Crush the Viagra into a powder. When you are giving him coffee, stir it into the coffee and serve it. He won’t notice a thing.”
            The old lady was delighted. She left the doctor’s office quickly.
            Weeks later the old lady returned. She was frowning and the doctor asked her what was wrong. She shook her head.
            “How did it go?” the doctor asked.
            “Terribly, doctor, terribly.”
            “Did it not work?”
            “Yes,” the old lady said, “It worked. I did as you said and he got up and ripped his clothes off right then and there and we made mad love on the table. It was the best s*x that I’d had in 25 years.”
            “Then what is the problem, ma’am?”
            “Well,” she said. “I can’t ever show my face in McDonald’s again.”

            Annoying people..part 2

            Do Tai Chi exercises.
            Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers that this is your “personal space.”
            Draw a volleyball on the wall of the elevator and insist you have been trapped in there for 3 months. Formally introduce everyone to the volleyball!
            Dress as a clergy member of the opposite sex.
            Drop a pen and wait until someone reaches to help pick it up, then scream, “That’s mine!”
            Eat jello through a straw.
            Frown and mutter "gotta go, gotta go" then sigh and say "oops!"
            Give each passenger a round of applause as they enter or leave.
            Give each passenger a ticket and remind them that door prize drawing is in half an hour.
            Give people lectures about the periodic table of elements
            Give religious tracts to each passenger.
            Go into extreme detail explaining how you were trapped in an elevator once for two days.
            Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral.
            Greet everyone with a smile and a handshake, then ignore them.
            Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: "Shut up, dammit, all of you just shut UP!"
            Guard the button panel so no one can touch it. Growl and bite at anyone’s fingers who attept to cross you.
            Have a picnic in the elevator.
            Have a seizure.
            Hold the elevator door open and say you’re waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say, “Hi John, how’s your day been?”
            Holler “Chutes away!” whenever the elevator descends.
            Hug yourself.
            Hum the theme from Mission Impossible with yours eyes darting around the elevator.
            Hum the theme to Jeopardy
            If anyone brushes against you, recoil and holler, "Bad touch!"
            If anyone brushes against you, whisper to them "was it good for you too?"
            Introduce yourself as Ochenga-Wangaa The great chief and begin telling stories of your native island.
            Jump up when the elevator reaches a stop.
            Lay down a Twister mat and ask people if they want to play.
            Lean against the button panel.
            Lean over to another passenger and whisper: “Noogie patrol coming!”
            Leave a box between the doors.
            Leave a box in a corner, and when someone gets on, ask if they hear something ticking.
            Lick gummy bears and stick them to things (the walls, the buttons, the passengers, etc.)
            Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope.
            Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
            Make farm noises.
            Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.
            Make sure the emergency phone is working.
            Meow occasionally.
            Move your desk in to the elevator, and whenever someone gets on, ask if they have an appointment.
            Mumble autistically about the possibilities of elevator accidents.
            Offer a bite of your fresh tangerine to everyone coming on board.
            Offer hitman services.
            Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. Wear yours upside-down.
            On a long ride, sway side to side at the natural frequency of the elevator.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              af day Sat 19 Jan

              Evening abbers

              How's everyone tonight/today?

              Det - great to hear you're getting back to being you

              Hi Mick - never heard of rabbits with hot water bottles; I don't feel so nutso now

              Have a great trip YAH

              Am almost sleeping and it's only 7pm; must have been my late night partying last night - to 10pm no less!! Had major trigger today and tried to find out what the feeling was as it is the same thing that made me think of drinking a few times last year. Trying to negotiate with neighbours, giving them an inch and they take a mile and I get angry with myself for being so "nice" when I now feel like telling them where to go!! Anyway, all well and cool here.

              See lots of snow about (David Cameron on TV this am with nice snowfall).

              Off to bed early. Hope everyone has a great day/night.


                af day Sat 19 Jan

                Blondie....David Cameron is a snowman!!!!!:H:H:H:H
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  af day Sat 19 Jan

                  Hello, AFers,

                  Mostly, I wanted to jump in and say hello to my old friend Determinator, Det.

                  :l:l Det.

                  You have been there for so many of us here and I want you to know you can count on me if you need anything at all. You have done so well and can do so again.

                  Please give Dx a hug for me, too.

                  Be well, my friend and turn your face back to the sun.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    af day Sat 19 Jan

                    blondie;1446662 wrote: Evening abbers

                    How's everyone tonight/today?

                    Det - great to hear you're getting back to being you

                    Hi Mick - never heard of rabbits with hot water bottles; I don't feel so nutso now

                    Have a great trip YAH

                    Am almost sleeping and it's only 7pm; must have been my late night partying last night - to 10pm no less!! Had major trigger today and tried to find out what the feeling was as it is the same thing that made me think of drinking a few times last year. Trying to negotiate with neighbours, giving them an inch and they take a mile and I get angry with myself for being so "nice" when I now feel like telling them where to go!! Anyway, all well and cool here.

                    See lots of snow about (David Cameron on TV this am with nice snowfall).

                    Off to bed early. Hope everyone has a great day/night.
                    Years ago my therapist said that I drank back my anger. Lots of people do it......we even talk of 'swallowing your anger'.

                    If it is safe to do try to let the right people have it, otherwise you hurt yourself by drinking or innocent bystanders through frustration.

                    I have learnt over time NOT to do this ( you may have noticed ) if someone gives me shit I will deal with it ...... nothing and no one threatens my quit if I can safely avoid it.

                    And apologies, Blondie, for not replying to your post on the dog dog used to drive me nuts with his 'cube' ....... The damn thing made so much noise I had to limit it to when I was out


                      af day Sat 19 Jan

                      Yah.....sorry I missed your post.

                      Have a good trip :h


                        af day Sat 19 Jan

                        Cinders..what a lovely saying turn your face to the sun
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          af day Sat 19 Jan

                          PA is Pennsylvania, Mick.

                          Gotta run. I slept too long as it is!

                          Hugs all!
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            af day Sat 19 Jan

                            Good Saturday morning Abbers!

                            Cold but chilly around these parts - so glad my heating system is working Mick

                            My big plan for the day is vacuuming up dog hair & dust bunnies then heading to the feed store whenever YB gets here to help me drag home a few bales of straw for the muddy chicken yard. This granny does not lift hay bales - I leave that for the guy with the bad back :H

                            I just mentioned to another MWO member this morning that living in a Drama Free Zone is essential for me in keeping my quits!
                            I have lived my life as the ultimate helper/caregiver & yes, sometimes a sin-eater! I effectively gave away my heart & soul & that's how I ended up in the AL toilet. I no longer let anyone bother me so harshly & so deeply. I owned up to my own problems & took the necessary steps to correct them, now it's everyone else's turn. From now on everyone needs to buck up & handle their own crap

                            That's my words of wisdom for today :H
                            Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              af day Sat 19 Jan

                              Hey YahYah - maybe i'll run into you today here in PA
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

