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af day Thurs 24 Jan

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    af day Thurs 24 Jan

    Morning merry band of AF troublemakers (oops meant troubadours) - hows it today?

    How's the sleep Cinders? Yep, I am with Kuya on AL being poison but I also know that we humans are very contradictory buggers. We shove all sorts of crap into our mouths, our children's mouths, and do all sorts of crap - and we don't want to - we know better. Having said that I never poured meths down my throat and now I put AL in the same category for me (its just wrapped in much nicer packaging than meths).
    Relaxing and having 'me' time has been really important in my recovery - and I intend to keep it that way. Although last night my 'me' time extended into staying up too late on my iPad and watching Wallander - did not make for restful dreams.

    Thats a hard one Cat re your ex. Your compassion and love shines through all the pain and mess. :h

    Hiya Lilly, Nurdl (and strippers), Pourquoi, Cat, CanToo (wherever you are), Det, TDN, Lavande and chickens, YAH, Pauly.

    I expect Mick (good morning Blossom!) will be kicking me in the pants for missing someone out. Look I haven't even made you guys coffee yet. I have only had one cup of tea - not enough for all, so Mick - get the tea on the boil too. Yes, I can be a bossy lady!

    Have a great day people. I have been bitten by something (think it was a spider) and am itchy and ikky. Lots of critters have come out with the heat here but fortunately almost none are poisonous in NZ (unlike alcohol - see we always return to that thread). Seeing Dr tomorrow. Now I must away to work.

    af day Thurs 24 Jan


    I start feeling so discombobulated when you post tomorrow's thread today. :H:H

    AF April 9, 2016


      af day Thurs 24 Jan

      But here it is not tomorrow - its the 24th.
      23rd is yesterday on this side of the date line!


        af day Thurs 24 Jan

        Oh, I am quite aware of that and understand but it still discombobulates me.

        I also want to see a toilet flush down there. I wonder if there are any youtube videos on it?

        Coriolis. Makes perfect sense but still fascinates me. :-)

        Off to find a video of a down under toilet flushing.

        AF April 9, 2016


          af day Thurs 24 Jan

          Aha, apparently I have fallen sway to an urban myth. Your toilets do not flush counter clockwise. (According to Snopes)

          However, your tornadoes do.

          Learn something new every day!! :-)

          AF April 9, 2016


            af day Thurs 24 Jan

            Hello affers,

            You all alright? Only read yesterdays thread today (that makes me almost 2 days behind, no TT?!?!).

            Mick - tuppence - I'm a bit of an old skool teacher. I wear a black cope and have a cane and whenever i even think a kid has whimpered a sound, I whip the cane across their backside. Gotta be cruel to be kind. :H

            Cat - how are you today? I'm sure Lav's PM had some wise and insightful words and thoughts in it.

            I've been having a funny ol' few days here - (that haven't felt particularly funny) - but right now at 7am on a dark winter morning, I sit here in bed not feeling groggy, not half-burping stale poison, not looking forward to 5pm where I might feel better again because I feel physically fine now, not promising myself I will give up drink because I feel shame and guilt for drinking. Because I didn't drink. Because I don't. I'm thankful for this.

            No teaching today Mick - in fact gotta write a letter to a parent who has complained about our arts centre's new programme of classes. Can't make every bugger happy can we. Maybe I should add in one of your jokes, just to lighten the tone :H

            Have a great day everyone.


              af day Thurs 24 Jan

              Good morning are things today? Seems like a bit of a drained and tired thread today, so lets see if we can put some zoom (whatever that is!)into it ..try a different approach today!! so despite all the goings on in the background the one thing that we can take pride in is that no one has turned to use the booze crutch.As we have all done before when we hit problem issues that is fantastic..Big pat on the back for you all.

              OK lets get on..tea and coffee on the go now for anyone that wants it.

              Good morning are you?did you get a goodnights sleep?hope so.Glad you feel physically better,mentally wise it could be that your mind is I didnt mean nutso!! but it is now on a different playing field from the one it has been for so many years when al was the give it a wee bit of time.You could also start focusing directly on things ie, interests, hobbies etc..and start doing puzzles etc..just a thought for your ever growing armoury.Stay strong..and by the way good after my job?:H

              A lawyer was reading out the will of a rich man to the people mentioned in the will: ?To you, my loving wife Rose, who stood by me in rough times, as well as good, I leave her the house and $2 million.? The lawyer continued, ?To my daughter Jessica, who looked after me in sickness and kept the business going, I leave her the yacht, the business and $1 million.? The lawyer concluded, ?And, to my cousin Cowboy, who hated me, argued with me, and thought that I would never mention him in my will. Well you are wrong. Hi Cowboy!?

              Morning PPQP..and how are you today?Pretty busy by the sounds of it...quite a bit to get on with.As far as the ex rearing his head ..think you have already dealt with that issue...remember numero uno!! your idea about the posts is right..if you dont like it.,.switch it off!Sometimes I aint the best at heeding my own advice...and if something bugs me then I say maybe I can learn from you!! just for you..below.

              Cessna pilot: ?Tower, Cessna 12345, student pilot, I am out of fuel. ?
              Tower: ?Roger Cessna 12345, reduce airspeed to best glide! ?
              Do you have the airfield in sight??
              Cessna: ?Uh?tower, I am on the south ramp; I just want to know where the fuel truck is.?

              Good morning Nurdl :l you ok this morning..any probs you know where I am..nuff said..your quote from yesterday.."Last night we worked the stripper's number."

              Oho..and what part did you play in that madam??? Yes I agree with is a great mood setter, calmer. You have a good day

              Doctor! I have a serious problem, I can never remember what i just said.
              When did you first notice this problem?
              What problem?

              Morning Lav..and how are you today?Heres some extra oomph coffee to get you going!Yep your temp might be in single least it hasnt got a horizontal line in front of the number(yet!!) So what are your plans for today...keeping check on the loons or tidying up the damage they have done! bet the chickens are like that "right what day is it?...oh no...its that day ..hide!!!

              Employer: ?We need someone responsible for the job.?
              ?Sir your search ends here! In my previous job whenever something went wrong,everybody said I was responsible.?

              Morning are you today?So the bug joke tickled you?How comes your mood shows you up as stressed..something up?care to share?

              Two elderly ladies were discussing the upcoming dance at the country club.
              ?We?re supposed to wear something that matches our husband?s hair, so I?m wearing black,? said Mrs. Smith. ?Oh my,? said Mrs. Jones, ?I?d better not go.?

              Good morning are you feeling today? You asked a do people deal with pain? apologies afore I start ..switch off if it gets boring.Firstly got to agree with Kas..the way not to deal with it is through a bottle, though most of us did do.It solves absolutely nothing..only temporarily hides the problem and then exacerbates it..also depends what kind of pain and whether you have any control or input into it.
              heres the boring bit..all through my adult life I have been able and been in situations where I could and had to make instant decisions..some of them being in pretty iffy situations too..Didnt always go according to plan, but then you improvise.they were situations I could control or could massively input into them so that I gained control..Then came parts of my life that seemed to go a wee bit wrong..things that I couldnt control..which confused me as I didnt know how to deal with I sat down looked aat them and what I could do..
              Here is an example..for the last 2 days I have been feeling pretty shit..even today dont feel that great ,but a lot better than I did.With me it is a medication even more boring tale! but the upshot is that every so often I get really down,weepy etc for no reason..I know when it is coming on, but not a lot I can do about it..This time, I sat down and read both your post and Cinders post and thought to myself look at this ..what the fk have you got to mope about? basically kicking my own arse into gear..otherwise you can soon fall into the pit of desperation. so thank you both
              All I can say is no one size fits all..there is no tailor made plan, sometimes the action will be sporadic and off the cuff,others you will be able to plan.I appreciate that things look and are tough, but try not to climb into the"woe is me" bed for you wont want to get out...rather look at it and think right what can I do today so that I can enjoy myself look at it in the same vein as quitting al odat..and change it to get as much for you out of that day.
              Remember , this isnt a rehearsal..and the curtain comes down for a pretty long time..boy was that long or what? apologies!!

              An elderly woman went to her doctor, complaining about not being able to hear out of one ear.
              The doctor then took his penlight, looked in her ear, then took his tweezers, reached in, and pulled something out.
              After examining the object for a second, he exclaimed, ?Well?.it seems you inserted a suppository into your ear??.
              The old lady thought for a second, then responded ?Gee?.I guess that explains why I can?t find my hearing-aid?!?.

              Morning are you today?ok I hope

              A very fat woman comes into a store and tells the clerk,
              ?I would like to see a bikini that fits me.?
              Clerk, ?me too??

              Mornin ok?yeh whats this all about?you are up eons before any of us and nae brew??? Watched a bit on telly about what is the best windscreen cleaner in ice and actually came out tops!!!cleaned a windscreen thick with ice in under a minute..and this is what e have been chucking down our necks for years!!!Hope your bites are getting better..and that they are not contagious...just in case they are heres lunch ..says he chucking a pizza through the letter box !! :H

              Why was the name ?P.M.S.? chosen ?
              Because ?Mad Cow Disease? was already taken.

              Morning SL..and how are you? whit nae Irn Bru?? jings how do you pit up wi it !!! have a great day

              Ive got a new anorexic girlfriend.
              Its not going too well though. I?m just seeing less and less of her ?

              Mornin Rabsy..or is it Mr Creep from the Bash St kids?? how are you today? your mood sounds somewhat discordant and confused on this dark morn..methinks the ideal panacea would be to go back to bo-peep fro an hour and start again!! As for your complainant in respect of the art programme why dont you send her a pictorial reply..though I would be impressed to see your interpretation of .fck off and dont bug me in illustration!!:H
              Well done on the dont want to drink ..glad to see the word need has dropped out of the vocab

              Right peeps offski those missing Kuya TDN,YAH,Shue Cantoo..(think you are back today?) and all others ..take care and have a good day

              Whats six inches long, has a head on it and drives women wild ?
              Money !

              Q. An ethical lawyer, an honest politician, and a merciful aerobics instructor all fall out of an airplane. Which one hits the ground first?
              A. It doesn?t matter ? none of them exist.

              Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
              A: When the kids leave home.

              Q: Should I have another baby after 35?
              A: No, 35 children is enough.

              Annoying People in Public Bathrooms

              Before you unroll toilet paper, conspicuously lay down your "Cross-dressers Anonymous" newsletter on the floor visible to the adjacent stall.
              Cheer and clap loudly every time someone breaks the silence w/ a bodily function noise.
              Drop a D-cup bra on the floor under the stall wall and sing "Born Free."
              Drop a marble and say, "Oh shit! My glass eye!"
              Fill a balloon w/ creamed corn. Rush into the stall w/ your hand over your mouth and let out a lengthy vomit impression while you squeeze the balloon and splatter cream corn all about. Apologize profusely and blame it on the fettuccine alfredo you had for breakfast.
              Fill up a large flask w/ Mountain Dew. Squirt it erratically under the stall walls of your neighbors while yelling, "Whoa! Easy boy!"
              Grunt and strain real loud for 30 seconds and then drop a cantaloupe into the toilet bowl from a height of 6 ft. Sigh relaxingly.
              Lower a small mirror underneath the stall wall, adjust it so you can see your neighbor and say, "Peekaboo!"
              Play a well-known drum cadence over and over again on your butt cheeks.
              Say, "Boy, that sure looks like a maggot."
              Say, "C'mon Mr. Happy! Don't fall asleep on me!"
              Say, "Damn, I knew that drain hole was a little too small. Now what am I gonna do?"
              Say, "Damn, this water's cold."
              Say, "Hmmm, I've never seen that color before."
              Say, "Humus. Reminds me of humus."
              Say, "Interesting...more floaters than sinkers."
              Say, "Now how did that get there?"
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af day Thurs 24 Jan

                Morning afternoon and evening AFers,

                Another glorious day here in godzone, bit humid but not complaining eh? TT

                Did I miss yesterday's thread Mick, must've been confused, was really tired yesterday but pucka now.

                Cat....why does your situation with your ex impinge or diminish your future relationships? You have an ex you will be financially responsible for but aren't many people in that situation re alimony type situations? Any new man worth having accepts you baggage and all. Sorry if I have I missed something?

                As I said I know how lonely it can be but we must be patient I reckon. I have been single for five years while my ex went straight into another relationship which is already falling apart.

                Cantoo.....stop fannying around and get back here! Now! :h

                Arsey, you a bit better then today.....yep sometimes life is a grind. Get a job in NZ and come stay here for a change of scenery. Plenty of hills to climb and run. You are young free and single so you can go where you want, when you want.

                Hi Cinders ......yep gotta change your mindset to really stop for good. One member here loved the analogy I gave when I said to think of alcohol as embalming fluid, cos that is what we are doing when we drink......embalming ourselves slowly.

                My daughter went back to school today so early starts for me again :upset:

                Better wrap it up and say goodnight




                  af day Thurs 24 Jan

                  Good Morning DAF'ers...

                  Thanks for the coffee and "fuel" joke Mick. Will be passing that one on to my brother as he's currently taking flying lessons. :H

                  My boss was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal on Monday, presented by the Govenor General. It's a big TaDoo and it serves to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.

                  So he's taking us all out to lunch today. A "hottie tottie" restaurant so now I have to scrounge through the closet and find appropriate attire.

                  Morning to all I haven't addressed by name, on a mission at the moment but will check in later.

                  Have a great AF Thursday all and all to come....PPQP


                    af day Thurs 24 Jan

                    Good morning Abbers

                    I have been on babysitting duty for an hour already. Thankfiul it's a short day with the boys today!

                    Greetings to TT, Mick, Kuya, PQ, RC, Cindi, Cat, TDN & everyone dropping in today!
                    Cold here but sunny so far. Tomorrow is going to be a snow day, oh well!

                    The boys are tuned into cartoons on the Disney channel at the moment, yay!
                    Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Thursday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af day Thurs 24 Jan

                      Good Morning, AFers!!

                      First of all, I added another joke to Laughing Out Loud, here is the link. It was too long to put it in here.


                      No, Mick, I am not trying to take your job, I have very few favorite jokes, and I have now shared two of them with all of you. :-)

                      Now, on to real stuff. I alluded to PAWS the other day and wondered if anyone besides myself suffered from it. PAWS has been a major reason for my relapsing. I am an impatient person and the thought of not getting my brain back for 18 or so months is daunting. (As any good alcoholic will understand, that means I convince myself I am better off drinking than actually waiting for improvement. )

                      My psychiatrist told me that my brain cannot even begin to start healing for three to four months. I have made it to three months before once. Sadly, I let myself give up and start drinking again.

                      My daughter told me that it took her almost nine months before she started feeling really good. Of course, as I have stated, she has since gone back to drinking and is struggling again to get back to sobriety. Heart breaking.

                      Anyway, I am telling all of you this because, one, I want to have this in writing to refer to in the future and ,two, I hope all of you will gently remind me from time to time that some of my moods and feelings can be attributed to PAWS and THAT IT WILL GET BETTER.

                      I know myself well and over the next few months I will get cranky and irritable. Like Kas, I need to grow myself some new ones and just deal with it.

                      I hope all have a wonderful AF day and many thanks for your presence here and the support I see for all on this thread.

                      I hope Det checks back in soon.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        af day Thurs 24 Jan

                        If you knew for sure that you would have your full functioning brain back with the next 18 months or less - would that make a difference for you? Would you take the AF challenge for the next 18 months & see what happens? To my knowledge PAWS is a bunch of annoying symptoms that we all have to deal with to some degree, but it's not fatal! Continuing an abusive relationship is fatal, sooner or later. Agree?
                        Something to think about
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          af day Thurs 24 Jan

                          Lavande;1449643 wrote: Cindi,
                          If you knew for sure that you would have your full functioning brain back with the next 18 months or less - would that make a difference for you? Would you take the AF challenge for the next 18 months & see what happens? To my knowledge PAWS is a bunch of annoying symptoms that we all have to deal with to some degree, but it's not fatal! Continuing an abusive relationship is fatal, sooner or later. Agree?
                          Something to think about
                          Actually, Lav, I would take the challenge even if I knew I wasn't going to get my brain back. :-)

                          I just happen to know that from previous quits, PAWS is very rough on me. My symptoms are quite exaggerated. Probably because my level of alcoholism is quite advanced. More damage done.

                          Yes, alcohol is definitely going to be fatal for me. It almost killed me in May/June this year and yet, I continued.

                          Now, however, I have decided I do want to live whatever time I have left on this earth without alcohol ruling my actions and my thoughts.

                          But, I also know that the ride is going to be rough for a while and I am trying to be prepared for it.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            af day Thurs 24 Jan

                            A rough ride it is the Cindi ~ just hang on
                            I was thinking of your episode last Spring, you sure as hell don't want to go thru something like that again!
                            I just kept telling myself that whatever I had to go thu to get AL out of my life wouldn't kill me. Yes it's hard to quit but it won't kill you. AL will kill you so hang in there Cindi :l
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              af day Thurs 24 Jan

                              Cinders, Lav... it's the future I try to look to. Hope. Hope springs forth. Not backwards. Unlike you Cinders, I'm pretty new to the game here. God only knows what will happen in the future, but what keeps me AF today is the believe that there will be better days ahead. Sure, to get there there may be some pretty sucky days, and I'll have my tantrums and scream and shout and curse - but better that, than suppressing all of it under a veil of inebriation, where it festers and grows and festers and grows and festers and grows.

                              I think your attitude is couragous Cinders and I admire your resolve. I wish you all the courage in the world that you'll get to 18 months - and well beyond... :l

