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af day Sun 27 Jan

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    af day Sun 27 Jan

    Another Sunday - greetings all and sundry (chickens and all). When making the tea this morning the sound of the neighbours' chooks filled my ears. No snow here Lavande.

    Mick - hope you recovered from the Burns extravaganza - good on you to acknowledge the wee dram and leave it alone for some other Jockster. Doesn't matter how 'fine' it is - or the occasion - its poison for us mate. We have had a big to-do here recently over the discovery a few years back of Ernest Shackelton's stash of booze at the South Pole -copies were recreated in Mick's homeland and our Prime Minister a few days ago returned the originals to the Pole. Still I love polar stories...

    Sorry if I don't say hi personally to the rest of you lovely folk but I have to get something to eat - tummy rumbling, need some toast and its time for me to move on to the coffee. Who would like me to make them pancakes today? Cos thats what I will do when the sleepyheads in my house wake up!

    Be good, have fun on this Sunday!

    af day Sun 27 Jan

    Morning there werent many on here at all yesterday.....wonder where everyone has gone...well they were right about the has not stopped raining all night....just to give you an idea it has melted over 5 inches of snow!!!These seasons are crazy!!!

    So how is everybody today? still all doin well in the anti booze abuse ?

    Right on we go then are you? thought you would have been back by now....believe this is day 180 for you..not sure tho. You still on vacation/holiday

    Mornin tree..?and hows the upside down world today? Yep certainly would like some pancakes...covered in jam ...mmmm

    Hiya Auntie Kuya...nah Byrdie never won nowt its back to plain old Kuya!!!! how are you today? sleepin any better? hope so ..any plans for the rest of the weekend...

    Mornin are you today? ok I hope..

    Mornin Lav you can have 2 cups today ..seein as how nobody turned up!!! :H how are you today? Any plans for today ..or helping out Uncle Sams slush fund..Me being me had to find out where uncle sam came for all who didnt you go

    On Sept 7 1813, the United States gets its nickname, Uncle Sam. The name is linked to Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York, who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army during the War of 1812. Wilson (1766-1854) stamped the barrels with "U.S." for United States, but soldiers began referring to the grub as "Uncle Sam's." The local newspaper picked up on the story and Uncle Sam eventually gained widespread acceptance as the nickname for the U.S. federal government.

    There you are..amaze your friends, be a real hit at parties with that info !!!:H:H

    You cleared a path for the chickens yet?...a chicken run !!!!

    Morning you doing today?..hows the anti booze campaign going?Apprecate its early days yet, but are you on the road with it?hang in can do it

    Hiya are you today?Glad you have become a regular poster on this thread :goodjob: Any plans for today? Have a good one no matter what

    Hi Kas, how are you? really interested in this egg box idea..especially being outside..wouldnt mind seeing a couple of pics in situ.Reason I am asking is that I tend as most people do to grow seedlings inside and they come up pretty spindly..then need to be put outside ,then need to be planted on.Sounds to me like you are you are cutting one of those stages out, plus growing stronger plants.Could easily grow on most of the plants you have mentioned ....except foxglove..they are poison to rabbits!!!certainly interested in that idea..into growing our own as much as we can so any idea is welcome. Here is a coupl o pics of the garden this is the veg side ..the other side of the garden has greenhouse and fruit beds..The sun pic is from July last year, the other is this morning..snow has mostly gone with the rain !! quite bit under plastic at the mo...My biggy is succession planting I am rubbish at it ...any tips comments on the garden...good or bad more than welcome.

    Right peeps got to go now..have a great day wherever you are ...all those missing hope you are all ok...seen some of you on other posts ,so I know you are ..take care

    I?m going to watch my wedding video later ?backwards?. I love the end bit when she takes the ring off, goes back down the aisle and jumps in the car.

    Two guys are sitting on a bar stool. One starts to insult the other one. He screams, ?I slept with your mother!? The bar gets quiet as everyone listens to see what the other weasel will do. The first again yells, ?I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOTHER!?
    The other says, ?Go home dad you?re drunk.

    A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say: ?That?s not it? and put it down again. This went on for some time, until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested. The psychologist concluded that the soldier was deranged, and wrote out his discharge from the army.
    The soldier picked it up, smiled and said: ?That?s it.?

    Why do ducks have webbed feet?
    To stamp out fires.
    Why do elephants have flat feet?
    To stamp out burning ducks

    This woman rushed to see her doctor, looking very much worried and all strung out. She rattles off: ?Doctor, take a look at me. When I woke up this morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my hair all wiry and frazzled up, my skin was all wrinkled and pasty, my eyes were bloodshot and bugging out, and I had this corpse-like look on my face! What?s WRONG with me, Doctor!??
    The doctor looks her over for a couple of minutes, then calmly says: ?Well, I can tell you that there ain?t nothing wrong with your eyesight?.?

    This guy walks into a bar and sits down on a stool and places a bottle of prescribe medication on the bar, the man sitting next to him says, ?What is that??
    The guy says, ?These are smart pills,? you take one and it makes you smarter.
    The half drunk man says, ?Your joking aren?t you? and the guy says, ?No I am not.?
    So the drunk says to the bar tender, ?Give a large glass of beer.?
    The drunk opens the bottle and takes a pill and washes it down. A few minutes later the drunk says, ?I don?t feel smarter.? and the guy says, ?Well some people require more than one pill.?
    So the drunk takes another pill and washes it down and few minutes later he says, ?I still don?t feel any smarter. So the drunk says, ?Hey,let me see those pills,? the drunk takes a pill and smells it and says,? it smells like shit and he tastes it and says, ?It tastes like shit.?
    The guy says, ?See! your getting smarter all ready.?

    A female school teacher comes up to a parent at a parent meeting and says, ?You know, your son called me a prostitute!?
    Dad calls up his son and says: ?So this teacher teaches you, helps you, wants you to get good grades and for all that you call her a prostitute?? what do you care about what she does after work??

    I used to play tennis, baseball, basketball and chess, but I stopped after my son broke my playstation.

    Just been to the gym and there?s a new machine. Only used it for an hour as I started to feel sick. Its good though, it does everything ?Kitkats, Mars bars, Snickers and crisps? !

    How To Annoy People On The Beach

    Ask everyone you meet, "Hot enough for you?"
    Sing the "Barney" theme song as loud as you can.
    If you see kids building a sand castle, say, "That's not a real castle!"
    Every time when you're about to duck under the water, yell, "Down periscope!"
    Go swimming in a full business suit. If people notice, act like they're the weirdos.
    Put sea shell to your ear and announce to first person to pass by, "It's for you!" Repeat several times.
    Throw jellyfish around.
    Tune radio to all-news station and blast as loud as you can, then nod your head and snap your fingers like you're listening to some happenin' tunes.
    Act like a sea gull.
    Wear t-shirt that says, "I'm the coolest dude on this pathetic beach. No autographs please."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Sun 27 Jan

      Hi TT......another fine day in Godzone!

      Lovely day with the family. Looking forward to a holiday tomorrow ......Auckland anniversary day......HaHa TT still gotta work!

      Am quietly amazed at how my moods are settling down, tis so nice not to be at the mercy of random unaccountable feelings. Dunno about the PAWS thing.....will have to wait and see.

      Was it you TT that said you doubted the existence of PAWS? There is a bit of me that wonders if it is remaining longing to drink. A very good friend here with two years sober says she has had no such thing.

      We will see.

      Mick.... So glad you are back on form....long may it last.

      Did you get your run Arsey? I am getting fitter but running is a long way off.

      Lav much leeway does the IRS give you for tax returns.....I always thought they were very strict in the US. I am so far behind with my tax it is not funny :upset:

      Hey, expensive lesson. Welcome back to sobriety

      Hi to Cinders and Kaslo still confused about the gardening Maybe

      and PPQ.....where are you?


        af day Sun 27 Jan

        Evening abbers

        Mick - lovely photos; nice to see a healthy productive garden. Wish my garden looked so neat. It's a bit scorched and sandy just now

        Just wanted to quiclkly test if uploading this photo works.


          af day Sun 27 Jan

          can anyone see it?


            af day Sun 27 Jan

            OK, something's buggered up. My computer keeps hanging up when I try and edit. I'll try and insert it once more then look for some instructions to follow

            OK I see nothing's coming up. Will go and RTFM.

            Everyone well? Hi Chef! Det - how are you?


              af day Sun 27 Jan

              Good Morning to work to feed the masses....have an awesome day!
              Chef Robaire
              Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
              Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

              "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


                af day Sun 27 Jan

                Kuya....Godzone????? thought you were in nz not Ecosse!!!:H:H:H:H
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  af day Sun 27 Jan

                  Mick;1451426 wrote: Kuya....Godzone????? thought you were in nz not Ecosse!!!:H:H:H:H
                  That's how it referred to often ....... God's own country......godzone. If there were a garden of Eden NZ would be it. The most fertile land and agreeable climate and feck all people! :H:H


                    af day Sun 27 Jan

                    Good morning Abbers!

                    Frosty but sunny this morning

                    Greetings TT! No thanks on the pancakes this morning....too many carbs for this granny :H

                    Mick, yes I will take a double on the coffee though!
                    I'll bet most people don't know the origin of 'Uncle Sam'......think I'll ask around on Facebook, see who comes up with the right story. I grew up hearing 'Uncle Sam', thought he was a realative :H
                    I found something a long time ago related to chickens/eggs..

                    Greetings Kuya, blonde, Chef!
                    Kuya, we HAVE to file income taxes every year by April or pay a big penalty
                    It takes me weeks to get my business taxes together.....ugh.

                    Have a great AF Sunday everyone!
                    Not sure if I'm feeding the troops yet today - I'll have to give them a call

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af day Sun 27 Jan

                      pancakes sound amazing extra butter and syrup please,love the jokes as always mick thank you,i had a longer post i went to send it and poof! it was gone,weird anyways have a great sunday guys
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        af day Sun 27 Jan

                        Hi Pauly..your welcome
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          af day Sun 27 Jan

                          I LOVE your garden Mick. I have a small courtyard with lots of pots of plants but this is how I do most of Earthboxes[/video]]Earthbox Gardening! - YouTube
                          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                 Newbies Nest
                 Tool Box
                 How to get a sobriety plan


                            af day Sun 27 Jan


                            Yup I'm back and have been so busy trying to get back on my schedule. Landed Wed, spin on Thurs, and Sat was a double whammy which a 13 k in the morning and a 6 k XC ski under a full moon. YAY I love being back home.

                            And Mick, the phone tells me I'm on 185 days. SWEET! Must say tho it has been nice not thinking about AL at all lately.

                            With that said, I've got a few more weeks to get my Palliative assignment done so I may be scarce for a bit more.

                            Off the clean the bathroom - boys are yucky when left on their own. :-)

                            AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                            "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                              af day Sun 27 Jan

                              Greetings lovely FABberinios near and not really all that far away...I've been trying to catch up after a spell away.

                              TT - so relieved your tests came out with great results. Our bodies really want to heal. Glad you're giving yours the chance!

                              Chef....I am relieved you are back and living la vida AF. I am sure many of us did our share of impaired driving when we should not have. Toward the end of my drinking career, I was riding my bike to the liquor store. Geeze.

                              And my dear separated at birth twin, Kas! Nice to see you posting on this side of the pasture again. Did you know that my avatar is actually an extreme close up of a delphenium seed? I am definitely interested in hearing more about this plastic clamshell 'cold frame' thing you've got going. I think we are about a month behind you in terms of official planting season. We're not supposed to put plants in the ground until the end of May.

                              In this era of climate change...we are having our usual weirdo weather. It was 42 just a few days ago. Now it is -5. I am so happy to be snug inside today. We are gaining about 4 minutes of daylight each day so it seems we are coming out of the deep darkness. It will still be awhile though before my HAPPY LIGHT goes back into the box.

                              I love starting the day with a laugh! I appreciate all those jokes, Mick! Here's a real life funny:

                              I received an order of gear the other day and the main carrying bag was ripped. I emailed the company and got this auto-reply:

                              Thank you for your recent inquiry to ephoto. We'll get you shortly.

                              Wow! And my complaint was polite, too!

                              Hugs to all the rest of you marvelous peeps....I'll keep trying to work my way back to see what up with everyone!
                              Sober for the Revolution!
                              AF & NF July 23, 2011

