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af day Saturday 2 Feb

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    af day Saturday 2 Feb

    Weekend here already - thinking of you all - and especially Mick - I have sent a possum to stalk him but no luck. Can anyone fill me in if he is OK (or just having a break from MWO)?

    Hi Pauly, Lavande, SL, SF, YaH, CanToo, Det, Blondie, Catbuddy, PPQP, TDN - and all others who post here - or are just watching what we get up to in the AF zone.
    Bet its a a busy day at the Vets - Kuya - weekends usually are.

    I am enjoying my morning cuppa(s) - not so hot today - summer is over (I hope not!). I think it will be a quiet weekend for me and the family - but one never knows. I must get my bod moving - been sitting at the computer too much.

    Stay strong - esp those who are feeling the call of the bottle - as Lavande and Kuya remind us - zero tolerance.
    Think of it as like the USA border control at LA airport. This is a not so funny experience for us long haul travellers - we always arrive in the middle of the night - very tired, stressed and we know - no matter not - we must not be rude to the immigration person. And we know - they have a zero tolerance policy towards anyone they suspect. Then if we are transiting on to London - we have to wait in a 'holding room' (we Kiwis call it the cattle barn) - very boring, just have to nut it out...
    OK - its a very strange analogy and you may not get it...


    af day Saturday 2 Feb

    Morning treetops

    How was tooth day?!
    I think Mick had other things to do (like have a life :H) but said he'd pop in.
    Thankfully I transitted LAX many moons ago, so didn't experience the over-zealous staff
    We're up in the high 30s this weekend, so an early morning watering for the garden (thankful we can still water).

    Morning to everyone. Have a fun day


      af day Saturday 2 Feb

      Thank you to everyone.

      Lav....I agree with zero tolerance policy. I had it place in the past...need to put it back in.

      Kuya....I agree with going with the flow. I actually had a dream of drinking 1 six pack on Saturdays......never worked out. I would so obesses about it.

      SL.....I am working on getting discpline in my life. Working full time and with is hard, but for now there are things I just need to stick to no matter what.

      Too much time gives the addict an open window....and I am closing that window.

      In a way I had so much really bad crap happen to people. They drank at the am to get to work....drank harder AL than I was hard for me wrap my brain around. The River of Denial.

      All I need to that AL I do not mix well....period. Does not matter if it is 3 beers one night or 18 the next. I have come to terms with that is over.


        af day Saturday 2 Feb

        :wavin: mornin everybody...and how are we all?Just had a couple of days out to get some work know those "round tuit" jobs? well I have got quite a bit of them done..also just to take a step back and look at things..doing that certainly gives you a different perspective than actually being in the middle of the fray so to speak.Just wanted to be honest with myself..after all if you cant do that then its a pointless exercise really! and the big thing for me was ..did I still enjoy this thread ,and posting on it..was it worthwhile and did it warrant the time and effort
        Yes it changes shape and varies in ways, I do enjoy this thread...did I think it was fruitless posting on here..definitely not.did I think my contributions were any good? well like everyone elses posts..without them there would be no thread!
        I think its a good exercise ,to stand back and in politician speak "look at the bigger picture" for us all every now and again, and that is for everything

        ok on with the show

        Mornin tree .(or should I refer to you as Leo Tolstoy??)how are you today? thanks for asking bout me btw ..just watching the have done really well..all you need are a few crappy jokes and you are quids in!!!So what are your plans for the weekend? was going to say ..anything to set the world on fire..probably not the smartest comment in referral to the Antipodes at the moment!!! yep get te cattle barn bit....its that transitional stage you go through on the onward journey...noticed you are still up ...its night time in your world now down there isnt it? how was the tooth thingy..all ok? no pressies for the tooth fairy?

        good morning SF...and how is your world today? ok I that was some lenghty tome you scribed up yesterday! One bit I did notice was "I wish I was one of those people who gave up and didnt look back....I think everyone looks back to some degree or the other...and some people also slip after time..Dont think there is any such thing as mileage in the saying "never looked back"..that to me creaks the door of complacency.
        Even now, some 11 years on after I gave up,I still get the urge in certain circumstances to have a cig (no not those circs!!!) so we must always be aware

        Morning are you? flask o coffee hold out for you? heres a fresh brew.Hows the grandson? any better? you still got snow there?Its a really nice crisp morning here..just been looking at the plants..all starting to bud through now

        Morning are you today?any plans?

        Now then Kuya..and how are you today? by my reckoning you should have finished work by now..probably in whats sober Sunday got in store for you then?..or more to the point you for it??Liked the picture of your kitten that you posted(was gonna say something else but thought I better not!!!!:H)..oh and the pool looks well smart ..if hat was me I would never be out of it!!!

        Yoohoo Pauly here I am you doing? so you been missing the rubbish jokes then?how are you getting on with the no al? gettin easier for you at all?

        Hiya SL..and hows things with you? back on track ..was reading through your posts..theres one big thing that jumps out fo me..and that is getting stressy headed.ok we all do that ,but I reckon the reason you drank was the same sort of thing,so really the trick is to separate them..when you reach that stage, instead of reaching for the booze..focus in on something else..because all you need in those times is to get something that will give you that "aahh thats better feeling"and al definitely isnt the cure all for come on lets do it ..forget the in your words, very similar to us aint got that switch so let it go...getsome Irn Bru!!!!! instead

        Morning blondey..and how are you?enjoy the market? fat pig? and home jigetty jig?? though I suspect it had a slightly different meaning!!!! any plans for the weekend?

        Morning Rabsy how are you you old bugger..desert island discs? says he who used to listen to it when Roy Plumley was the presenter!!!:H:H What are you up to today? at work?

        Righto peeps..thats it..wont be here early doors tomorrow ..will be driving down to Lincoln at some ungodly hour, but will jump in tomorrow

        seem to be quite a few people not here at the spread out..make it look like a crowd :H

        Take care have a great day

        A sign in the Bank Lobby reads: ?Please note that this Bank is installing new Drive-through teller machines enabling customers to withdraw cash without leaving their vehicles. Customers using this new facility are requested to use the procedures outlined below when accessing their accounts.
        After months of careful research, Male and Female procedures have been developed. Please follow the appropriate steps for your gender.
        Male Procedure:
        Drive up to the cash machine.
        Put down your car window.
        Insert card into machine and enter PIN.
        Enter amount of cash required and withdraw.
        Retrieve card, cash and receipt.
        Put window up.
        Drive off.
        Female Procedure:
        Drive up to cash machine.
        Reverse and back up the required amount to align car window with the machine.
        Set parking brake, put the window down. Find handbag, remove all contents on to passenger seat to locate card.
        Tell person on mobile ?phone you will call them back and hang up. Attempt to insert card into machine.
        Open car door to allow easier access to machine due to its excessive distance from the car. Insert card.
        Re-insert card the right way.
        Dig through handbag to find diary with your PIN written on the inside back page.
        Enter PIN.
        Press cancel and re-enter correct PIN.
        Enter amount of cash required.
        Take a quick peek at yourself in rear view mirror.
        Retrieve cash and receipt
        Empty handbag again to locate wallet and place cash inside.
        Write debit amount in cheque register and place receipt in back of chequebook.
        Re-check makeup.
        Drive forward 2 feet.
        Reverse back to cash machine.
        Retrieve card.
        Re-empty hand bag, locate card holder, and place card into the slot provided.
        Give dirty look to irate male driver waiting behind you
        Restart stalled engine and pull off.
        Redial person on cell phone.
        Drive for 2 to 3 miles.
        Release Parking Brake.

        A few weeks after a young man had been employed; he was called into the Human Resources administrator?s office. ?What is the meaning of this?? the personnel officer asked. ?When you applied for this job, you told us you had three years experience. Now I have discovered this is the first position You?ve ever held.?
        ?True?, the young man answered with a smile, ?in your advertisement you said you wanted a person with imagination.?

        A famous heart specialist doctor died and everyone was gathered at his funeral. A regular coffin was displayed in front of a huge heart.
        When the minister finished with the sermon and after everyone said their good-byes, the heart was opened, the coffin rolled inside, and the heart closed.
        Just at that moment one of the mourners started laughing.
        The guy next to him asked: ?Why are you laughing??
        ?I was thinking about my own funeral? the man replied.
        ?What?s so funny about that??
        ?I?m a gynecologist.?

        A man burst into a crowded bank, ordered everyone into a corner, and then got his bag filled with packets of money.
        But instead of running out, he approached the crowd of terrified customers. He picked out one and asked, ?Did you see me rob this bank??
        The man replied, ?Yes sir, I did.?
        The robber then shot him in the temple, killing him instantly.
        He then turned to a couple standing next to him and asked the man, ?Did you see me rob this bank??
        ?No sir, I sure didn?t,? the man replied ? ?But my wife did.?

        A man and a woman were having dinner in a fine restaurant. Their waitress, taking another order at a table a few paces away noticed that the man was slowly sliding down his chair and under the table, with the woman acting unconcerned.
        The waitress watched as the man slid all the way down his chair and out of sight under the table. Still, the woman dining across from him appeared calm and unruffled, apparently unaware that her dining companion had disappeared.
        After the waitress finished taking the order, she came over to the table and said to the woman, ?Pardon me, ma?am, but I think your husband just slid under the table.?
        The woman calmly looked up at her and replied firmly, ?No he didn?t. He just walked in the door.?

        Annoying People At The Office

        ?Hi-lite? your shoes. Tell people that you haven?t lost your shoes since you did this.
        Agree to organize the company Christmas party. Hold it at McDonald?s Playland. Charge everyone $15 each.
        Arrive at a meeting late, say you?re sorry, but you didn?t have time for lunch, and you?re going to be nibbling during the meeting. During the meeting eat entire raw potatoes.
        Attach a sign that says "FAX" to the paper shredder. Sit and watch to see how many people fall for it.
        Bring in dishes that you tried to cook but didn?t turn out quite right as special treats for your co-workers.
        Build models of the Seven Wonders of the World using empty soda cans.
        Change the message on the company voice mail system. Get ?Creative?.
        Compose all your e-mail in rhyming couplets.
        Decorate your office with pictures of Cindy Brady and Danny Partridge. Try to pass them off as your children.
        Determine how many cups of coffee is ?too many.?
        Develop an unnatural fear of staplers.
        Develop an unnatural fear of staplers.
        Email your boss the message: I know what you did last vacation.
        Encourage your colleagues to join you in a little synchronized chair dancing.
        Erect a shrine to your favorite sports team, holding candlelight vigils at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. daily.
        Every time someone asks you to do something, ask them if they want fries with that.
        Find out where your boss shops and buy exactly the same outfits. Always wear them one day after your boss does. (This is especially effective if your boss is a different gender than you are.)
        For a relaxing break, get away from it all with a mask and snorkel in the fish tank. If no one notices, take out your snorkel and see how many you can catch in your mouth.
        Grow mold in your coffee cup.
        Hang mistletoe over your desk.
        Hide a rubber cockroach in inventive places.
        Include a piece of your children?s artwork as a cover page for all reports that you write. (If you don?t have children, draw stick figures yourself.)
        Insist that your e-mail address be: ? (or ?
        Install a set of buttons and lights in the arm of your chair. Talk into your daytimer.
        Make a roof over your cubical out of old soda cans.
        Make up nicknames for all your coworkers and refer to them only by these names. ?That?s a good point Sparky.? ?No I?m sorry I?m going to have to disagree with you there, Chachi.?
        Name all your pens and insist that meetings can?t begin until they?re all present. Come to work in your pajamas.
        No matter what anyone asks you, reply ?Okay.?
        Page your co-workers to call their extensions so they call themselves.
        Page yourself over the intercom. (Don't disguise your voice.)
        Put a chair facing a printer, sit there all day and tell people you?re waiting for your document.
        Put a picture of your mother on your business card.
        Put decaf in the coffeemaker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
        Put on your headphones on whenever the boss comes into the office. Talk in a loud voice. Remove your headphones when he or she leaves.
        Put shaving cream on your boss?s telephone earpiece. Dial the number. When he/she answers, say ?Sqwish.?
        Put those hole reinforcing circles on the center of you eyeglasses. Now go to that executive meeting.
        Put up mosquito netting around your cubicle. Play a tape of jungle sounds all day.
        Put your garbage can on your desk. Label it ?IN.?
        Schedule meetings for 4:14 pm.
        Send e-mail messages saying free pizza, free donuts etc... in the lunchroom, when people complain that there was none... Just lean back, pat your stomach, and say, ?Oh you?ve got to be faster than that.?
        Send email to the rest of the company telling them what you're doing. For example "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom."
        Send email to yourself engaging yourself in an intelligent debate about the direction of one of your company?s products. Forward the mail to a co-worker and ask her to settle the disagreement.
        Send emails one word (or a few) at a time. end each one wth something like, "more to come tuned to your inbox for further developments..."
        Sing ?It?s a Small World After All? really loud in your cubical.
        Subscribe your coworkers to those free trade journals. Give them wacky middle names. Example: Bobby ?Pud? McNeel.
        Suggest that beer be put in the soda machine.
        Talk to your mouse as if it is a C.B. radio.
        Wait until a co-worker goes on vacation, then relocate everything they have in their office, and move someone else in their place. When they get back act like nothing has changed since they left.
        When an a person tells you that they'll be there shortly, reply in a scathing tone of voice: "And just how many weeks do you mean by shortly?"
        When in conversation, no matter where you are in the office, mutter, ?I think my phone is ringing? and leave. Go get a coffee.
        When IT support sends you an e-mail with high importance, delete it at once.
        Whenever anyone comes in your cubicle insist they knock or don?t speak with them. When they knock, ignore them.
        While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.
        While sitting at your desk, soak your fingers in ?Palmolive?.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af day Saturday 2 Feb

          Good morning, all.

          Mick, I just wanted to pop in and say that I always appreciate your posts (and jokes, of course) and miss you when you are not here:upset: I don't post here every day, as I prefer the other monthly thread, but I do read at least once a day. There is always something I can learn from others. You are a VIP here, IMO!

          Hope everyone has a great AF day and weekend!

          "One day at a time."


            af day Saturday 2 Feb

            Late check in will be brief.

            TT .......don't get me started on the cattle barn at LA. I hate it so much I will pay extra and take longer rather than transit through there anymore .... Yeuk

            And don't you dare mention summer being over is 2nd Feb, another two months, more if we are lucky.
            This is the best summer we have had since I came here ten years ago, and last year was the worst. I am loving it!

            Blondie did you say your mum is a pom? Poor buggers over there with the weather Eh Mick?
            Still I wouldn't want to be too hot either.

            Mick .... You are on ripper form today, I particularly like the bank story. Reminded me of WooWoo :H:H:H that still makes me laugh.

            TDN ... Not sure whether to say hi or bye. You choose


              af day Saturday 2 Feb

              Ha..Kuya..heres how rubbish it is today!!!!!

              POM...passage only migrant wasnt it? the ten pound passage


              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af day Saturday 2 Feb

                Where'd the snow go Mick, those bunnies won't know if its New Year or Easter....and that's kinda important for a bunny

                Pom.....I don't know I keep hearing different explanations, pissed off migrant?? :H:H


                  af day Saturday 2 Feb

                  nah its not important to them as long as they get their scran!!!!!
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af day Saturday 2 Feb

                    Here's my babies

                    Attached files [img]/converted_files/2044019=7394-attachment.jpg[/img]


                      af day Saturday 2 Feb

                      Good morning Abbers!

                      Sunny & seriously cold here today
                      Awaiting the prediction from the famous PA rodent Punxsutawney Phil as to whether we will have Spring-like weather or 6 more weeks of winter. Happy Groundhogs Day :H Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Greetings TT, Kuya, blondie, TDN! Welcome back Mick!!
                      Love the bunny & doggy pics

                      No special plans for me today or tomorrow. Sunday is the Super Bowl but I don't watch football or get into all that food eating, AL fueled partying atmosphere, thank goodness

                      I will be busy enough helping out with my grandsons who are both sick with croup right now

                      Have a great AF Saturday everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af day Saturday 2 Feb

                        Oooopps Lav...... Just took that post down ......people will think you have lost the plot so thought I would explain.

                        Hope the grand kids aren't too croupy my dear

                        Yah....where are you?

                        Cantoo .....I need a poke !


                          af day Saturday 2 Feb

                          Michael - absolutely smashing to see you back in here. Indeed it brings a skip to me tickydicky and a smirk across me pus :H And to add my tuppence, if I may Michael, I fricking VALUE your posts and value so much you what you bring not only to your post, but to this thread and to MWO. Indeed i would like to say a wee personal thank you :thanks:

                          Right, not that I've royally licked yer arse dry, onto other pressing ramblings...

                          Roy Plumley you say? Sounds like a posh dessert. (not a posh desert... which is wot i wrote originally!) I am still waiting for Kirsty to call me to be on the show - I presume, Michael, that it was Mr Plumley that interviewed you when you were on Dessert Island Discs. What did you ask for? Baked Alaska? Ile flottante? Mama's own Apple Pie?

                          Just back in from teaching the sprogs. All fine there. Quite intelligent some of them actually. But not a patch on you Michael, ye ol' brainy box you. In fact you are just what was needed last night at the Pub quiz I was at. Our team came second, pipped at the post by a team of delinquents.... yes, we needed a sage ol' codger with encyclopedic knowledge to have wiped their asses (proverbially speaking of course).

                          On other fronts, today is, I suppose, my 2 month AF anniversary (I stopped on the 2nd Dec). So I am going to celebrate with an evening in, an early night and a long run tomorrow morning. Ah, the life of Riley indeed. (as long as me roomies don't stagger noisily in in the early hours...:no

                          Have a lovely rest of the weekend folks :hallo:


                            af day Saturday 2 Feb

                            Morning all, evening all and night night to the rest!
                            Girls off for day with their father - first time in a couple months, so waiting tensely to see how they come back - lots of busy work to do today to keep mind active and no thoughts of you know what.
                            Slept so well last couple nights, long may that last, it is a huge help.
                            Woke feeling great - got in shower and thought about how good i felt, then next stupid thought that crept in was IT rearing IT's ugly head - seriously!!!!! NUTS!
                            Anyhooo - Mick, lovely to see you - glad you realised your own worth and came back to us.
                            Orf to get jobs done.
                            Looking forward to Puppy Bowl tomorrow Lav - and maybe a gander at the adverts during the other Bowl - makes for our version of a fun day....
                            Congrats RC on your 2 month eve - little jealous here:l:l
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              af day Saturday 2 Feb

                              Rabsy..well done on your 2 months mate...great start..stay on track your doing ace ...long time since I heard the word pus !!!!
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

