Joker (Mick), Chicken Minders (Kuya and Lavande), CanToo, CatBuddy, YaH, Det, Nurdl, Running Courage, Blondie, and all the others out there in the land of Freedom (hellz bells I sound like your President my US friends) - our land is the AF land - even if many of us are still in the long slow lanes leading us this way. Throw away those cliches TT and leave the jokes to Mick! (until he buggers off to Tenerife).
OK Ladies and Gents - lets talk about Men-o-pause. Note it has the word Men in it. For most of us women here I bet drinking has been linked in to our menstrual cycles - or menstrual stops and starts. Myth No 1 thrown away - we don't have the same patterns and our hormones - while similar are somewhat different...thats where the experts may help us - but we have to listen to our bodies. The problem is that often we don't know what the f..k is going on in there.
I thought I was about to say bye bye to horrible menstrual issues - and then I did - only to discover at age 41 that I was pregnant for the first time. Had to stop drinking pretty quick with that news! But I had decades of pre menstrual madness (medicated with AL for that -did try hormones but issues there for me) and painful periods (AL was a great sedative for these). Never used HRT - and couldn't because I was and am in an at-risk group that counters that - plus HRT is not favored by many drs here these days.
So SL - I know (and probably we all do here) how crazy hormones are - its complex and nutrition and exercise and other things all make a big difference - BUT it is an added thing to deal with when giving up AL. One of the blessings of getting to the other side of menses is that a lot of the hormonal stuff settles - but then you have to deal with all the new health issues because you loose the protective value of ostroegen. And us old Mums and grannies get it all again through our offspring and friends' kids...
Thats my little lecture for the week. Must dash now and get the offspring to her place of learning and G to his place of work and me to my work....Holiday tomorrow - but its Waitangi Day here - oh no - will there be more lectures?? Nah
Take care my friends in AL free land - where the wind runs through our hair - or over our receding hairlines and we skip and jump with the bunnies and chickens - and drink the pure water of freedom.........shut up TT!!!!!