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Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

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    Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

    Good morning & Happy Hump Day everyone!

    I hear ya on the continuous loop of dark, damp, chilly days Star! This really sucks :H
    It's times like this that I am really really grateful for the internet. At least we can hop on here & share our thoughts & feelings. The chickens & dogs in my life aren't always the best listeners

    Persephone, trigger spouses are fairly common around here. I basically was drinking AT mine & waiting for him to notice & stop his shitty behavior ~ yeah, that didn't work
    Glad to have you here with us!

    I shall push myself out to Curves after the animals have been fed then back here for some work. Doing ny best to ignore the crappy weather since I can't change it

    Have a great day all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

      Hello Fab Feb Friends,
      Star, my son is still struggling with no job but seems emotionally to be doing better. To be honest, I have taken a couple days break from him for my own peace of mind. I plan on calling him today though. Thanks for asking. I hear you on the dragging yourself out of bed. I was in the same boat this morning. Usually it gets better as the day goes on.

      Lav, yes!!! We are getting the catalogs. It's a sure sign that spring really will come.

      I can't afford to risk it, none of us can. There is TOO MUCH TO LIVE FOR. I've already allowed it to rob me of precious time that I can never get back. But there is today and tomorrows to be fully lived! I am so grateful I am still able to make this choice about my life.
      Beautifully said, P1. I will take this thought with me out the door this morning.

      Happy AF Humpday to all!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

        Happy Humpback day Fab Friends

        Dill - Good to hear your Son is doing better, he has been through so much. No matter what age we are, a Mothers job is never over, mine still worries way too much about me at 48.

        Lav - Our weather is pretty crappy too and I just want to feel a tiny little bit of spring air. At least its getting lighter which makes it easier to get out of bed in the mornings.

        TDN - What is Intoxalock? Im sorry you feel uncomfortable about others in the class knowing about your arrest but you would probably be amazed how few actually do. I skim through our local paper without reading everything and even if they did they probably dont give a rats ass. i know its easy for me to say but any decent person will judge you on who you are and not from some incident from the past.

        Pers - Day 12! :good:

        Star - After my life in Portugal I struggle like mad in the cold and I think thats why i loved the hot yoga so much! :H

        Funny you should mention caffeine as lent starts next week and I was just wondering what to give up. No I didnt give up coffee although I have it black with no sugar and its one of my real daily rituals. I start the day with herbal tea and its only after my morning workout in the garage that I have my coffee and I LOVE it! Not ready to give up on it. I do love the buzz it gives me especially after exercise. Its probably back to my pre disposition to looking for that hit which AL gave me but I reckon I can live with this indulgence.

        I always like to give up something I enjoy for lent as I think its a good self discipline and a great way to appreciate it even more. My diet is already non dairy, no red meat and as zero preservatives as I can manage. I do drink tonic water in the evening and this may be what I give up as it would just take that additional sugar out of my consumption.

        I had a really good interview this morning for the insurance job and hope to hear later today or tomorrow if im sucessful.
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

          :dancin: I got the job!!!! :dancin:

          Start on Monday, it's a 3 month contract but could last longer........ Yippee
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

            Hello and Congratulations Chill!!! I look forward to hearing about your new experiences and am happy you are able to stay in your pretty village. I am glad to see people perking along taking care of things as they come up. In the last few days it was finally my turn to have internet problems. I NEVER have internet problems and over the weekend the main modem kept locking up, I'd unplug it, let it reload, it would work for a while, you know the drill. Unplugging it in my case is not so easy, however, as it is nested above my head in Lord Bird Hearts enormous armoire, the only thing in my otherwise clean and peaceful to the eye and ear house I don't touch?ever, but he was away. The armoire is a frightening midden of dusty machines, blinking lights, papers, gadgets, tools, found objects etc. that, along with its impossible tangle of wires, looks like a small slum in India. On Monday when I unplugged the modem the wire slipped from my fingers and out a little hole falling hopelessly out of reach all the way to floor behind the gigantic armoire/heap. At the same time the land line went dead. Toast. When called by cell for a repair, the company was super apologetic saying our internet was inadvertently interrupted from work they were doing, we got a new much faster service, a free modem, a restored phone, and no charge or change in rates. What? The technician didn't even blink an eye at the contraptions, seems he was a kindred spirit with Lord Bird Heart. Persephone, I join others in thanking you for your candor in reminding us all what we have to lose and gain, yours also Dill. I shall catch up with everybody else along the way now with my zippy internet, in the meantime love to Pap, TDN, Lav, Rusty, Rustop, Star, Cyn, Sooty et. al. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

              ladybirdheart;1458160 wrote: Unplugging it in my case is not so easy, however, as it is nested above my head in Lord Bird Hearts enormous armoire, the only thing in my otherwise clean and peaceful to the eye and ear house I don't touch?ever, but he was away. The armoire is a frightening midden of dusty machines, blinking lights, papers, gadgets, tools, found objects etc. that, along with its impossible tangle of wires, looks like a small slum in India.

              Hiya everyone,

              Sorry for the loss of your mum P1. Great work on the not drinking. Keep it going.

              Congratulations Chilli! :h

              I found a 2nd hand yoga book for beginners, including dvd the other day, so i'm going to have a crack at it. The one and only time i went to a yoga class, i was in a pair of shorts, with no err.... 'support', and some of the positions weren't shall we say, a pretty sight. Long shorts from now on! But getting more flexible and stretching is something i'm enjoying. I do basic stretches being a runner/swimmer, but i know i'd benefit from more, such as yoga. I'm also a big fan of daily meditation and mindfullness practice.

              Loving all the info/links, Dill's quotes, and general ambience of the thread as usual.

              A big hello and hugs to each and everyone of you.

              L8tr, Yo fruity!

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                Originally posted by Guitarista:
                The one and only time i went to a yoga class, i was in a pair of shorts, with no err.... 'support'
                Whaddya doin' to me, G?:H ( insert here: Happy gasp accompanying giggles, then whimper, and finally SIGH). Only 3 shopping days left til my get ready to jump out of the cake. You blew me off last year. And the year before that. And the year before, but I am not giving up.:h

                Chill-CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW JOB!!!:thumbsup:cheering

                LBH-I loved your description of LordBH's little Indian slumlike sounds like an armoire I know as well. I am glad your technician and LordBirdHeart seem to be cut from the same cloth. I have no doubt that even with a pinched nerve in your back, a sprained ankle, and your hair looking like an exploding mustardseed (your words), you smiled at the guy, and he leaped over your threshold with flashlights, batteries, screwdrivers, and other heavy equipment dangling off of his tool belt.

                Dill-I admire you for realizing you needed to take an emotional and physical break from your son. I hope he finds a job soon, and a compassionate counselor who can help him address his AL issues. Not too long from now you will be on your Alaskan cruise. It will be here before you know it. :-)

                I have had a wonderful visit here in Stratford. The shops are amazing and I bought several lovely scarves, a cap, gloves, a shrug....and that was all I could STUFF into my carry on bag....I see the zipper on my bag is very stressed. I am so glad they didn't have those boots in my size. I would have had to check my luggage.

                TDN-I owe you an email and will try to email you sometime tonight or tomorrow.

                Great catching up with everyone. I'm off tomorrow and Friday...and next week, too! :-)


                  Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                  Dill, hope you are getting some quiet time
                  It's hard when our adult kids have difficulties & we can't do anything to help. We have to trust the universe, huh?

                  Chill, congrats on the new job :yay:
                  Monday will be here before you know it so get ready!!!

                  LBH, I laughed at your description of internet/electronic things....sounds like the crazy stuff in my house. Hope you really enjoy your zippy new connection!

                  Hi G. I just knew Rusty would post right after you did :H
                  Honestly, I think she is our pervert mascot :H
                  Sorry Rusty, just kidding! Yoga is good for everyone, hope you enjoy!

                  Rusty, mixing working with shopping huh? Sounds good to me.
                  What are you going to do with your time off?

                  I hear there is a large storm approaching that is bringing a rain/snow mix here but Papmom could be in for 2 feet of snow - yikes!!!! I truly hope not Papmom!!!

                  Greetings to everyone else & wishes for a cozy night.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                    Good Morning Guys

                    Lav - yes Monday will be here way too soon! I'm running around like crazy trying to get everything in order. My biggest concern as always is Elle and I have the local doggy care workers coming today to arrange for them to come walk her while I'm at work.

                    LBH - your description of the computer wires was classic :H when I look down on the floor next to mine I can never quite believe the amount of cable for one computer and printer.

                    Rusty - I hope Mr G does not let you down on your birthday and I want pictures! How lovely you have time off work, what have you got planned?

                    Mr G - yoga will definitely keep you flexible for jumping out of birthday cakes!
                    But seriously I know you do some running and as we get a little older the old body starts to seize up, yoga is such a great healing form of exercise and the hot one was also a good workout. Because of the heat our joints are nice and warm making stretching easier and less likely to pull any muscles. You gotta try it! Maybe try some lycra shorts this time so's not to distract the class

                    I'm very excited about the job, I really feel like I've created a wonderful new life for myself. I've found a beautiful part of the Country where I just love living and the job is in Newmarket which is only 20 minutes drive away and is a relaxing drive through country lanes. The job is well paid and I will be dealing with the insurance for bloodstock as Newmarket is the horse racing capital of the world. My clients will be mainly breeders and trainers. It's a whole new world for me and I'm blown away at how lucky I am to get this opportunity.

                    Have an amazing Thursday everyone.....
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                      Good morning everyone

                      :goodjob: Chill, absolutely delighted. So great to see both yourself and Papmom with wonderful new jobs. Fantastic start to the new year. Hope your son gets sorted Dill, you are right to take a step back, take care of yourself and thanks for all the wonderful quotes.

                      Rusty and LBH, thanks for the smiles and chuckles you both give me with your wonderful descriptions. Enjoy the yoga Mr G, no wonder you need to keep so fit with our Rusty in hot pursuit

                      TDN, hope you get used to the device in your car. Lav and Star, keep warm and safe in your snowy conditions. Remember Spring is around the corner. Pers - :goodjob: on adding up the days. You are a wonderful addition to this thread. Sorry to hear about your Mom. Keep posting, I enjoy reading your observations.

                      All well here. Daughter has last exam tomorrow and pre-debs tomorrow night!! Will be having a late night/ early morning chauffering. Booked tickets to the theatre for Sat night, have not been in ages. Trying to be good food wise so good alternative to meal out.

                      Big hello to anyone I missed.



                        Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                        Good morning and a belated happy humpday, I was out most of the day and the dreaded Internet was being temperamental last evening.

                        Many congratulations of the new job Chill, I hope you enjoy it.

                        Off for a walk with Mr S now, he's got a cold so nothing too strenuous!

                        I have been thinking of trying yoga for a while now, I hope Mr G is in my class


                          Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                          Congrats Chill!!!

                          LBH, I hope you write a novel one day about the life and times of Lady and Lord Birdheart.

                          Yoga is a great way to maintain flexibility. I really ought to join you.

                          Lav, Rusty, Rustop, Pers, Sooty, G, Pmom, Wonderful posts. My time is short this morning so will just wish all a lovely AF Thursday.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                            Good morning friends!

                            Looking at cloudy skies again, ho hum.
                            Listening to the weather reports though makes me feel sorry for our New England friends Papmom & TDN. You guys are about to be snowed on in a big way

                            I have some work this morning then feeding & caring for toddlers this evening
                            Great to see you rustop & Sooty! Hello to everyone & wishes for a terrific AF Thursday.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                              Day 13

                              Good Morning Lovelies,

                              Day 13 and just a quick check in for now. Have much to do before yet another snow storm hits this afternoon. Once I'm nestled in I will catch up and spend some time in here.

                              Till then, happy Thursday...:h
                              "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                                Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                                Good Morning Fabulous Friends,

                                I am home for the next 13 days. YIPPEE! One of my consulting clients rescheduled my visit to Alabama next week so I will be going there in August. HOT HOT HOT! I will spend my time at home, developing a new specialized training program, which will involve making slides, and writing a manual for a 4-day class. I am so grateful that I can embrace this project without the Beast beckoning me to spend time with It. I can't believe how long it took me to see how moving away from alcohol was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. Today on the news I saw a couple who has been married 80 years. He is 101 and looks like he's about 75, and she is 97, and looks like she's about 70. They are both very articulate, very fit and just extremely happy. Obviously, if they had any bad habits, they gave them up years ago!

                                Chill-you sound like you have carved out such a cozy life for yourself, and I am thrilled for you. I had no idea you were living in horse country-I am envious. Maybe through this opportunity, you will meet a nice English gentleman, possibly a breeder or might tower over a jockey, though.

                                Dill-If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse. How true, especially when in recovery.

                                Star-you mentioned that your dad has been in recover for 38+ years. That's amazing, and splendid. How did he get sober? Does he know the extent of your former drinking habits?

                                Perse-I love reading your posts and the threads you have started. While I was at the airport, I read several of them and I can see how you inspire new people.:goodjob: I think it was you or maybe Byrdlady who mentioned that we are peaceful and confident when we are AF. Absolutely.

                                Rustop-how lovely that you are going to the theatre. What play are you and Mr. R seeing?

                                Sooty-I'm with you....I should look into yoga. Also, I think it's sweet that you and Mr.S go for walks together. I'm so glad you are here with us. I missed you when you were gone.:h

                                Lav-I hope the kids are feeling better and you have an easier time caring for them tonight. Has YB mentioned Valentine's Day yet?

                                Pap-I hope everything is going well in your new job.

                                Cheery greetings to everyone else here, and hoping you are having a wonderful AF Thursday.

