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af day Monday 28 Jan

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    af day Monday 28 Jan

    Morning AL busters!
    Quick one today as Kuya gloats and says - I have to work - while she has a holiday. My time will come - haha!
    I am not doubting PAWS - just suggesting such terms/syndromes are not cut and dry - and the 'scientific' evidence is a bit shonky at times. It can be a bit self- fufilling (eg I am one of those silly people who read the possible side effects of a medication before I take it - and then am convinced that I have the side effects - BUT often I had it anyway ie before I took the drug). Or there are other factors responsible for the way my body/mind is feeling.

    Mick - love the photos. Foxglove - is a a noxious weed in NZ. You are not supposed to grow it.
    When I was a small child I swallowed my Mum's colourful heart tablets (that had digitalis as the key ingredient) and nearly died. Had to be rushed to hospital and had my stomach pumped. Also apparently screamed out 'Pandy Pandy'! one of the nurses was my Aunty and she kew that this was my beloved toy Panda Bear. Emergency dash to get said bear. (I was told all this as I don't remember - too young). Still have the bear.

    Mick, Hippy and Lavande. We don’t bother with boxes for gardening – as Kuya says – stuff grows too easily here. Yes, and weeds too – many many weeds. Even the good weeds and bushes have to be trimmed all the time. Not because its pristine – cos its not at all – but more so we can actually get to the house! Plus side is lots of lovely bird life.

    Thanks for the chicken poster Lavande. We used to have chickens when I was a youngster. My pancakes have 2 eggs, no sugar and are cooked with only a knob of butter. Doesn't stop pancake monsters like Mick from smothering them in sticky stuff. Or weird stuff like yoghurt or Nutella (sugar hit too).

    Blondie and Pauly – I also have problems sometimes with the computer screen doing strange things and crashing. So if it’s a long post (like this – which I said it would not be but now feeling loquacious) I try to remember to paste a copy in a word document – that I later delete. Actually – as I said this - the MWO window that I was typing on f..ked up.

    CanToo – congrats and hugs on 185 days!!!!!! Yes Yes Yes!!!!!
    And Yes to not thinking and worrying about AL.

    Now I must away. Have a lovely day all and sundry.

    af day Monday 28 Jan

    Morning all,
    and how are we all today? Is it a monotonous mundane Monday..or a montage of mirth and merriment? (what a lotta crap...but at least its got you reading!)

    Scuse me while I do something ...aaargh :headbanger: second post..lost the first one!!

    Tea and coffee on the go..for anyone

    Morning tree..and how are you this fine day? I see you are working ,so thats half a day in already.Yes I have the same probs with computer as you can se..would love to think it was techie...but I think its more operator!!!Latest on on mine ,is I cant open any folders to right click them and go through all that rigmarole!!

    Morning are you?on holiday today? see from the wee green light that you are up and whizzin about the boards at the mo..any plans for today? or just dossin

    Hiya blondey and how are you this fine day?Pics never came out, so you will need to try again.What are you up to today?

    Mornin ok? feedin the thousands today? now that you are back you need to chuck in the odd recipe every now and again.

    Mornin Lav...and how are things in the kid free zone today?Now thats definitely one thing that good ole Uncle Sam and John Bull have got in common...give us your taxes and if you dont pay by April then we will charge you more !! And for what?????my favourite subject..not.Anyway a coffee for you ma'am? there you go
    have a great day whatever you are doing

    yo hippyman ..and how are you this fine day?Before we moved into this house, the last one we had only had a little yard at the back..and thats exactly what I did..grew everything in pots.When I think back , it was quite a challenge growing veggies!!!Before that I lived in not Southfork!!!!Its near the sea and the ground was really sandy.Used to grow fuschias..must of had over 100 different species.What you up to today?whatever it is have as good one.

    Pauly...good morning to you..and how are you this morning?Glad the jokes make you laugh ..brightens the start of any you doing beating the booze?Ok?
    Have a great day

    Cantoo ...welcome you aint just sneakin in the back door..theres a thread for you.Really chuffed you have got to where you are. Remember this little fella? :truce: huh goodbye!!!So how was the hols? we need detail!! have a great day..and well done

    Morning Turn...and how are you today?I was trying to work out what your avatar was ,but couldnt.Ive noticed it staying a bit lighter at nights now...a sure sign summer is on the way...also the rain is warmer in summer!! Imagine what the replywould have been like if you had been rude!!!

    right peeps ..time to go...take care all, have a great day...for any lurkers..jump in dont be shy!

    A doctor says to his patient, ?I have bad news and worse news?.
    ?Oh dear, what?s the bad news?? asks the patient.
    The doctor replies, ?You only have 24 hours to live.?
    ?That?s terrible?, said the patient. ?How can the news possibly be worse??
    The doctor replies, ?I?ve been trying to contact you since yesterday.?

    A guy stood over his tee shot for what seemed an eternity, looking up, looking down, measuring the distance, figuring the wind direction and speed. Generally, he was driving his partner nuts.
    Finally his exasperated partner says, ?What the heck is taking so long? Hit the ball!?
    The guy answers, ?My wife is up there watching me from the clubhouse. I want to make this a perfect shot.?
    His partner ponders this for a moment, and then replies:
    ?Forget it man, you don`t stand a snowball`s chance in hell of hitting her from here!?

    Paddy asks Murphy, ?Why do scuba divers fall off their boats backwards??
    Murphy replies, ?If they fell forwards they?d still be on the f*cking boat!?

    ?Does your dog bite??
    (Tries to touch dog. Dog bites him)
    ?Argh! I thought you said your dog doesn?t bite!?
    ?That is not my dog.?

    A couple of years ago the english national team was about to start training in preparation for an important qualifying match when the manager at the time, Sven-Goran Eriksson, discovered a big turd in one of the penalty areas on the practice pitch.
    - Ok boys, he said, who?s shit on the ground?
    Emile Heskey replied:
    - Me coach, but I?m good in the air!

    Two snakes are talking.
    One of them turns to the other and asks, ?Are we venomous??
    The other replays, ?Yes,why???
    ?I just bit ma lip.?

    A boy watches his mum and dad having s*x he ask, ?What are you doing ??
    His dad replies, ?Making you a brother or sister!?
    Boy say, ?Do her doggy style I want a puppy.?

    Husband always insisted on making love in the dark.
    After 20 years wife turns on the light, finds him holding a vibrator.
    She goes balistic, ?You impotent bas*ard! How could you lie to me all these years??
    Husband looks her straight in the eyes & calmly says, ?I?ll explain the toy, you explain the kids?..?

    Paddy got a job as a road line-painter. He paints 5 miles on the first day, 2 miles on the second day and 1 on the third day.
    ?You get worse and worse every day!? yelled his boss.
    ?That is because the bucket gets further and further away every day.? said Paddy.

    How To Annoy People
    At An Amusement Park

    Dress up like one of the photographers and follow people around asking them repeatly if they would like their picture taken.
    Leave large gaps in between you and the people in front of you while waiting in line.
    Everytime you pass a chain restraint not in use, clip it on and use it to hold back the people behind you in line.
    Ask the person running the roller coaster if someone has recently thrown up on it.
    Pretend to freak out on a ride so they stop it to let you off.
    Offer people money for their spots in line...MONOPOLY money.
    Speak in Spanish, or pretend you're deaf and start making rapid hand movements.
    Start talking about shaving your excess body hair in line while everyone around you is silent.
    Find someone and tell them you're lost. Use your best acting skills.
    Steal all of the pennies out of the water fountains.
    Go up to the boy band wanna-be group and pretend to be really excited and ask for their autographs, reassuring them that they're gonna make it big soon.
    Take an Alka-Seltzer tablet and begin to have spasmatic movements in your body while foaming at the mouth at the very top of the tallest ride.
    Ask the ride attendant if you cannot ride because you are under the influence of herione, marijuana, crack, and every other drug you can think of.
    Begin to cry when they start the merry-go-round and have them stop it because you're too scared to go all the way.
    Start talking *loudly* about the last time you got stuck upside-down on this ride, scaring everyone in line around you.
    Ask someone that looks like they're in a hurry for directions.
    Complain about how dirty the seat is, and demand they clean it off.
    Walk up to anyone in the park, and say "Hi, my name is [your name]" and offer a handshake.
    Ask ANYONE for their autograph.
    Advertise for a theme you're not at.
    Find someone to tell your life story to.
    Whisper right in someone's ear, "I know what you did last summer."
    Comment how good you look in every picture of you on a ride.
    Make fun of everyone else in every set of pictures taken during the rides.
    Go up to every character walking around and give them a big hug and call them your "hero."
    Ride every water ride and inform everybody with you that you can?t swim and everyone's gonna drown.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Monday 28 Jan

      morning/evening abs

      Treetops - glad your tests came back OK.
      Mick - was a holiday today _ Australia day (was Sat, but this was the public hol). What else did you grow on your sandy soil? I never had any luck with fuschias here. Chillis are abundant and my pomegranate tree is bending over with fruit just now. Loved the "leaving gaps in queues" that annoys me to!!

      CanToo - Congrats on 6 months.

      Hi to everyone else (am on a teensy laptop and can hardly type on it)

      Anlther attempt at photo - I read the instructions and did a test run. If this fails, I'll describe it :H


        af day Monday 28 Jan



          af day Monday 28 Jan

          Helloooooo everyblubby,

          What a lovely day again here TT .....with you on the weeds and the rate things grow at, but loves the birds. I have so many species and mornings are a cacophony sometimes. Have put a bell on the kitten already.
          Did you see the news where a conservationist is advocating the gradual eradication of domestic cats? I do understand his point when some people keep dozens. But as a vet. I have a vested interest :H:H

 heart goes out to you with that photo, I am PC phobic so no help...sorry.

          Mick.....cheery start as usual. Yep another month and you will feel spring. Autumn starts later here as we are a few degrees nearer the equator, well Auckland is. More like Spain really which is why lots of retiring Poms used to come here. Not so easy now, immigration laws are tougher. You gotta be on a skills shortages list or have 2 million to invest for a period, and under 45 if I remember correctly.

          Cantoo.....welcome home and congrats again GF. So happy for you. Saw your snaps on FB.....looked fab.....I'm jealous.

          Greetings to all I have missed.....haven't caught up on yesterday's thread yet.

          Have a good one



            af day Monday 28 Jan

            Good morning Abbers!

            Woke up to snow & ice coming down out there so this granny is changing her plans for the day. I refuse to deal with the idiotic drivers out there. I had a very bad experiece coming home from work one night years ago so I won't put myself out there unecessarily anymore

            Greetings to TT, Kuya, Mick, blondie & everyone! Sounds like you guys have the preferred weather today, good for you Greetings to Turnagain too!

            Have a great AF Monday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af day Monday 28 Jan

              Good morning, AFers from around the world.

              I haven't read yesterday's thread either. Will do so later this morning when I have some peace and quiet. i.e. after hubby leaves. lol

              I have been absent due to having grandchildren all weekend. Boy am I worn out. Also had my mom's birthday party yesterday. She turned 89. My husband and I plus both children and all grandchildren went to her home and had a little room to celebrate in. She was fairly happy but somewhat confused.

              I made the cakes homemade. A German Chocolate and a Red Velvet. They were a hit with the family and hopefully, after we left, the residents got to have a small piece.

              TT, the whole PAWS thing was learned after I went to a doctor about my symptoms after my first quit. I described my issues and he told me that is what it was. My current psychiatrist told me to expect a few months before my brain even begins to start healing.

              Remember, though, I use the term "late stage" alcoholic regarding myself. This is not said lightly. The last two years have been horrendous and I am, quite frankly, lucky to be alive. I almost died in May of last year from stomach bleeding and peritonitis due to my stomach and intestines separating from a bleeding ulcer. This due to pouring the POISON down my throat and not eating or anything else. I was in the hospital for three weeks after the surgery, a tube down my throat and no food the entire time. I started drinking again about two weeks after coming home. Insanity.

              Strangely, I am not feeling as weird as I have in the past after quitting. My brain fog is still around and I am still a little unsteady walking on uneven ground but my mood is very good and I was able to take care of five kids this weekend, feed them, discipline them and have fun with them. So, I am doing pretty darn well!!

              I hope all have a great day today. I know one thing...

              I will not have a drink today.

              AF April 9, 2016


                af day Monday 28 Jan

                Kuya I take it that you went on the skills shortage???? or was it the 2mill ...or the under 45 :H:H:H:H
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  af day Monday 28 Jan

                  Taking care of those grandkids is exhausting but pure joy
                  I have three, the oldest just turned 4 & they are a workout!!!!
                  So worth maintaining your health & sobriety for though
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af day Monday 28 Jan

                    Hi Fab Abbers!

                    I just wanted to pop in and say hello.

                    Congrats on your 6 months, CAN TOO! I remember when you first came here and had so much self-doubt. You have turned things around, and hope you feel proud! I feel proud for you.

                    TT, thanks for starting the thread. I have the feeling that I would be completely enchanted with all the bird life you have there. Is that why you call yourself TreeTops?

                    Blondie, you have a cute little dog! Neat that you have pomegranite trees.

                    Hey Mick, thank you for the morning ration of jokes. How are you doing, then?

                    Kuya, I can't imagine the eradication of domestic cats. I certainly advocate neutering many of them so that they are not so prolific, but what is the rationale for eradication? I'm curious.

                    Hello Lav, same weather crap here, although it is warming up enough already for just rain. I think you are wise to not go out if you can avoid it.

                    Cinders, I remember how sick you were last year.....scary to think about, much less live through. I'm glad you are still here and fighting for your sobriety. I'm glad you are feeling less weird, and you seem to be taking any long-term issues in stride. I'm glad you are posting regularly.

                    Anyway, Turn, CanToo, PPQP, Pauly, Chef, Scottish Lass, Rabsy, hippyman, have a great day and hope to hear from you later.

                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      af day Monday 28 Jan

                      Just ventured out to refill the birdfeeder on the deck - everthing is covered with a layer of ice
                      Glad you have warmer temps YahYah
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af day Monday 28 Jan

                        Afternoon Affers

                        IT's FRICKING FUUURRRREEEEEZZZZIIINNNNGGGGGGG. And the snow and ice have gone, but my room in my flat is burrrtastic. Warm hugs appreciated

                        PAWS - hmmm.... I did a bit of reading on this a few weeks back... I dunno, I have nothing new to add on the matter, only that i think i'm way too early on in my quit to really understand it .. and my emotions have been up and down since I quit... and really I think I need to suss me and me emotions out AF as opposed to feeling shite and lurching towards the drinks cabinet.

                        So, posh skool today. Up bright and early, well, it was dark and early actually... and outta the door and at the school before the sun has barely time to open it's eyes. But...

                        There are no cars...

                        The lights are off...

                        Shutters are closed...

                        The school seems eerily quiet...

                        One lonely tractor drives through the school grounds...

                        Where is everybody?

                        doo-be-doo-be, doo-be-doo-be, doo-be-doo-be [cheesy-noodle, cheesy-noodle...]

                        Then -

                        It clicks -

                        Kids had the weekend off... school don't start until 11.00am! Posh wanes are bleedin skivers!

                        Good grief... so head to coffee shops and drink copious amounts of coffee which I am now regretting lest I cannot sleep tonight.

                        And to think I coulda had an extra 2 HOURS in sleepyville. Good grief. Will try to get a relatively early night tonight as have to get up early for the docs tomorrow.

                        Hope your day's been good for youse all.


                          af day Monday 28 Jan

                          Saying hi - still here, yet another big bump in the road that is life. Really struggling with everything, but still sober - by the skin of my teeth. Not really sure how much more bad news that I can take and this time it is my eldest daughter (14), off to find her a therapist....
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            af day Monday 28 Jan

                            PAWS - hmmm.... I did a bit of reading on this a few weeks back... I dunno, I have nothing new to add on the matter, only that i think i'm way too early on in my quit to really understand it .. and my emotions have been up and down since I quit... and really I think I need to suss me and me emotions out AF as opposed to feeling shite and lurching towards the drinks cabinet.
                            One of the reasons I have broached the subject of PAWS on this thread is what you just alluded to, RC.

                            Many of us will be on a wild roller coaster ride as we stay sober and that will last for a while. It is good to be forewarned and therefore forearmed that these things can and do happen to many people as they become sober. (Not all, I know very well.)

                            If you expect some of these things, you will be much better off in dealing with it without turning to the @#$!@#$ poison.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              af day Monday 28 Jan

                              quick hello from the land of stomache flue (ug) sorry to worry those that have been missing me on chat and have sent such nice PM's. been trying like cray to catch up on work as I'm behind. at least i appear to be employed for another day. sobriety is an especially big challenge for me when I'm sick and always has been. driving driving me crazy. sorry for the rant, you all take good care,
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

