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af day Wed 30 Jan

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    af day Wed 30 Jan

    Morning here - to you all lovely people. Hope the AF positivity is kicking in.

    Answer to question from TAH - my avatar is not unique - I pinched it off the MWO website. The birds on it are parrots or parakeets. However - da!!! da!!! - as I type this I can see a beautiful NZ bellbird sitting on some bright red flowers outside (on a tall rata tree - they call it pohutakawa up where Kuya hangs out). What a breakfast treat.

    Had some you- know-what dreams last night - drinking ones. They were very very boring!!
    Says it all.

    Det and Gratefultrace (:welcome I know that depression and loss - can be a long slow painful haul - and no easy answers. I 'coped' for decades with this with AL and bulimia. and self harm. Although the AL has been removed from the equation (and the other 2 as well) I don't see myself as ever being depression free. We are there together for life and in the non black moments I believe it adds to my empathy and also how I can approach some of my work. It could come back and I will take prescribed medication if I feel I have to because that did help me a lot. So did one on one counselling (cognitive therapy or writing diaries did NOT work for me), a few close friends, exercise, a good job. But being AB makes the difference. I live with the depression - its part of my make-up and I am not going to pretend I am Pollyanna or go charging over the hills with the Sound of Music....

    Dumb question no.1 - is NF - narcotic free or nicotine free? Praise the heavens that I never started seriously smoking. I know from second hand how hard it is.

    Running Courage - try substituting your coffee with decafe. We get some excellent decafe beans here - and it has really made a difference plus still tastes good (that is if you drink coffee for taste as well as the hit. I especially like my decafe after dinner).
    also for you sleepless souls - are you checking the whole diet for other sources of caffeine and late night sugar (too much chocolate can be a bugger) - I bet you know more about this than me!

    haha Pouquoi - thanks for the Vogel's definition!

    Morning CanToo. Haven't tried hot yoga but did Hatha for years as a young woman. I should get back into it.
    Sorry Pauly about the crappy cold. Morning Cinders - gosh even you are dealing with germy illness - if not your own.

    Must go - last day of school holidays - although I have been working as well. But will miss teenage daughter being here during the day. She gets quite stressed about her schoolwork (perfectionist but also dreadful time management) - so needs calm sober mother to come home to (don't worry I can do a Joan Crawford!).

    Take care - all.

    af day Wed 30 Jan

    Good Morning TT.

    Sneaking a quick joke in here for tomorrow's thread.

    Who really loves you more, your husband or your dog?

    To test this:

    Put your dog and your husband in the trunk of the car for an hour..

    When you open the trunk, which one is really happy to see you?

    I'll check back here tomorrow morning.

    Love to all,
    AF April 9, 2016


      af day Wed 30 Jan

      Hi to you TT and thanks for the start.

      My daughter went back to school last week so we are well back into the morning routine. I get a lie in Thursday morning as my son takes her to the bus and my workday doesn't start til noon. This works well for me as I have to work Saturday morning so it gives me some down time during the week ( provided an emergency doesn't come in)

      I think learning to pace one's life is vital..... More and more I am saying 'that can wait' and doing what I feel like rather than what I should. We often make all these self imposed rules and act like the world will end if we break them.

      Hi Cinders ......hope you have a great day.

      In case you missed it PPQ I actually managed to post my first picture on MWO! So your wish is granted.
      Now you will be getting pictures of everything !
      Here is my kitten, getting huge and very cheeky

      Attached files [img]/converted_files/2042123=7379-attachment.jpg[/img]


        af day Wed 30 Jan

        Good Morning DAF'ers one and all...

        TT...thanks for the kickoff. Aw come on...can't you just see all us MWO'ers cresting the hill singing The Hills Are Alive....Never heard of a boring drinking dream...appears you've got your recovery plan working on your sub concience :goodjob:

        Cinders...good morning. I have to actually let the hubsand out?

        KY...glad to assist you with "growing every day". Your pool looks soooo inviting. Now I really am jealous. I also understand why you changed your avatar...something for little kitty to aspire to?

        Well today should see the end of our 2 day deep freeze. +8 to -25 (windchill -40) to -8 today. Maybe I should have some Vogel's bread for breakie and wait for the temps to rise.

        Have a great AF Wednesday all and all to come....PPQP

        The Importance of walking

        Walking can add minutes to your life.
        This enables you at 85 years old
        to spend an additional 5 months alive in a nursing
        home at $4,500 per month.

        I like long walks,
        especially when they are taken
        by people who annoy me.

        The only reason I would take up walking
        is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

        I have to walk early in the morning,
        before my brain figures out what I'm doing

        If you are going to try cross-country skiing,
        start with a small country.

        I know I got a lot of exercise
        the last few years,......
        just getting over the hill.

        We all get heavier as we get older,
        because there's a lot more information in our heads.
        That's my story and I'm sticking to it


          af day Wed 30 Jan

          PPQ ...... I was so chuffed with my upload you would have thought I invented the technology myself.
          I will now become a photo bore posting so many pictures of random shit you will wish you had never asked! :H:H:H

          And -25..... I would NEVER leave the house !


            af day Wed 30 Jan

            After reading TT's post about the bellbird, I went to Google and found a nice site. Here is an excerpt:

            The sweetest sound
            The bellbird wins the award for the sweetest singer in Aotearoa. It may be hard to imagine but before the Treaty of Waitangi was signed there were so many bellbirds that it would have been like waking up with the dawn to an avian orchestra each morning. Captain James Cook said of the bellbird ?This wild melody was infinitely superior to any that we had heard of the same kind; it seemed to be like small bells most exquisitely tuned??
            A sound I will never hear, I am afraid, except through electronic media as I doubt I will ever be able to go to NZ. (Even though it is one of my favorite destination spots for a vacation. This girl loves to trout fish and I hear NZ has some beauts.)

            Here is a picture I found of the flowers of the rata tree:

            Thanks for sharing about the bellbird and the tree, TT. Your breakfast view must have been lovely.

            Kuya, Funny about the upload of pictures. It took me two years on MWO to figure it out. And I used to work in computers. LOL

            PPQP, Yeah, you have to let him out. I know, I know....

            Mine will be home today still suffering from the man-flu. He is pretty sick, actually, and I have to go to doctor for myself and then take mom to her cardiologist. A bit worried about leaving him alone, tbh.

            All to come today, make today count as it is the only day you can count on.

            One thing is for sure....

            Cindi Attached files [img]/converted_files/2042143=7380-attachment.jpg[/img]
            AF April 9, 2016


              af day Wed 30 Jan

              Cinders ...... It is a pohutakawa (rata) tree beside the pool in my picture on yesterday's thread. They flower in Nov-Jan so there is very little left.


                af day Wed 30 Jan

                Good morning Abbers!

                Happy Hump Day
                Looking forward to a warm day - hitting almost 65 degrees today!
                But we pay for that with heavy rain tonight, possibly even thunder storms.

                Nice pic there Kuya!
                I had a pool at my last house but can't say I miss it at this point in my life. It was fun for a while. Hope your day was a good one/

                Greetings TT, PQ, Cindi & everyone!

                I ended up taking an unexpected trip to the railroad museum yesterday with my son & grandsons. It was fun, the boys were just thrilled roaming around all the 'twains' :H

                Time for me to get to Curves. I hope everyone stays healthy or gets well soon in your house Cindi

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  af day Wed 30 Jan

                  Morning, all.

                  Trying to get moving, still dealing with ridiculous amounts of tiredness. Kuya, it sounds like you are, too. Can you get B-12 boosters where you live? Do you think it's possible to be long-term depleted in the water soluable vitamins? I thought we recharged those each day.

                  PPQ and Cantoo, you make me so grateful for my winters. Probably 60 today here, too.

                  TT, thank you for sharing about depression. I too was bulimic and AL-dependent for most of my life. I think depression is all part of that equation, chemically based. So I'm happy to commit to supplements that help that imbalance, given it is a lifelong sentence. Mine started at the age of 13, when hormones change and I bet brain chemistry changes, too. I also agree, feeling deep sadness can help you be empathetic in this life, which is a good trait. I think compassion goes in there, too. I'm a big mom to most people I love, in a good way.

                  "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                  AF since Oct 2, 2012


                    af day Wed 30 Jan

                    Both of my sisters got in a huge fight last night and were blowing up my phone. They are living in the same house due to Hurricane Sandy, and it has gotten really toxic. I gave my youngest sis an "up side of the head" therapy session and invited her down here for a week (she can telecommute) so they can both get some space. My other sister has kids in school and can't leave. I did talk to both.

                    Not that I am going to win any mental health prizes, but they are so fecking crazy. Ugh! At any rate, things have settled down, but I had horrible nightmares last night. I also, needless to say, wanted to smoke and drink very much, but didn't.

                    It all stirs up a lot of my old stuff. At any rate, I'm settled down and working now, but I thought I should check in. Virtual hugs and "P"s will be very much appreciated.

                    Sorry to be self-absorbed this morning, but I am feeling VERY self absorbed. Thank God I have a therapy session tomorrow.

                    Thanks for listening.

                    Take care, all.

                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      af day Wed 30 Jan

                      Double hugs for you YahYah:l:l
                      I was blessed with three brothers (who totally ignore me) so I have no sisters to love or to fight with
                      I can just imagine hurricane enforced living arrangements must be a giant pain in the ass.
                      Stay true to yourself & your goals, you don't need to smoke or drink through this - that's old stuff that we don't do anymore
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af day Wed 30 Jan

                        Hi YahYah,

                        Big hugs, and it's okay to focus on yourself - everyone needs to sometimes!

                        :l :l

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012


                          af day Wed 30 Jan

                          Hi All

                          When I found myo I made it a point to read the posts from those that had good af time. Learn from them and take there advice. After awhile it seemed that those that were having success were on this tread. I have seen a lot go on on the boards as some of you have but here it is for the most part drama free. It is also here that you will find honesty. Enablers thinking has no place here.
                          In my experience here and my reading it seems that those that relapse that have good af time haven't stayed in touch with there program or what ever it was that enabled them to get sober. Do I still need to come to mwo ? I don't think so bbbuutttttt? So I am just doing what other successful people do in recovery staying connected. Others leave and have no problem I am cautious. I also know that the research says after 5 years sober it is unlikely a person will relapse. So with that in mind I still hang around. I always wanted the odds in my favor when I went into a fight.
                          The AM paper ,coffee, a quick read of this tread, and off to enjoy the day is part of my daily routine. Why change what has worked for me. Always feels good reading about others that have found the key or are willing to do what ever has to be done in their lives to get al out.
                          This tread is going as strong as it ever has and is great. It is this type of support that enables mwo to work.

                          Say Healthy and Keep Fighting
                          Af. 5-16-08
                          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                          AF 5-16-08


                            af day Wed 30 Jan

                            Hi Caysea.....I will continue, like you to check in here. I was saying to a new member who hardly checks in and then wonders why she struggles that I dedicated four hours a day to becoming an alcoholic so the two hours a day I spend here to become sober is nothing really.

                            Yah :l:l you will be fine....but I am sure you know that. Sorry you are having a bad day, makes you appreciate the good ones though


                              af day Wed 30 Jan

                              YahYah.....better late than never...:angel:"PPP":angel:...and have one of these too :l

