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Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

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    Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

    Rusty - the answer to you question is NO, of course not :H :H

    Glad you are home & have a plan for the next 2 weeks

    :wavin: Greetings everyone!
    I'm working, working, working!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

      Waaaahhhhhh! I thought I sent a nice long post to the group last nite but it's nowhere to be found!
      I totally didn't forget about you Chill! I'm so happy for you and really really hope the new job is all you dreamed and more. You so deserve some financial stability in your life!!

      Rusty-how cool you have the next 2 weeks to develop your program with no stress or deadlines and you'll also get a chance to do some Rusty things!! That kind of time is only a dream for me and called Retirement! :H

      Star-spring will be hear before you know it, I promise!!

      Dill-glad your son is getting a bit better.

      P1-no problem with killing miceies here. I do use a concealed trap tho so I don't really have to see their broken necks. They are dirty and laden with disease and not at all cute in my book but to each his/her own. Congrats on day 13! Your story has been very enlightening.

      LBH-what can I say? The visuals were priceless! Don't ever stop writing!!

      Lav, Cyn, TDN-you ready?

      This storm is going to be epic-a winter Sandy I think. All schools and colleges for the most part have been cancelled for tomorrow. The Gov has asked all private businesses to shut down if possible and have their employees telecommute. I have cancelled Saturday's demo but hoping to be dug out in time for Sunday's. So, I am looking at 2 whole days off!! I don't even have any work to do!! Yippee!! I plan on making a ton of smoothies and juices with the new Juicer, baking some frittatas and maybe a crockpot dish or two. I will do laundry as much as possible until or if the power goes out and I'm hoping to get my poor dining room decluttered and maybe my office. I might even catch a movie or two on Hulu or Netflix or Amazon. So much to choose from! 3 years ago I would have used the storm as an excuse to get shitfaced and spend the next day hungover. Oh how wonderful Freedom feels!!

      Gotta run to doggie class and show of DD's agility skills then back home for my very first green smoothie. Hope I like it!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

        Good evening, FFF's!

        Like Pap, I am trying to prepare myself for this big storm. They are saying over two feet of snow, and since we have had alamost NO snow thus far, it is going to be INTERESTING! I am supposed to be at the flower shop tomorrow, but will have to see what happens. And am a volunteer at a children's Valentine's Tea on Saturday, but kind of doubt that that will happen

        Chill congratulations on your new job! How exciting. It sounds like a perfect job for you.

        LBH, that was quite the story! Glad it got straightened out for you.

        Rusty, is your birthday on Sunday? Great that you are home for a nice long stretch. Lots of time for your project.

        I am watching TV and am going to read a bit, so will say good night to all--Lav, Cyn, Sooty, Dill, Star, Lav, Persephone, Rustop and the above mentioned, too. I went to Step aerobics again today, and skipped out at the end --pushups--but got a great orkout and think I'll sleep tonight!

        See you all tomorrow!

        "One day at a time."


          Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

          Good Evening FFF's,

          Chill - Congratulations on the JOB! :kudos: What a wonderful gift to do something you so enjoy to support yourself. Your home sounds divine too, YAY for you! Hey, you mentioned lent and I wanted to discuss with you if you don't mind….Does lent have to be giving up something physical that you enjoy? My understanding is that its something you sacrifice; Christ gave his body so in turn there is self denial on the part of the believer so as to honor his sacrifice, is that correct? What I'm getting at is I once heard of someone giving up gossiping for lent. It was an 'indulgence' for this person. They acknowledged that it gave them pleasure to engage in it, but felt it was a wonderful thing to 'sacrifice up to god' and wouldn't be easy for them to d (NO implication that you are a gossip, LOL!, simply an example) Just wanted to explore this a bit with someone who partakes in this ritual, it's quite fascinating to me.

          Star - Sending you some sunshine…:sun: if only in the form of energy! And xoox's

          TDN - I so try to follow everyone's life, but so much content, forgive me…are you a florist?

          Lav - Ha! drinking AT him was right. What a waste of time, it did absolutely NO GOOD for anyone. Your strength and humor are high points in my day

          Dill - Hope your time away from the family/son issues is doing you some good. Take good care of you. You mentioned catalogs, are you starting seeds per chance?

          Rusty, thank you so much for the kind words. I'm very happy that you are home for the next two weeks, what a treat! Also glad you found fun things to buy, shopping is one of my favorite things! As well is travel. You've been a busy bee:yougo:

          Pap HA! I know I'm a big baby re: critters I killed a squirrel and ran over it last week and balled my head off. Pitiful, I know. You sound positively delighted to have to hunker down for the storm…kinda like being a kid and school gettin' called off. Oh I hope you enjoy every minute! We are supposed to get hit here too, but not as bad as the coast. I really enjoy blizzards

          Lady, Guitarista, Sooty, Rustop, et al…XOXOX'S! :heart:

          So, today was decent. I'm still dealing with 'The Trigger-EX' (only from afar) but I'm proud of myself. Since I'm staying sober I've noticed that, when I choose to communicate with him, I can actually NOT allow myself to get mind F'd. I can stay focused, know and remember what I've said, where I left off, what I meant and WHO I AM. It's delightful!
          I did struggle today a bit with the intermittent flood of desire to drown myself in the dark abyss of poison. I forced myself to do 'all the right' things until it passed and then I was grateful again. Does this ever let up? I mean, rationally its a no brainer. I cannot moderate, I cannot give in. But regardless I get flooded by desire IN SPITE OF THE FACT I don't want to. WTF? I don't want to vacillate. (sigh) Anyway, now that I am in my jammies, sipping on tea and sharing with all you lovelies I am content. Thank you.

          Wishing you all a warm, cozy night filled with beautiful dreams.

          Here' to day 13, poison free! :licked:
          "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


            Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

            Greetings once again kids

            My grandsons are still recuperating from croup but they were well enough to drive me up the wall tonight :H I knew it was too quiet when they were sick last week....
            They are at the point where they pretty much need a referee not a grandmother!!!

            Persephone, I can honestly tell you that the automatic desire to drown yourself in poison will dissipate, it just takes a bit of time. You are in the process of changing your habits & thinking right now & it takes at least 28 days to form a new habit. I walked around telling myself 'Nope, I don't do that anymore' until my sub-conscious got the damn message :H The Hypno Cds really helped with that process as well. You are doing just great, hang in there!

            Papmom, I see they are talking about 3 feet of snow for Boston. You really need to move further south. Same with you TDN! I hope Cyn doesn't get snowed in either!

            C'mon Spring!!!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

              Hi P1-yes, emphatically yes! That feeling of wanting to go numb and drown yourself does go away eventually. Its different for everyone as to the timing but I think those who work on themselves and try to figure out what the triggers are and alternative ways of dealing with said triggers make out the best. I guess that's why its called a journey.
              I am quite pleased about the unexpected 2 days off! It's been far too long since I've had 2 days in a row and even tho I will miss the $$ I'm very grateful for the time.
              I DO NOT love blizzards or any kind of snow storm!! I am far to old and out of shape to be shoveling 3 feet of snow (or 6 inches for that matter), and driving in it, while once exciting and a challenge is now a royal PIA. Bitchy old biddy, that's what I am during snow storms!! :H
              TDN-hunker down and do not drive if you can help it. I can't think of anything worse than dealing with an Interlock malfunction when you are trying to stay on the road in a blizzard. We want you safe to work another day!!

              Day 1 today of my Whole Foods challenge. I did great until after doggie class. Nough said.(cough klondike cough).

              I haven't even taken an Ambien yet and already I'm falling asleep at the keyborad!.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                Lav-xpost!! Glad the "men" are feeling better!! yep, 2-3 feet. I'll muddle through until retirement I guess. I just hope the strapping boys next door feel like some exercise Saturday morning!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                  Happy Friday Guys

                  Papmom & TDN - did the snow come as much as predicted? Hope you are both safe and warm.

                  Pers - I'm not the right person to give a definition of lent, maybe some of the guys brought up Catholic can help. I don't practice any religion but always liked the idea of lent to make a self sacrifice which I see as good for the soul. Personally I have always given up something physical like chocolate, coffee, dairy and in the past AL. I usually make it something I think isn't good or me and make it an opportunity to cut back on after lent is over.

                  Lav - sick cranky kids! You are Supergran.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Fabulous February Friendships - week 1

                    Good morning all...

                    Chill, congratulations on our new job!!!! So happy for you, know you will do well. How great that you love the area and are settled in. Lots of opportunities in the days ahead for you, sending you lots of positive energy. Just wondered about the caffeine as I tried to give it up, plus change my diet and failed. I had a headache for two days, felt really sick, and did not know if it was caffeine or just the food change. I too love my coffee black. I love lent as a time of self-sacrifice, but often do something positive rather than give something up. It just depends on the year.

                    Dill, stepping back from your son was a good idea. I am following suit, even though he lives with me. Working all weekend, I will barely see him. Hope your son finds employment soon. Sounds like there is not much opportunity for employment in your area.

                    Persephone, the thoughts and cravings become less over time...just like with any habit. I liked Lav's suggestion to really be aware of your thoughts and purposefully guide them to where you want to go. I found the CDs valuable in helping to change. I find being in the moment, hot bath, scented bubbles, warm jammies, good book, and focusing on how wonderful it is, is such a change from being out of it, and is so much more fun in the long run, once you get used to it. We talk ourselves into thinking drinking is fun, when it ceased being fun for months or years. Drinking leads to feeling sick, anxiety, depression, being broke, fighting with loved is NOT fun.

                    Rusty, my Dad just went to AA for some unknown reason, at least unknown to me. There was no hospitalization, arrest, or money problems. I think he was getting scared. He told me that he knew he could not do it on his own and needed help. He also said it was very humbling. I don't know what he thought about me and I will NEVER bring it up. My decision to just move on. Plus it would be embarrassing to me and I don't see the point in humiliating myself. I have enough to deal with. So happy for you to have two delicious weeks off to work on your project and have time to yourself and LIVE. I love my three day weekends, and cherish time to myself to just be. Happy you will have more time to visit us in the next few weeks.

                    Pap, I agree, mice in the house are nasty, and I too would not hesitate to use traps. They need to stay outside and understand if they come in, it will not be pretty. How great to have two days to yourself. There is something beautiful about a snow storm. We have already had two feet of snow easy. We just keep shoveling and sometimesjust plowing through half a foot of the white stuff with the ole SUV. Sometime in February, shoveling gets old. I feel better on whole foods, but have to get the chocolate out of the house. We bought some last week and I had a stomach ache like a kid from over indulging. Food, the final frontier.

                    Lav, your grandsons are rowdy!!! I love a little time with wild boys, they are so full of mischief. If I lived closer I would help out and enjoy. Do you have anymore vegan recipes you might like to share? Looking for something new to enjoy.

                    Feeling a little better, hope to have a relaxing weekend. Hello to all!!!
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus

