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af day Saturday 2 Feb

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    af day Saturday 2 Feb

    Well done SL...You beat that craving.....just deal with it like that every time :goodjob:
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Saturday 2 Feb

      Kuya, since Cantoo is not here, oke:

      Mick, welcome back! OMG, those bunnies are so cute! I mentioned once that I had a rabbit as an adult - a Netherland dwarf bunny. He was all of four lbs. He lived for ten years!! I loved him to pieces, and still miss him.

      TT, thanks for getting us rolling each day. I've been hit or miss lately on MWO. I think I'll start my mornings here so I know I check in every day. I passed four months, and I'm thinking it's key to stay where I found my sobriety, and keep to the righteous path!

      RC, on your two months and new record......

      :applaud: :woot::woot: :applaud:

      AL kept our pain at bay. You are bravely living through it without the balm. Go through it, and there is another side.

      It's a lovely Saturday here. I'm going to take a hike later, and look at a view. I live very near the Pacific ocean, and many of our trails are coastal.

      Nurdl, Yah, SL, Lav, Cinders, Det (:l), and anyone I missed - Hi and have a strong AF day!

      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

      AF since Oct 2, 2012


        af day Saturday 2 Feb

        whew! a much better world in the garlic-scented household I'm so very pleased to say. Dx and I are getting along again and that dark horrid last week is behind me and I hope to never revisit it ever. thanks so much again to all of you for the calls and lovely PM's. xxxxxxx

        as a word of caution, if you are taking SSRI's be VERY careful with valium or any other benzo. the combination can cause a psychotic or suicidal reaction (just ask me). I had no idea, I thought the combo would help my anxiety. yikes!

        big kudos to CatBuddy and RC on AF times!

        tonight I'm thinking salmon poached in a Thai lemongrass/coconut sauce. hmmmmmm

        be well everyone!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          af day Saturday 2 Feb

          Hiya - altho its Sunday 3 feb here - I have not started the thread for that day yet. I need my walkies and the family need their pancakes. Great to see you back Mick - agree with the time out, think about bigger picture, get other stuff done and all that -- I bet you were just gathering jokes

          Hey Catbuddy - you and I are about the same - my date is Oct 10 2012 - so coming up to 4 months next week.

          Lavande - you must be buggered from all the looking after the wee ones - croup can eb so exhausting for the caregivers.

          Agree with you Kuya - hope more summer to come - and I too fly to Europe via Asia rather than go through the cattle hold at LAX.

          OK - time to stretch the leggies...


            af day Saturday 2 Feb

            Hi Det - I saw a long time ago you posted on MWO on the dangers of diet soft drinks (and I presume diet cordial) to the liver. I did a bit of a search last night and was horrified. Any updates on this?
            My intake of diet (usually caffeine free) drinks has increased since I gave up booze - not outrageously so - but quite a bit.


              af day Saturday 2 Feb

              Up at 4.30...out at 5.45 tomorrow..oh no !!!!! so wont be here early unless a quick pop heres tomorrows lines for you...dont read them until tomorrow!!!!:H:H

              I started out with nothing?I still have most of it.
              Some days you?re the dog, some days the hydrant.
              I finally got my head together, now my body is falling apart.
              Funny, I don?t remember being absent minded.
              If all is not lost, where is it?
              It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser.
              If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished.
              The first rule of holes: If you are in one, stop digging.
              I went to school to become a wit, only got halfway through.
              It was all so different before everything changed.
              Nostalgia isn?t what is used to be.
              Old programmers never die. They just terminate and stay resident.
              A day without sunshine is like a day in Seattle.
              I wish the buck stopped here. I could use a few.
              It?s hard to make a comeback when you haven?t been anywhere.
              Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip round the sun.
              The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you?re in the bathroom.
              If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on my knees.
              Lead me not into temptation (I can find the way myself).
              If you?re living on the edge, make sure you?re wearing your seat belt.
              An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.
              It?s not hard to meet expenses?they?re everywhere.
              Jury: Twelve people who determine which client has the better attorney.
              Old people shouldn?t eat health foods. They need all the preservatives they can get.
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af day Saturday 2 Feb

                :H:H so true Mick,
                Everything was so different before it all changed
                Behave yourself tomorrow morning!

                RC CONGRATS on your two AF months :wd:

                Det, just wondering...
                Are you using more than one doc to obtain Rxs?
                You are always safer using one doc & one pharmacy. They can double check everything before you mix & match drugs
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  af day Saturday 2 Feb

                  Hi Ya! I'm here. I just got back from a day at my rental property. Fortunately, the tenants are out, but they left a fair amount of damage behind for having been there 3 years. Hopefully, I will not have to completely redo the hardwood floors, which are highly damaged, the bathroom is a moldy wreck, and there is a huge hole in the wall. My sister and I will be meeting up there next weekend to paint, and I probably need about $2000 work to be done. (I don't have $2000 :upset Somehow it will work out, though.

                  Last night I was as close as I've come to drinking and smoking. My rental agent is not good at communicating, and she said not to come up because she didn't know if the tenant had gotten the 2nd notice to vacate, blah, blah, blah, because, of course, you have to follow a certain procedure to evict. It did not become clear until about 8pm that she had followed proper procedure. I wanted to pull my hair out, scream, drink, smoke and punch a hole in the wall before I knew that she had done what she should have. But I didn't drink or smoke, thank goodness. I would have come on here, except I didn't even feel like I could gather my thoughts enough to post something coherent. My realtor (as opposed to rental agent) was able to talk me out of my tree top. (Sorry, TT!) At any rate, I can see now that it was the extreme anger combined with the sense of helplessness that was a big trigger. I can usually handle one or the other alone. I will have to develop a better plan, because I know the next month or so will probably hold its share of frustrations/anxiety as I try to get this place sold.

                  Anyway, sorry to go on and on about me.

                  Deter, I have been on SSRI's and used Klonopin without a problem in the past. Sorry the combo made you very ill. I'm glad you and Dx are recovering.

                  Mick, I would be so sad if you left! I'm glad you still find it valuable to be here. I confess that I did read a very few of tomorrow's jokes.

                  I will write more tomorrow when I am less tired, but I'm so glad that you are all here.

                  Lav, TT, Kuya, RC, SL, SF, CanToo, PPQP, blondie, hugs to all. Sorry if I missed anyone. My brain is fried.


                  Feeling very grateful now not to have succumbed to the impulse.
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    af day Saturday 2 Feb

                    Yah....good to see you.

                    Rentals can be a trial. My ex was a realtor for a while and we owned one. Our tenants were awesome but even so it was NOT easy money.

                    Glad it was resolved and I am sure you and sis will sort the mess...some people live like such farm animals ( not pigs....pigs are quite clean )


                      af day Saturday 2 Feb

                      Morning all

                      Congrats to Cat and RC :goodjob:
                      Mick - good to see you back.

                      Hi Det - great to see you emerge from that black hole and talking food again
                      TT - I too have developed a diet drink addiction - Zero. I stopped again last week, but succumbed again yesterday! I never drank it in such amounts and I know how bad it is

                      Just a quickie so hi to everyone; have a great day and Happy Sunday


                        af day Saturday 2 Feb

                        I just wanted to pop in. I did take down some sometimes I feel like I open up "too much" here. It has nothing to do with you guys.....but, me. When I feel open and exposed the anxiety begins. This is one of my issues that I have to deal with. I was having such an anxiety attack.....and literally the only thing that calmed me....was to delete posts..."before too many saw them".

                        I somehow got freaked out by the number of people who read and don't post. I know this was not reasonable. calmed me.

                        I know that none of my emotions don't make any sense.


                          af day Saturday 2 Feb


                          oke: KY

                          Thanks Cat (happy 124)
                          AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                          "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                            af day Saturday 2 Feb

                            Hi Cantoo......I am watching you

                            Seriously though are having a whale of a time GF I am so happy for you.

                            SL .... You are aware of how loud the voices are during those first days after you drink. I dread going there again and wish I could teleport you to where I am emotionally after 5 months would never want to go back to where you are I am sure.

                            SF ..... Everything will gradually come right, but your mind will be like a bucking horse ATM, hang on.

                            Det I am glad Dx and you are cosier. I hope you can find a balance with the meds and as Lav said best stick to one caregiver.


                              af day Saturday 2 Feb

                              Sun, all I can say is that I really do relate.

                              Lav, same doc, but I'm so sadly dismayed at how little MD's know about not only drug interactions, but nutrition in general. I've been researching nutrition seriously for a couple of years now and am horrified that my knowledge eclipses theirs so often. still so much to learn.... I love to learn thankfully.

                              it's late, be well my friends
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

