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Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

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    Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

    Good Morning all

    I hope you like the name, its a bit of a mouthful (luckily we wont be saying it after a few drinks )

    Im very sad to hear that Kaslo wont be posting, its awful when others cause such hurt and its always because they are hurting so much themselves. Kaslo if you are reading please know the comments would have been made mindlessly and not worth taking personally. I really hope you reconsider and come back to our thread, no one dares be cruel here as we all rally round wearing our BGPs :grannypants: and dont stand for such nonsense.

    TDN - how are the muscles today? Exercise is such a great way to feel good and always lifts my mood.

    Its lovely to be back here so lets make February really Fabulous!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

    Hi everyone

    Thanks for starting us off Chill. I did not know Kaslo was leaving, please dont:l:l. In all the time I have been on this thread I have never encountered any nastiness or judgmental attitudes so please stick with us. I started off in Newbies but only post in this thread now. We have enough going on in our own lives without somebody elses drama. Not saying we don't have our own dramas here but I feel I can share and receive help in return.

    Everyone else big hello. Busy weekend ahead so must dash.



      Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

      Good morning to all...way too early. Someone left their cellphone out and the alarm was set for really early....grrrrr.

      What, Kaslo won't post? Why? Kaslo, please post on our thread, we love you and appreciate your posts, pictures, and you!!!! Some people are so ill, they are nasty and offended so easily. But that is their problem and now is ours if you don't come back. So sorry to hear it. Kas, that is a reason I only post here....after having some snotty comments, not full out rude. I just thought OK, I am not putting myself out there to be abused, don't need it and don't understand it. Your vast knowledge, experience and sobriety are valued and appreciated, please reconsider.

      Chill, thanks for starting us out in February...let it go fast. We have a virtual blizzard, tons of snow, really cold, blowing. I am done with winter!!!

      Yesterday work was a bust due to the weather so i was home early and watched Dr. Phil, with the dude who catfished Man'ti Teo. It was so sad, he is gay and in "recovery." What the heck. Dr. Phil was tolerant but it is a warning to watch out on the internet. Scares me that there are people who help gay individuals in recovery therapy or whatever weird religious stuff they do. The main point was that he and others create these fake people and manipulate others. Wondering about the amount of screen time for some people, and not actually real life living.

      No particular plans this weekend, making stuffed peppers tonight, vegan style, with rice, beans and corn. Reading some enjoyable books, including Stealing Buddha's Dinner, a lovely tale of a Vietnamese immigrant who was raised in Michigan. Really well written, and a great tale. I could relate to the main character as she is a book worm as a child, as was I. A trip to the library is definitely in order this weekend.

      Hope you are all doing well, let's make this February one where we meet whatever goals we set.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

        Good morning fab ones, just a quickie from me as I am knee deep in getting ready for my daughters friends. It's funny but when people are going to be sleeping on air beds on the floor, suddenly there seem to be loads of cobwebs :H

        Kaslo I am so sorry you're not going to post, don't let the bullies win, stick with us, we never get at people. You are safe on here :l

        LBH I just had to say that i've been to Doc Martin's village, it's lovely and if you google Port Isaac you can see it for yourself. It's very quaint, the car park is on the beach - you have to keep an eye of tide times obviously. The alleys between the cottages are very narrow, one is called squeeze belly alley!

        I love the programme and think Martin Clunes is just great.

        Ok more dust clearance is called for, my back has appreciated this little sit down.

        Catch you after the weekend, take care everyone :l


          Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

          Hello AbFab Febbers

          Kaslo, I, too love reading your posts (fine as frog's hair - love it :H) and enjoy immensely the spectacular scenery in your photos. Plus, I'd want to celebrate with you on your two year anniversary, so please do reconsider.

          Make the most of the day ladies, it's almost Saturday!


            Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

            Good morning FF Friends

            Snowing is falling here as well - I didn't order this, ugh.
            I hope this month flies by as it never did much for me either!

            Greetings to Chill, Rustop, Star, sooty & the entire gang
            Special greetings to our friend Kas!!

            It's been pretty clear to me for some time now that many MWO members have multiple problems going on in addition to AL abuse. My preferred action is to stay away from them. You just can't reason with some people & here is no point getting into a slap fest with a kook :H
            As annoying as it is to receive nastygrams from them they usually will go away if you simply ignore them. I won't let them win either Feel free to come on back Kas

            Well, today started off with text messages from my DIL. EB has a temp of 103 - geez!
            I guess I'll jump in & see what I can do to help out there.
            Wishing everyone a fab AF Friday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

              TGIF Fabulously Friendly Females and Visiting Males

              I am at home today...and it's a nipply -2 below zero in America's Dairyland. Has anyone read this week's People Magazine yet? The cover story is about singer Tim McGraw, who is totally hot and is married to Faith Hill. Tim McGraw talks about how he had to quit drinking because it was negatively affecting his relationships, so now he's replaced his drinking time with 4 hours of daily workouts. OMG!:h That's all I have to do to have six-pack abs, huh? Work out 4 hours a day. Um, at one point, l I did have 2-pack abs, but they have been replaced with 4 tiered shelves (in my back). :H

              Chill-thanks for the wonderful February name. Beautiful alliteration. Yes, whilst drinking heavily this thread may have been called,"Fabuous Feberary Fendships.":H
              Good luck with the temp job Lav said, they may turn into full-time jobs. Even if the company tells you that it's temporary...they are just testing you to see if you would be a good fit. I've had a few temp jobs lead me to full-time work. Again, welcome back, my lovely. I missed you.

              Papmom-I hope your new job is everything you wanted it to be.

              Lav-geez....EB has a temp of 103? Wow, he looked so cute in that train picture....poor little guy. Hope he feels better soon.

              Kas-don't take nastygrams from drunken people personally. We all know that's a losing battle to reason with someone who is drunk. I did see your post in response to someone who had asked about why people fail after two years of sobriety. Maybe offering advice to people who often have dual addictions and/or emotional problems is not the best use of your time. However, the beauty of an anonymous internet forum is that it's very easy to ignore someone when he/she sends a rude PM.

              LBH-I share your view:
              I never want to experience here an abusive PM or even those things that people call "tough love". My personal childhood doesn't support tough love, I don't feel the love part, I don't have the ego strength for the tough part, so I appreciate just quietly getting by and meeting my personal Af goals which are not necessarily everybody elses.
              I like how you've said in the past that alcohol keeps moving further and further away and that is a phrase that sticks with me. I have never been to Doc Martin's Village, but will google it in a few moments.

              From time to time, I see the veiled arrogance from people who have significant AF time under their belts, and when trying to give people well-meaning advice, it comes across as extremely condescending, as if the person were scolding a five-year-old. I think whether or not someone truly respects your advice and follows it, depends on the way you deliver the message. Tough love when used on me, produced the exact OPPOSITE of the desired effect. Yes, I want to be AF4EVR right now, but it might not happen. ODAT works for me.

              Sooty-I laughed so hard when you said you found cobwebs whlst blowing up your daughters' mattresses. Ahem, I managed to find a HUGE one in my guest bathroom last week. I am glad my guest did not have to use the toilet. I must speak to my cleaning lady about this. Tsk. Tsk.

              Dill-I cannot find your quote that reads: Strong minds discuss ideas. Mediocre minds discuss wants. Weak minds discuss people. Who is the author, please? I want to insert it as part of signature on my email. I am so mad because I have converted several quotes of yours to PDF and it is nowhere to be found.: Thank you in advance for your help.

              Star-Don't you wish this whole miss with Manti Te'o would just go away?! UGH. I swear, it's the lead story in every ESPN broadcast....thank God the Super Bowl is somewhat of a distraction. Thank you for the book recommendation. I am trying to read more relaxing and entertaining books these days.

              TDN-so glad the Intoxalock is getting easier to use.

              Rustop-Easter is so early this year. Do you give anything up for Lent?

              Big hellos to Cyn, Mr. G, Catbuddy, and anyone I may have missed, have a fabulously friendly AF Friday! ;-)


                Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                Quick appearance here to let you know that now I get the titles of this thread!!
                I asked a few days ago about why the thread was called January Generosity - silly old me assumed that it was a bunch of AB people who were taking the generosity message as the core of their thread - and I thought - well thats great. A supportive small group that does not judge. I mean I really focused on the generosity bit.... well thats true of course - as you are generous soles
                but nowops:I see that you lovely ladies (and a few blokes) have a new title each month for this thread. Aha!!! February looks well named but will March be March madness???? I knwo thats a month away.

                So I hope to post here from time to time - I have been skimming a few of the other threads on MWO and there are some shockers - silly, rude, judgemental, whining (or wining?), full of excuses - but lots of lost souls, people trying bit by bit - just like we did and still do. I also am amazed at how much some of the old timers generously offer words of support to the Newbies.
                Better go now - day ahead and lots to do - Fab people!!!


                  Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                  :welcome:Treetops! This is a fabulous thread. Good to have you here. I was wondering what you mean when you use the AB acronym? On the Meds thread, and other threads, AB stands for Antabuse.


                    Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                    Hi Treetops, please join in any time, the thread names change but the spirit is the same. No matter what happens we keeping moving forward, embrace health and kindness, and nobody gets left behind even when they insist on it. Rusty, I needed a laugh and you upended me with your "back"; your self-deprecating physical comedy must also be seen in the context, however, of you being recently asked to model fine clothing along with that very same back, you are one pretty lady. I too laughed at Sooty and her Web.... I managed to not even start on one of my winter goals today after getting a whiff of it in the garden shed?that said whiff being the twenty-five pounds of fish bone talcum which I need to somehow distribute in the garden. No matter how much I showered, I know I would be attending an art opening tonight smelling like an old wharf and attracting cats and barnacles. So perhaps this weekend. Enjoy your own version of Friday. Love, Ladybird.
                    may we be well


                      Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                      “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”

                      I had quite forgotten posting that. Googled it to find it. Rusty, you probably have a better collection of "my" quotes than I do! I usually just looked for things that seemed relevant to our discussion and then found a good quote and posted it. I haven't saved them. Now I wish I had. They would be a wonderful reflection of the past couple of years, perhaps for many of us, but definitely for me.

                      Happy February everyone!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                        Good Evening Friends,

                        I'm back.

                        So I hope to post here from time to time - I have been skimming a few of the other threads on MWO and there are some shockers - silly, rude, judgemental, whining (or wining?), full of excuses - but lots of lost souls, people trying bit by bit - just like we did and still do..."
                        I think I was one of those people a feel like a dope. Also.....AB I am sure means "Abstainers." :bowoke:
                        I just love your avatar! Are they parrots, cockatoos (sp?), macaws, cockatiels? I am not a bird person, but our own Ladybirdheart is. I have never traveled to New Zeeland, but I will keep dreaming. I chuckle when I read your posts because it's already well into Saturday by now. I hope you're having a peaceful weekend so far.

                        Dill:thanks: for finding that quote! I so appreciate it. You are in mind always, as you coined the phrase, "choose the light."

                        Cyntree-where are you, friend? I miss you.

                        Ok, back to some work. I'll try to be back later.

                        TDN-I found a fabulously friendly editorial in today's paper and I will email it to you. It's about the interlock device.

                        Hope all is well in Fabulously friendly February.


                          Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                          :H :H LBH, you should be here to smell what the Amish farmers are spreading on their fields right now - gross
                          I know you love your fish meal

                          Well, I ended up meeting my DIL at the Pediatrician's office with two sick kids at 10:30 this morning - swell. They both have croup! To make matters worse, son & DIL had plans to attend a dinner tonight so I ended up with the kids here until 10:30 tonight. Yes, it was a long day of fevers, crying & copious amounts of snot
                          I texted YB & told him to plan on helping me out after work & he did comply/ The next few days will be interesting, to say the least.

                          Rusty, it's currently 18 degrees here at 11:30 - cold enough. Glad you are home & cozy!

                          TT, stick around, you will figure us out eventually

                          Wishing everyone a cozy night - I am tired, oh yeah!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                            Hello, I'm wondering if it would be ok to join your thread? I am new and can't seem to find a place to fit
                            in yet. Need a place to belong and get strong...
                            "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                              Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                              A BIG :welcome: to Treetops, Persephone & Blondie

                              Lav - thank the Lord you are a Nurse!

                              Rusty you make me chuckle so much :H "friendly females and visiting males" could be a saucy ad

                              Im off to Birkram yoga this morning, I have never done it before and its been on my list for quite some time.... At least it will heat me up!

                              Wishing everyone a sensational Saturday.
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996

