Mick - just saw your post in the 100day thread re councillor Danny Healy-Rae's proposal to up the drinking limit for the choochters of Ireland. I'm trying to think of what I'd think of it 5 months ago... hard... but I think (despite my own bad BAD BAD habit of driving under the influence when I was drinking) that it's a bad idea because
1. Simply put, drinking adversely affects ones mental capabilities. To drive any motorised vehicle - even on rural roads that see more sheep arses in an hour than real people in a week - having imbibed a substance that adversely affects ones mental capacities ought to be illegal. Increasingly I'd probably take a zero tolerance approach to drink driving, but i recognise that's a position i would've adopted since being here.
2. My Healey-Rae says We don't want to see people drunk, we're only talking about up to three pints' ... A pint of Stella Artois, Budwieser or Heineken all have 2.8 units in them. That's 8.4 units. That's nearly a bottle of wine. That's positively creating a death trap. Forget about 'travelling very minor roads ? with very little traffic' and 'have never killed anyone' - all it takes is a fecking sheep to flash it's arse and the drunk driver is off the road struggling to take control. Fatal.
3. Mr Healy-Rae says: 'This would have to be monitored, maybe by the publican or through some sort of stamped card system.' WTF?!?! Ridiculous. Tax payers money to set up a monitoring system so as some folks can drink more AND drive?! Publicans with breathalysers? Really?! Surely Mr Heanly-Rae you'd rather be making money than saving lives? I wonder so.
4. Mr Healy-Rae claimed his proposal would bring back a social outlet for lonely people in rural areas that has been lost after more strict drink-drive laws were introduced... :stomper: WHY MUST WE ALL RUN AWAY INTO DRINK?!?! Why can't people be social without recourse to drink. Why can't people be sociable without drinking MORE? Mr Healy-Rae is a publican.He is more concerned about his own livelihood than the risk to lives his establishment can cause upon others. OK, so now I sound like some stuck up pompous abstainer from some Dickens novel, BUT that he is a publican does seem to sound like his modus operandi is to ensure his income remains up.
OF COURSE many of the locals who drink in his establishment may support it, certainly after 2 pints I would support it... because I'd be wanting my third, fourth, fifth, sixth pint.... but that is not to say it is the right thing to do.
Finally - Mr Healy-Rae is a numpty if Irish rural roads are anything like Scottish ones. Not wanting to fear people, our roads are reasonably safe, however I would be lying if i were to say that it was uncommon to see folks living in rural Scotland drink driving. Some do. And a few drink very liberally before skimming round skinny roads that skirt the lochs. If some Irish are doing the same, Mr Healy-Rae by raising this issue, may have alerted the authorities to such indiscriminate acts that culminates in the curtailing all drink driving.
:goodjob: Danny!