Hope you are riding through the weepy stuff and shit, Mick. Yes, our own problems and misery often seems zero compared to others but for each of us the pain, or the depression, etc etc - is real and matters. I tend to say 'well at least I am not so badly off as XYZ', I am not a starving kid somewhere, I do have a loving partner and child, great job, etc etc but that has not always helped my recovery. And I have done terrible things to my body for many decades. A body that started off with good health.
I do feel much compassion for others' pain and have and do want to see some horrible things in the world eradicated or changed - but I also have to be realistic about what I can do - and have had to learn to stop beating myself up -esp with guilt. OK - have gotten off the track - and away from your shit Mick. But look after yourself mate! Otherwise I will send a possum over to stalk you. Since you are ex-army (???) maybe you need an army of possums.
Not humid here Kuya! My daughter still has a week before school starts. We were going over stationery needs yesterday. She starts NCEA this year (thats for NZ peeps only) so its important and I want to try to have a low-stress house.
I am not even going to begin to give advice about partners/men/relationships! I have a mini series there in my past.
How did the dinner/awards thing go Pourquoi? I bet you looked fab and felt fab without the AL.
Re PAWS and brains Cinders - I have a different take. Sorry if this upsets you. We are all different (even if all united by AL poisoning us) - and of course our recovery will depend on how much damage we have done to our bodies and also our social environment around us - plus our mind/mood. But don't believe all the stuff drs or counsellors tell you. Each one is different, the 'evidence' is highly contested and they often repeat the 'school' they have been trained in. I don't think there is a set time it takes for the brain to recover. I was really worried about that too - because my job and my own identity depends so much on being able to think clearly, logically but also being creative. It does take time sure - but its variable. For me (and this is just me) the absence of AL has made no negative difference to my ability to work, think and write. At first I missed the 'energy' AL gave me to do long periods of work at night but now I have recovered that energy with AL. Also I have heaps more time - heaps and heaps. Which I really love.
Also - and this is not AL - when I was pregnant I was given all that shit about 'baby brain' and not being able to concentrate. I wrote one of my most challenging pieces when I was pregnant and then breast feeding a colicky baby. Maybe the absence of AL was a reason for my clarity then. I was very tired but I paced myself and my brain did not turn to fog.
But as I said we are all different - brain fog is real I know, but please dont think its inevitable - or constant. I am sure you know this but just a wee reminder.
Sorry to others for the long post (maybe this should be on another thread? )
and also for the lack of jokes. I blame the possums.
Lots of hugs and have a great day
