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af Thursday 7 Feb

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    af Thursday 7 Feb

    Cough cough!! Morning!! cough!
    Dry cough again - tired but happy. Own wee dramas here last night to do with homework and teenage stress but thats life ain't it? We have all been there:upset:

    I have to dash to work but just starting this off.
    We had a sort of tsunami alert yesterday as there was a bad earthquake in the Solomon Islands in the SW Pacific. 6 died and some villages trashed.
    But lovely day here today - sunny - just perfect for coughing away in....

    Catch you all later and take care :cat:

    (just put that icon in 'cos I can!)

    af Thursday 7 Feb


    ..on this thread

    Been on topa since the start of January and it has drastically reduced my drinking, so much so, that I haven't had a drink since last Saturday - 2/2/13. And that tasted awful!

    I'm a family gal who looks after her disabled daughter full time and has 2 other children. Looking for abstinence because it seems easier than the torture of moderation! Will pop in when I can - are there rules of posting to observe?


      af Thursday 7 Feb

      Morning all..on this post hump day!!! treetops ...snap I did exactly the same as you yesteday and goggled its meaning!!!So now I also know what all the other days are too....Dinna ken why sum fowk canny spik the Queens English ..ken fit ah mean?? :H

      So how are we all today?good I hope..tea and coffee on the go

      Cough cough splutter ..mornin tree and how are you?apart from your dramas with homework...dont argue,just get it done ...thats what parents are for!!!oh and being money trees!!My daughter has started her midwifery the phone is constantly on the go ..thankfully I know nothing about children ...did my part many moons ago :H ..comes out with all these big words..whatever happened to the stork, and found in the cabbage patch etc???

      Mornin what a chat up line..I quote ..there were some beauties there this morning, how you doing today? you ok?Paparazzi chasin you yet?have a great day mate

      how are you today? any plans or is it in the pool day?

      Morning Lav...and how are you today? still trudging over the frozen tundra..or has there been a weather change?any plans for today?demolition derby or angel watching?Apologies here is your cuppa take care.Watched that Amish programme last night..boy oh boy..I aint knocking anyones religion..but the way of life??there is another group very similar only a bit more shall we say strange in Canada ..the!!there has been a big to do about the programmes showing them in a negative light.oh well

      Hi Cat ..thanx for the company ..glad that we are both now peddling our wares!!!(for any cops reading this ..we are talking coffee!!!!!)how are you doing ? you seem to be doing pretty good well done you :goodjob:

      Hiya SL..glad you are over the bump in the road..just like a sleeping policeman..not that I am advocating running any over..we dont have enough as it is!!Now you know what ythe issue is you can deal with it in a different way...

      Hiya PPQP..well did you break into the p store like I told you?good .For anyone that is reading these posts..this lady asked for help ...that is what we are about so lets support her.
      Any progress on the garden front?need to start thinking about it the growing season is nearly fact looked yesterday ..I have got snowdrops peeking through the remains of the snow.
      Keep smiling ...remember when you smile people dont know whether you are happy or mad..let them choose!!:l

      Hiya Molls ..again are you ?and hows the ducation of Irelands weans going? are you doing? a wee cough? whats that all about??as for good books..hmmmm let me see ..The Famous Five or Just William are pretty can always get an adult to help with the big words :H

      Morning YAH..and how are you today?

      Blondey..took me ages to work out that down under stuff!!how are you? ok I hope.any plans for today?

      Hya SF....I am a great fan of writing things down...not only do they seem less when they are in writing as opposed to whizzing around in your head, but I find the actual action of writing things down you say in the big picture it isnt an are you getting on?any progress? hopefully so

      Morning Tezah ..and welcome to you...As far as rules go ..there are no rules..just treat people the way you would wish to be treated ..jump in enjoy .we are all here for each other ,so if you need any help/support /ideas just shout..we do!!!

      Right folks ..for the off ..have a great day

      5 Kinds Of s*x
      1) The first is Smurf s*x. This happens during the honey-moon, you both keep doing it until you’re blue in the face.
      2) The second is Kitchen s*x. This is at the beginning of the marriage, you’ll have s*x anywhere, anytime, even in the kitchen.
      3) The third kind is Bedroom s*x. You’ve calmed down a bit, perhaps have kids, so you gotta do it in the bedroom.
      4) The fourth kind is Hallway s*x. This is where you pass each other in the hallway and say, ‘f*ck you!’
      5) The fifth kind of s*x: Courtroom s*x. This is when you get divorced and your wife /husband screws you in front of everyone in the courtroom.

      A man goes to the doctor with a long history of migraine headaches. When the doctor does his history and physical, he discovers that his poor patient has had practically every therapy known to man for his migraines and STILL no improvement.
      ‘Listen,’ says the Doc, ‘I have migraines, too and the advice I’m going to give you isn’t really anything I learned in medical school, but it’s advice that I’ve gotten from my own experience. When I have a migraine, I go home, get in a nice hot bathtub, and soak for a while. Then I have my wife sponge me off with the hottest water I can stand, especially around the forehead. This helps a little.
      Then I get out of the tub, take her into the bedroom, and even if my head is killing me, I force myself to have s*x with her. Almost always, the headache is immediately gone. Now, give it a try, and come back and see me in six weeks.’
      Six weeks later, the patient returns with a big grin. ‘Doc! I took your advice and it works! It REALLY WORKS! I’ve had migraines for 17 years and this is the FIRST time anyone has ever helped me!’
      ‘Well,’ says the physician, ‘I’m glad I could help.’
      ‘By the way, Doc,’ the patient adds, ‘You have a REALLY nice house.’

      A little boy, at a wedding looks at his mom and says, “Mommy, why does the girl wear white?”
      His mom replies, “The bride is in white because she’s happy and this is the happiest day of her life.”
      The boy thinks about this, and then says, “Well then, why is the boy wearing black?”

      A man bursts into his house and yells, “Pack your bags, Honey, I just won the lottery!”
      She says, “Oh, wonderful! Should I pack for the beach or for the mountains?”
      He replies, “I don’t care … Just get the hell out!”

      Two married Fellas, Jim and Alec were having a beer after work. Jim says: “Have you ever said something when you meant to say something else?”
      “How do you mean?” said Alec.
      “Well, see the other day, instead of two tickets to Pittsburgh, I asked for two pickets to Titsberg”
      “Yeah, I know what you mean,” said Alec. “Last week I was having breakfast with my wife. I meant to say ‘Pass me the Sugar.’ But what came out was “You bitch, you’ve ruined my life!!!”

      The angry wife met her husband at the door. There was alcohol on his breath and lipstick on his cheek. “I assume,” she snarled, “that there is a very good reason for you to come waltzing in at six o’clock in the morning?”
      “There is.” he replied, “Breakfast.”

      Ways to Torture the Pizza Guy

      Act like you know the order taker from somewhere. Say, "BedWetter’s Camp, right?"
      Add extra letters to words, ex: pizza becomes pizzzzzzzaaaaaaa
      After ordering, say, "I wonder what THIS button on the phone does." Simulate a cutoff.
      Amuse the order taker with little-known facts about country music.
      Answer their questions with questions.
      Ask about pizza maintenance and repair.
      Ask for a deal available somewhere else. (e.g., If phoning Domino's, ask for a Cheeser! Cheeser!) />Ask for chips/fries with everything!
      Ask for extra homo-sapien
      Ask for the guy who took your order last time.
      Ask how many dolphins were killed to make that pizza.
      Ask if the pizza has had its shots.
      Ask if the pizza is organically grown.
      Ask if them if they get a free date with one of the staff if you make order over $30.
      Ask if they have any idea what is at stake with this pizza.
      Ask if they would like to sample your pizza. Suggest an even trade.
      Ask if they're familiar with the term "spanking a pizza." Make up a description to go with the term. Ask that this be done to your pizza.
      Ask if you get to keep the pizza box. When they say yes, heave a sigh of relief.
      Ask if you they can put food color in the cheese.
      Ask the man/woman if they can sculpt the pizza into your favorite celebrity.
      Ask them to not put a band-aid on it this time or you will sue.
      Ask to see a menu.
      Ask what the order taker is wearing.
      Ask what their phone number is. Hang up, call them, and ask again.
      Ask what topping goes best with well-aged Chardonnay.
      backwards pizza your order
      Be vague in your order.
      Belch directly into the mouthpiece; then tell your dog it should be ashamed.
      Call to complain about service. Later, call to say you were drunk and didn't mean it.
      Change your accent every three seconds.
      Crack your knuckles into the receiver.
      Dance all around the word "pizza." Avoid saying it at all costs. If (s)he says it, say, "Please don't mention that word."
      Detect the order taker's psychic aura. Use it to your advantage.
      Do not name the toppings you want. Rather, spell them out.
      Doze off in the middle of the order, catch yourself, and say, "Where was I? Who are you?"
      Eliminate verbs from your speech.
      Engage in some serious swapping.
      Get taker's name. Later, call exactly on the hour to say, "This is your time of day wake-up call, So-and-so." Hang up.
      Give them your address, exclaim, "Oh, just surprise me!" and hang up
      Have a movie with a good car chase scene playing loudly in the background. Yell "OW!" when a bullet is fired.
      Have your pizza "shaken, not stirred."
      If (s)he suggests a side order, ask why (s)he is punishing you.
      If any of the above practices are rejected by the order taker, say, in your best pouty voice, "Last guy let me do it."
      If he/she suggests anything, adamantly declare, "I shall not be swayed by your sweet words."
      If they repeat the order to make sure they have it right, say, "Okay, that'll be $10.99; please pull up to the first window."
      If using a touch-tone press 9-1-1 every 5 seconds throughout the order.
      If using a touch-tone, press random numbers while ordering. Ask the person taking the order to stop doing that.
      If you live next door or on the same block as the pizza place, ask them to deliver with their pizza truck.
      Imitate the order taker's voice.
      In your breathiest voice, tell them to cut the crap about nutrition and ask if they have something outlandishly sinful.
      Keep telling the order taker about the other pizza place you sued last year.
      Laugh every minute or two, mention the cat in the microwave!
      Learn the topping codes or abbreviations and use them instead of the name (e.g. pp instead of double pepperoni).
      Learn to play a blues riff on the harmonica. Stop talking at regular intervals to play it
      Learn to properly pronounce the ingredients of a Twinkie. Ask that these be included in the pizza.
      Make a list of exotic cuisines. Order them as toppings.
      Make the first topping you order mushrooms. Make the last thing you say, "No mushrooms, please." Hang up before they have a chance to respond.
      Make up a charge-card name. Ask if they accept it.
      Move the mouthpiece farther and farther from your lips as you speak. When the call ends, jerk the mouthpiece back into place and scream GOODBYE at the top of your lungs.
      Mumble, "There's a bomb under your seat." When asked to repeat that, say, "I said, 'sauce smothered with meat'."
      Offer to pay for the pizza with a public flogging.
      Order 52 pepperoni slices prepared in a fractal pattern as follows from an equation you are about to dictate. Ask if they need paper.
      Order a Big Mac Extra Value Meal.
      Order a one-inch pizza.
      Order a slice, not a whole pizza.
      Order a steamed pizza.
      Order one with ants.
      Order term life insurance.
      Order the most expensive pizza and have it sent to your boss!
      Order two toppings, then say, "No, they'll start fighting."
      Order using lines from different movies (Luke, I am your "customer"-Darth Vader)
      Order while using an electric knife sharpener.
      Order with a Speak-n-Spell where applicable.
      Order your pizza, singing in falseto!
      Pass the phone around to everyone in the house -- have each person change the order a little.
      Perfect a celebrity's voice. Stress that you won't take any crap from some two-bit can't-hack-it pimple-faced gofer.
      Play a sitar in the background.
      Pretend that you were trying to call 911 when they tell you you have the wrong # say oh well start to order... In the middle of your order stop and start to panic and yell “IT’S ABOUT TO BLOW” and hang up.
      Pretend your flying a jet fighter in the Gulf War while ordering.
      Psychoanalyze the order taker.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Thursday 7 Feb

        Morning all and howdy Teezah ....and :welcome:

        Mick ....everyday is a pool day, well not today ....too cold. I am such a wimp, 'twas only 26 c so too cold for me.
        Jokes still coming.....where do you get them from??

        Still glorious here eh TT? Mind you is cooler in CHCH than up here probably.

        Hope you are feeling better today PPQ. :l

        Lav ..... You sure you don't want three cute little silkies? Would make half a dozen nuggets! :H

        There are some peeps missing, Nurdl, cantoo, Det ....where u at????

        Nothing much to report, which is fine with me. Bit quiet this week at work so the money for the ad work will go to bills :upset:

        Ah well, could be worse, could be a lot worse

        Orf for a wander,




          af Thursday 7 Feb

          Morning All...just want to say thanks again for yesterday.

          Early to bed but sleep was nowhere to be had, picking up some melatonin today.

          I think it was Lav that mentioned something for moods, seretonin or something like that.

          Does anyone remember?

          Will check in later today and Mick I have my P's in my pocket....PPQP


            af Thursday 7 Feb

            How Does Serotonin Affect Mood? |

            Hiya PPQP....try this internet address..Glad you are feeling better.....and also a day less till your 6 time is it :l:l
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              af Thursday 7 Feb

              Thanks Mick...appreciate the link. I'll be picking some of that up too...PPQP


                af Thursday 7 Feb

                Good morning Abbers!

                Overcast skies again, what else is new? This gets tiresome real fast

                TT, hope you feel better soon!
                I have vague memories of homework dramas with my kids too & am grateful it's all just a memory now

                Hello & welcome teezah!
                Congrats on your AF time
                We are serious about abstinence here, glad you decided to join us!

                Mick, the coffee is extra good this morning, thanks
                Where the Amish are concerned I figure 'live & let live' but honestly, in this day & age they really look like a bunch of dopes :H
                They have their own schools & honestly don't learn much, very basic stuff. They survive by farming, some have small businesses & they have a lot of issues. The women are completely miserable, I'm sure I've never seen one smile likely because they work like animals day in & day out. Those shows you see on TV are largely staged by actors ~ not the real thing.
                I have work to take care of today them my grandson demolition team will be here for dinner. Hope their moods are better than last week!!!

                Kuya, I would take your silkies but I'm afraid my big, bad ass buff orpingtons would kick their butts :H

                PQ, hope today is better for you!
                Take a look at this natural herbal supplement - it has kept me feeling decent for 4+ years:
                AMORYN Mood Booster | Natural Supplement for Depression & Anxiety

                OK, gotta go now. Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  af Thursday 7 Feb

                  Morning all - feeling good here today, again! Do love this!!
                  PPQ - good to see you. Sleep is so important to be able to face everything else. I also take a benadryl from time to time, especailly if I have to get back into the habit of sleeping. It works welll for me and really doesn't have yucky feelings the next day (it is a trick I learnt working night shift as a nurse! Only way I could ever sleep in the day - I took one last night and think that is why I am feeling so much more upbeat today)
                  Mick, love the s*x jokes, as I am completing #5, does that mean I go back to the top and satrt again:H J/K - no way does my poor old 50year old body or mind even wnat to contemplate living throu that 5 again - i do think there is a chapter 6 and 7....
                  TT - sounds like the tsunami did visit, just in a differnet guise - hate the homework strugggles, not sure about yours but here due to budget cuts they keep knowcking days and hours off the school year but have to keep the cirriculum up so it is more and more homework!!!
                  So now everyone has worked out that we are over the hump and heading to the weekend, hope you are all feeling good - ps hi Teezah.
                  Off to get work done, time for performance appraisals, have to do my self appraisal - hate this nonsence!!!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    af Thursday 7 Feb

                    SL...yep chapter 6 is oral s* talk about it
                    Chapter 7 is nonchalant s* dont give a f**k about it!!! :H:H
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      af Thursday 7 Feb

                      Hi guys, happy AF Thursday.

                      Yes, we are missing some peeps. Come back Nurdl, Cantoo, Det - we miss you. You guys okay?

                      SL, did you get up here to see the ocean? Is that this weekend? Hopefully our weather will be better. I am headed to stare at the ocean this weekend, too. Lots of drama at work, very serious strategic gambling going on with 16 lives in the balance - so I need to clear my head. I am so grateful to live here - open space is always nearby.

                      I was just thinking about seratonin, sugar metabolism, alcohol and depression - all intertwined for many of us, right? Now, if AL dependency is chemically based, and tendencies are genetically driven (I believe this, as I contemplate my five alcoholic siblings), then depression is chemically and genetically driven. Maybe? And the need to treat it goes beyond therapy and attitude. I am on SSRIs. I would like to get off them. I'm going to read up on what Lav takes. I'm hoping, just like L-glut smooths my sugar/AL issues, that amoryn might replace SSRI and soothe the tendency to depression. My experiences with depression started in high school, took on self harm and suicidal patterns, and have persisted intermittently throughout my life. I know without a doubt I need a regular treatment approach; just would love it to be without all the side effects of the SSRIs.

                      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                      AF since Oct 2, 2012


                        af Thursday 7 Feb

                        Cat ........ I have always worried about the AD issue in general and now in relation to alcohol recovery.

                        After each birth I had post partum depression and took Prozac which calmed me but even after a few months was making me feel ill so I stopped them. ( also the depression/anxiety was gone).

                        A few years back ( five?) due to problems with the ex, my son, work etc my doctor prescribed a newer AD saying that he was going straight to the best, skipping the cheaper alternatives ( that happens when you are another Dr ).

                        The first day I took the drug I was laid up in bed with EXTREME anxiety, diarrhoea, shaking and sweating. When I rang the surgery I was told it was probably a bug and to wait till I was over it then start again. These awful symptoms lasted 14 hours ...... It was a nightmare.

                        Anyway, four days later I tried again and had to live through it AGAIN. Months later my doctor apologised for dismissing my side effects as he had thought I was being a wimp. Then a week later a patient he had known for 30 years had the same symptoms.

                        What got me through the depression was really the recognition by my doctor that I was justified in being depressed. As I sorted through all the problems the depression lifted.

                        Whilst I accept I might be at the extreme end of reactions it concerns me that so many people turn to ADs when, in fact, they are CORRECT to feel depressed. Their lives are shitty and depression a valid emotional response.

                        Obviously if you are depressed for NO reason, then this IS biochemical but I favour the supplement route of increasing the neurotransmitters rather than preventing serotonin re-uptake as SSRIs do.

                        Biorecovery in the states do a range of supplements to help in this area if anyone is interested.

                        The depression many self medicate with booze or become aware of when they quit may simply be a nutrient problem created BY the booze and/or eating disorders preceding the alcohol problem. The higher percentage of women on ADs suggest that low level anorexia and nutrient deprivation is a distinct factor in their depression. Most men are not plagued by body image, is it coincidence that their depression levels are lower?

                        As mentioned in the Kaslogate letter earlier this week, depression is biochemical but I fear medical pharmaceuticals are used before diet and supplements are even considered.

                        Anything that FORCES the brain to act in an altered fashion concerns me somewhat.


                          af Thursday 7 Feb

                          had another very dark night last night. drunk and severely depressed. scared the shit out of myself and my poor wife. I just don't know what to do anymore. I have to recommit to AF in a big way, and may have to resort to a different drug for my depression. Topa? Bac? any suggestions?

                          thank you all
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            af Thursday 7 Feb

                            Quick post - I have tried and lots of sensible things for depression, nervousness, bulimia (nutrition, intensive therapy, exercise) but for me SSRIs made a huge difference to not only my depression and bulimia but a whole heap of other biochemical and hormonal type things. That was Prozac - and for me, it was like being able to be back to being myself. It did not stop me from feeling and having moods - I did not become a shiny happy person but I did stop wanting to die and living in the horror of bulimia.
                            I am one of those people for whom it really helped a lot. I had tried older style ADs before that - which fogged up my mind, made me tired, etc.

                            I have now stopped P. but would use if again if necessary. I found the first few weeks of P. hard but then - no obvious side effects. In the later years (I used it very long term) I was maybe only on a capsule every 3 days - it has a very long half life.

                            I have a good GP - who I can talk to - plus she takes side effects and new research seriously


                              af Thursday 7 Feb

                              Just wrote to you Det and the website crashed -- eek --
                              can you get a really good 'expert' look at the drug side of treating your depression - please don't self medicate and mix up the drugs

                              recover and be good to yourself today.

