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af day Tues 29 Jan

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    af day Tues 29 Jan

    yuck i have a horrible head cold,runny nose,dizziness,stuffed up i hate this hope you guys have a better tuesday than me,mick the pharmacist joke still made me giggle through my misery
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      af day Tues 29 Jan

      Welcome, gratefultrace; I hope that our daily abs thread helps you keep your sobriety. Newbies' Nest is terrific too!

      Loved all your jokes this morning, Mick, but particularly the one about the young man with the wild hair! I hope you'll pop in as often as you can. You're right, though that TT does a splendid job, as well.

      Det, I hope you start feeling better soon, and I hope you have someone to talk to about your feelings/struggles. Old stuff can often get in our way and help us sabotage ourselves, whether it is sobriety or some other goal we are striving toward. Sending extra hugs, friend. ((((Det)))).

      PPQP, you are welcome to file me for future reference! Have a wonderful day!

      Lav, it is warm and sunny here; that should be getting to you soon, if it hasn't already. Stella will be impressed, I'm sure. It is supposed to be nice for a few days until we're back to normal winter temps. I am feeling good about not smoking, and truth be told, you were part of my courage, knowing that you had quit smoking and drinking pretty close together.

      The best part of not smoking is that I am much more motivated to exercise, and I feel so much stronger already. Of course, the down side is that I am also more motivated to put random food into my mouth. I need to pick up on some handcrafts to keep myself busy in the evening.

      Kuya, your time will come to quit. Remember, I had to get extremely ill before I was able to do so; I've been dwadling about it, literally, for years! I finally felt shitty enough that I just had to.

      I hope you feel better soon, Pauly. You sound pretty miserable at the moment. Hang in there.

      Blondie, you asked about my daughter in another thread. She is 23 now and lives about an hour away, and we may only see each other once a month, but we are close. Believe me, I went through all the crap you go through with a teenage girl, but fortunately, I was fairly wild when I was younger, so I knew how to handle that part. I love having an adult daughter.

      Anyway, I'm off to work out. I've been a little down lately, and I realized when I was waking up that I really need to be a little more focused on what is important to me and pursue it more actively. I'm great at THINKING about stuff and not following through, so I want to get better at the following through part. I will not be approaching CanToo's fitness level any time soon, I would imagine, but I will get to where I want to be.

      Hugs to all and any I missed,

      Okay, I will try to upload photo of Maddie and me. Wish me luck.
      Attached files [img]/converted_files/2041663=7373-attachment.jpg[/img]
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        af day Tues 29 Jan

        Good morning!!

        OMG, I am dealing with man-flu!!! Last evening my husband started complaining of stomach cramps and then it started. He worshiped the porcelain goddess most of the evening. After he finally got to bed, he couldn't move.

        He actually stayed home from work today, which is a serious indication of how badly he feels. He never misses work for illness, only fun. :H

        Poor baby. Today is his 61st birthday. What a miserable way to start the year for him.

        Otherwise, not much to report. I am sober, I stayed sober yesterday and I will stay sober today.

        (((Det))) You know how we all feel about you. Please call me if you need to talk. Have you found any support groups in your area that deal with childhood abuse? Like AA, I think it may be very helpful to meet some people face-to-face who have dealt with it and found a way to deal with it in a healthy way. Please send my regards to Dx and tell her I am thinking about her, too. I know how much she loves you and expect she is feeling very scared and lonely, herself.

        Everyone else, have a wonderful AF day!!

        I'll check in later.

        btw, this stomach flu started in Oz. Thanks for sharing, friends....:H:H

        Love to all,
        AF April 9, 2016


          af day Tues 29 Jan

          :wavin: gratefultrace. Pull up a comfy chair. Get ready to read, learn and survive. Yes, you will survive these first few weeks. I promise.

          DET - KY is right. Time to see a doctor and get to the bottom of the depression. Exercise and a good diet can only go so far, sometimes life calls for more help.

          PPQ - :l I am glad they're going back next sesaon to get the men, but it must be very hard for those who knew and loved them not to have the bodies back sooner.

          K, today is so cold... (insert - How Cold Is it?) It's so cold that my patio door window shattered this morning. The cat and I were in the kitchen this morning, heard a sound and stood there looking at each other for a bit. Then I followed her to the sound and voila - shattered glass standing in place of my window. Now with the bedroom window going in December I have TOLD (yes told) the condo corporation that they will be paying to fix both! With the wind chill we are sitting somewhere around -40 C and F. Yes the two meet at -40.

          Don't mess with a sober, post-menopausal, Canadian mother of 2, she'll kick your :moon:

          P.S. to GT
          - that's you)- anytime you're feeling lonely and down poke KY. She loves it! Well it puts a smile on my face.....

          oke: KY

          CanToo survive this weather!
          AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

          "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


            af day Tues 29 Jan

            Hi all. I've missed you. I do appreciate this thread and check it nearly every day. The past few days have been a challenge with flu in the house.
            Mick I'm sorry to hear you won't be on for a while. I do love the how to annoy suggestions. Today I got the giggles thinking about extra points for strip poker and strip tag but you didn't list strip twister lol. That should bring about some visuals.
            Stay well everyone and wash your hands like a crazy person! This flu bug is not kind.
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              af day Tues 29 Jan

              Whoosh, I'm back. Hi, everyone, and a strong AF Tuesday to you.

              It's 3:00pm in the afternoon at my office. Our small, collegial and close knit company of 16 people is happily at work. In the break room on Tuesdays, there is usually freshly baked cookies. Today the vote was for cheese, crackers and a chilled bottle of reserve Chardonnay. Really. I stared at it; it tried to grow heads; I left the room. Ridiculous, I'm at work. Life in a California startup.

              Mick, you offered a friendly suggestion a few days back not to guess what is in the male mind re potential suitors. Everything I have feared has been planted there specifically through those suitors. More than one, in the half dozen I believe, have told me they just can't imagine how I bear my load and don't have the desire/courage/fortitude to join me. I'm not imagining it - it's direct feedback. And to be honest, I understand it. So I'm taking the tack of just avoiding the questions until they get to know me. Then they will know it's not a mess but just an unusual life they are entering. So far, this is working.


              On L-Glutamine - does anyone have a favorite brand?

              big :l :l . I hope we can virtually comfort you. Depression is a devil in its own right.

              I'll catch up on postings and the flow of everyone's lives.

              :h Cat
              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

              AF since Oct 2, 2012


                af day Tues 29 Jan

                I tried L-Glut last year and found it made no difference at all. I tried different brands - powder and capsules.
                anyone else have this experience?


                  af day Tues 29 Jan

                  treetops;1453319 wrote: I tried L-Glut last year and found it made no difference at all. I tried different brands - powder and capsules.
                  anyone else have this experience?
                  Tis odd. I used l glut at the beginning when my blood sugar was low and I started thinking about drinking....... It worked really well but I haven't needed it for months.....praise be


                    af day Tues 29 Jan

                    PPQ......your description of vogel's bread is hilarious :H


                      af day Tues 29 Jan

                      Mick- I tremendously enjoyed reading all the jokes/stories you posted. Lightened my evening! Merci Beaucoup!
                      :earth: Tree23


                        af day Tues 29 Jan

                        tree23;1453356 wrote: Mick- I tremendously enjoyed reading all the jokes/stories you posted. Lightened my evening! Merci Beaucoup!
                        Love your signature Tree :H:H

                        I'm fine too

                        Hey fellow AFers.....does this mean none of us can see the woods for the trees !


                          af day Tues 29 Jan

                          For PPQ ........this is the first picture I have uploaded so I hope it works.

                          Well it works in the preview ...... Let me know eh? Attached files [img]/converted_files/2042083=7378-attachment.jpg[/img]

