Mick - hope you recovered from the Burns extravaganza - good on you to acknowledge the wee dram and leave it alone for some other Jockster. Doesn't matter how 'fine' it is - or the occasion - its poison for us mate. We have had a big to-do here recently over the discovery a few years back of Ernest Shackelton's stash of booze at the South Pole -copies were recreated in Mick's homeland and our Prime Minister a few days ago returned the originals to the Pole. Still I love polar stories...
Sorry if I don't say hi personally to the rest of you lovely folk but I have to get something to eat - tummy rumbling, need some toast and its time for me to move on to the coffee. Who would like me to make them pancakes today? Cos thats what I will do when the sleepyheads in my house wake up!

Be good, have fun on this Sunday!