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af day Sat 26 Jan

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    af day Sat 26 Jan

    Morning all you Ab doers and triers!

    It seems to have been a week of commemorations - not only for some of us - but also in the US - Martin Luther Day and Burns Day in you know where. We have Waitangi Day here on 6 Feb (thats our national holiday in NZ although controversial) and across the ditch they have Australia Day looming large. Thinking about us all over the globe had me wondering about what goes on for on-line support, if at all, in other parts of the world - especially the non English speaking areas.

    Confession - I have never tasted Irn Bru - although I am of Scottish heritage. I will purchase a bottle or can next time I see one - and give you the verdict - this may cause the clans to come to blows!
    I don't eat haggis either (as I am a vego). Kuya - We most definitely have real (not tinned) haggis where I live in New Zealand (thats a give away!). You can get via mail order too I think - have to order in advance. Sent like the way they courier organ transplants.
    Many years ago I was living in Fiji and celebrating St Andrews Day with a Scottish Dancing Club (no I don't do that either but it was a good excuse for a piss-up) and saw a haggis being serenaded and transported across a tropical bay surrounded by palm trees. Too weird.

    Lovely warm day looming here but I have work inside to do. Will get some walking done though.

    Happy weekend

    af day Sat 26 Jan

    My DIL is Scottish, but she and her parents would never pay for the good stuff here, eh Mick? :H:H


      af day Sat 26 Jan

      Morning Affers,

      Quick call in from work pre-classes. Nobody in the office apart from me. Kinda bliss really.

      Well we had a fair fare for haggis night in Auld Scotia. Aye, 'twas beans on toast and choccie bikkies in Rabsy's majestic place. :H Keeping the haggi cooped in the hay barn until required.

      back laters :hallo:


        af day Sat 26 Jan

        Mornin all and how is everyone today?Hello Suvverners ..hows yer Saturday evening? Finally stopped snowing here...a mere dusting of 6 inches so there will be lots of walking today from up here..cant see many cars getting out of least the kids are all out enjoying it.Last night was the first Burns night that I had, that whisky has not been partaken of..and to be truthful didnt really bother me in the slightest apart from the wee voice saying.."you should be having a glass o Scotch with this.Even my wife remarked..that she didnt know what to do /get because she usually buys me a we dram to go with it all.No drama

        OK on we go with the show .Tea coffee on the go now

        Morning tree and how are you today? Never had Irn Bru...made fae girders..once tasted never forgotten..most Jocks swear by it as a hangover cure too to quote"gies a swally o yer metal foreheed, ma heeds nippin"
        Translated means can I have a drink of your Irn Bru..I seem to have a bit of a sore head.As for haggis on a tropical island ..hmmm must have been importeted ..they prefer colder climes!!:H Enjoy your walking today...

        Morning KY....a Jockanese dil...well there you go..bloody get every a rash :H anyway how are you today?Saw a post with your name beside it about not not sleeping well? try counting sheep..yes I know over there thats not what sheep are for but you are female and not of NZ stock :H.Seriously tho hope you are ok

        Hi Rabsy how you doing today? how did Burns nicht go for you? Was it a quiet one ..or ceilidh time for you?..Just seen your post..a quiet fare by all standards..that international culinary delight....beans on holy ghost !!

        Hiya Cinders like your interpretation of an ice event!!glad you are feeling better and getting things done.Yep Im feeling better ta..till the next one! but hey cest la vie! What did you think of writing everything down?Would it help you?

        Good morning PPQP..and how are you today? Your boss said order what you you think he would have been chuffed if you had ordered a 2 week holiday in the sun?:HGlad youve got some energy,and as you say hope it spills into the weekend.Think my Sunday activities are going to be curtailed this Sunday..oh well sure I will find something instead.
        have a good day

        Morning are you?haggis suitably praised dissected and consumed with great reverence!!One coffee for you instead.Any plans for today..or have you got the demolition team round? Place is covered in snow here but there are lovely blue skies! Did you get the taxmans figures sorted out? uncle Sam needs you....well your money anyway!:H

        Morning Pauly ..and how are you? As far as burgers go there is probably as much if not more"bits and bats " go into them....Latest hue and cry over here is the fact that they have found a small % of horse meat in some burgers!!

        Mornin Chef..and how are you today? Cant beat about the bush ..yep was a pretty stupid thing to do...but lets be honest...when we were many of us can put hand on heart and say we didnt do it? Its madness, but thats what drink does for you..didnt understand about the licence though..have you lost it for a year or is there a chance of not?
        Guess the main thing now is face up, challenge the al beast and move on go for it.

        Morning TDN..and how are you today? Well you know all about the hassle that al can cause with your licence...never mind different state laws!!!How are you doing? how is the doog doing?Glad you feel like you have finally got somewhere..thats really positive

        morning Kas..and how are you? Nae haggis? Mind you I know what you mean about Jocks and ancestry...Many mmany moons ago,,when I went to Canada and America, when people found out that you were Scottish...there was always someone in their family who had come from either Scotland or Ireland eons of years previously,which may in fact have been true because both Scots and Irish tended to bugger off around the world to see what they could get for nothing ..or flog and make a few bob!!

        Agood day..meeting with an accountant? obviously the scales were tipped in your favour!!!
        I will ask about the seeds in the cold frames ..what are you growing? So far under frame I have got..spring onions!!,leeks beetroot,kale winter cabbage which are doing really well and garlic.Crown of rhubarb is just peeking through now too.

        Hiya doing ok today? :l have a good day..and keep busy!

        Cantoo...dont know if you are still on your holiday..I believe tomorrow may be a special day for you perchance??

        Shuesy, Lills Det YAH and everyone else I have not mentioned by name all have a great day

        A man in a bar sees a friend at a table, drinking by himself. Approaching the friend he comments, ?You look terrible. What?s the problem??
        ?My mother died in June,? he said, ?and left me $10,000.?
        ?Gee, that?s tough,? he replied.
        ?Then in July,? the friend continued, ?My father died leaving me $50,000.?
        ?Wow. Two parents gone in two months. No wonder you?re depressed.?
        ?And last month my aunt died, and left me $15,000.?
        ?Three close family members lost in three months? How sad.?
        ?Then this month,? continued, the friend, ?nothing!?

        I overheard a friend telling his pal, ?I can?t break my wife of the habit of staying up until 5 in the morning.?
        ?What is she doing??, the pal asks.
        ?Waiting for me to get home.?

        A traveling salesman rings this doorbell. 10 year old little Johnny opens, holding a beer and smoking a fat cigar.
        The salesman says, ?Little boy is your mother home??
        Little Johnny taps his ash on the carpet and says, ?What do you think??

        Son ? ?Dad whats the difference between confident and confidential??
        Dad ? ?Hmm. You are my son. Of that I am confident. Your friend Timmy is also my son. That?s confidential.?

        Husband: everytime I hit you, you never fight back. how do you manage your anger?
        Wife: I clean the toilet seat????.
        Husband: how does it help
        Wife: I use your toothbrush!!!!

        This eighty year old couple were celebrating their 60th anniversary and the wife says to her husband, ? Honey lets get stark naked and sit at the dinning table and eat our dinner!?
        As they sat at the dinning table the wife says, ?Honey I am beginning to get very hot and very aroused!?
        The husband says, ? That is because you have your tits in the soup!?

        A man told his doctor he wasn?t able to do all the things around the house like he used to.
        When the examination was complete, he said ?Now Doc, tell me in plain English what is wrong with me.?
        ?Well in plain English,? the doctor replied, ?you?re just lazy.?
        ?Okay,? said the man. ?Now give me the medical term so I can tell my wife.?

        A turtle was walking down an alley in New York when he was mugged by a gang of snails. A police detective came to investigate and asked the turtle if he could explain what happened.
        The turtle looked at the detective with a confused look on his face and replied ?I don?t know, it all happened so fast.?

        How to annoy your room mate

        Vaseline On The Door Knob - Put vaseline on the inside doorknob when you leave before your roommate to prevent them from being able to turn the knob after you leave.

        Cereal Box Switch - Remove the plastic bags from cereal boxes and switch them around. Your roommate will scratch their head wondering why Frosted Flakes came out of a box of Cheerios.

        Hard Boiled Eggs - Boil some eggs and begin eating them. Then ask your roommate if he/she wants one. If they say yes, give them an unboiled egg. Then watch as they crack it open.

        TP The Room - Toilet Paper his/her room.

        Musical Rug - Take that small electronic chip out of a musical greeting card and place it underneath a rug/carpet, so whenever your roommate walks on it, music will play.

        TV Sensor - Use a small piece of black tape to block the cable/tv sensor so when your rooommate decides to watch TV next, he/she can't change the channel or adjust the volume.

        Book Pranks - Tear out the last 2 pages of the current book your roommate is reading. Then leave a note in the pages place. Send your victim on a scavenger hunt to find the pages.

        Shampoo Bottle - Glue their shampoo bottle shut so they can't open it.

        Ping Pong Balls - Put a bunch of ping pong balls in an open box and tilt it at an angle against a closet door or cabinet from the inside, so when your roommate opens the door the ping pong balls will all spill out.

        Strange Panties - Whenever you know that your roomate's girlfriend/boyfriend is coming over, put some sexy underwear (of the opposite sex) in their bed.

        Food Coloring - Put some food coloring inside their hand soap dispenser. When they try to wash his hands, they will end up messier than before they decided to wash them.

        Heavy Box - While moving either in or out of your dorm room, tape an empty box up and write 'HEAVY' on it (or something like '150 lbs') to try and convince your victim its heavy. Then carry it across the room and act as if it weighs a ton. Then ask your roommate to give you a hand. Struggle a bit to hand it over, ask him repeatidly if he has it, if its ok, etc...then just drop it in his hands. He will more than likely try to over compensate, thinking it really was heavy.

        Sink Hose - Put a rubberband around the pull out hose in your sink. When your rooommate uses the sink, they will get hosed with water.

        Inches - Everyday move your roommates stuff an inch away. In a about 2 weeks, his furniture will be almost out the door and he wouldn't even notice or give much thought.

        Cable TV - When your victim gets up from the couch to go to the bathroom or kitchen, get the remote and change the channel to a static only channel. When he/she returns they will think the cable went out.

        Salty Toothpaste - Sprinkle some salt on your roommate's toothbrush. When he/shes person goes to brush their teeth, they will get a salty tasted treat.

        CD Switch - Insert a CD they would hate into their favorite CD case.

        Lottery Ticket Swap - Buy your roommate a lottery ticket today, and tomorrow go out early and buy another ticket with the exact same numbers as the winning ticket from yesterday. When your roommate isn't paying attention swap the newer ticket for the the old one. When your roommate looks in the paper for the winning numbers, he/she won't even realize the date is wrong on the ticket and will believe it is a winning ticket.

        Cellophane Toilet Bowl - This one is a classic. Place clear cellophane over the toilet bowl, but under the seat. This works best if your roommate is drunk so they won't notice.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af day Sat 26 Jan

          Good morning Abbers!

          Waiting for some sunshine on this frosty morning - may be a long wait

          Greetings TT, Kuya, RC & Mick!
          Greetings to all Abbers!

          I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee & not even thinking of everything I should be doing today :H
          I have started on the tax stuff Mick but no where near done yet. Uncle Sam has to wait for a while!
          I do need to go out & clear a path for my chicken chickens - they won't walk on snow. They get rather cranky when cooped up too long
          No other plans yet so I'll enjoy the peace & quiet while it lasts!

          Have a great AF Saturday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af day Sat 26 Jan

            Morning all,
            Mick...I loose it for a year technically, but can get a provisional one until my hearing. If the officer doesn't show up, it's dismissed. So I can drive until mid March when the hearing is. After that, I don't know what my lawyer is going to do. I'll keep you posted, and I'll get through this....a smarter man!
            Chef Robaire
            Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
            Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

            "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


              af day Sat 26 Jan


              In Alabama, they have enacted a law that makes it an automatic doubling of the DUI offense if the driver refuses a blood alcohol test.

              That would mean a minimum of a year's suspension no matter what, if it is a first offense.

              I don't know about North Carolina's laws.

              One of the reasons I must stay sober is that I drink to blackout every single time I drink. In blackout phase, I have been known to drive. I could easily kill someone and never even know it until I came to.

              Not a consequence I want to face.

              AF April 9, 2016


                af day Sat 26 Jan

                Ok, Mick, I'll bite. Not a cold frame, but simpler. Do you get plastic boxed stuff in stores there? We have to buy our baked goods, spinach, lots of perishables, including eggs in clear plastic boxes with lids. (They are recyclable, but still). I put a few holes in the bottom, (one in each egg hole for example) put some potting soil in, holes in the lid (my old rock pick does wonders but a spike and hammer on a bit of concrete is good too.) Lay the seed in, cover with about a centimeter of soil mix, water it, snap it shut and stuff it under the snow. (Snow is optional) part shade does ok too. Start some at this time of year some in a month. The seeds germinate, the plants grow a few inches, and you dont need to harden them off they are already super hardy and ready to put into the garden in May. Watch for drying when it starts to get warmer. watering once a week in a warm April is all thats necessary. This works very well for holly hocks, delphinium, lupins, lettuce, spinach, chives, columbine, violets, primula.... all the colder stuff. Any thing that doesnt need bottom heat, ie. perennials and lots of the cool crop veggies. Its a great way to use up junk and they dont get all spindly or weak. Tough as nails actually. Looks a bit like tobacco road, but I dont care.

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  af day Sat 26 Jan

                  Good idea Kas
                  I have one of those spinach boxes sitting right in my kitchen. Guess I'll go look for some seeds
                  Most of the snow melted off today so i'll look for a shady spot tomorrow. How about in my garage?

                  Hi Cindi & Chef!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af day Sat 26 Jan

                    no, outside under the snow is best. it gets light too you see. also only cold weather perennials, dont bother trying tomatoes or anything requiring bottom heat eg tender perennials or annuals..its good for foxgove too....dont forget holes, and water it before stuffing under snow. the back deck is perfect if it gets some sun.

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h

