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January Generosity Week 4

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    January Generosity Week 4

    Good morning.

    2 F here now-going up to 20 or so today. But it is supposed to get to 40 or more next week, so we shall see! Since I have to go out of town on Tuesday, I'll be very happy if this is the case.

    Your day sounds wonderful, Kas. Nice to see you enjoying some of the simple things that do make life good.

    What is everyone up to this weekend? I am heading out to meet a friend and her mother for lunch--about an hour's drive. Haven't seen them since late last summer, so it will be good to catch up. Mother hasn't been well, but at 86, she is hanging in. Not sure about tomorrow yet.

    Had more trouble yesterday with the Interlock and the stupid message it gave me three times after I tried to do the test leaving a coffee shop. (I got a coffeee to go--did not eat or drink anything.) I called the company again and now am told I should hold the device straight up, put hand warmers and a towel around it at night, etc. I also saw info that the log could run out before the unit is "calibrated"--which means a new device--next month. Means having to bring it in for service.

    Pap, saw you on FB, but hope we may get an update this weekend. Hang in!

    Hope everyone has a great AF day.

    "One day at a time."


      January Generosity Week 4

      Good morning kids

      It's a balmy 19 degrees here this morning!
      I've moved the bird cage away from it's usual spot in the kitchen near the door. That poor 30 year old bird was getting a blast of cold air everytime I opened the door to let the dogs in & out. He'll just have to do without a view of the yard for a while until it warms up

      Kas, sounds like you had a nice day! Nelson sounds like a great place to visit & a good place to unwind after working so hard

      TDN, sorry that Interlock device is such a pain I imagine the cold air must interfere with it's normal operations. It is what it is, right?
      Enjoy your lunch out today!

      Nothing special on my plan today. I do need to get out & clear a path for my chickens so they can get out of their house. They're too chicken to walk on the snow :H

      Have a great AF Saturday everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        January Generosity Week 4

        Happy Saturday! Nelson sounds like a little gem, Kas, I love it when interesting things are concentrated together. I wring my hands with you TDN regarding the kinks in the technology, it is maddening to not know what is wrong or how to adapt. At least when you breathe while walking the earth you are not getting an "error message", most of your breathing can be slow and peaceful. I am glad your birdie is still around, Lav, a thirty year old 'tiel is a fine old bird. I just noticed I am late for breakfast (EEEEEKKKK) so back later?plans TDN are probably pruning unless we have some very much needed rain which is gathering possibly in the west. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          January Generosity Week 4

          Plans? None for me. I have done my shopping and had my breakfast out. The groceries are put away. I will likely go to church later this afternoon and watch a film tonight. Pretty low key day for me. Will help Mr. D set up a warming bed in the greenhouse. That's about it.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            January Generosity Week 4

            Hi there generosity week people. I had a bit of a read of this thread and it seems a bit similar to the daily threads of the monthly abstinence lot - which is my home base. Some of you know me well (as much as you can through the internet!).
            could you please let me know if there are any differences between those two threads - I know there are no 'rules' apart from a genuine desire and effort to be AB - which I have been since 10 Oct 2012 (after earlier spells at AB) but this time its for real and for ever (sounds like a corny line from a song by Queen)
            I am am old gal in my late 50s, live as you can see in New Zealand - with a partner called G, daughter (nearly 15) and a stroppy cat. Have a professional job that I love most of the time.:new:


              January Generosity Week 4

              Hi TT

              Glad to see you here. I am not sure what the difference between the two threads is, but I'm sure somebody here does! Anyway, I really like this group. Seems like people really stick around here and I like that. I do try to post on a few threads, but feel most comfortable here. Anyway, :welcome:
              "One day at a time."


                January Generosity Week 4

                Good evening kids!

                TT, good to see you here

                TDN, if I remember correctly - a few years ago Dill suggested this thread. Some folks didn't actually feel quite ready to commit to a monthly 'pledge' to remain AF yet really wanted to be AF.
                Dill - please correct me if I'm wrong here

                At any rate, we have managed to collect some super awesome ladies & a few gents here. We all play very nicely together I think :H

                You know I still check in the Newbies Nest & the AF daily thread but I probbaly am most comfortable here so here I stay

                The more the merrier!!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  January Generosity Week 4

                  Last night was the full moon but the sky was filled with clouds here. Fortunately I was up before dawn and Mr. D told me to check out the moon setting in the east. It was a beautiful sight to see. I was glad to be back on the light side of the moon, grateful to be looking at it with AF eyes.

                  Yes Lav, you are correct. We had a little band of posters back then that were posting on the just starting out section. Many of us met in the Newbie's Nest. Then we started a weekly thread in general discussions(I think). We "discussed" the idea of being ready for more serious commitment so we moved to Monthly Ab section to demonstrate that level of seriousness, but we didn't want to leave anyone behind that might not be ready for that so we created what we have today. A month is fantastic, but a week is too, depending on where you are at in your process. I still miss some of those friends from back then who have quit posting with us. I still think of Lilmea and the last time I was in contact with her she was AF and happy and had no intentions of returning to drinking. She's a grandma now and that keeps her motivated. I miss SD, too.

                  Welcome to you, TT! We'd love it if you join us here.:welcome:

                  LBH, did you get to do any pruning?

                  Kas, your foray in Nelson sounded wonderful.

                  Rusty, Cyn, Papmom, TDN, Star, Rustop(?) Hippy, G, et al., thinking of you all.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    January Generosity Week 4

                    Good morning...

                    Treetop, welcome and great job on your AF time. I don't even remember how this thread started, just that it is part of my morning routine, nearly every day. It is important for me to reflect on what I want in my life, and to read my online friends committment to living lives with dignity and respect, without alcohol. Varied lifestyles, careers, ages, yet we all realized that alcohol screwed up our lives: relationships, health, self-esteem, etc. Great place to talk if you have a problem and need feedback; we are all generous with suggestions and try so hard to be nonjudgemental.

                    Has anyone communicated with Chill? I want to contact her but respect her privacy. Miss her.

                    Having a lazy weekend, Dill, sounds like you are getting the essentials done, as am I. Then it is nice to just relax at home. This cold weather and snow encourages hibernation. Your greenhouse sounds so cool, I would love to have one. Enjoy yours.

                    Lav, you are so generous on all the threads. Sometimes the negativity and hopelessness puts me off. I do not mean to be selfish, but put my needs first. Also, the MWO program is pretty specific, and it is not always followed(?) Professional help is not the end of the world. Everyone has different needs, no shame in that. It is just so great to feel healthy, sleep well, and manage your life with clear thinking. changing the subject: I had a meat based/processed food dinner last night and guess what. Hot flashes within a few hours. Boy oh boy, it is so important for me to eat vegan. Wonder how long it will take me to clean out my system?

                    To everyone, have a great day.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      January Generosity Week 4

                      Good morning frosty friends

                      Cold, cold & more cold Brrrrr!!!
                      But the sun is out, so I am grateful for that!
                      Snow, sleet & freezing rain on the way for tomorrow,

                      I did see a peek of the full moon through the clouds last night Dill. Glad to report I slept well, it didn't bother me for a change :H
                      I've been thinking about my MD neighbor Jolie.

                      Star, there certainly ar all sorts of personalities posting on MWO!
                      There are a few who need some serious professional/medicinal help but just don't/won't get help. They can create some real discomfort for the masses around here

                      I believe the biggest problem with processed foods is MSG & that will cause hot flashes!
                      Honestly, the cleanner I eat the fewer the hot flashes - yay!
                      I know it takes time to cook from scratch, it requires some good planning. I like to roast a chicken on Sunday to have in the fridge to create quick meals durning the week for the grandkids. I also cook up a big pot of beans to use for different dishes during the week. Soup is my all time fav
                      I think my Curves exercise program has also helped out a lot in reducing hot flashes. Unfortunately, it takes time to get out of the hot flash stage of life.....hang in there

                      Gotta go feed animals!
                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        January Generosity Week 4

                        "You can either learn from others or judge them. You can't do both."
                        -John Powers, Author and Playwright.

                        Good Morning Everyone,

                        I am in a rush this morning to catch a plane to Nashville but just wanted to pop in and say hello. John Powers passed away last week. He lives very close to me and has written several very popular books. He founded the Powers of Motivation Institute in 1988. Yesterday, a dear friend with whom I've reconnected, invited me to see a dinner theater program that was directed by John Powers' daughter. His widow and both his daughters were there, and although terribly saddened by his sudden passing, forged ahead and put on a spectacular performance. My friend had the lead role in the play, and I'd never been to a dinner theater and it was tons of fun.

                        Treetops, :welcome: This is a wonderful thread. The bickering and hostility on other threads is such a turnoff for me, so this is my permanent home.

                        Chill-thinking of you and praying you are safe.

                        I'll write more later. I have to catch a plane to Nashville.

                        Have a fabulous AF Sunday, everyone!



                          January Generosity Week 4

                          Good Sunday Morning from here. Our view of the moon was also glorious. I too missed my fair share of moons through the years for the sake of artificial light and the glint of cocktails, and I am just relieved the moon is still here. Did not prune yesterday as we had just enough rain to make it uncomfortable but not enough to make a dent in the drought. So today it is on and like the moon things are the same as they were when I was young and sober. There is still a version of my big giant overalls, the very same old tools, the truck (no longer the twenty year old Chevy, this time a ten year old Toyota), the dump (well, no longer the "dump", now the concrete urban "convenience center"), the dogs along for the ride (no longer the big shepherd collie mixes, now Yorkshire terriers?in sweaters), and the stop afterward at the very same Blake's Lota Burger. A good day this way comes although I am not sure Lord Bird Heart, who is a more recent addition to the picture, is quite as romantic about the whole thing. Speaking of relationships. thank you for telling me I was being hard on myself regarding them. I actually do really well in controlled situations (there's a surprise) such as work and recreation and "dating", it is the daily twenty-four seven living together for better or worse that I never learned to do and that is why I chose to not have children. I am generally fine with Lord Bird Heart but he is unusually self contained, and I don't need alcohol to build a privacy wall between us. I am glad as I would have hated to have to unload him. After I prune I want to fly to Nashville with Rusty. Love, Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            January Generosity Week 4

                            Well ~
                            YB was in a 'good mood' (for him) today & wanted to go to Longwood Gardens. They are right in the middle of their Orchid Extravaganza. Such a pretty sight
                            Here's a few pics!

                            I love that place, it makes me happy

                            Rusty, travel safely lady!
                            Glad you enjoyed the dinner theater, they are very cool. I actually saw Joe Namath perform in one in Philly many moons ago.

                            LBH, I still say if you ever want any kid practice, you know where you can find 2 or 3 :H
                            Having a self-contained spouse is not a bad thing provided he doesn't go into permanent hiding.....
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              January Generosity Week 4

                              Beautiful Lav! I have only been to Longwood once and so wish it was nearby so I could see all the seasonal exhibits. I made Lav and Cyn food for the week ahead this afternoon after my own outing, roasted pears and sweet potatoes for Cyn, while in another iron pan I roasted chicken thighs from a local farmer who is such an honorable fellow and really good to his chickens from egg to table. Earlier, we had a great time with our pruning project and even had time to take the doggies to a dog park as they could not get out of the truck safely at the "convenience center". We can now (sort of) walk under the three Afghani Pines closest to the front garden, there is a path on the side of the house through the Heavenly Bamboo and ancient Rose of Sharon, and two Purple Smoke Trees near the front porch are properly sculpted. Off for a shower and rest before "Downton Abbey". Enjoy the evening. Chill and Sooty and Rustop and G are sleeping. Love, Ladybird.
                              may we be well


                                January Generosity Week 4

                                WOW, Lav, those are gorgeous! We have nothing like that here, just snow and lots of it. I love those big botanical glass houses from the previous century and older, and try to visit as many as I can when travelling. I can almost feel the warmth from those photos and the orchids are very pretty. LBH, I am with you, I would like to be on the plane to Nashville with Rusty, I have always wanted to go and see the grand Ole Opry, (not even sure its IN Nashville) and well, just scout Nashville and the south. (Im a civil war buff, I know odd combo, heh?) Now of course I have no idea what Rusty has to do when she gets there, so I will carve off by myself and go find that wonderful spanish moss on the big old trees, that kind of stuff. Yeah.

                                Thanks Dill for providing this threads retrospective. I come here as often as I can to remember my roots, and to give thanks for where I am now. I was an AL abuser, not a deeply addicted alcoholic, but I dont make that distinction. I still needed to quit for my health. I had a particularly odd childhood, and found sanctuary in the fields, orchards, streams, forests and this place is like that for me. Kind voices, no yelling. So welcome Tree Tops.

                                I have discovered this lovely tea called Orange Spice Wulong. Its made by Teavana, and it has a grapefruit, orange, spicy, red color thing going on. Its delicious. I had no idea MSG irritates hot flashes, but I have found that walking for an hour outside in the freezing cold tends to make them quite welcome, if temporarily. Then when I come in and thaw out, not so unwelcome then either. But in the middle of the night, not so much.


                                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                                Status: Happy:h

